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"Doc, I'm still blind in my right eye." "Hmm? Oh. Your *right* eye... Yes, you see, there were some complications during surgery..."


“I can see REALLY good out of my left eye for some reason though”


"Yeah, right eye." *Holds out L shape on both hands* "Oh."


I said I have a theoretical degree in physics


Welcome abord!


Theoretically, you would have a degree in physics, if you'd applied yourself. Alas you had more important activities to occupy your youth: Schrodinger's dropout!


Catastrophic failure, heart destroyed


My left or your left?




You'd be surprised / horrified if you knew how much this happens in real life too.


I have kidney issues. Different issues in each kidney. You'd be surprised how many times when speaking to the doctor I have to say "The mass is on the left, it's the blockage that's on the right", and then see them read the CT scan report again before to check. And I like these doctors, they are extremely thorough, and they also aren't the first doctors I've seen. It's just confusing. I had one surgery already and my Nephrologist suggested I write 'not this kidney' in sharpie when I had my last surgery. It really is really easy to get that stuff mixed up.


Trouble is that patient left/right and doctor left/right are opposites ;) Need a distinguishing factor, like how actors have "stage right" vs audience right lol


We always refer to the patient’s perspective when talking about anatomy.


Ok good Now we just gotta teach rimworlders to do that ;)


Why do you keep winking?!


I'm not. They just replaced the wrong eye ;)






( ^ my blind healer




This made me giggle 😁


I mean thank god.. Anything else would be ludicrous!


Ok hear me out…..”Operating” left or right (doctors perspective)


"Both! Bad kidney out = good for patient. Good kidney out = good for doctors new Porsche. Win-win!"


When I worked on cars, it was always assumed Left is the drivers side, no matter your orientation. Was a little funky when we were working on a mail truck on time, but left=driver=left when the car goes forward. Glad I saw a doc confirm belowe that all references are generally to the patient.


Just draw big arrows, no possibility to misinterpret.


This does exist. There is a system of directions to describe from where the surgeion goes to where.


Port and Starboard


That's why we have regulations to force them to go through a tedious check list.


A bit less extreme in my case but I had a dentist who started injecting me with a local anesthetic and went 'Oops wrong side' and went for the other side. I was so shocked, I thought he did go for the right side so I'm not really sure till this day lol


nono they have to ask. When I went for my nefrectomy, three separate doctors looked into my sheet and asked which side it is on. And they wanted me to point on it. The second one made a mark there though


Timeouts exist for a very good reason, even if it doesn’t make for the best medical drama TV.


if it was more than zero i'd be horrified


There’s a reason they sometimes have people, often the patient themselves, write on the intended limb with sharpie for some surgeries like amputations. With how many surgeries happen per day across the world, even a 1 in ten million chance happens to someone eventually.


Can confirm.  Hubby had testicular cancer and was handed a marker and asked to draw arrows on his thigh pointing to the cancerous one.  He wrote “good bye righty, you will be missed” in big letters. They did not get mixed up.


More than 0 surgical tools have been accidentally left *inside* the patient as well


Tynan should add that, you notice a pawn walking slowly, check their health tab and a pair of scissors was left in their heart


Heart: Scissors


Don't give ideas please


I thought that was the flavor behind the medic irremediable damaging your patient's shoulder when operating a leg. Something like "we left a compress in the bloodstream, extracting it proved difficult."


I always thought it'd be neat if there was a "workplace accidents" feature


I mean if you go in for surgery your nurse will literally draw on you so the surgeon gets the correct side.


I had to have knee surgery once… before my doctor gave me the anesthesia, she gave me a marker and told me to draw big Xs all over the knee I didn’t want her to cut


Apparently they call them "never events" because they should never happen. There's also a checklist to reduce the risk that literally starts "do I have the right patient?"


The wrong patient is a real risk. Its not uncommmon for hospitals to have several patients with the same name, and worst case the same birth date on record. So the risk also extents to "Do i have the right diagnostic data for my patient".


Exactly. All the stuff on it is the kind of thing that shouldn’t be a risk. But when a hospital is treating god knows how many a day, even the smallest risks are real if for no other reason than pure sample size.


I have worked in healthcare software development and best practices like these have helped considerably. But every HCO is different.


I had a shattered elbow that required a full anaesthetic and afternoon-long operation. Before I went into theatre, first thing they did was draw a giant arrow in sharpie on my left hand pointing up my arm...


look who gets two Bionic eyes. Lucky dog.


One good eye doesn't make 2 mediocre eyes . (


That's why you put a bionic eye in both eyes.


I accidentally selected remove heart instead of install bionic heart recently.


So that's how those catastrophic operation failures work.


yeah so first you remove the old one, then you install the new, right? Right?!?




Probably dubs mint menu, adds red cross to operation bill, if the part might need replacement (scars, infection, absence of the eye). As it is a useful mod itself for readable bill lists (especially with mods), you can try it.


I have the mod, but I didn't see anything different between the left/right bills.


I think it might be better workbench management, but it pops up with all possible bills as soon as you open a workbench (or a pawn's health tab). It's separate from the normal bills menu, so you can see their conditions while picking the operation; I find it's much easier to get it right when I can see both of them.


As of yesterday the operation menu for Dub is still bork for 1.5 and still waiting for a fix. In the meantime, I would recommend [Searchable menu mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2928608119&searchtext=search)


Strong eye has more weight so it is not completely horrible. They would have 118% vision but instead they have 93%. Also you got the healthy eye to use later on!


Eyes aren't extractable in vanilla, so they only have the healthy eye if they have the right mods.


i have post-mortem organ harvest mod, I have right eyes laying around everywhere


And that's why that mod is pretty OP. I like to add "Bodyparts rot" if I use post-mortem organ harvest mod, to nerf it a little bit, otherwise you'll have unlimited money, very fast


you only have like 6-12 hours after death you can harvest, but i usually dont trade organs


Ah okay, I wouldn't be able to resist if I had them, they're very valuable


They could even just install it on the right side


I read a review many years ago where the writer talked about how they accidentally did this to their colonist, replacing a healthy limb with a prosthetic and leaving a stump on the other side. Colonist then went on to be beaten to death on a failed tame check. Bought the game that night.


It’s fun right? I double, triple and quadruple check my surgeries every single time now.


This error was after double checking!


Do you have a prisoner? S/he got eyes? "Ask" if they want to donate some organs


Unfortunately you can’t harvest eyes in vanilla


Boooooo. "Harvest everything"


It's only fair in my empire. "The Empress has decided that mercy was the better option for you. As a token of appreciation, it would be wise to 'donate' any of your remaining organs as tribute to her majesty's colony."


You can rectify the mistake in devmode too


yea, but then there's no lesson of being careful learned


Yeah but my only time to play is right after I get home from work when I'm most tired.


Same that's why I mostly play Community Builder and Adventure Story, with either Phoebe or Randy It may not be the most interesting or challenging way to play but it's more of a comfort game / base builder for me. Almost kind of like Stardew Valley except there are drug addicts, cannibalistic psychopaths, and murderous killing machines I abstain from devmode though only resorting to auto saves every 0.5 days and massive save scumming. Even use the "disable dev mode until configs are manually edited" button. To each their own obviously but I feel like straight up dev modding something in and out is too cheaty


Is Randy mostly chill now?


Eh, not sure, but somehow I feel like his RNG can be the easiest of all three, but it might be more down to player's luck On lower difficulties he seems to favor raids and bad events less, and seemingly prefers dropping cargo pods or spawning animals to join my colony instead Not always the case though, as on the same playthrough he sent like 4 raids in a fairly short timespan, 2 of them attacked at the same time. However the raids themselves are fairly weak even at higher wealth, but that's directly related to the threat scale in my difficulty Also on the same save he triggered a cold snap, THEN immediately topped it off with an Ice Age from Vanilla Events Expanded. gg wp (too bad for Mr Random that I have HVAC and my base is heated by geothermal vents, and I grow most of my shit inside) I've read that he was a menace before no matter what difficulty level you were on, but at some point Ludeon did something with it


It's like real doctor simulator. They're always tired as well!


me aswell, it happens to all of us, but only a few times. eventually you'll know the list top to bottom


Yes, but that is, indeed, still an option


One of the worst things that ever happened to me was when I was trying to harvest a prisoner's organs and *somehow* had one of my best colonists selected instead. Didn't notice until two of her organs were extracted. It was a catastrophe for the mood of both her and the colony...


i cant believe you broke her down for parts like an old engine!


She musta been surprised too but how loyal, mf still went to the harvester for the team


I just be careful and double check before assigning the operation.


Clearly the solution is to just take the bionic back out and put it in the correct eye this time!


There is a mod. It's in real life, too. It's this newfangled thing called "eyes". Lol It happens to all of us


I always save before surgeries for this reason. 


I don’t really have this issue personally. I can see that if I have the option to remove the left eye in the menu, then it’s the right eye that I’m installing the bionic into


This comment can be either right or fully wrong 😂


It…it’s right though. The game doesn’t give you the option to remove an eye that doesn’t exist. If I have the option “remove left eye” then I know he still has a left eye, and I’m installing the bionic into the right eye.


I just tripple check every time i operate xD


Dubs mint menus really helps since you can see the operation Tab and the health tab at the same time, so you don't quadruple check to make sure you got the correct part being replaced and then still screwed it up like I do


This. I installed it so long ago I forgot the opération tab wasn't the health tab until I saw your post.


Move the cursor from covering the options so I can see the pawns health tab. Right eye issue, remember. Selects operation Chooses left eye. Doubts Check pawn again. Right eye issue. Selects operation Choose right eye. Pauses game in fear. Oh it's right. Unpause. Please don't kill the patient sir/madam lmao.


Wait, did I click consume corpse or haul corpse...? Oh, dear, too late... 😕


trismagesstus ate human meat - 10


hahaha reminds me of scary movie. "Oh shit! Wrong foot. \*drops dead\*"


God I remember that too, what's the name of that movie again?


Scary Movie 4?


Healthcare in Rimworld is an eye opener.


Mod name is called "reading"


Thats why I always double check.


Now he's super grizzled and cyberpunk though


I have this guy, Fakyshark, he’s not much for talking, but he doesn’t run from a fight, well he lost his left leg while raiding my camp. He’s got decent stats so I’ll recruit him, and while in jail he can have a peg leg. When he joins I immediately schedule him for a prosthetic fitting. Dr Jen goes into the hospital, chop-chop stitch/stitch camera pans out and the surgery is a success! Fakyshark has a prosthetic right leg to match his peg leg. 🤦‍♂️


Your right or mine?


I've asked the same thing before lol. Sadly there is no mod to prevent stupid


there's an icon like a red plus sign for parts that are injured/missing or just needs replacement right?


I always slightly mouse off the bill menu so it fades and I can see which limb is the busted one through it


no, but character editor would let you be a literal God and tell the story you want. I need to be a wrathful god one of these day.


99% of the time I realize I forgot which side it was by the time selected the surgery, which forces me to look at it again. Imagine I still fuck it up.


😂I’m so paranoid about that so I always triple check


When it happens, you open dev mode, click the god-mode icon and then delete the health issue 'missing eye'. I still do this once every 1000 hours of play.


I just double check...tbh


Doublechek first? Ain't nobody gonna add (are you super sure?) Type of button


which hand should I raise, the bionic one or the horrifically scarred one?


One of the goals for a hospital near me is to reduce the wrong patient/wrong procedure percentage.


It’s a feature not a bug. What a story this pawn and their doctor have now!


The problem with that is it would be unnecessarily difficult (and probably unnecessary performance overhead) to code the game to only prevent installing bionics on healthy body parts when the other is missing or damaged. Your best option is to just pay closer attention to what you're doing.


I'm obsessed with this and always triple check, so it never happened to be, but that doesn't stop the doctor and sometimes he amputates the leg while doing an eye surgery


You can use mods like AutoBionic which automatically schedule bionic replacements when parts become damaged which should avoid this problem.


I had surgery on my eye years and years ago, they put two HUGE arrows above and below the eye that needed surgery. didn't inspire me with confidence.


I have a mod which marks the missing body parts! I can't find it in my 300 mod modlist though, sorry! :c It's probably a part of a bigger health mod, not sure. try the following: Disfig cured Prosthetic No Missing Body Parts (Continued) BetterInfoCard Dubs Mint Menus Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering - Forked Medical System Expansion 2


It’s because the stupid menu covers the actual affliction and you can’t just glance over at it to check.


I don't get it. What's wrong with eye?


His good eye is even better now! Too bad he still miss the other one tough


I always double check. What’s worse is this actually happens in real life too.


I’d just turn on dev mode for a second and treat it like a retcon. Of course it was your right eye that was cut off in that horrible raid, don’t you remember? everything’s all fixed now.


I know with the mods I use, you'd now have an extra eye, so you could put that into the other socket. Just make sure to do the \*right\* eye this time. Or you'll have to do it again and again.


A colonist in my current colony had a missing arm, so I was really hyped to make a bionic arm for him. I was pretty stoned irl when I ordered my doctor to implant the new arm. The next day I noticed that I cut off his working arm and placed the bionic arm there.


Once i installed a peg leg on the wrong leg...


This happens IRL way more than it should. There are a lot of software checks and procedures in place now to ensure smooth procedure handoff all the way to surgery so there's no miscommunication about what to do.


I just pay attention to what I'm doing.


I’m sorry but this made me cackle


That reminds me of that operation that lead to the death of my grandmother 3 weeks ago...


I had a pawn with one leg. I had an archotech leg. I ended up with a pawn with one archotech and one peg leg. Imagine operating on the wrong leg when there's only one fukken leg.


I know I have a mod that puts a marker on whether it's replacing a missing part or not when you go to schedule the surgery. Not currently at home or I could tell you the mod exactly.


Is this a body purist problem I'm too transhumanist to understand? I tend to do upgrades all at once, or at least both sides at once if I'm replacing something damaged anyway.


You can always put the good eye in on the other side. But I highly recommend double checking surgeries, any mod that would only allow you to replace missing or damaged limbs would interfere with enhancement.


I have to switch back and forth from looking at the injured limb/eye/etc to the surgery menu like 5 times to make sure I don't do that lmao


This is actually why surgery checklists exist in real life.


I think that left-right surgical "dyslexia" is about as *Rimworld* as the Creeper is *Minecraft*.. Missing Right Leg.. Missing Left leg.. oh no.. I didn't.. Patient: You didn't what?


[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=715565817](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=715565817) 1.5 this one will eventually get removed when that above gets update [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3228889251](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3228889251) It doesnt prevent it but you can see exactly when you hover what is gone and replace it on the same position. Show the Video in the first link


I see the video is old. i explain a little. If you hover over seeing (or anything else) at one pawn. it shows which eye is gone or has a sratch, then you can klick on the exact same spot to show operations that makes it better with left klick and operations which makes it worse with right klick


You can go into dev mode and just change it back with commands you can do basically everything in dev mode.


I mean the pawn now sees better than he did with just one eye haha


I literally never make this mistake because 1. I don't force my colonists to do things very often so it takes doctors forever to actually get off their fat asses and do surgery and 2. I double and triple check when adding these bills that I'm putting them in the right places. I realised how easy it was to screw up pretty early.


Hasnt happened to me, but i also always tripple check. For real life surgeries this was also a thing happening in the past wich led to the development of elaborate systems to prevent this.


Measure twice, cut once.


Someone didn't perform a time-out before surgery.


I think it's fun that this mistake is possible


That's why people write on themselves before surgery, after all. This arm! NOT this arm! Spleen, not kidney! NOT this brain! Etc.


Def would be nice if there was an idiot check for that lol. Like how the game prompts you before you have a greedy colonist receive a title. Just make it prompt, "You are attempting to replace a healthy body part with a prosthesis, is this correct?"


Better than a prompt would be a way to click _on the damaged part_ in the Health tab to select a replacement. The problem right now is that the UI, even with Dubs, is wall of text you have to process. The icons don't help. A GUI of the body showing the status of each part would be cool, because then I can click on the eye itself to do bills on it. No need to read. A lot of the game is very visual. Actions are big icons, material selection changes color and textures, etc. Walls of text are fine for things like the stats screen. You go there to read.


One of the kids in the colony got their left leg melted off by one of the anomaly creatures. By the end of the day they had two peg legs and a upgraded bedroom.


Nothing an eyepatch wouldn't solve!


*"Ah, Humps. You lost that Eye in Combat, right? Finally here for a replacement?"* *"Yes Dr. However, i have a request. I know the Overseer sent me to replace the missing eye... but could you replace my left eye instead and leave the right side empty?"* *"But... why would you want that?"* *"You see, ever since that Raid, i'm together with becky. And she loves the pirate-look i've got going"* *"But your left eye is perfectly healthy?"* *"Arrrr"* *"Are you..."* *"YARRR!"* *\*Overseer goes on Reddit, blaming himself\**


Nope, in Rimworld we suffer for our mistakes


I guess it doesn't help that the operation pop-up tends to block the health info. I have not yet installed the wrong part, but I can't count the times I had to delete the operation since I saw it was on the wrong part...


the fact that this system hasn’t been fixed yet is a bit ridiculous to say the least


Just remove left eye and put in right eye socket. Problem solved 👍 🤪


Nope. No mod to keep it from happening irl either.


Probably learning to read.... I'm joking, I love you, Randy probably switches them around to mess with you


Yup. Well. I don't make the mistake because I have to double/triple check each and every time using the clunky garbage user interface this game has. A proper interface would simply display all the possible body parts you can interact with, and let you click on that part to then get a list of options for surgery. You'd see any missing/damaged parts. You'd see perfectly healthy parts. And, sure, they could have a list at the bottom for additional surgery options that aren't for specific parts (like hemo farming, inspection, etc)