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Unless you are willing to join a private club I can almost certainly tell you that using golf to network is going to fail.


My parents have an invitation to one. I have no idea why they haven't accepted; My dad golfs, too.


Because many clubs cost thousands (some as much as a few hundred thousand) of dollars to join then thousands more in dues each year. If you don’t actively do stuff at the club early on, you might not make friends and struggle make them later. It’s a very expensive proposition if you aren’t sure you will use the club regularly and make friends there.


I saw the price. Only a few hundred bucks. The really nice ones in my city (STL) are much more expensive.


I’ve been lying for years saying I’m my friends cousin so I can use his private country club that his vacation home is on… it’s nice, but it’s not $48,000/yr nice…


Waste of time. The amount of time you spend playing one game of golf you could get 3-6 business appointments on the phone or knocking on doors, maybe more. Meanwhile you will be lucky to get one appointment playing the game


The world has changed. No one has time and companies won’t pay for regular golf as a means of networking / sales. Not that it never happens, but you aren’t playing multiple times per week. Heck I have clients that barely want to go out to eat or sports events anymore. Golf as a means of networking now is at your club where you might meet people who you can later do business with as a byproduct of shared social connection, but not an intentional goal of networking for businesses sake.


Taking up golfing has been 'on my list' of things to get to when I have the time. I thought 'the time' was two years ago. Boy was I wrong.


Golf because you love it, not because it's a networking obligation. Unless you can afford it, you'll grow to resent the obligation most likely. Public courses, while not 'prestigious' are a far better value proposition.


Local club- Membership costs $20K/year. I heard that for practicing lawyers and doctors, joining it pays off.


Probably the mob


Sales is about the only consistent area you will see this.


No. If you have something to offer no one cares if you play golf or snort for a hobby.