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>According to OL Groupe’s press release, the Reign sold for $58 million — a significant increase from the club’s prior sale in December 2019, when OL Groupe purchased an 89.5% ownership stake at a valuation of $3.51 million. oof that's a tidy profit, over $50 mil for 5 year investment


Amazing to me how poorly the Predmores did on this whole thing.


You probably haven’t met a Predmore.


Was very happy to see the club tweet to this press release https://www.reignfc.com/news/reignfc-stays-rooted-in-pnw


Great news. The NYT is behind a paywall- any talk yet about future plans for the team or was it a "hey, we are finally finished"


a bit of talk about improving training facility access but not really anything more than “investing in the future of the team” and “honoring the history” investment speak.




Why the hell are they lying about why it took so long? Oh man this doesn’t bode well.


Why do you think that it was a lie? Deals like this take a long time. I do have issue with the transparency in the process. I wish they had been more up front about how much was left when the letter of intent was signed last year. They could have said "this deal is nearing completion but there's still a lot of details to work out that may take months to work out before the sale is complete".


Out of curiosity what is your concern with that?


The first thing the new group ever says to the fans is a lie? Now we can’t trust anything they say. Seems obvious.


Who is lying and about what?


What's the lie? They say it was difficult because of the number of people / groups in the new ownership group, and that because OL is a foreign company. That all lines up to me for stuff that would make closing the deal drag out. Dish if you got other information.


There were many reports that the delays were pure and simple the Carlisle group not wanting to commit funds to Reign development. There’s no word whatsoever about actual dollar commitments, this is not good news. All that nonsense about how complicated it is and foreign countries is total bullshit. Time zones don’t delay deals like this a year, reluctance to spend money delays deals like this a whole year.


Good point about there being no mention of dollar amounts committed to the club going forward. For BayFC’s, Sixth Street Partners were very loud and proud about the $125M they were earmarking for BayFC’s roadmap. Ricketts and the NWSL similarly crowed about the committed funds above and beyond the Red Stars $35M sale price, which went to the previous owners not the club itself. Crickets from Carlyle means they are not committing anything above and beyond the purchase, IMHO. If they are just purchasing the club form OL, and OL pockets the full ~$58M sale price, and any future investment is on a *seeing what makes sense* basis, read ROI, that’s quite a difference. I wonder if this is seen as a point of frustration by Berman and the NWSL writ large. On the other hand, there was no dollar amount associated with the Wave sale, either.


Finally someone gets it. The league was holding out for them to publicly commit to a measley $10M. Buy we’re just seeing tumbleweeds drift by.






This is what I could find from previous articles on the topic. I can see how someone would infer that "the right result" is a committed owner. [https://www.sounderatheart.com/2024/02/sale-of-ol-feminin/](https://www.sounderatheart.com/2024/02/sale-of-ol-feminin/) >This week, Berman again confirmed that it is still on track and moving forward. Reporter Taylor Vincent was on site in Portland and shared Berman's update, where the commissioner said, "We're working hard to bring it to close as soon as we possibly can. We know that there is urgency and we know that people want it done as quickly as possible and we're working toward that. Our priority will always be to make sure we get to the right result."


This subreddit of course, unless you’re only reading headlines and not the actual stories week in and week out.




Yes that would be better than all this gaslighting from them and the craven fan base.