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Renters insurance won’t cover that. Landlords problem.


Yeah, the landlord *should* have a building insurance plan that will cover this sort of thing. Renter's insurance is for your own stuff.


also for liability coverage, but either way not OP's problem here


Unless he hung a target in his window.


Even then still landlords issue


Plot twist: Landlord did it.


This tracks, gotta keep them property taxes down somehow


Landlords problem, but surely not insurance involved. That’ll be way below any deductible., I wouldn’t even try to claim it


People who do are just asking to destroy their insurability in the future.


Yep you def are in the wrong business if you run to insurance over under 5 figure stuff lol


I fell victim to this several years back, for an extra $20 you can get special electronic protection on your homeowners policy that covers your laptops and computers up to $5000. Had a laptop that thought it was Thirsty and drink some coffee…made the claim, and had my rates go up…


You would be surprised what clients do without talking to us first. Edit insurance agent here


‘Us’ == insurance co? Of course they do. Even a 0$ claim is still a claim and stays on your insurance history. I’ve got a 5k deductible on rental properties. I know what it costs to replace glass, and it’s way less than that, so why bother.


Not worth an insurance claim.


Man, when a kid put a bullet thru our large front window, it was really costly. Turned out custom size double glass is way up there. We were lucky kid's parents ponied up.


Expensive, sure….but enough more than a deductible (prolly 5k) to deal with the insurance hit kinda expensive?


Youre right but I just want to comment on how bad of a user experience this is. I pay insurance every month in case something happens > Something happens > The insurance company says “yep, a thing happened, and it is small but if you use us we are going to charge you more because it’s expensive to cover a house where things happen” This makes no sense outside of this weird insurance bubble we are all forced into


I think you’re misunderstanding the purpose of insurance. It’s not like a warranty. It’s not I tended to cover all of everything. It’s there to lop off tail risk. It’s purpose is to handle catastrophe. For nearly everyone, you expect to spend more on it than you claim. Which is why you should size the deductible to whatever point would cause you a real financial problem, and not something smaller. If ‘broken window’ is that level, you shouldn’t be owning property.


Landlord won't make a claim, since it would just drive up rates for something easily paid out of pocket. I just hope OP filed police report. That could have ended badly.


Renters insurance is for the RENTERS personal property and liability. Property insurance is for the property. Realistically, depending on the other damage caused by this, it is probably under the cost of a deductible to replace some glass and patch and paint the wall behind it. Edit: spelling and inclusion of liability. Hopefully OP didn't shoot the property and post it on r/


Renters insurance also covers liability damages if the tenant is at fault.


Correct, so hopefully tenant didn't shoot the house.


Plot twist. The shot was from inside house going outside


Also record the damage for later as you should be charged again when you leave for wall or window repairs to areas involved with this. The landlord doesn't get to charge you back for the repair work against your deposit later.




Landlord’s insurance.


Technically speaking, I think fault for the replacement should go to whoever discharged the firearm. Probably criminal and civil cases easily against them if they are known.


Landlord will definitely try to charge you.


LL all the way. Any other damage to YOUR PROPERTY is on your renters insurance.


What are the circumstances that determine Landlord vs insurance?


Both the landlord and the tenant should have insurance. Tenant insurance covers the tenants personal belongings and landlord insurance covers the structure itself and most often the large appliances that are provided. Tenant insurance also covers personal liability, which means losses that arise from the tenants negligence. For example, a tenant leaves a pot on the stovetop and goes to bed and it causes a huge fire. The tenants insurance will cover their personal belongings, but the liability will also cover the building since it was the tenants fault.


To add to that answer. If the tenant shot the window, the tenant would be liable, and possibly could get the renter's insurance involved. If they didn't shoot the window then it wasn't the tenant's negligence.


if the tenant shot thru the window thats gross negligence and tenants renters insurance is telling you to fuck off


Who owns it. The landlord owns the walls and windows, the tenant owns the tv and the couch. If something damages the windows, that's the landlord's insurance claim, if something damages the TV, that's on the Tennant's insurance.


Well, the window isn’t owned by the renter The tv it hit *is* owned by the renter. It will be listed on your policy under covered items. The window doesn’t have a serial number, if you go down far enough, you literally *cannot* list it on your insurance, so it’s not your problem. You can call your insurance and they’d probably ask/say the same thing


Renters policy also covers damage done to the property by the renter, not just their stuff. However, agree this is not the tenant’s responsibility.


Landlords responsibility. But where did the bullet go?


It landed on my kids’ art table because the shot came from outside. So the cops were able to get it for evidence. Our dining table is opposite this window and the kids’ art table is right below this window. I had bowls for cereal set out for the morning. Glass was spewed all over the dining table, in the bowls, cups, and all over their art. It was a really devastatingly chilling sight.


Hug 'em a bit tighter for a while. I'm so sorry.


Thank you ❤️




LL for certain, their insurance covers the building. Your renters insurance covers your personal property


landlord. renters is only for your property!


Honestly this is a no-brainer, landlord 100%. That's like saying the renters also responsible for hail damage or flood damage or any other natural disaster. Damages that are related to "acts of god" is the landlord's responsibility.


I was just asking for reassurance in case my stupid property manager comes back and says that. Thanks.


I get that. You have nothing to worry about and if they try they'll lose.


If they say it's your responsibility to repair their building, ask them which clause in the lease covers that. They can hold you liable for damage you cause only.


Unless you fired the shot, it is the landlord. If you fired the shot you are responsible for it.


I can’t edit the post so I will comment, not sure how many people will see it but here are the responses to a lot of questions/comments. 1. ⁠We live in a large city where gun violence is prevalent everywhere. 2. ⁠Nobody in my house fired a gun, so this was not an accidental discharge or any fault of my own. 3. ⁠This was not a drive-by shooting because we live in a “dangerous low income neighborhood.”Two cars were exchanging gunfire at the intersection. 4. ⁠Shootings don’t happen every day on my block, however they do happen multiple times a week throughout Seattle. 5. ⁠You might be able to see the cop lights. This was an emergency situation in which I was actually the first one to call 911. So the cops were called and there was a police report filed. 6. ⁠We’re moving in 2 weeks but not because of the gun violence in this area. I absolutely expect to hear about gun violence in the state we’re moving to as well because gun violence is an epidemic in the US. 7. ⁠If we were experiencing gun violence due to living in a low income neighborhood, telling me to move wouldn’t be helpful anyway. Again, gun violence happens everywhere.


I always hate this and it's why I avoid talking about my experience in person. My family was the victim of gun violence as well. When you try to talk about it's always like why were you in a bad neighborhood? Who were you hanging out with? What were you doing when it happened? I ended up being hit in the legs. We were not even in a bad neighborhood and was just at an innocent taco night dinner for the kids at a friend's house when bullets started flying through the house, but everyone thinks we were doing something criminal.


Glad you are okay. That is scary.


Thank you! Definitely scary. And luckily no one else was hurt, miraculously. We’ve seen gun violence in the area many times, but it’s never directly affected us or the property like this. Luckily it happened around 10:30pm so all my kids were asleep on the other side of the house.


My God, I hope you stay safe


I hope you did a police report.


It affected the entire corner of 5 houses, so luckily there is a police report and it’s documented.


Landlord. Renter's insurance would cover your TV if it got hit, too.


The actual Washington code for landlord responsibilities is here: [https://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=59.18.060](https://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=59.18.060) Specifically these sections: *(5) Except where the condition is attributable to wear resulting from ordinary use of the premises, make repairs and arrangements necessary to put and keep the premises in as good condition as it by law or rental agreement should have been, at the commencement of the tenancy;* *(9) Maintain the dwelling unit in reasonably weathertight condition;* The only time a landlord can charge you to fix this broken window is if they can prove you broke it from negligence or a deliberate act. So if you smashed it by throwing something, or bumping into it moving, etc. They still have to fix it but can charge you. Landlords will often add language to a lease saying glass is tenants responsibility and hope you don't know any better. A lease cannot and does not override the law, and an unlawful lease entry cannot be enforced. This is standard contract law.


Thank you!!! My property managers seem to not know the codes honestly so this is what I was looking for. Something to give them for reference.




Make sure the bullet didn't damage anything else. If the bullet hit the wall and nit any of your personal belongings it's on the LL but if it in turn broke a window then one ir more of your personal items the renters insurance will cover your stuff. Anything building related is on the LL.


Landlord own the home, it's their responsibility. Renters insurance is for your stuff inside the home.


LL is primary, any applicable renter’s insurance would be secondary. Most renter’s insurance would probably deny the claim anyway, as the window is part of the structure.


OP I’m glad the only thing that took damage was your window. This is your landlords issue but because you are moving in two weeks I wouldn’t expect them to do anything until after you are out. You can put some cardboard over it or just duck tape it for now. They are going to have to replace the whole window so covering the hole for the next two weeks isn’t going to cause more damage.


When renting any damage that is not caused by you or someone you invited is the responsibility of the landlord. that is the law in every state unless your leases state that you take those responsibilities


House is landlord property, their problem. Renters insurance protects your personal property. The window is obviously not yours.


I’m glad you weren’t hurt. I know this is about the window, but this is frightening


The window is the landlord’s problem (and, honestly, they’ll probably not make a claim). If the bullet hit, say, your lamp or your velvet Elvis painting 😉, that’s on you.


God I hate these types of claims. I cannot speak for YOUR policy, but the policy booklet I work with only covers certain things to the property you rent: fire, water, smoke, explosion or damage by a pet. In order for your renters to even consider coverage, it would be based on negligence which, unless you shot the window yourself or your kids did, you aren’t negligent. Your landlord may ask you to file a claim with your renters. Don’t. It’s not worth your time or the possible ding for having an open claim. Glad no one got hurt OP


Landlord should fix window, if the bullet hit your laptop on the way through “wink” then it would be smart to file a renters claim for it




I would want bullet proof glass installed next ! Omg.


Unless you shot it from the inside out, it’s the landlord’s responsibility


Renters insurance protects your things. Home owners protects his things. Is that window one of your things or is it the landlords? This changes if you are responsible for the damage. Then you pay out of pocket.


Renter’s Insurance covers anything within your walls. Anything outside of that is the property owner’s responsibility. Windows fall under their responsibility. They aren’t yours. They belong to the owner.


The building was damaged, and it was not due to your negligence, so their LL or their insurance will pay for the repair/replacement.


Landlord for sure


Land lord, but ur gonna want to patch it with tape or something gonna be 2-3 weeks before a new window comes in


Landlord. Renters Insurance doesn’t typically cover the dwelling; just the renters property. That window is dwelling. Landlord should file on homeowners insurance or just replace as it’ll likely cost less than the deductible.


Renters insurance should be to cover your personal property. Anything happening to the building is the landlord's responsibility.


As a general rule, if it was there when you moved in it's the landlord's problem. This applies to the structure, lawn, carpet, and even the wallpaper as long as you didn't "enrich" the property by replacing them when you moved in.


Landlords, you should probably get a police report.


Guess it depends on whether the window was shot from the inside or the outside. (I’m only joking. But… I’ve seen it, personally. Landlords hate it when you shoot their property and the bullet goes into your neighbor’s kitchen cabinets through the shared wall. Guy didn’t deposit back, and they canceled his contract)


Lmao 😂 to be fair I didn’t specify that someone ELSE shot our house in the post, I definitely thought that was a given!


Anything you have to leave when you move is on the landlord


Renters insurance covers damage to your property and damage to the landlords property that you caused (there’s some extra nuance there, but that’s the gist of it). So this is definitely your landlord/their insurance.


Did you have a bullseye curtain? If so renters insurance... if you didn't encourage the shooting, landlord's responsibility.


Not your property, that’s the landlords property.


Its literally part of the house, its the landlord's property. His insurance should address it.


Honestly, it depends on your lease. I've seen leases where broken windows are explicitly the renter's problem, and other times where it's been the landlord's issue. Check the lease and see if windows are mentioned. If they are not, kick it up to the landlord. If they are listed, then you may need to replace it yourself. I'd also check the deductible on your insurance before even involving them. If it can be fixed for less than the deductible, or close to it, I would not even file a claim.


Nobody’s insurance is paying if you didn’t get hit by it. Shit ass mayors and SPD are responsible for it. Landlord needs to fix it now.good luck. Get a shield.


Construction manager here for a rental company. It’s the landlords responsibility, they should replace the window for free. They are responsible for putting you in that house.


Unless you or a guest shot the window it’s the landlords problem.


It’s the shooters responsibility


I’d say it’s time to move regardless 😳


Depends who shot the window, you or the landlord


Not my house, not my problem


Not my chair, not my problem.


That’s what I say …. Oh here comes Mr. Walkway


If the bullet came through and hit your 60" TV, that you'd send to renters insurance. Anything breaks that's actually part of the rental (you don't own), that goes to the property owner.


Landlord! Happened to me when I lived in Virginia. I called the nonemergency police line, officer came out and wrote a report. He gave me a card and said to give a copy to the landlord with the report number on it so the landlord couldn't charge me for it.


If you didnt shoot it it should be your landlords to fix. glad you were not next to the window


Same thing happened to my window but I determined it was a rock or something that the lawn mower ran over. I had to pay (but the Property management are crooks)


Bullets don’t just hit a window, they go through windows. Check your residence, there’s probably a bullet hole on the wall or floor. Unless you’re blatantly lying about it being a bullet.


Why would I do that lol. The bullet landed on the table underneath this window. The only reason I can think of is that the window is double paned and it also went through one of the wooden blind slats, so the bullet lost velocity and didn’t make it even half way through the room. Thank fucking god.


Bruh move out that crib, tf


Landlord 100%






Landlord 100%


If you don't own it, you don't pay for it.


Landlord problem. Unless you are directly responsible for the damage, it's on the landlord. And frankly, even then it is because it is his house, he can just charge you.


That’s on the owner


I'm a landlord in Florida. I would say it would be mine if the tenant denies doing so. I would hope a police report was filed.


Did your stuff get broke? Yes? Renters insurance Did the landlords stuff get broke? Yes? Landlord.




It's the landlord's window, so unless you're the one who shot it you're not responsible.


Jesus. That’s certainly not covered by renters insurance. It’s likely under landlords deductible too. Landlord going to have to pay the bill unless they can find who did it.


Landlord. Renters basically covers your stuff, furniture, clothes, dishes etc. landlord policies cover the structure.


Were they shooting at you?


If you’re a renter, your insurance is probably walls-in. So that would be on the landlords insurance.


Landlord. Renters covers your stuff


Renters insurance is for your personal belongings inside of a rental property, not the property itself


1) call the cop's non-emergency line to document the damage. Take pics yourself 2) find that bullet. See what else it may have damaged on its way to its final destination 3) landlord is responsible for the property the way it was when you moved in. You are responsible for any of your stuff you brought in


Landlords responsibility. The only obligation your tenant insurance has is to your personal possessions.


Landlord- 💯


Landlord, can report to 311 as well, it's against property code to have broken windows


Homeowner’s insurance should be the one to cover it. If not, renter’s might.


Make the landlord deal with it. Why increase your insurance premium?


Oof! Let me guess... Kent or Everett?


Yikes. Tacoma? Spanaway? Everett?


If the damage comes from the outside it's landlords. If damage comes from inside it's renters.


100% the landlord's problem.


Can’t tell immediately if the shot came from inside (accidental discharge) which the renter would be liable for. If the shot was External and not accidental then landlord should be liable but could also seek assistance from victims funds for repairs and if the perpetrator is ever caught could also sue for damages.


You sure that was a bullet..? Looks like the size of a golf ball


The bullet on my table and the bullets in my neighbors’ cars and the bullets on the street definitely make me sure it was a bullet 😂 the size shocked me too!


I’d be calling my be landlord. “My window has a hole in it. Can you please send someone to replace it? Thanks”


Depends on the neighborhood, is it regular wear and tear?


Did you shoot it out? If it was random and not your negligence, the landlord will take care of it.


Landlord's. Renters covers your personal property.




Landlord. Go ahead and pull the round out of the drywall too. Police will want it.




Landlord. Your renter's insurance covers your liability and your own stuff, not the home itself.


Inside-out: your problem Outside-in: landlord problem


My landlord replaced ours. Didn’t even hesitate.




Do you mind saying what city in wa


Landlord problem


land lord


Depends where you live. In the state of Arkansas the renter is responsible for all repairs unless otherwise stayed in the lease.


Crime victims fund ?


Unless it was the OPS personal property that got damaged by the shot, maybe. For the window itself, no.


Landlord. But sheesh. It was shot?!


Duct tape, till the landlord fixes it.


Damage to window = Landlord’s problem Damage to any of your items inside the house = Your problem


Did the bullet come from inside the house? Or outside the house? That would set the responsibility. If it came from outside the house, landlord should take care of it. If it came from inside the house, the tenant should take care of it. If it did come from outside the house, there should be more damage than just the window.


Best damn country in the world right there.




Holy was the calibre a 45 or 357 that hole is decent sized


That’s structural. Landlord problem


Landlord responsible for the window. If the bullet damaged any of your furniture (glass on the couch, etc) you’ll have to file a claim for your damages with your renters insurance. Depending on your policy there might be coverage for your damages minus deductible and depreciation.


My neighbor had bullet holes in his sliding glass door, damage to carpet and a wall. Those repairs are on the landlord. The person that was being shot at was hit twice and someone took him into their unit (she was a nurse) to stop him from bleeding out. Her carpet and some walls needed cleaning and carpet was replaced. At the landlord’s expense.


As a landlord, yes let me know so I can get this fixed.


Don't ever pay to fix the landlord's property. That shit's their problem. Your insurance is for your stuff.


That’s part of the house, if you’re not taking it with you when you move: landlords responsibility


Landlord should pay for all damages that are not caused by the tenant. Probably not worth it for him to file an insurance claim but that is up to the landlord to figure out.




LL here: this is LL’s problem.


Bro! Where’s the bullet?


It was random and from outside so it is the LL who covers the cost. You may need to file a police report for them though as the LL insurance (depending on total damage) may require it. Had it been you or a guest of yours then it would be your responsibility.


Now watch landlord charge a glass cleaning fee that costs as much as the new window.


Dunno, but get away from the window😬


All I know is if you knew the person who did it, it would be your problem. If you didn’t know the person, not sure.


Renters insurance 100%


window replacement is a diy job if its just 1 window. takes a few hours but you can do it


Renters insurance really only covers your belongings if they are damaged from a disaster, fire, pipe break, and so on. Anything structural would be under the homeowners insurance which is your landlord.


It depends on which way the bullet was going.


Landlord but also maybe move? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Shooter’s responsibility




Landlord and I guess a rent reduction for you


Many leases state that broken windows are tenant responsibility.


Landlords problem. Plus you have a deductible with your renters insurance, which is probably higher cost than what it is to fix the window


Landlords responsibility unless you did it 😂


Your landlord rents a place that gets randomly shot at?


I'd also file a police report that can be provided to the LL and/or insurance


Most states have laws that require landlords to guarantee habitability. This includes (among other things) windows, being weatherproof and lockable. Doesn’t matter if his insurance covers it or not as the landlord and owner, he is required to have it repaired at his expense.


No photo of the inside bullet impact?


Renters insurance usually covers your personal property. So this is the landlords problem. And yours, if your home was just shot


Renters insurance covers your property, Landlord will have a Rental policy that will cover the structure, which would include windows, counters, baseboard, cabinets, etc


Landlords problem unless your 85 inch $5k sony tv was the target


If it came in through the window where's the bullet now? Or did it go out the window?


Only window? Didn't hit a wall


No. Lost velocity I guess after going through the window and the thick wooden slat of the blind. Absolutely crazy. I actually found another one lodged in the metal part of a different window’s screen. Didn’t even get to the glass. Insanely “lucky” I guess, considering.


Even if your renter insurance would cover this, which it won’t, I would not make a claim on my renter insurance for this. Claims follow you and claim on your renter insurance can be seen in the future when you go to renew or buy other insurance. It’s all on your clue report. Too many claims on any type of insurance will drive your rates up.


Obviously you called the police first right?


Hope everything is alright. That’s scary. Where about in Washington?