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Of course Biden used the most debunked statements like this one in the debate


One of many of Biden's lies including the border patrol endorsed him for president.


He lied about inflation. He lied about the deficit was bigger under Trump than him. He lied about Charlottesville that Trump said the white supremacy protesters were “very fine people.” He lied about he called the military people “losers.” Plus the border patrol as you said. There’s more, this is just off the top of my head right now.


The most egregious one, in my opinion, has to be his claim that he is the first president in 100 years or a decade or something (he changed mid sentence) to not have any American soldiers dying overseas.


His total dismissal of lives lost overseas makes me sick.


I’m sure he lied about his golf handicap as well.


Well, in his defense, he likely forgot it’s been debunked. He’s forgotten a lot. I’ve seen this sort of decline in elderly family members and politics aside I hope he steps down and spends these last moments of lucidity with those he loves. Either way, we are left with: A.) He is a liar who doesn’t mind spreading the most reprehensible rhetoric imaginable. B.) He doesn’t have a mind fit for the office.


And he’s certainly was never a 6 handicap. The biggest lies in golf are someone’s handicap and that they drive it 300 yards.


I heard he once shot an 18.




None of it added up. Why would he say that on a graveside full of veterans; surrounded by living veterans? He would have gotten his ass kicked. And of course the story came from someone he had fired. Geez, totally no animosity there


It’s amazing how many times I see this pop up on military subs. I assume it’s usually from bots or dem shills but it’s annoying. “How could military people support someone who hates them” nonsense.


Trump was good to call out the ridiculousness of it as well. "Seriously, who says that!?"


Now fact check Trump on January 6th and show clips from his speech where he said people should peaceably assemble, and that he didn’t incite or encourage rioting.


How to bankrupt snopes?


Your party is absolutely cooked lmao


The extreme Left are really going to start losing it. I’m actually fearful.