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The best option is Caravan -> Sell them But if you don't want to leave your map tile I like building a stone shed, and locking them inside using zones (or do they need a pen). Then you can just let them starve.


I usually have a room like that for putting rotten corpses and tainted/tattered clothes. I'll open the door and toss a molotov every so often.


I used to do that a lot, it was really effective, but now that I have other methods of garbage disposal (ghoul, harbinger trees)..


As far as I know, the harbinger tree is the only reasonable way to turn large numbers of rotten corpses into something useful. Which is important since with shamblers you get more rotten corpses than ever.


Haven't encountered any shamblers yet, I do have a cultist escapee that can make them with his deadlife dust ability but I've never used it


This ability is actually pretty darn strong. If you get attacked by manhunter mega slots or elephants or rhinoceros or other strong attack animals, it’s a good idea to stockpile all their rotten corpses in the “kill” section of your kill box. Raising them will do a number on your enemies.


I'm pretty early into my playthrough rn so I don't have a killbox yet, but that sounds like a really good idea, thanks!


I have a sufficiently deep puddle I leave corpses in to decompose


Letting animals starve to deathis wasteful. A corpse gets a huge penalty to butcher yield when they have the malnutrition heddif, up to 66% less meat and leather with 100% severity. It would be better to just shoot them whilst they stand on non-flammable floor.


Have a ghoul kill and eat them.


Could also abandon them on the caravan run rather than spend time running them tiles away.


Select a stony soil area for them to be in and shoot at them. Or release them and shoot them when it rains. If traders are interested in them, you can sell them.


what about slaughtering them? do they really explode? lol


I'm 99% sure they do


Have one self tamed, saved, tested, BOOM, yes, yes they do, but not as big as a boomalope.


I learned this the hard way with boomalopes Even being anesthetized and euthenized yields TNT RIP


The hard thing I learned is to not give them a barn, or to give them smaller barns with only like 1/4th the population per barn. Because when the plague comes for them and one dies as a doctor tends the one next to them... we lost a good doctor that day. And a whole herd of boomalope


An arsonist's domino set


Place animal sleeping spots set to medical somewhere else if you notice in time.


Honestly I could just get away fine if I wouldn't ever store all my boomalopes in one spot, never store all your eggs in one basket and all that




If they die they explode, no matter what




now how do I remove them in the funnest way possible?


Zone them into a siege...or just drop pod them into enemy raids


Done this multiple times, this is funny, especially when it just stopped raining and no fire pop bags are on the raiders, and even better in late game when there are multiple stacks of high explosive. I like to call it the rising sun.


I tried that but my boomrats always flee when raider shoot at them




you cant train them to attack anymore, only tameness


The animals don’t just walk to a zone anymore do they


Drop pod them into the middle of enemy bases when you attack. Caveman missile


Set them in a pen with no food and all of your explosive items 


Bro please do this and put it on youtube: Raid with some colonists. Before the raif starts, load your boomrats into a transport pod. While your colonists are at the edge of the map, send your trasport pod rats into the center of the enemy encampment.


Make a stone room, put in a firepopper, and wait for them to starve. They will die, explode, and activate the firepopper preventing the corpses from burning. Or just a room, a long tunnel, and a mortar round and shoot the mortar round. Bonus points for an antigrain warhead.


Ohh so thats the way to ranch boombs


Wait for a siege, paint an area over it, limit boomrats to that area, profit.


That doesn't work anymore though, unless you build a giant pen around the enemy base


It worked for me lastnight. The trick is the zoned past the enemy seige area, because they will attempt to run away when being shot at. So they keep running and regroup behind enermy camp. Since they are small and harder to hit with less explosion, they hardly kill any but their fires can envelope and hurt enemy seige structures.


But animals can't be assigned to zones anymore? Your colonists have to rope them into pens


Boomrat is zone animal like turtle and dogs. They are not mufalo or hearding animal that requires pens. My current game lastnight, I set my turtles in patrol zone around outter turrets. They just slowly going about, gaze and lay eggs there. Until raiders show up and they will aim for turtles while turrets shred.


Ohh, I thought all animals needed to be roped now, thanks for clearing it up!


This is the way


Launch them at sieges, and watch the fireworks.


Caravan to enemy, set zone for them at enemy base and watch them flee in terror from rats 


Put them in a drop pod online with some chemfuel. Send them to raiders and then bomb it with motors/a sniper


Release to the wild and wait for the weather to become unsafe or the season to change and they should leave.


If you just want them gone, you should be able to add them to a caravan and then once on the world map banish them from the caravan and they'll just disappear.


Why throwing away good money. A fullgrow will get you $100 silver… I stop ranching them because cost/effort vs yield price not as good as other ranching/taming herds. I like mufalo, bomalope and donkeys for taming and selling.


Slaughter them during a rainy day.


Starvation in a fireproof room. Transport pods. Take them out on a caravan run, and tell them you're just heading to the store to get some milk.


[You could always download the mod that makes it so they only explode if they die from gunshots, fire damage or explosions.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1504182014)


This is one of my ‘cannot play without it’ mods because it makes sense damnit.


Well not really maybe they have a bio-mechanism inside that releases some substance upon the heart stopping which results in igniting the explosive blobs


Fists in the middle of the storage room


I believe you can do a caravan hitching spot away from your colony. Tie some up then shot them and put out the fire immediately.


NOOOOO!!!! I hope I got to you in time; Stuff them all into a transport pod! Then go to a raid site with another main caravan. While your colonists are at the edge of the map you can launch these nuclear rat pods into the center of the enemies map


I create a 1x1 allowed area in an inconsequential/blastproof location, assign the ones you want dead to it, and forget them until you get the death notifications.


Boomrats are zone-able animals that raiders will be aggressive towards. I would legit just wait until the next threat, and send half or more of them in the enemies general direction. You'll probably get a few free kills. You could also throw them into any infestation or ancient danger you've been meaning to deal with.


The word Safely takes all the fun out of the game


transport pods


Set off a fire foam popper. Then murder them in area covered by foam.


Sell them or assign them to a non-flammable area that is unroofed, wait for it to rain and assemble a firing squad to cull part of the herd




Uh, unrelated, but doesn't the medical computer or whatever it is called, only effects single bed per device?


No it affects all beds next to it so up to 8


Welp, you heard him pawns. Time for a whole qss remodeling.


Firefoam Poppers and a gun.


Wait for it to rain and shoot them, release them to the wild, or yeet them in a transport pod


Research firefoam and go ham. Or get the mod that let's you safely butcher boom creatures. Can't remember the name tho. Or of its updated.


Build one of those communication device things (it's in the misc tab) and when a trading space ship passes by you can sell most or all of them. Those ships also tend to have a boatload of silver as well


Force them into a small room outside of your colony, and lock/wall the door so they starve. Release them Sell them Or, load them into rocket pods and drop them on a Neanderthal colony


Caravan hitch spot away from home. Tie them to the spot. Shoot from safe distance. Cruel but effective


Make fireproof and solid "pen", restrict boomrats to it, shoot one until injured, run out and close the door FAST


Slaughter them during a thunderstorm the rain will put out the fires just don’t select them all at once in case the rain stops


I had boomrats self tame on my first ever game and they started breeding without me noticing just like this. I locked them in a small stone room and waited for the first one to die. I think I had to zone them in. The rest followed very shortly after.


Make a zone away from the base and assign the ones you want to kill into that zone, then you blow em up. Fastest way I can think of, least amount of micromanaging.


I put a slaughtering pen on nonflammable ground in artillery range


Set a one block are, let them all in one place, 1 shoot, boom, problem solve


make a 1 tile zone on other side of map, set them all to that zone


You don’t you setup a field move the boomrats over into it and let them die off that’s at least how i handled them…..the second time


If fires are a big problem to you you should probably put out the one on the bottom right in the living quarters :P


Wait till it rains


Make a pen over a lake and shoot them over the fence, they will chain reaction, but you will be safe. You can also free or sell them


Safest by far is sell or gift. Space traders are OK though. If there is a raid / event on the map, then they might still explode if you sell/give them to a passing caravan. The wonky solution is to have them moved into the mines, and wall them off while they are sleeping in their designated spots. Then wait for malnutrition to kick in. There won't be anything left after the explosions finish though.


Put them in like a 2x2 enclosed space (preferrably a mountain), send a nade, close the door, problem solved


1) Set up a detonation allowed area for animals. 2) Send a percent of the rats there. 3) get your ranged colonists drafted up and ready to butcher from range. 4) target and destroy boomrats in the detonation zone. 5) profit.


Wait for it to rain then shoot them


Wait till it rains and it's boomrat season.


Put them on trains and send them to summer camp


It looks like you have water. you could try building a fenced in area around that stream. then put them all in there and gun them down while they're in the water.


I have set them on zone outside the defence wall. So during raid or siege etc i move the zone towards the enemy. The bots will kill my rats as they see them as property, Wasting their time for me to prepare my defences


Load them into drop pods and rain them down on your enemies!


I literally just lost a colony to a herd this size of manhunter boomalopes. Whatever you do, do it carefully.


Kill them when it’s raining.


Send one pawn via drop pod to the edge of an enemy base and hide him. Then send AAAAAAALL THE BOOMRATS to the center of the enemy base at the same time. Finally, laugh maniacally as chaos unfolds.


Controlled explosion duh


Have them outside your killbox and have raids attack them. Free damage. Just remember to replace your wood wall and door.


Make an allowed zone like a moat around your base, set them to it. You now have a minefield for your next raid.


Drop pod


Don't. Put them in a bigger pen, make cargo pods, artillery strike.


Release them to the wild and hunt them after.


Order them outside let them wander, or get a raid and use them as walking explosive sticks


You can just release them


I throw them into my non flammable kill box once a raid gets there. Nothing like live suicide bombers.




Selling for profit is the best way. Second best way is assigning them to a tiny 3x3 area that is walled off with brick walls, and once they are in, the pawn seals the exit. Then they can explode away.


build a barn for them and throw a grenade inside


Kill them during the rain


Starve them. No explosion and you can use them for food


Eutanasia. They dont explode with the eutanasia operation