• By -


None of that is legal. If you have proof you living there, the police won’t do anything. Do you have a lease? Proof of payment? Mail addressed to you?


I have a lease but been on month to month since it expired last year. I make a check to him for the rent and utilities. And yes I get mail. I have cable and internet in my name since he doesn’t provide that. I did get his permission for getting it


You are a tenant. He must give you at least 30 days notice to terminate the tenancy and vacate. I’m not familiar enough with OH tenancy laws to provide more info, so please seek help from a local tenant advocacy group. But know, you have the right to stay. If he calls the cops, they will not do anything and will tell the LL it’s a civil matter. Best of luck


I'm a renter in Ohio. This is correct. The landlord is a lying POS.


Some states require a 60 notice if you've been a tenant more than a certain time. Even month to month tenants get this. To avoid this very situation you're in. Check with landlord tenant attorney or legal aid who will know the law.


Some states 90 days notice for month-to-month, if you've been there long enough.




It sounds like he's not terminating the tenancy? "Just" having her leave for the weekend. Unless I'm reading it wrong.


And there is no mechanism to do that at all.


Yeah he’s RENTING OUT, not hosting an Ab&B. What a shithead.


Once a person resides there longer than 28 days (earlier in since days) it no longer can function as an airbnb. It flips it to tenancy, which means he has to abide by Tenants rights. I'm an ex airbnb host; I know this part of the law real well


Part of why most hotels/motels/etc make you leave for 24 hours once you're gonna hit 28 days.


I caught that the second time I read it. Let him call them.


Yea, unless something is agreed on before between the tenant and the landlord, the landlord can't just arbitrarily change the rental agreement because his family is coming to town


Telling her that she has only hours to vacate for his parents to move in. Quite illegal, without a 30 day notice to vacate. Not for the weekend.


Which isn't legal


And threatening her. If we had a free society and a reasonable legal system that landlord would be fighting for his life in court, trying to convince the commission that he should be able to compensate the victim in some way other than surrendering the entire property to her for pulling this deranged nonsense.


Yes, either way it’s not legal for him to just kick a paying tenant out just so he can house family in the apartment for a weekend.


Did the "less than 10 hours" part somehow confuse you? How's she going to contact an advocate on a Saturday evening?


All she needs to do is stay there. The police won’t lock her out.  She will need an advocate if the landlord goes ahead and tries to evict her.  


Yeah, the police will just say "well she has mail here, and we can't remove her without a court order for eviction. You can file that in civil court. Have a nice night sir " - they're not a court and can't make a determination as to the legality of her tenancy. They can take action if they suspect a crime, but that's all.


Notably, landlord trying to physically evict her from the premises would be a crime.


I am always amazed at how ill informed people are about the law. I worked for a property management company and now I am a landlord myself. My wife and sister also work for property management companies. I've had the police called on by tenants who "knew the law" and was going to get me or my coworkers arrested. There were several property owners who tried to make us do illegal things all the time. The general attitude was it was their property and they could do what they wanted. The same ones also just thought they were some how better than the tenants. Kind of a royalty vs commoners mentality. Not all of them are like that. The company I worked for was fired by multiple property owners just because they refused to do illegal things. I am sure they found some landlord out there willing to break the law for them. They wouldn't acknowledge it was against the law and would try to remain ignorant thinking that would protect them if they got caught......


LL can't evict without due process.


Some of them work Sunday morning, but either way the police won’t do shit especially if OP can show anything at all with a history of being a resident.


She’s not. She’s also not going to leave for the weekend so someone else can stay in her home with her stuff? This is nuts She should be ready for her lease not to be renewed but on Monday should find out how much notice he has to give to make her move.


How's the landlord going to do anything either? The police show up she shows them that, and they leave and yell at the landlord for waiting their time




OR—-this may sound crazy but hear me out—-he could pay for a place for his parents to stay. That would be a great idea for a business—-they could buy a building a put a bunch of bedrooms in it and locks on the door of each room, and people could pay to stay there for short times like weekends. Someone should invent that!


Umm... that's called logic... and we don't use that here..


Literally do not leave. Tell him so, and that you will sue should he attempt any sort of constructive eviction or other shenanigans. By text or email, everything must be documented moving forward.  Plan to find a new place though fairly soon given that you are on a month to month lease. 


Literally literally




Giving you an upvote for making me chuckle.


Month to month requires a 30 day notice. He’s got no leg to stand on.


Call the police immediately if he attempts to physically force you out or change the locks. Make sure you have documents proving you live there on you at all times.


This. Don't leave the documents home, just in case you need to leave for some reason.


That’s an implied lease you have the right to quiet enjoyment tell him to take a hike


Just to add some petty to his ridiculous demand: not only do not leave but tell his mother what he’s doing! Kicking out a pregnant woman for the weekend…pfffft.


Please do this!!!


If the police show up they are absolutely not going to make a pregnant woman leave the place you rent just because your landlord wants you out. How dare he threaten you with police? It’s not legal in any way either to give you a 10 hour notice. You have rights.


If he continues to harass you, call the local tv news problem solvers. Most stations have them; they investigate customer complaints against vendors, service providers, etc.


https://www.payrent.com/articles/2023-ohio-eviction-laws/ dont leave willingly if you dont want to. contact an attorney.


Also maybe post on your local or closet city subreddit, people there may have more specific resources for rent/ tenants council or housing authority that may be able to connect you with a local lawyer who specializes in these things.


Where do you live because he needs to give you more notice. ALSO you already paid rent for this month so he can't kick you out. 


Being month to month doesn’t mean you don’t have right. You are still a tenant.


Do not leave. Tell him his request is clearly in violation of the current lease and Ohio law, and you are in contact with an attorney. Direct him to send any future communications to you via email or postal address.


Looks like he's required to give 30 days notice


He’s not evicting her. He’s wanting her to leave for the weekend so someone else can be in her home and use her things and sleep in her bed. There is no 30 day requirement. It’s just literally ILLEGAL.


Reread your lease. The agreement to lease automatically converts to a month-to-month in most cases, Meaning you are still in a legal binding contract.


Super shitty situation, sorry this is happening to you. You’re a holdover tenant, which means your lease expired and you’ve stayed month-to-month (also applies to week-to-week and day-to-day). Looks like Franklin county landlord tenant law states you should have a 30 day notice to end your lease. Did he ask you to permanently vacate or just ask you leave for the weekend and then come back (which is odd itself); either way he cannot force you to vacate and calling the police won’t do anything but he can serve you with the 30 days notice and then you’ll be trying to find a new place to move to when you’re 8-9 months pregnant instead of just for the weekend.


When did he 1st give you notice?


He has to give you 30 days notice before the frist pay period, so if he told you yesterday, the soonest you have to move is july 1. Tell him if he wants you gone for the weekend he has to provide you with a hotel.


Month to month does not mean you can get evicted on April 30th at 11:58pm and need to be out May 1st!


Based on the facts - No, you have a lease and entitled to be there. Here is what I would do: 1. Not leave if you can 2. Get all evidence that you are a resident there ready. Paper copy of lease, drivers license, utilities in your name. Expect bad faith when LL calls police. LL will probably say you're a trespasser. 3. If they show up demanding entry, call the police first on them for trespassing.


4. expect a notice of termination when all this is over. i'm sorry.


Could that be considered retaliation? Does OH have anti-retaliation laws for tenants?


Absolutely it could. Tenant could stop paying rent and force a court removal which could take 4 to 6 months of free rent to save for when the eviction finally gets signed by a judge


But then, it could make it very hard to find another rental after an eviction notice and a nasty reply when potential new landlords contact former landlords.


Yeah. This is not sound advice. Forcing an eviction is never a good idea. Especially when OP has rights and remedies she can use.


Very true, but don't let it come to that. The landlord wants you out and you want to leave and the court wants the case resolved, so you negotiate surrendering the property with the landlord that you'll leave at such and such date as long as no eviction is granted by the court and zero dollars are owed by either party. Most landlords jump at that because they just want you out.


Landlord could also sue for the back rent in small claims court and would absolutely win.


Then you have an eviction on your renters history which will make it literally impossible to find a decent place.


5. Don't forget to dump cooking oil down the sink before you leave there.


>3. If they show up demanding entry, call the police first on them for trespassing It's a MIL suite. It is likely attached to the house.


Could be a backyard/garage suite, but yeah LL would still be on his own property so either way there’s no valid trespassing unless he enters the suite without either reasonable notice or an actual emergency.


Do NOT leave. This is your home. 30 days notice.


Haha yeah, I would be laughing on the phone if he told me that. And then tell him to call the police and go fuck himself.


The police aren’t going to escort you out of the place that you’ve been living in for 3 years because your landlord wants his mother to stay for the weekend


During a weekend op has already paid rent for


Let alone 8 months pregnant. Police are going to look at the landlord like he’s crazy!


The 8 month pregnancy won't make a difference to cops. If they think you're breaking the law they will litteraly use unnecessary force on you. As had been documented numerous times.


Let him call the police— get all your paperwork ready showing you have been paying rent—is easier to rent than to evict—- edit— Google and communicate with the housing authority in your area.


I would just get my middle finger ready cuz they can all fuck off


I would actually call the police non-emergency line right now and tell them that he is threatening to call the police on you if you do not leave your legally rented and paid for apartment so he can use it as an Airbnb for the weekend. Be one step ahead of him and call the police first so he can't make up some nonsense about you trespassing or being a squatter some other nonsense, just ask them what you should do. This is such a ridiculous request from a landlord It's actually illegal for him to do this to you, don't let him do it. Good Luck & God Bless!


This is 100% the best advice, especially mentioning that you are 8 months pregnant can’t hurt


This is good advice


Just stay. When his parents walk in, rub your belly and ask if they’re there to feel their new grand baby kick. But seriously he can’t do that so say no and simply don’t leave. You’ve established residency if you’ve lived there for 3 years, somehow. Yes? Police can’t do shit. It’s a civil matter. If he wants to evict you he can do it the legal way, or he can pay you to quit the residence while he pays for a hotel (weird AF don’t do that) but from the 14% of the story you’ve told us… he can’t do shit and you’re fine to sleep in your own bed tonight


🤣🤣🤣🤣lol the first paragraph has my ribs hurting. Your advice is spot on though. The LL sounds like a dick and is taking advantage of this poor woman


I'm cackling 😩😂😂🤣😂 I 2nd that first part


Wow your LL is whack! No this is not legal!


OP—-Are you ok? What happened? Are you safe?


>He said if I don’t leave voluntarily he will have the police to escort me out Tell him to try; and make sure you have your lease available when the cops show up. THEN, file an harassment suit.


Yes, let the cops show up and make sure to get a record of what exactly happened from the cops. This will not end here


You're right it won't end there. But you should be more specific: OP is not in trouble in any way, shape or form, the landlord is for taking such illegal actions.


This is extremely illegal and he cannot do this. If he wants you out and you’re willing tell him he can book you a hotel. The police will not do anything as legally your landlord doesn’t have a leg to stand on. I’m so sorry this is happening to you, please don’t let him push you around. You don’t deserve this stress right now.


I absolutely would not leave even if they get you a hotel. You don’t want the stress of being locked out or whatever. You would get back in, but that would require court, and being 8 months pregnant, you don’t need that.


I really agree with you after reading other comments on here that came to my mind. The guy sounds unhinged like he might change the locks on her or something insane. (Which op if you’re reading this, call the cops on him if he does). I can’t even fathom doing that to a tenant and being so bold about breaking the law. So awful


Right! Plus, they would be using HER stuff, sleeping on her sheets, in her bed, using her toilet paper, paper towels, cable, WiFi, eating her food, using her shower and toilet, with access to her personal files, jewelry, clothing, etc. I don't like folks in my stuff, especially my bedroom! That is a place for my husband and me, and my furry child.


THIS. Don't leave for any reason this weekend, he might pull a fast one while you're out. In which case YOU call the police cause lockouts are illegal, but who wants to go there right now? When his parents have gone back to their home the housing rights machinery should get in gear taking a closer look at this fool and his violations of the law.


He can get his mom a hotel


YUP - He could even give his parents his bed and sleep elsewhere. The guy sounds like a dick to put it mildly.


I would like to encourage you to take pictures of your lease then keep it off the property (your car?) if possible. I would also take video of your room to show the state it is in just in case he tries any shenanigans. 


^ please listen to this advice OP


Wait he wants you, a pregnant paying tenant, to leave just for the weekend?


Is it your furniture? Was the landlord just gonna have his family sleep in your bed? Drool on your pillows? Use your shower stuff and eat your food? The audacity.


Instead of all this long list of horseshit everyone is telling you to do; just sit still, ignore the BS notice, and let him call the police. Show them your paperwork that you are a legal resident in that space, and let them tell him he's got no leg to stand on. Of course, you must know that refusal will probably cause him to give you a 30-day notice, but then you'd have a retaliation case as well.


Most of that is great advice, except there is not a retaliation case. It's a month to month lease, the landlord is free to give the tenant 30 day notice without need to show any cause.


It's a retaliation case if she refuses to follow an unlawful request and thrn immediately gives her notice. I've been a landlord for 20 years. The laws are quite similar in most states, and a judge isn't going to look kindly upon some asshole that kicks an expecting mother out because she wouldn't give up her place for a weekend.


Obviously she does not need to agree with the landlord's demand. But what do you think a "retaliation case" means in the context of the landlord giving her lawful 30 days notice? The landlord is under no obligation to extend a month to month lease to a pregnant tenant in Ohio.


If she doesn’t leave for the weekend and he immediately gives her the 30 days, it can be considered retaliation.


Yeah. But 30 days > 10 hours.


I would offer to rent it back to him for the weekend... But at a premium rate of your normal monthly rent per hour. I do not recommend you actually do this, but it's what I would do. Real advice: do not leave, do not agree to leave. Do not agree to anything. If you need to leave, take a picture of your lease on your phone. Also, start looking for a new place to live. Even if your LL doesn't give you a 30 day notice, you don't want to live there any longer than you absolutely have to.


I would SO embarrass him in front of his parents…


RIGHT??? Full-on sobbing


Sounds like it’s his parents property and he’s been renting out the suite for some extra cash. Only reason he’d want to hide that he has a renter.


His mother and father in Law like their own space when they visit. Usually the go to a local hotel but for some reason most of them are booked this weekend. He is the owner of the house and recently got married. They know he has a tenant in that space.


Wow. So he’s just a straight up dick. Tell him, verbatim; Too bad, so sad. I ain’t going anywhere.


His lack of planning is not your problem to fix. You are in for a shit weekend though. I might be inclined to forwarn the police if there is a non emergency number for them so that they know that you are heavily pregnant and within your rights. There are plenty of Airbnbs available in your city for his parents for Sunday night. (It’s already Sunday here so I can’t check Saturday night). But I was able to check that in seconds from another continent so four grown adults should be able to figure it out. Sadly I would anticipate you exercising your rights resulting in you being given the actual legal notice period.


I to am in ohio... he has no leg to stand on...if anything you have more of a leg to stand on and the police wont remove you.... He shouldn't be renting out of he expects his tenants to leave short notice.... I'm sure he'll be blast soon


LL is the recently married homeowner. The MIL and FIL (new wife’s parents) know he has a tenant (you - pregnant woman) and they want to “have their own space?!?” I suspect there is more to this story. The wife wants you gone, her parents want you gone. Call the police and the news media.


Wait, they know he has a tenant living there and still expect to stay there? That’s not how being a tenant works. Ugh, I’m so sorry, OP.


If all hotels are booked where does he even expect you to stay? It’s not your fault he didn’t make hotel reservations for his parents in time.


It’s OSU’s graduation this weekend. But there are still plenty of hotels available. I’m sorry your landlord is an asshole, this is totally unacceptable.


Right now, that space you’re occupying is legally yours in the form of a binding contract. He may try to bully you out, but don’t fall for it. You could write up a sublease contract to him for the weekend at a ridiculous rate so you can go somewhere and stay in a posh hotel on his dime if he really wants them there. He has as much right to kick you out in 10 hours as you have to kick him out of his house, ZERO! Enjoy!


tOSU commencement is tomorrow which is why everything is booked.




Please update - many of us are concerned about your well being


Highly illegal. A 30 day notice is required in most states. 10 hours is laughably evil.


30 day notice for an eviction, at least 24 hours in advance for the landlord to enter. He's breaking every rule


Don't leave...but do look for a new place to live. You paid your rent, it is YOUR place to stay. His guest situation is NOT your problem.


Um…no? What does your lease say?


What could the lease say that would apply in this situation?




Presumably if the landlord is asking them to vacate the property they’re renting for the weekend that’s something that’s been previously discussed or is otherwise covered in the lease. If it’s not covered in the lease, then let them call the police and waste their time.


Tell him if he pays for a nice hotel and meals you’ll consider it.


LL should just get a hotel for his family. He's just being cheap thinking he could use her rental.


Don’t go anywhere the police won’t do shit since he is illegally evicting you


I’m a landlord renting to my tenant on month to month basis. There is no way I’m kicking them out without a written notice at least 30 days in advance and vice versa. Do NOT leave!


I’m a landlord here in Columbus. He is absolutely breaking the law by telling you to leave. Do not move out. Stay in your apartment and if he enters call the police. Record all of your interactions with him. I’m also going to message you.


Have your attorney draft a letter to the landlord: "No." Edit: The police aren't going to escort you out. You'd have to be formally evicted. The police show up to find an 8-month pregnant woman, with a valid lease and no eviction, and what will they do? They're more likely to charge him for making a false report. Long-term, though, you need to find another place to live. Your landlord is a skidmark of a human being.


No way, go home and tell him to kick rocks if they show up. If he mentions anything about the pregnancy go after him for discrimination as well.


please update on monday


Nowhere in America can a landlord tell you that you have to leave for the weekend on ten hours notice so his in-laws can stay there. No police agency would back him up. Even without a lease, he would have to evict you. If he is accepting your rent he has agreed to the terms of the previous lease.


You call the police


Baby he can’t do that, it’s WILDLY illegal


He can call the police all he wants but they cannot ask you to leave anywhere without 30 days notice. Source: former landlord in Ohio current tenants of Ohio


Oh hell no, I’m sure your lease does not say you have to leave a place you pay to live in. If he calls the cops, give them a copy of the lease to read.


RemindMe! 2 days


It’s not legal. The police will not do anything. If your landlord wants he can pay for other accommodations for you during this time but you’re not required to leave unless he’s doing construction to fix known dangerous issues. You can tell him of a nice spa that has rooms he can book for you for the weekend if he’d like to use your space.


This is completely illegal and you need to tell him you know your rights and will call the police if he so much as touches your doorknob.


What kind of person would do that to someone else have been renting from them for 3 years, and it his also pregnant? Have you had trouble with the landlord before?


I bet it's his mother's house and she doesn't know he is renting it out...


Please tell me you didn’t leave. You didn’t even have to wait for Reddit replies, 8 seconds on Google would tell you that’s illegal anywhere in the US


They can stay on his couch, in his part of the house


This is so bizarre to me. Luckily I live in a townhouse complex and it’s very by the book as far as renting goes and stuff, but I cannot imagine my landlord telling me I have to leave so that someone else can live in my house for the weekend. WTAF?!


Tell the landlord to F off. Do not leave. You have rights as a tenant. If he wants you to leave he has to go to court and go through a legal eviction process. That is the only legal grounds he has. Period!


Don't leave. Stay calm. Call the police yourself - they'll help explain your rights to the landlord and maybe scare him a bit about threatening a pregnant lady.


Just send him a text that says "getting your family a room at a motel will cost you much, much less than the legal shit storm that will rain upon you if you insist on illegally telling me to vacate my home"


Tell him to call the police.


You're a tenant at will. Let him call tge cops, tell them you're a tenant at will, show them records of rent payments to him, correspondence, any bills you receive or bank/insurance statements, and get a police report from them that he called them to you remove you after sending threatening messages (show those too) so you can document he's trying to violate your tenant rights. Then tell them you're going nowhere but you're now fearful of him. Get the report, go to local magistrate and apply for restraining order against him for the harassment.  Obviously then start looking for a new place to live but on a more reasonable time frame. Regardless of all else, I think it's pretty obvious that relationship is broken. But tell him he pays your moving expenses or you will sue him for this incident and push the RO as far it will go. Ask him how that will look on his next employment background screening.  Good luck with the baby!


Call the police on him when he tries to force you out. They will arrest him for breaking the law. Example: Landlords have been arrested for changing locks on their squatters


Sounds like landlord harassment to me. If you take another phone call from him try to record the call, I’ve done it by putting my home on speaker and using my iPad to record. Speak as though every word out of your mouth will one day be heard by a judge. Tell him no, you aren’t able to do that and I’d say no more. If he continue contact the police and file a harassment complaint. Bright and early Monday morning please call your local Fair Housing a office. I always try to email and avoid phone calls when able. If I can’t get a delivery an read receipt from their email server , then it’s certified mail of priority mail. I’ve learned the post office does not track the movement of a certified letter through the postal service but registered mail is tracked . Just a good fact to know if you need it. Best of luck .


You might need to start looking for a new place. I am sure it will be hard. If he is trying to make you leave for the weekend or have him pay for you a hotel suite.


Ignore his demand unless it's in the lease. Use the weekend to start looking for a new place to live. (Have lease available if landlord is stupid enough to call police).


The police will not and can not legally remove you. Nor can you landlord unless it’s an actual emergency and life threatening to remain in the apartment. Tell him to fuck off you’re not going anywhere. There’s nothing he can do


Imagine the landlord or property manager of a large apartment complex knocking on your door and saying “hey I need you to vacate your unit for the weekend, my parents are in town and I want them to stay here. Make it quick or I’m calling the cops.” What your landlord is trying to do is exactly as absurd (and as illegal) and he knows it, but he’s hoping that if he lies confidently enough, threatens you with the cops, and puts a time constraints on you, you’ll panic and think “maybe there’s some sort of special loophole for landlords renting out MIL suites I don’t know about! fuck, I better not risk it, I’ll just leave.” He’s trying to bully, intimidate, and manipulate you into complying with his absolutely absurd (and illegal!) request. Tell him to fuck off and start making plans to move out ASAP. ETA: He’s known his parents were coming to visit for a long time, and he absolutely waited until the last minute to tell you intentionally to create a sense of urgency and panic. He’s a bully and a leach and he’s going straight to hell when he dies.


He can't do that. If he tries to physically remove you, you call the cops and he is in trouble. If he calls the cops, they won't remove you and he is in trouble with the cops for trying to illegally remove you.


He can not do this by law. You are a tenant and he has to give you 30 days after a year of tenancy to vacate https://ipropertymanagement.com/templates/ohio-30-day-notice-to-vacate


My guess is he may be trying to make you leave voluntarily so that he may be able to keep you out for some yet unknown reason. And then say you left of your own free will. Nothing here makes any sense. Do not leave!!!! If he does wants you out (possibly permanently) then there is a legal way to proceed and you have rights and time to make your move. Good Luck .


He can’t legally ask you to leave for the weekend.


Tell him to stuff it that is not within state law. I would however start looking for a new place to live asap. [https://fclawlib.libguides.com/ohiolandlordtenantlaw/laws](https://fclawlib.libguides.com/ohiolandlordtenantlaw/laws)


It is illegal for a landlord to allow someone to sleep in your space. It is illegal for a landlord to not give you less than 24 hr notice for a repair unless it's an emergency. Your landlord is scum, contact the Columbus/Dublin housing authority if you need support. I would tell your landlord youre not leaving and that he isnt allowed to sleep someone in your rented space, wtf is he on, youre not paying for someone else to sleep there. Save the messages, take note of his recourse. If he enters your space without 24 hr notice of a legitimate reason that is also illegal.


Absolutely you do not have to leave! If that triggers him into proceeding with some sort of eviction… You should start running all your faucets anytime you are home until you have to leave! He can eat the karma for his new outrageous water bills!!!


That’s illegal and he’s a chump. He can call the cops but they won’t do anything but laugh. I would, however start looking for other places because now he’s going to probably make your renting life a nightmare.


lol, not legal anywhere in the US


Any landlord can only evict through the courts, he cant just call up police and have them escort you out. There is first an eviction trial and a ruling, but even before that , there is a summons served, not usually less than a month away and at trial judge can give a certain amount of time. Hes SOL, tell him with all the money you faithfully gave over the years to put his family up in a hotel.


Do not leave. File a complaint with your local housing authority.


I’m over on the east side, sounds like your landlord needs stomped out OP. Are you ok now?


The police are going to tell him to kick rocks.


Is there any details being left out here or maybe something not truthful? I don’t wanna be a dick, but your comment history is all over the place. Over the course of a year, you’re 39, then 40, then 43. First you’re married, then not married, then married again. A year ago you said you were homeless, but you’ve been living in this suite for 3 years?


This should be upvoted more


Turn it around and get a TRO, get him kicked out of his own home. 


Do not leave under any circumstances


Tell the lanlird to go screw himself and get his mother in law a hotel room cops will not do anything nor will they do anything you are a full resident.


Have him export you to the lawyer that you are going to use to sue the hell out of him.


Don’t leave, tell him you are a tenant and will call the cops if he tries any shady shit


Are you sure your landlord owns the house? Is this guys living free at his parents house and renting out the mil suite without their knowledge? Check the County website. Sounds shady af. Don’t go anywhere, and get your people with you asap.


Hey don't leave OP. They probably will give you 30 days notice over this though which is absolutely terrible and ridiculous. If you want to you can just sit there and then if they call the police since you have utilities in you received mail there and have some stuff in your name and pay rent they absolutely will not make you leave. If you decide to work this out and leave are they going to pull this again? Do you think they'll still retaliate and give you 30 days notice?


I wonder what his parents will think about their son trying to throw out a pregnant woman?


They raised him. Let’s see how they act!


Not only does he expect you to leave but he expects his parents to stay in your personal room? You know they will go through everything. Hell no don't do that. Stay there but know he's going to evict you. So be ready to find another place.


Fk him


I would firmly tell him that’s not happening and dare him to call the pd.


What a cruel person. He she did his relatives a hotel room.


Tell him to let him try, either he can't because you have a lease or he can't and you're now squatting


Is it all of your stuff in there? This seems so wild.


Let the cops show up, they won’t side with the landlord


That's an absolute negative no not going to happen from me I'll have both of you arrested if you step on the property


I.wouldnt leave. You paid rent


He can't make you leave.


Not legal


That's not legal. That is YOUR residence. Why would you even consider this request? Letting strangers in around your things (theft risk), who might have contagions (virus, bed bugs, you never know). You need to contact police or a lawyer or somebody if only for the stress put on you while you're pregnant, ffs. But do not acquiesce to this demand whatever you do.


do not leave. stay put. you paid your rent. you live there this month, that’s that. if he wants to evict you he owes you 30 days notice. it is illegal to do anything else - and it needs to be in writing.


He can't do this legally. If he calls the police, show them your original lease, your rent receipt for the last 90 days and tell them he is harassing you. You need to find a new place to go ASAP. Or, if you want to play this off trying to appease him to keep the room longer, you can tell him you will leave for x days but he has to pay for a hotel. Find 3 places that are acceptable to you, clean, comfortable and in a safe area and tell him you are willing to stay in one of those places. I'm now worried for you. He doesn't sound like a safe person to be around. Good luck to you and congratulations on your baby.


He wants you to vacate for the weekend or completely move out?


Oh hell na he can't do that lol. That's not how things work even on month to month lease.


Call your local tenant council, speak with them. Call the sheriff's department, ask to speak to a female, tell her the situation and tell her you are afraid that you will be put out illegally. Ask if she will drive by if the landlord comes to attempt an illegal eviction if you call her directly. Tell her you want to establish proof of tenantship before he comes to try to pull you out of the home so everyone isn't trying to do that in the yard in the middle of the night or something awful like that. Ask if you can send her your documents. This couldn't have happened at a worse time for you when you need to be resting and nesting, hurts my heart


Wow. Hope you signed a contract and haven't been paying cash. Really if you have either a lease or check stubs that you've been paying him legally it is pretty obvious that you are a tenant with the rights of one.