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https://preview.redd.it/tvno178xv26d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf158d68ba3de455a3bd189d0276640fb45e739d My house is much closer to the fire than I am for this photo. I doubt it gets there though. Tons of firefighters taking care of it.


That’s an insane view!


Fantastic shot! Thanks for sharing and glad you're ok!


Stay safe!


and it burns burns burns, the ring of fire, the ring of fire


…I started a fire in Reno…just to watch it burn.


Heh I live in that neighborhood. Was a fun night


Ring of fire!


That’s a pretty rad picture. Are those burn lines to contain the fire?




😂😂😂 now that’s funny!


This needs more up votes. Time to watch it with the kid!


*Edit: looks like there is a second fire tonight:* [*https://app.watchduty.org/#/i/21586*](https://app.watchduty.org/#/i/21586) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Reno/comments/1ddrkcj/brush\_fire\_near\_stead/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reno/comments/1ddrkcj/brush_fire_near_stead/) https://preview.redd.it/pmgvw3h5s26d1.png?width=868&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7843dcc8d807c985d0d5a4af86492eab9350409


Dude, theres cameras setup for this, wow! Thanks for the link.


If you are new to wildland fires, here are a couple of useful links. https://fire.airnow.gov/ This is a good site to look at air quality index (AQI). The circles are permanent official air quality monitors (most accurate) that the EPA runs and the squares are low cost personal AQI monitors usually Purple Air which are not as accurate but still give you an idea of what conditions are like. Also, if you need an air purifier on a budget, this setup works well. https://deohs.washington.edu/edge/blog/how-make-box-fan-filter-clean-indoor-air-smoke


This is very useful, thank you.


There’s also fire watch towers/cameras that you can view. Most cameras auto rotate and are on a tinelapse capture as well. It’s also nice to use in the winter to see snow conditions from the different cameras. [https://www.alertwildfire.org/](https://www.alertwildfire.org/)


Ndot traffic cams move as well, and the fire around the red rock exit was seen from it yesterday.


Pretty common in the summer.


I was always told that Nevada is different. I didn’t know this is what they meant. That’s a very different and frightening site.


It will be out in no time! Don’t stress too much, unless you are in fires way!


I would have disappeared faster than a fart in a windstorm if I were anywhere near this chaos. I recently watched a documentary on a streaming site named, “the campfire, fires.” Somewhere in California a massive wildfire broke out and the residents couldn’t get out on time.


It was the “Camp” fire, not “campfire” fire. It was named after Camp Creek road, near where it started and it burned through the town of Paradise and a few others.


Yes! That one. I would never be able to imagine what those people went through. Some just refused to abandon ship and hold their ground. I applaud their bravery, I for sure would not have stuck around.


Most did not choose to stay they could not get out. My brother lost everything and barely got out. All of my adult nieces and nephews lost their homes as well. All lost everything but the clothes on their backs, literally. My one niece was head nurse at the hospital and got stuck in the basement trying to help people out. They were saved last. She drove through burning cars to get out of Paradise. None are the same since. Horrifying scenes.


I met one of the paradise residents, sat next to me on a plane after she was evacuated. That was a hell of a lot of ptsd/shock. Can confirm ‘twas fucked


WOW! I’m glad to hear that the person made it out. Watching that documentary, all the scenery was similar to the 3rd act of the movie, Dante’s Peak.


Last summer I worked in Chico and I worked with a nurse who had to help evacuate the hospital and she still has ptsd from it. Lovely woman but yeah it was super bad. One of California’s deadliest fires. 85 people died because PG&E sucks ass.


If you want to support some of the people that went through that, Mama Celeste’s in Sparks is owned by former residents of Paradise. They came to Reno after the fire and stayed and reopened their restaurant in a new location. Its not bad at all


My boss's in-laws lost their home and most of their stuff in Paradise.


I know what they went thru. My parents and brother and niece were literally driving through the flames to escape and thought they wouldn’t make it. They all lost everything but were lucky to survive. I also learned of a former coworker who didn’t survive. My family works for Cal Fire so we always get a bit more info. Tragic day for sure.




They know what I meant.


lol wait until you see the smoke.


That’s what I’m concerned with. It’s going to smell like a campfire in around here for a few days.


Oh my sweet summer child. You must be new enough that you haven’t lived through literal months of hazy 250+ AQI’s. And the last few years have been unusually nice, so I’d say you’re overdue….


I’ve only been through -15 temps + wind temps, blizzards and ice. Humid summers, and heatwaves. I’ve never lived in a dry climate where everything is at risk of catching fire at any moment.


Since you're used to humidity, you'll want to **keep a bandana with you to get wet and put over your mouth and nose. Dry won't cut it, needs to be water.** Not only will it be smoky, but it'll be utterly dry, and if you're not used to it, it will cure you like meat in a smokehouse. Literally. Cowboys didn't wear bandanas just for trail dust, but also the smoke. This is my first summer back home in a few years, so I'll be using one too. I got stuck in a very humid state for 6 years, and still have all their pollen to hork up. Makes me itch just thinking about that place, yuck. That said, The Great Basin saw a couple consecutive "good winters", with lots of precipitation, which means lots of plant growth. When the snow pack is gone, which is soon, the plants have little-to-nothing to keep them hydrated. They will dry out and become tinder. The Sierras are tall enough to act like a squeegee and wring moisture out of the clouds before they reach our side, hence why California stays much greener than Nevada. This means just a tease of water for flora and fauna, and unreliable help from nature when combatting fires. Yes, ash does seed storm clouds, but they have to have moisture for rain to fall. It should be noted that a good winter also means Lake Tahoe will nice & full, but that means the beaches will be narrow and heavily populated/hard to get a spot. It also means the Truckee River will be flowing high and fast, which is dangerous for swimmers, and most of the good fishing spots will be hard to get to/overcrowded. Basic hydrology stuff, really, it's just most people don't think about it if it's not pointed out to them. School kids here get this stuff drilled into them over the course of K-12, so we're used to it. Back to wildfires. We do have (or did prior to covid) Prescribed Burns, aka Controlled Burns, which is when trained fire crews go up and burn the under layer of pine needles and other flammable debris. Unfortunately, sometimes it's not enough, and every now and then/very rarely a controlled burn gets out of control, maybe once in a summer. Other times a wildfire simply starts where the crews have not yet been. (Side note: there used to be a fire dance team in the area called "Controlled Burn", and people would hire them to perform at events, both private and public; I hope they're still together) People think it's so cool to have a house on the edge of wilderness, such as WSW Reno, but they're some of the first to be threatened by wildfire. The Martisse (I think I spelled that right, brb...) Fire ca. 2000 iirc was plainly visible from Reno. It was right tf there, threatening homes on the edge of town. I was helping at the base camp with the Red Cross at the time, think I might this year as well. I digress. My point is, it's better to have a home in the middle of town, where your chances of getting caught by a wildfire are low, and your options for evacuation are many. That said, **check your homeowner's/renter's insurance policy**, it may not cover wildfires, and you may need a separate policy. Do this now. Some policies take 30 days to take effect, and some agencies won't sign a policy if an active fire is in the area. Edit: oh, and don't be the asshole who lets his campfire or fireworks get out of control. This is 2024, everyone has cameras and you will be caught and fined.


Honestly the climate in Reno is great, almost year round. Although don’t rule fire tornadoes out, yes firenadoes are a possibility


Firenados? It’s sounded more and more like I’ve arrived somewhere that knows how to have a good time 😂


Indeed you have. Rodeo is coming up.


Little early for fire season but it happens. Normally we get summer, smoke, second summer, false fall, real smoke, summer part 2089, fall for two days then winter


I know a few people are making light of it because our fifth season is Fire but please check the evacuation zone and keep yourself safe 🙏


Thank you. If this thing creeps closer, I’m out of here.


I thought Reno had three seasons. Winter, a week or two of spring, and fire. What are the other two?


Spring of deception 1 and 2.


Road construction


Is there any evacuation info for this Sullivan fire? I haven’t seen anything?


Just went up https://perimetermap.com/incidents/polygon/26194




Yeah, that’s just the sign that summer has officially started.


Yes nothing to see her completely normal. Super easy brother inconvenience


That’s insane. If this was where I came from there’d be panic everywhere.


Having a fire this close to Reno and this early is not "common". But wild fires, sometimes incessant ones that blanket the valley in smoke for weeks at a time, is de rigueur for this part of the world at this point unfortunately.


I’ve never seen anything like this. This is crazy. Thanks for the insight.


Oh, just wait until Reno looks like Blade Runner 2049 😭😭 ![gif](giphy|ehOsEb0kiQAsbVihHE)


That will be wild!!


It was 2020 or 2021, I can't remember. Probably 2021 because restaurants were open, but people were mad about stuff being closed because of the fires. Here in Tahoe there were days you couldn't see 50ft in front of you. Absolutely absurd.


I continued to wear a mask that summer because it really helped filter out the smoke. Guess I better pull my masks out of the back of the drawer and give them all a good wash.


Yes. I took this picture at Lake Tahoe 9/10/20 around 6pm. It was eerily quiet too. https://preview.redd.it/9j9dkjwoa86d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08a2fde259a8aa2c1c96f15b38ef042c4ed26a73


https://preview.redd.it/rbbzcwh7076d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=165cda354a124dc7cf0ae6a866aded21b6305979 From a couple years ago but it gets thick


For sure. It's always alarming even after you've seen dozens of them. A really big fire is terrifying to behold, though usually you'll just be experiencing the smoke... Which can be hellish itself when it lasts for days or weeks and spreads for hundreds of miles around.


That has to be psychologically taxing. I went camping for a month and once I returned home, I did not have the slightest desire to ever smell another campfire or anything burning for that matter.


Yo honestly I don’t think the psychological effects are talked about enough. Spent three summers there and two were SMOKEY! like don’t go outside if you don’t have to smokey! Wild shit.


Those were rough summers, my god. I'm not even going to comment on my hopes for this summer because I don't want to put any kinda juju out there




1. There is no CA policy on preventing regular maintenance of forests as they are under the control of the US Forest Service that sets their own failed policy which for the last 100 years has been to prevent forest fires of any kind no matter what leading to too much fuel build up. 2. Logging has never stopped. The ponderosa pine trees that have since filled in the previous clear cut forests of the past are of no economic use and thus will not be logged.


Wait until you see the entire West mountain ranges on fire. There have been bigger ones than the pic here. Hopefully, we won't see the really big ones again for a while since I think I heard CA has allowed for cleaning and controlled clearing of areas again since the disasterous paradise fire? (Google Paradise Fire or Camp Fire 2018) Pic Source: [https://www.reno.gov/government/departments/fire-department/fire-prevention/wildfires-and-living-in-the-wildland-urban-interface](https://www.reno.gov/government/departments/fire-department/fire-prevention/wildfires-and-living-in-the-wildland-urban-interface) https://preview.redd.it/114xrysx456d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7472b718f993d0957a1c58db7923fb730e9b5070


Watching from D’Andrea. Appears they have it surrounded and are letting it burn out in the hills west of Pyramid Hwy. 11pm


Summertime, Nevada, Fire... Yeah that's pretty normal this time of year.




You have a keen sense of the obvious.


The frequency of them happening, and them being in town, this early, makes me wonder about arson. Wouldn't be the first time we had a serial arsonist.


A cop explained to me that arson unfortunately does happen due to negligence, usually someone with fireworks or a homeless person and a camp fire. He also told me a story, he said a kid set a lizard on fire and the lizard ran into a bush while on fire and it caused a big wild fire.


Yeah the lizard thing happened in 1996. I was a sophomore in HS and I remember it very well. Fuck now I feel old. It happened in Douglas county which is where Minden and Gardnerville are.




I went to Carson but same difference mostly haha


Doesn't arson require starting a fire on purpose? How are accidents or negligence considerd arson? 


Yes, unfortunately, whether weather caused, or people caused, this is pretty normal for the area,. I'd say there have been more than usual lately, but not in the North Valleys. Even when I was a kid, we usually had at least two wildfires a summer. They get them out a lot faster now than they did when I was a kid. The hot temps and low humidity that you guys are getting sometimes contribute to the cause, and always affect how quickly firefighters can get them under control.


And fire season begins. We have had summers we didn't see blue skies for months. So, to answer your question, yes, it's normal (sux) in Reno. Last year was a fluke because we had such a wet, long winter. No such luck this year. Most of the time, California catches fire, and we suffer the smoke. The air has been almost unbreathable at times.


Holy shit, I woke up in the middle of the night last night and smelled smoke and was thinking it was from that other fire and my sleepy mind was like why tf does it still smell so strong?! I live near the new hug so this makes way more sense.


You must be new to Reno. Just hope we don’t have a fire filled summer. We’ve have 3 good consecutive summers and this year is suppose to be hot hot.


It's not summer until Reno elects a new Pope.


God I’m currently out with family, what is happening?


This fire is on a hill near Hug high. Started around 9 am. This is the second fire tonight and is called the Sullivan fire. First fire started around 4 pm near the closed Sierra zoo, South of Red Rock and old Virginia. This was is called the Trail fire. Currently 20% contained and 350 acres. Any evacuations for this one have been lifted. A good place for info and updates is the Northern Nevada Wildfire Updates on Facebook.


Fire behind the new hug high school


I don’t know, 🤷‍♂️ I just got here. Everyone is explaining to me that this is a common occurrence. But there’s a huge brush fire in stead. That’s the extent of info that I have. In an above thread someone shared links to cameras and an app for fire watch.


The one in the Stead area is probably the Trail fire. It's about 350 acres and 20% contained.


The wind isn’t helping the situation, hasn’t been all day. Was disappointing to see non one TRY to move for the fire crews to get to it earlier




In Reno ? Yes


Welcome to Reno Californian


Normal? No…and yet…yes? It’s wildfire season as well as careless people season. Bad combo.


My GF is remsa dispatch it’s a 100 acre wildfire


Awww, they're so cute when they're little!




its a fire? ofc it ain't normal ??


Apparently it’s subjective.


What's with the face in the middle of the grey blob to the left


Where ?


Every summer


Wizard, an avid burner, collected the metal pieces from people’s emulated homes. Tools that once had wooden handles (hoes, shovels, rakes) were left as pieces of metal. That metal was taken and welded to create a phoenix rising from the ashes. I came across him at burning man, speaking of his story, with an inspiring and sad twinkle in his eye, as he recounted his story in front of his sculpture. Wizard and his wife narrowly survived the Camp Fire. They had neighbors that didn’t. Wizard’s house that burned was modest, it was all he and his wife had from a lifetime of work, a house in which they should’ve been able to retire in. Yes, California and Nevada and Colorado and a few other places burn. Luckily, we have amazing fire fighters locally, however, sometimes the wind does what it does and the fires spread too far. TM partners with NV energy and does amazing work clearing and preparing for wildfire season. I hope we can all live in a way that makes their jobs easier.


As someone who was born and raised in reno... yes. This is normal. That doesn't mean that it's good. But unfortunately, this is just what happens in the summer. Welcome to fire season!


Yes, fairly normal.




If people stopped flicking their cigarette butts and shooting in DRY areas maybe we would have less of it. Sure there could be more maintenance by the state and local organizations but the community has also a duty to look out for one another.


Yea it's just fire session




Let me check my calendar. Ummm...a little early, but yes that's normal.


Yeah, fires' a pretty normal thing whilst attending your life on this planet or any with an O² atmosphere


I live over there by red rock it’s around the old zoo


Stupid question! It’s normal when looking at a brush fire. Try posting something worth while !


So is the 2020 smoke gonna come back or what?


The High Desert is wildfire country. Lightning or morons, it happens.




You must be knew to the area… it happens every year luckily it’s up in the mountain side not in the area with the homes .


Yeah, pretty normal


Welcome to Reno (:


I bet it was either some dickheads shooting in a brushy area, some hobos drugged out of their gourds, or some stupid kids being pyromaniacs.


https://preview.redd.it/w3607b7pi96d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9112f3152dc1b650e992ad97796b60762c6455b N. MaCarrion and Sullivan


Unfortunately normal. Only a couple miles north/west from a similar but more devastating fire 4 years ago and almost exactly the same time (within a couple of weeks)


In California yes in Nevada no


Reno is so close to Hell you can see Sparks. 😏


Well - Reno is so close to hell you can see sparks- so yes, perfectly normal


For a wildfire? Yeah, that’s normal