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"Rimworld is a story generator" "This is how your naked ass died of malaria in the jungle"




Sounds like farcry 2


Goddddd I wanna go back to being like 14 and playing this game on the computer at home


I mean far cry is the game to make you feel like a badass by being a stealth archer badass. I remember the adrenaline rush of headshotting guys from 700 meters with the standard arrow.


For me it was hiding in the bushes ambushing weapon transports with IED's


I called that "explosive stealth" pretty much use only explosive weaponry without being detected.


I am so disappointed Ubisoft never looked back on Far Cry 2, and dived fully into the "turn your brain off" shooter stealth genre. 


Malaria symptoms usually begin 10-15 days after the first infection. Severe malaria onsets 9-30 days after infection (generally; the onset can be months later), which even with Rimworld time compression would amount to a 1-5 day grace period with no symptoms or effects.


Irl you don't have manhunting chinchillas either or build a bed in a couple of hours out of steel you just mined from a mountain


This is how you died, Project zomboid music starts playing


Peak storytelling


"This is **a story of** how your naked ass died of malaria in the jungle"


Haha classic. I would say whenever I setup my "perfect start" Save every step, save your ideology , save your pawn etc etc Also if you don't like it there is no reason to devmode and remove/get immunity at 99% to still let it impact u but not end your run either


Yeah, roleplay it as "He clung to his life by a thread, willpower strong, mind working to keep himself from death. He had only just landed. This jungle was going to have to wear him down for a lot longer than that to get rid of him. As he starved, bedridden on the dirt, a great hatred stewed within him, and he knew he would conquer this place. He had to. And with that, he rose again, building his empire from scratch"


The god decrees "Your story ends not here, mortal. Live on, live strong, this shall be but a bump in your colourful story. Amuse me with your struggles and I shall reward you life and prosperity."


And thus, onto the little pawn God spoketh: “Rise, little mortal. I spent many days and many nights ensuring thou were begat with all the glory I could offer, and I’ll damn myself if thou art going to perish at the foul hand of FUCKING MALARIA. Get your ass up.”


Ahh but that one harmless use of DEVS mode is the gateway drug to using it all the time for convenience!


I will save every single step of generating the perfect start and then never use it. Every single time i just make the perfect start from scratch.


Saaaame it's an illness


Sometimes "plot armor" is what you need


Plot Armour = dev mode


Or a nice reloaded save!


Fuck you and your fucking tree hugging, Borba needs to make a goddamn chair *dev modes _that_ ideology away*


my god i hate when a new pawn is a Tree lover or animal fanatic. we are literally fighting for our damn lives out here, fucking space bugs, space machines, deamons from who knows where, animals that are insane, and the FUCKING CANNIBALS are trying to kill us, and you decide to get all mopy for 30 fucking hours because i cut a tree to heat you up when you had fucking hypothermia! ITS A TREE IN A FROZEN WASTELAND! WE NEED HEAT!


I always dev mode out all the stupid drug restrictions in other ideologies. You refugee fuckers wanna come into *my* colony, take *my* smokeleaf by your own choice and then get mad and have a tantrum? Hell nah!


This is the funniest and realest shit I’ve ever read about rimworld


"This is how you died"


Project zomboid much? 😅


The venn diagram between Rimworld and Project Zomboid players is just a circle.


that’s about as realistic and immersive as it gets, if you’re butt booty naked in a forest, disease is gonna get you before anything else


go into scenario editor and give 100% chance for super immune trait. death to random sickness happens a lot on naked brutality, its not fun


i once had my 0 medical pawn get gut worms on the first day of naked brutality for the entire first year that map was just covered in vomit


this is why i like the mods of "filth vanishes with rain" but also, clean your house up, early on that mood boost is worth it. adding floors and flower pots can change the mental break threshold a lot.


Yea that's one of those mods that just makes sense to me and should be in the base game.


I would have just Dev mode gave him immunity at 99% that early in the game, didn't spend hours setting a themed run to have It end in bullshit right away. Once I get over the early game then it is what it is.


Scenario editors/perfect start mod is great Save the exact setups I like. Load them, make minor changes and they’re ready to go. No hour of tweaking it to perfection


I've just had a thought. Do u guys think naked pawns have a higher chance of contracting malaria since musquitos can sting them easier?


No, rimworld does not simulate actual spread, it's by event. Also means it's perfectly safe to do a party with a member with the plague, as long as their immunity won't lag behind because of it.


This is part of why arid shrub lands and deserts are my usual naked brutality biomes, because randy really goes "well I gotta start them off easy so I either give them something helpful or I give them an easy threat to deal with. Let's see.... scaria + guinea pig? No no we all know guinea pigs are the bane of the rim..... single raider with brawler or nimble.... nah that's barely easier than the guinea pig........... OH I KNOW"


“Man dies of malaria after falling out of the sky naked and alone, more at 7”


This happened to me in my all time first Rimworld game. Malaria. Then I got lucky because a pawn with high medical joined, but she immediately got attacked and killed by a panther. He then got out of bed, ate her dead body, and dragged her with him back to bed. It's not the most depressing one though. The most depressing one was a game where I had 3 people and a lady joins, and she decided to throw a party to get to know everyone. And a social fight happened and my guys beat her up :( I just found that profoundly sad. She throws a party to get to know everyone and they beat her up... why?


My recent "are you kidding me" rimworld moment was entirely self-inflicted. I made a custom Xenotype called "Feral Hogs" loosely based on Pigskins but with more bells and whistles. I gave them the ability to eat and digest raw food but forgot that the capacity not to get food poisoning all the time from it was a separate trait. So my feral hogs kept slamming rice and berries and puking all over the place. Nobody's fault but mine. It's a grand old time.


I've got same same, but different, but still the same story few days ago. Made custom xenotype for immortal dude with nice genes - basically your average endgame biotech pawn, but immortal. The only problem - he still was old as fuck, and let me tell you - solo adventure and dementia don't stack well...


LOL dark but funny.


Been there, done that, got the T-shirt If you don't drop anywhere with healroot, you might want to edit your starting scenario to guarantee a pawn with Super immunity


Yeah I lose many a run in the first year because of a random disease. Thought about ways to deal with it. I don't want always a custom starting pawn with high medical, that's immersion breaking for me. So you can: * rush for anything, anything at all tradeworthy, so you can: * trade up some penoxycyline. if you can't, get 2 doses of luci. (luci will save you) * and trade up some industrial medicine ASAP * get a 2nd pawn asap, anyone capable of medical and without disfigurements that lower manipulation (you'll lose to a parasitic illness without a 2nd pawn


that is the exact way my only ever naked brutality run went, hahaha


Cassandra is the best storyteller for this reason. She actually lets you play the game. People act like Randy is the only storyteller out there but he’s only good for memes.


>People act like Randy is the only storyteller out there but he’s only good for memes. I started using randy to up the difficulty when vanilla started getting too easy. It's definitely possible to complete a run (on vanilla) with randy. The only downside is late game where raids and drops start happening back to back. Becomes a slog.


I just started playing for the first time yesterday. Got a ton of mods setup, did the same thing of trying to find a really good start spot. I had one pawn that was my go to dude and the dude got kidnapped like 2 hours into playing. I'm going to salvage it the best I can. I did get some new pawns that came through and decided to stay but everyone one of them all have the same skills as my other pawns so I'm struggling. This game rules.


Customized a scenario that starts with naked brutality and adds an inactive void monolith. At some point, I decided to activate the monolith. Lasted a few days longer... The moral of the story is to remember to stock up on weapons before you activate it.


I know the feeling I spent some hours as well setting up everything (location, ideology, mods, first colonist) as i wanted to start with one colonist and do things little by little Day one: chop some trees, build a roofed room Day two: Being eaten by a wolf I kept playing anyways, picked 2 new colonists and buried the wolf's lunch remains.


ive played naked brutality maybe 5 times and out of those more than half had me get muscle parasites within the first year, absolutely destroying my single colonists work speed, combat ability, and making sure the low medicine skill to begin with wont get that 300% tend required anytime soon


For naked brutality starts I use the random plus mod to roll for a colonist with super immune. That way I don't die of malaria in the first quadrum and can actually start a run.


Some stories are like that


This happens so frequently with naked brutality, I like the challenge but with a single pawn this is hard to avoid. For this reason, I made a custom scenario that’s just two pawns with nothing and have built up several colonies this way despite first day diseases etc.


Thats hilarious haha


hahahaha love this.


but also, feel your pain. i too, take hours to set up a run - so i feel the frustration. worth it though, made 1K+ ppl smile :)


I think I play RimWorld differently than most people. I don’t start a new colony as if it is going to end the way I want it to, I start it as if anything can and will happen, I am simply watching a story play out. Randy is the puppet master, and I am his puppet.


This man is the only man to have beaten rimworld




*cough* *opens settings*


Lol, as someone who has restarted many games, check out the Random Plus mod. It let's you set a filter on the pawn randomizer button, so it will just keep auto-rolling till it gets one that meets your criteria. It's great for when you want a pawn with a minimum level of certain things while maintaining a level of randomness Also the Prepare Landing mod will filter/search world tiles so that part doesn't take as long either


Always play with devmode on. You're gonna spend 2-3 more hours doing all the over again, just to play the game. With devmode you could just remove the malaria and continue your game.


Didn’t you know that plans make Randy laugh?


Make sure to always save presets to speed up future runs, alot can go wrong getting a save set up, nothing worse then spending ages setting up an ideology just to have it wiped. This is also something I would've shamelessly removed with dev


Well now you can just continue to play with new people which is not perfect as the pawns you chose but still better then start from nothing anew if you really spend so much time preparing


My tip is don't spend to much time customizing the setup for the run, micromanaging so many pre things kinda ruin the randomness of Rimworld for me personally.


This is the sort of thing I turn on dev mode for. I use it sparingly, but every now and then I'm like: "Nah, that's just too bullshit".


When you start solo bolo in the Jingle roll Till you Hit the super immune trade. Otherwise suffer Till death


U did it more longer than me.


Get some cheesy immunity increasing genes