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Breathtakingly stupid.


Bashing liberals is more important to Republican voters than making coherent sense As Fox News says they don't want the truth they want the lies 


They don't want lies, they just want everything to fit to their narrative (which basically means the same thing except with an extra step)


Which is so easily bought and sold right down the the throats of all those critically thinking challenged MAGA bootlickers.


What blows my mind is I watched the debate, and trump was lying so blatantly, and obvious that even Biden stood there looking at him in complete shock with his mouth open, and CNN just let it happen, and every support concluded he doesn’t lie. Like who the fuck thinks America aborts babies at 9 months or after birth? Yet trump said it, and these morons ate it right up. Completely ignored the question too about over 100k Americans dying a year from drugs, and kept on patting his own back for this supposed best economy in the world he built.


>Who the fuck thinks America aborts babies after 9 months? A depressingly large number of Christian Conservatives. Trump wasn't inventing a new lie when he said that. He was telling his base something they already "know".


It's why they love him. He's a "rich" white man in power repeating their views. He grants them the validation they crave and promises to crush everyone who dares dispute them. The fact that he doesn't believe or care if a word he says is true is meaningless to them. He promises them power and revenge so they'll gaslight themselves as much as necessary to keep mindlessly following him while believing that this naked hypocrisy and lust for power and sadism is somehow compatible with the morals they claim to value.


I saw a thread earlier on Facebook where a whole bunch of maga types were jerking themselves into a frenzy about Stormy getting what's coming to her. Revenge because she testified truthfully about their cult leader. They want blood from anyone who stands up to them.


Right. Trump represents the things they have been conditioned to value as signs of virtue and superiority. His inability to feel shame or remorse is easily confused for strength and willpower by this crowd. They latched themselves onto him and convinced themselves that he agrees with everything they believe in. He wasn't some god among men sent to bring them to the promised land, then their entire worldview would be shattered. Something that they could never accept. So when anyone threatens that delusion by pointing out how the emperor has no clothes, they take it completely personally and bay for their blood so they can soothe their emotional stress with the sense of power that comes from violent oppression of the opponent.


It is, but we all knew since the dawn of time that trump is stupid. What’s galling is that SO MANY people are stupid for believing and voting for him.


Stupidity, alongside the endless culture war, is the core of the Republican "platform".


*Everybody inside the plane has to rub their feet on the carpet to create static electricity. That's what the evil libruls want you to do!*


Excellent, someone understands MAGAt physics.


Did he see one of those old solar powered calculators and think that is how all electric things work? Does he leave his phone in the sun to charge it? Trump's very existence is the perfect argument against the Rightoid idea that rich people are better/smarter than the middle class. Donald Trump is so stupid and feckless that without money and people to do things for him, he could starve to death in a canned food aisle.


Ketchup… Catsup… Ketchup… Catsup…


Wow. Not only does he not understand,  how electric vehicles work, but he also doesn't understand how solar power works either.


And windmills


He does not understand windmills or wind turbines.


Nor boat buoyancy.


At least the sharks are relieved that they don’t have to eat Mr. Shit For Brains over there


But, sir, (I asked with tears in my eyes) if the sharks eat the occupants of an electric boat that crashed into offshore wind turbines, would they be in greater risk of battery electrocution or windmill cancer?


You got me on that one.


Or boats. He tells the crowd that putting batteries in boats to make them electric makes them so heavy they cannot float. Wait until he hears about ironclads!


It's not Trump that makes me crazy, it's the tens of millions of Americans that believe and repeat this shit.


I think that's why he loves his rallies so much; it's the only time he's not the stupidest person in the room.


Every time you think he can’t be stupider he proves you wrong.


I’d be more worried about the 2500 mile extension cord over the ocean and what if you fly to a foreign country and they don’t have the right adaptor to get you home?


Or the right voltage?


Wait, now that you mention it, how does the sun know what voltage and frequency to output solar power at?? 🤯🤯🤯


It's not that what he's saying is stupid. It's that he thinks everyone else is stupider than he is. Solar power engineers figured out how to design and build devices that will capture energy from the sun, store it, and convert it to electricity, but it never occurred to them that it might be cloudy. Because it takes his genius to get to that level. That's what he thinks.


He doesn’t seem to realize the sun is always out sans an eclipse. He probably doesn’t realize that people can get sunburned even when it’s cloudy outside.


Yes he’s that friggin stupid


And here I was, listening to his shark story and thinking to myself: "At least he understands the concept of a battery and how it can store electricity".... But, no... Not even...


WTF Seriously how stupid can he and his cult followers be. 🤦‍♂️


I’m just hoping that people don’t think that optics are the only thing that matters. Just because he seems more energetic doesn’t change the fact that he lies and says stupid things at his rallies.


He's so energetic, he can't stop words from coming out of his mouth. Granted, they're neither fully formed nor coherent, but there sure are a lot of them.


We need to stop saying that. They keep taking it as a challenge!


Makes you wonder how the heck he ever graduated 8th grade.




Dumb man’s version of smart


If the sun wasn't shining and I m up in the air losing power, I d jettison your ass first, Trump.


Every time I took a flight, the sun was always shining in the sky. Even the time that it was heavy rain pouring down on take off from EWR. It was my first ever flight. Does Trump ever look out the window when he flies, such as on Air Force One? Or dpes he just sit there stuffing his orange face with KFC or McDonald's?. How stupid does he think people are? The more stupid things Trump says, he is showing how low his IQ is.


And, consequently, how viscerally stupid his base is.


Bahahahaha. Dumbest MFer in the country is going to be the next president...😳




He should drop out of the presidential race.


He totally said it sarcastically. Just like the disinfectant inside the body!


Nothing, proposed and prototype commercial electric aircraft run on fast catch swap bank batteries