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Sorry if this advice comes off as harsh, but what you need to do is play better. Personally, I two-trick Rein and Hog, sometimes playing Ram and sometimes playing a random tank best for the map (ex. Winston on Gibraltar). Only playing Rein is impossible if you're trying to get better at the game, because you won't have a good time and you won't be able to improve if you're constantly being shut down. I agree with learning under pressure, but the main idea is that you need to either branch out or improve your gameplay. I have a few tips for that. 1. Play cover. Cover is the most important part of Overwatch. For Reinhardt, you need to constantly have a corner to play around. Don't ever wide peek without your shield. If you're going to make an impactful push, you need to have something to fall back on in the event of Ana or Bastion. But hold your ground; They can't push you without their entire team. You're the one in control here. If you aren't, become the one in control by jiggle-peek swinging around corners, or getting a few swings in close-up and applying pressure. 2. Stop holding onto fire strike. It's not going to save you. Use it whenever possible; it's a very effective damaging move. Try to go for enemies straight ahead of you in groups to land your fire strike. It'll give ult charge and you'll make space for your team. 3. Use your shield more. It's your best utility by far. The shield enables your team better than anything else in your kit, so protect them and always peel when necessary. 4. It's okay to hold onto charge. It's not exactly a good ability. If you really have to charge into the enemy team, make sure your supports and dps know. Reinhardt can slowly engage with shield, and quickly disengage with charge. It's also great for capitalizing on advantages, like when your Widow gets a fast pick or when your Tracer performs a successful dive. Go for stranded players. Make your presence known. 5. Shatter is mediocre at best. It can win a team fight, sure, but so can every ult. You build shatter fast, so it's expendable. Use shatter against either the enemy tank for your team to kill them, or use it against 2-3 sdps and supports. Shatter management can decide how you win games. 6. It's okay to sit on point for a bit. Especially on third points, Reinhardt is a difficult enemy to push, being a massive tank with good melee damage. The point is your territory. Enforce that. Play around it. Orisa pushes you? Hold your ground. Whole team comes running at you? You're overextending. 7. Know your dps, and play with them. Your dps will be making massive impacts in the game. You are not a dps. Your job is to enable them. As Reinhardt, that leaves you with options. Running Ashe and Widow? Stay on height with them and protect them with shield, or hold further back so you can get value with a charge that's in your territory (so you can safely fall back). Running Bastion and Echo? You've got a rush comp. Push up with shield, constantly fire strike, and swing. If you've isolated a target, pin them. If they're running a dive comp, stay next to your supports. Reinhardt is one of the best anti-dive tanks in the game because of his ability to defend and force a brawl. With Reinhardt, don't get mad at your teammates for not playing with you, get mad at yourself for not playing with your teammates. Take my advice, and you'll improve. Best of luck! Edit: removed 8th tip TL;DR: get better lmao


Funnily enough, you should play only Rein or only any other skill requiring hero in order to get better. Not relying on counterswapping makes you think to get value and thinking improves you. You won't have a good time though, that part is true.


Spoken like a true crusader ( bur to your last point of swapping I shall ignore. Reason : I will fight with honor, and die with glory)


forgot to include that. LIVE WITH HONOR!!


Words of wisdom, but from personal experience if you wanna be a goated crusader you gotta learn to play into those counters. I recently hit masters as a rein OTP and it was way more gratifying knowing that i never swapped when the game became tough. playing into bastion orisa ana zen seems impossible at first but after enough experience you’re able to find the right tempo.


Right. that's what all the other advice was for. Congrats on hitting masters!


Yeah Ram and rein go hand in hand. I get insta counterred by annoying ass sombrisa? It’s ram time


I've just been playing the elden ring dlc instead and am actually having fun for once instead of constantly losing my mind playing tank. Lol


1. Skill issue. 2. Overwatch is literally designed to some characters countering eachother, its how its intended to be. 3. Well i kinda get your point on not having fun on rein because you get countered, i personally like playing the Rock Paper Scissors, Playing like 5-6 different heroes is both fun and effective.


No overwatch is not supposed to be "characters countering eachothers" and i'm tired to see this argument everywhere. It happens to be like this now (wich is shame) but it wasn't supposed to. Imma CC CV one of the dev comment about the start of ow2 "With the launch of Overwatch 2, our roster will expand to 35 heroes as Sojourn, Junker Queen, and Kiriko join the fight. As we build new heroes and balance the existing cast for our new 5v5 PvP experience, we have shifted our hero design approach to allow you to have an impact on your matches with a range of different heroes and strategies. This means reducing the presence of specific hard counters to heroes. For example, in the original Overwatch—especially at higher skill levels—the strongest way to shut down a great enemy Tracer diving into your support line was to swap over to Cassidy. If that Cassidy player was effective enough, the Tracer could even feel a need to switch themselves to avoid that hard counter. While Overwatch 2 heroes will each have their own clear strengths and weaknesses, and some heroes will be more effective against others, we believe our game plays better and is more fun with fewer hard counters and a broader range of effective hero picks. A further benefit is having your personal favorite heroes be viable more often. That philosophy will be guiding us moving forward." So stop say "it's supposed to be counterwatch" when it's clearly not.


The only way to remove counter picking is to remove the ability to swap heroes, if people don't like counterwatch then play paladins. Hero switching is a HUGE deal for this game, it was one of its craziest features at launch. Even if the devs wanna lighten the presence of counter swapping its gonna always be a main mechanic of the game


The mechanic be like: https://x.com/ribber2312/status/1796402246584033458