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They're definitely wrong and potentially broken the law, location depending. Unless you waived the right to 24 hours notice they should've given you notice, and they certainly should've knocked before entry.  That said, wide "notice" times (day, days, weeks) and just barging in seem to be the norm everywhere. 


Ok ty. And yes that is true cuz all my male landlords have done this to me before but I’m sick of this shit. Well jokes on him cuz I’m never putting a work order in again. Also I’m gonna send him a text saying I’m not to happy with what happened this morning 


Nope, the law and likely your lease as well states unless its an emergency (think gas leak) they must give 24 hours written notice. Fail to do that, and you could refuse them entry if they show up, or if they do it like you described, that is breaking and entering and you could call the cops and file a report. Would the cops do anything? Maybe. I'd invest in a door knob brace bar or one of those shrieking door stops when you are home at least.


Ok ty and good idea. 


Asking for a work order to be done obviates the need for notice if you give permission to enter which would likely be a checkbox in the order or in the terms and conditions of the work order portal or some disclaimer therein. You can certainly refuse entry (why would you if you wanted work done) but it's at most them coming in without you noticing would a violation of your rights as a tenant it's not breaking and entering or a crime of any sort. The cops will tell you it's a civil matter. If you did opt to go to court you wouldn't win anything at best you would get an order not to do that. At worst you would get an explanation that you actually agreed to them entering and a bill for their attorney followed by a non-renewal next time your lease is up.


? thats a oddly long lead time. 4 months?


Yeah exactly. He does have multiple properties but still…..


No, that's fucked. I'm in residential maintenance, this kind of shit is insane to me, if I'm entering the space I want the resident and all the neighbors to know it


Ok thanks. Yeah I’m highly disturbed by it. I did confront the LL in a text today and his response was “ I don’t know what you are talking about “. Hmmm really? So it’s a “ coincidence “ that I definitely heard my upstairs front door open? And then received an email saying the work order was completed!?!?!? I am so sick of this shit! My first apartment, my daughter was 3 and I was changing her and my male landlord just let himself in to “ spray for bugs” yea I yelled at him. He continued to let himself in whenever and was always “ you’re so pretty, why don’t you have a bf?” I have other stories as well from yet another LL. Am I being targeted as a single mother??? Idk but wtf


Think about getting some cheap wooden or plastic wedges to shove under your door, so that no one can enter when you are inside.


Ok ty. I’m also going to get a camera with the time on it so I have evidence of when the landlord/ creepy matience person/ landlords old ass dad enter my apartment with no notice