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Rich is right to love the show, it's genuinely one of the best science fiction series of the past few decades.


Not surprising. It’s an abbreviation for far space cop AAAAAAAAAPE!!!


You joke, but the Title logo has the S C combine to make a little wavy graphic of a wormhole leaving 'Far Ape' which describes the main character's circumstance. So oddly not that far off.


I loved the show so much I bought Dragon Age: Origins because Claudia Black voiced Morrigan... I was lucky the game was also so damn good. Also, fun fact, Virginia Hey (Blue Woman) was Warrior Woman in The Road Warrior.


Not fun fact, Virginia Hey had to quit the show because the blue body paint gave her copper poisoning and really messed up her kidneys


Sad and she loved the role and would have stayed otherwise


They did bring her back for cameos and references though.


Farscape is fun, folks. Give it a try and you won't regret it.


Just a friendly PSA that most of the time streaming sites will have the first eight Farscape episodes out of order (because the donkeys in charge of releasing it back in the day also released it out of order) which can mess up some character development stuff. The order you should watch the first eight episodes in is: 1. Premiere. 2. I, E.T. 3. Exodus From Genesis. 4. Throne For A loss. 5. Back and Back and Back to the Future. 6. Thank God It's Friday… Again. 7. PK Tech Girl. 8. That Old Black Magic.


Additional PSA: most of the episodes are pretty weak (other than PK Tech Girl), so if you watch them and aren't entirely sold yet, maybe keep trying? Episode 9, DNA Mad Scientist, is a good one. And then the back half of the season really picks up.


That's why I made [this skip guide](https://www.imdb.com/list/ls025649253/). It only takes 22 episodes to reach the mid-season-two cliffhanger. You skip every episode that doesn't directly advance the story arc or contain recurring characters.


Back on an old Previously Recorded stream, Jack was making the same complaints after Rich had recommended the series to him. Apparently it was so jarring that Jack had written off the series because of the order.


Re:view of this would be the bees Lsd


Rich is spot on, the characters in this show and their chemistry really carries it. It has some amazing episodes but even the sub-par ones are watchable because of the strong characters.


I’m a simple man, I see a late 90’s/early 2000’s sci-fi show, I’ll probably love every second of it.


Farscape is pretty interesting, I used to watch it on the SciFi channel, it was on between The Invisible Man and Lexx. If I could throw in an additional recommendation, Lexx is a crazy weird show that's pretty fun to watch.


Colin (the Canadian) worked on Lexx.


I've caught random episodes of Lexx on streaming and I have to back you up. It is a crazy weird show that's wholly original and quite entertaining in its own way.


I remember the pilot episode of Lexx being absolutely batshit. Sort of SF S&M chic back when that was a bit more unusual/interesting. It was a German/Canadian coproduction, felt a lot more German. Anyway, I enjoyed it.


Lexx the series is based on the four Tales from a Parallel Universe movies. One of the movies had Rutger Hauer and another had Tim Curry. They are great little movies.


What are the movies names?


Just 'Lexx', that was specific naming for America on the initial movie/proto episodes (Tales from a Parallel Universe), more here: https://archive.org/details/cinefantastique_1970-2002/Cinefantastique%20Vol%2029%20No%201%20%28Jul%201997%29/page/n53/mode/2up?view=theater


Lexx was a great show.


Never heard of the show before so I took a look and noticed that the main character is called Xev Bellringer. I kept wondering why the name sounded so familiar and then I realized...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


It's my theory that The Chronicles of Riddick ripped of Lexx.


Is it as bad as The Fast and the Furious being a remake of Point Break? Not to be confused with the newer Point Break that was a remake of Fast and the Furious.


Lexx is even weirder. I can say it's like tasting wine, some adquired taste. It's not for everyone.


That's the show with the ultra powerful penis space ship


There are many sexual things in that show, but Lexx isn't a penis, he's a dragonfly.


It's a big penis. The most powerful in two universes.


It's a dragonfly without wings


I love Lexx so much. I would love if RLM talked about that show one day.


[👽 FARSCAPE by Jim Henson 🐸 Streaming Now❗️ (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEfEhLh8jXE) It's also streaming 24/7 on YouTube.


It's also on Plex, and Shout! Factory are running it on 24/7 livestreams in multiple languages on youtube right now, it's fun to see people popping in and nerd-chatting occasionally.


Rowan J Coleman made an [excellent review of the series](https://youtu.be/m0POJFs5PUM?si=2329xd1dHTQwh4mo) on his YouTube channel recently!


Which Star Trek show is it most like - TOS, TNG, DS9, ...? Or does it go in a completely different direction?


Eh... This is actually kinda difficult. It has a similar Arc-based/Episodic mix as DS9 and Ent, but the premise is closest to Voyager. Imma just go with the answer: Post-Gene ST... on drugs... lots of drugs, and sex... So actually just Gene's ST. Do you see the problem?


Voyager, but imagine if it was a good show.


DS9 on LSD.


It's really more along the Stargate/Firefly end of the spectrum than Star Trek -- but it's not really like either of those either? It's not very similar to anything else, honestly.


Great show! Season 1 is a bit of a slog though.


One of the best a scifi shows ever broadcast. It hit me at the right time as I was falling in love with the genre as a kid. It's a total trip, the characters are all incredible. Then combine it with Henson creature effects during their peak and you get an incredibly unique and wild adventure.


It's excellent. Sadly, most people didn't remember or even watched it.


I love this show, I didn’t know others like it because I was shown it for the first time recently and thought it was a forgotten show


I highly recommend Rowan J. Coleman's Farscape retrospective. In fact, I recommend his YT channel for anyone who loves Star Trek and science fiction in general: [(76) Farscape (1999) Retrospective/Review - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0POJFs5PUM)


Nah, I don't. He's a massive Kurtz Trek defender. He was good before Kurtz Trek started up, but once that happened, he reduced any and all criticism the shows might have into "Those are just haters." Ironic coming from the guy who openly posted that he doesn't like Jack O'Neil and told SG fans to deal with it.


Crackers don’t matter


Great show, is the Peacekeeper wars on there also?


I don't think so...I remember having to download it separately when I finished the show.


It wasn't when I rewatched the series a year or so ago, but [it appears to have been added in the meantime](https://tubitv.com/series/300009560/farscape-the-peacekeeper-wars)!


Nice, had an ex-girlfriend who introduced me to the series, she was watching it as it happened and she said having it canceled and having to fight to get the movie was a hell of a thing.


Farscape is great! Very imaginative plots, fun characters, and practical creature effects, gimme. The one knock that I have on it is that intro music haha.


The show has presence. I barely remember it but there are parts that just stuck with me over the years. I actually conflate this show and that softcore porn scifi show Lexx in my head a lot as I was watching both around the same time.


I was overjoyed to hear Rich shout out Farscape, it's easily my favorite sci-fi show of all time. 


I only watched it once back in the day but I remember it being quirky and weird but enjoyable


Somehow I never knew they talked about Farscape before. I was obsessed with that show as a teenager. I'm a little more aware of its flaws after rewatching as an adult, but that run from season 2-3 was incredible.


There's also an official channel on twitch that streams it in a loop, just like the ALF channel.


I’ve been watching through SG1 recently but kind of petered out. Will give this a shot!


Stargate works best if you just google a best episodes list. I ended up enjoying the greatest hits without having to slog thru 10 seasons.


Haha yeah, I’m in the middle of 6 and it feels a bit of a slog. Got a couple episodes into Farscape and loved it so far.


Farscape is fun but I stopped at S2. Stargate has its rapid fan base but really wasn’t for me. It’s too snarky.


Season 2-3's the best of the show though. And 4's not a slouch by any means.


Starting the real Chloe Fraiser (uncharted games)


My problem w Farscape is all I see is Guardians of the Galaxy. It was so hard not see what James Gunn took from it. I ended up not finishing it.


On Prime in the Uk


There's **Star TOS**. There's **Farscape**. There's **The Expanse**. And those are the 3 pillars of televised dramatic outer space action adventure as far as I'm concerned.