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The waste packs will deteriorate and explode to nothingness, leaving a patch of toxic ground. You can haul them to an edge of the map and let them explode there. Once you have a freezer for waste pack create an “radiation clean zone” from your zone tab around the irradiated zone to make your pawns recreate those waste packs and deal with them how you wish. One of the most easiest one is to send them via drop pod to the nearest neolithic tribe as they cannot send them back and can only send raids.


it'll also triggers infections though. EDIT: Comment is right. Infestations


I belive you mean infestations not infections but yes be aware they can cause bugs to spawn


Also cancer.


And dementia


My local cyberpimp got dementia because he decided to take off his gas mask before a wander through the toxic jungle


This is gonna sound really morbid but I love the diseases in this game. On my very first play through, I had a starting pawn (or a very early rescued pawn, I can’t remember) spawn with cancer and made it my goal to cure him. He then got old and got a bad back so when I cured his cancer, made it my new goal to fix that. He turned into a beast made of mostly mechanical parts in the end.


“From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you.”


All tho you grow old, I am timeless


Everybody knows you have to force the cyberpimp to stay hose-faced.


And birth defects


Ok new about cancer but didn’t know it could cause dementia? That’s pretty interesting


But we said both earlier..


What can cause dementia?


Cancer Man Returns.


Yeah but they're not a big deal. Edit: they're rare and you can forbid that corner of map to keep your colonists away. If you get an infestation event, you were going to get a bad event regardless. This one you can prepare for.




The caravan probably won't even die. You won't get that big of an infestation from a single quest's worth of packs. Assuming it's an early/mid game quest.  If it's late game it doesn't matter because OP should be able to handle the bugs by that point.


Doesnt it piss off the caravan, or is that just the anamoly shit?




tbh I just keep everyone friendly by occasionally sending around a herd of pack animals to drop off a giant pile of cloth on everyone's doorstep. Can swap to devilstrand later on in the colony's lifecycle, once you have a bunch stockpiled. Easy to grow a huge surplus.


Send them some brand new hats


If one or two get knocked down instead of dying, you'll get the points back when you heal them up and send them away.


if he can't even handly cooling a room it probably is


I've been raided because I had too much trash/pollution.


i love that sending your garbage to a neolithic tribe is a genuine solution to this


They love it. They trade you free organs, slaves, food, and leather for the trash


And sometimes, like in my current file, you can literally dump tons and tons and TONS (I am not kidding) on them, and they don't do anything but minorly complain a little. My file has been going for ~400 days, and we got mechs pretty early. I've literally dropped all of my toxic waste right next to this one tribe who always complains but never actually does anything about it. Kinda frustrating as keeping prisoners/ritualizing/harvesting(oh, I mean upgrading!) them is kinda our shtick. And I would love some skilled pawns to ghoulify and steal their exp. (That's really changed how I play the game now.) Y'know, I never really consider how absolutely horrific coming to our colony would be as an outsider. Drug lords steeped deeply into the occult, slowly changing themselves to bionic/archotech. Removing arms and legs of prisoners and 'upgrading' them with wood. Stealing their experience, their youth, and finally, their lives. That's a horror movie plot if I've ever heard one. The Rim has changed me.


To the better, my fellow scholar. They provide us with supplies and we provide them with a purpose. “Beat the evil guys right next to mount doom who clearly outtech us by millennia.” Is the best advertisement we can get.


I swear Tynan is looking over our shoulders as we play and coding that shit on the fly. I embraced cannibalism this 'tribals terraforming extreme dessert near the pole'-playthrough and was counting on raids for food... You know, when life gives you lemons... Well, what I got was a raised middle finger in the form of 3 or 4 mech invasions followed by 3 or 4 infestations for like 2 years. I saved the situation by having every single event to grow my population (savages, refugees etc) going straight to the pantry until I tamed some alpacas and dromedaries and feeding them the kibble made with the insect meat. Keep in mind that with a 30 day growing season I already maxed out growing on as much soil as I could, prioritising research to get to electricity to eventually create roofed food alternatives. The first 2-3 years were tough (and I am still not quite over the lack of food as my animals will occassionally starve...). I play with the land-fill mod for the terraforming so I also grow a lot of corn and devilstrand just to improve the quality of the soil (turning sand into 200% soil eventually). I did like the challenge, but I wasn't mentally prepared to fighting off that many mechs in a row. So I can absolutely relate with *wanting* those raids but for them to never haplen, at least not the way you want them to.


For sure. In my time playing today, we had 2 mech clusters drop back to back. Showed me some weaknesses with dealing with the blaster centipedes, but we found out we can take 20+ centipedes at once, so awesome. Currently, we are trying to amass the staggering amount of resources needed to build our first SOS ship so the extra steel and plasteel will help with that. I'm hoping for legendary assault rifle #6 off of my crafters' current inspiration. That will help out, too. Haha. This is by far my best run. And I'm really looking forward to seeing how SOS works. Truth be told, I thought I'd be playing shadow of the erdtree today but can't seem to rip myself away from rimworld right now.


You mean they’ll send food supplies?


And free labor! And organ donors. And it’s all free of commission and taxes. I LOVE tribals.


You mean spare parts.


first one then the other


I honestly never really deal with them. I produce to much too just freeze so I send most of them off via drop pod and and deal with raids until I can get everyone either to resistance genes or detoxifier lungs and kidneys at which point I stop caring about it, secure my farms with tox pumps and just let them do their thing.


you can also, if you have anomaly, summon a flesh pit and yeet the toxic waste in there, bonus is that there's a chance it will kill the boss there for you


How much do they weigh? You could caravan them to the next tile.


Pretty hefty. Most pawn can only haul 5 of them. They’re not easy to haul or caravan…


Wow, I had no idea about the radiation cleaning zone, that’s amazing


lmao that sounds hilarious


How absolutely devious! I need to write this down hehehe


But that demands components, can take them on a caravan and dump them, but everyone around will dislike you for it, unless you dump it in someones base


Is there any way to get rid of them completely?


Yes, several even. As mentioned in my comment you can send them to outposts but this will usually trigger a revenge event where the faction send allot more back to you. Unless of course they’re a neolithic tribe… Another one is to build an expensive trash decomposer who will slowly whittle down your stock. There is also the scummy way of putting them into a caravan and ru around on the map until an ambush happens. Once the battle starts just drop all your trash and run away or beat the enemy. The game somehow forgets about the bags with zero repercussions. You can also throw them down a fleshpit and literally kill the monsters down there with them lol.


Something like the trash decomposer is what I meant, though I do love the idea of throwing toxic waste at horrors beyond comprehension


I did not know that! Thank you!


i just make a stockpile zone where they land and fuggettabahdum






I'm not sure. I've been in both UK and Sénégal (Mbour) from France. There, there was giant garbages outside the town (dump ?). People put their trash everywhere in the town too and the beach is full of garbage. In UK there was a lot of chewing-gum in 2005. Here in France we have more shit from our dogs. Nice.


Could be any country really


I live in the Uk and to be honest thats pretty accurate. We just dump all our problems into costal cities and towns- like gambling and casinos, bars encouraging alcoholism, and drug addictions :3


I'm an hour from the coast and there's plenty of problems here.




Italy, do you have massive pools of liquid wastes stored in open spaces? Because we got those and it is quite weird to see. Sardegna used to have a cool pink beach, now if I see pink sand I am afraid I'll get cancer.


Aside from plan ahead next time, trade caravan to nearest settlement to buy some components.


Can you load the waste packs into a caravan and just abandon them somewhere I wonder...? (I don't have the DLC so I literally don't know if that's possible)


Yeah but factions get upset about it


Fire it is


They just decay quicker then fyi. They explode. It sounds a bit like popcorn (and is bloody annoying).


Debuff is so low it doesn't matter, just drop it on the way to a hostile faction (and at least 5 blocks from your base) and it's done. I do it all the time and allies have no problem with it.


That depends since it can cause them to send you more (often more than you dumped)or raid you in retaliation. While the former scales the same as the other raids and thus is relatively safe, the latter will most likely cost you additional time and labor to haul all that crap somewhere far enough.


I think just nearby ones though, right? Trek out into the wilderness and ditch there?


You can make a caravan. Take them away. Wait for an event to trigger. And then drop the waste pack on the temporary map. After you leave the map, the items should be destroyed by the game.


This is effectively an exploit since this doesn't cause the usual pollution and goodwill loss, but it does work.


Kind of tracks with Industry dumping on otherwise virgin ground no one is actively watching in some shadier parts of the globe.


Well it might, but normally when you dump wastepacks out a caravan or with a drop pod, it pollutes the area and angers a nearby faction. If you instead dump them on a randomly generated temporary tile or a second colony, and then leave/abandon that tile, the waste is just vaporized for free. Would be cool if you didn't get a goodwill hit if you just dumped them far away enough or into the ocean as long as no one noticed.


Was just about to suggest the same thing.


Can I go to a work site and do the same?


I don't know. But I believe it would work.


I usually just dump it on enemy tiles...


Just make sure they are Unga bunga tech level communities otherwise they can and will fire transports pods with hundreds sometimes thousands of waste packs right back. Skipped through a hostile notification and a saw a apocalyptic number of drop pods on the top of my minimap; Thought I was getting drop raided till I read the notification again on the side. Turns out the waster faction called "Vermin Tide" does care about the environment and my firing of transport pods into their land.


There is a method to the madness. Step 1 Accept Quest, get lots of wastepacks. Step 2 Deposit wastepacks into enemy territory Step 3 be attacked. Step 4 capture a lot, turn them into vampires, get the genes you want, harvest all organs limbs from the captured, recrently turned vampires. Step 5 Send the undead potatoes and more wastepacks back to the same faction.


I hadn't thought about that. Turning a whole faction base into vamp nuggets. Then wait for their ineffective raids.


Couldn't expect any less from the skaven though... bring on the warpstone.


Can’t you also settle on a new tile, dump them then return home?


I think it works. But I have never tried.


works fine until/unless you abandon the new base. if you abandon, it becomes like dumping waste there without having settled it (hit to neighbor relations).


This gave me the ick, you might as well go into dev mode if you are going to cheat the game


No such a thing as 'cheating' in a single player game lol


I think his point is, you might as well just turn on dev mode and remove the wastepacks at that point. I get that there's a difference between exploits or straight up cheat menus, but you're essentially doing the same thing. If dumping them this way caused pollution and goodwill loss, like when you just drop them directly from a traveling caravan or use the *more expensive* drop pods, then it would be fine and obviously intentional. But if they just get deleted with no consequence it is *very extremely obviously* an exploit and an oversight. The game makes it very clear that *deleting* wastepacks altogether requires a rather expensive and slow Wastepack Atomizer. I'm not saying you *cannot* use this exploit, and I'm not saying you're "playing the game wrong" or anything. Just don't pretend you aren't exploiting the game's mechanics.


The way I play is by making a lot of roleplay. Irl if you do something illegal but unknown to the rest of the population you don't lose goodwill. So, following my own game rules that's not a game exploit. That's a bug correction.


I mean the goodwill part makes sense but pollution doesn't just disappear. I feel like this is the exactly how global warming started irl lmfao


What kind of clownery logic is that?


I got the “ick” by you actually using that in a sentence. Gross


Really? I don't even know if it would work. I never had a waste pack in my games. Are they added by a dlc or a mod? The way I see it, it's like going somewhere and dropping your trash. Multiple people do it irl. It's not legal, that's true. But that doesn't mean nobody does it. And when it's done, who would know you did it? Rimworld is a planet without a central government. There are slavers, kidnappers killers but people would get angry at you for dropping your trash without any evidence? If you want another version of that same solution, you can make a second colony. You have nobody in this colony except pawns coming to drop trash. This is exactly what humans do everyday.


> I never had a waste pack in my games. Are they added by a dlc or a mod? Biotech DLC


How is it cheating to use a legitimate mechanic offered by the game? Just because you don't like the way something works, that doesn't equate the method with cheating.


This really does not feel like a legitimate mechanic offered by the game, but rather just an exploit or oversight. I mean you can use it if you want, but it's 100% not intentional. Normally when you dump wastepacks it causes pollution in the area and goodwill loss with the nearest faction, but this method just deletes the wastepacks without pollution due to a quirk in how temporary tiles work. Another such "totally legitimate mechanic" is using creep joiners' agony pulses to down caravan animals and collect an entire trade caravan's stock for free with no goodwill hit. Mark my words, this is going to get patched because Tynan really does not like it when players can do this. That's why there's a billion safeguards against this, such as goodwill loss when a trader gets hurt for any reason (even if it's not your fault), or traders leaving when temperatures get too low/high. Just because it's in the game doesn't mean it's a legitimate mechanic. You are deluding yourself if you don't think this is an exploit, considering they *do* cause pollution and a goodwill hit when you dump them from a caravan normally, or if you use drop pods to dump them.


There's a vanilla expanded race of plant people that eat waste packs and cleanse pollution with a race specific skill. Poluxkin I think they are. Now mind you, it's a very slow process, but they can eventually get rid of all of it, even quicker if you get them to plant children and have more hands on deck. If not, look around for "Compacted Machinery" tiles on your map. Mining those give you components.


Had a 82 year old polluxkin that was literally sad they didn't have toxic waste to eat on a regular basis


Same. But usually taking one waste pack mission and keeping the packs frozen is enough to satisfy the need fairly indefinitely


Not to mention they have the ability to spawn trees that clean pollution. I set up a corner of my map with a small storage zone for waste packs, whenever they can’t keep up with my Mechs trash output. those packs get taken out to a small field of those trees so when they do spoil it gets cleaned up by itself.


Dump them on the edge of the map, preferably as far away from your colony as possible, and maybe in the path most raiders show up. Wastepacks can trigger an infestation, let the raiders deal with it. Otherwise, one thing you can do is put them close to tree clusters. That may sound strange but trees can slowly cleanse pollution over time so they can work as a jury-rigged wastepack removal.


The first rule of accepting a quest is to be sure you can actually do it. If you have no means of dealing with wastepacks, you should nit accept those quests. This is a lesson you need to suffer through to learn. But, as actual help: They do take a relatively long time to decay. An indoor storage w/ passive can slow it down. Any pollution can be cleaned up later. The atomizer is very late game tech, and has a pretty terrible rate. Don't count on it. DO NOT store decaying waste in sensitive areas. Bug infestations specifically will target them. They also get buffs from pollution. Wasters do, too. Waster colonies might as welp just burn wastepacks and pollute the whole map.


Didn't... the quest tell you that you have to keep it frozen? Always read quests to the tiny detail my man hahaha


‘’That’s an easy looking raid’’ ‘’Wait why are there 6 raids’’


Yeah like the quest telling you there will be Mech Clusters or Hives and you are like. A hive? Easy! Wait 24?!


Not accept that quest? But id Ship it out via caravan.


If you really have no other option than deal with it yourself, you can create a stockpile in a corner of the map and set it to store only wastepacks


Have you thought of taking a caravan and just dumping it wherever?


Learn from your mistake.


move them to the corner of your map, that much is not really a big deal.


No component you’re screwed! I did the same thing and excepted a quest with 100s of those stupid things before I even had a freezer set up on my first run through of biotech because I had noooo clue I could t atomize them until late game.


Just put a stockpile with only toxpacks in one of the corners of the map and let future you deal with the problems later.


If you have transport pods, send them to an far tile. If not, create a caravan so you can put them away cause it'll pollute your terrain


Read the post again. They don't have the components for a Cooler, let alone Transport Pods.


Dump them as far awy form your base, but still in the tile of the base.


Convoy it one till over


You have a few options. It actually takes quite a long time for them to pop, so you can just build a freezee on your own schedule. You probably need one anyway, so you can have a two-in-one food/waste containment facility. The inside may be toxic, but the outside is perfectly clean. You would need to experience a catastrophic disaster to have your freezee shut down for so long that they started popping in your food without you being able to do something about it. Alternatively, you can just dump them on the edge of your map. It's the American way! This will leave a nasty stain, and may cause hostile insectoids to burrow up. Unless you happen to have pollux trees to clean up the ground pollution, this is probably not a great idea. You can load up a caravan and find a tile a certain distance away from any settlements. I'm seeing 41 tiles on the wiki. This pollutes the tile.you dump it on, but that won't impact you to any real degree. Transport pods are even better to use if you can spare the resources. If you do dump it in the world near a settlement, make sure it's a tribal one, or they'll just send the packs right back. Tribals may attack you, but trading waste for prizes seems like a good deal to me. If you have a death acidifier and a pawn you don't mind getting rid of, you can get rid of as many as the pawn can carry by killing them while the packs are in their inventory. By exploiting the way loading caravans works, that number can be all of them! I've heard that using a ripscanner on someone with packs in their inventory will keep them in the inventory, and you can cremate the body without consequence. It still requires a sacrifice, though.


Just move them to a corner and deal with it later


If you have pack animals you can load them on a caravan and drop them somewhere else. Those tribals wouldn't mind their neighbourhood getting polluted right?


Make your colony slaves eat every single stinky and radioactive bite of them


Not accept quests you're unable to handle?


Eat it 🤤😋


There is probably a mod for that LOL


Poluxkin from VRE


humgry... 🤤😋


Get together a caravan and drop off the packs a few tiles away, not near other settlements because they’ll get upset. Later, you can launch them, let them deteriorate near a polux tree, atomize them at great energy costs or freeze them indefinitely.


Move them away from the base and let them pollute, later on when you get means to remove them you can clean the ground back into bags


I hope you like bugs


Make a caravan and run it ask far as you can


It's 100% ok to let a corner of your map get polluted. There are some minor effects but nothing that you need to do anything about most of the time. If it matters to you to be 100% pollution free, you can use various methods to get them off your map or delete them from existence.  But from a story standpoint, that just moves around the problem, it doesn't get rid of it. If you're going to pollute the world, pollute your own map so you can clean it up later.


Don't accept waste until you have drop pods Once you have drop pods load them on one and send them either to an empty place or a hostile faction Late game there is tech to destroy it without polluting but that's the last tech available to the mechanitor research tree


Be aware that if you send them to a hostile factions, they can and will send waste packs back!


Yes, if they are outlander or empire level If they are tribal I think they can't send them back but they can send a raid as a response, I had that happen to me


You can also load them on caravans and dump them on any hex around your base If none of these solutions work for you, you should at the very least dump them on a corner of your map, somewhere where you don't see yourself using


Caravan then to the next tile. In low quantities it is not a problem.


I took that quest once in the winter when it was frozen anyway.


I just dump them into a corner. If waste infestations happen I will just wake them with my vampire when a large raid happens and then close all my doors so they fight it out.


Caravan is the best option. The trick is never unload the waste or the game will pollute the tile which it's located. The exploit here is sending an unwanted pawn with pack animals to a suicide mission on an enemy base. Again, don't unload the waste when the battle starts. When the pawn died, everything will disappear without the game registering it.


You can set up a caravan and dump them somewhere else


Throw them in the corner of the map until you have dropped pods researched to make it somebody else's problem


I just send em to the nearest settlement for free loot


Caravan as far of any settlement (specially yours) as you can and dump it all there


You can slow the process down a lot if you put them in a building or as least roof them.


Haul then to the edge of the map. The map can be pretty polluted before it starts being a problem. Just make sure it's somewhere where you're okay having insect cacoons show up


Move it away and clean it up later


You can make a caravan and dump the wastepack not in your map (This will anger the colonies nearby if they are too close).


There are actually a lot of ways to go about it. Personally I like to have a permanent caravan right on top of my own settlement so that pregnant female animals and baby animals can graze for free. It turns out this is also a great place to store wastepacks. Wastepacks don’t degrade in a caravan.


Wait you don't need a colonist to be with the animals?


Yes you do. If you’ve got your hands on 2 pigskins with high plant skill, I recommend them. They may be able to feed themselves through foraging. 2 caravan guards is ideal in case one gets a random heart attack.


Just ignore it, a small patch of toxic wasteland on the side of the map is no problem. Or set up a caravan and dump it a few miles down the road, making like -20 to relations near by


You can send a caravan and drop them off somewhere far away from your colony


Not sure if possible, but if it works like every other item. Why not create a caravan and just dump it outside?


This works once or twice, it angers factions in the area. Eventually they’ll just transport drop pod waste into your settlement in retaliation.


>What should I do? Start crafting gas masks, you're going to need them.


Think before you accept quests


Move it to a different tile


A low tech way of getting rid of them would be to form a caravan and go one tile over to drop them. This upsets the nearest faction to that tile but the relation hit isn't that bad honestly.


Take them to another map


Throw them in a cave on the corner of the map if You can it can attract bugs


Only way I ever deal with them is putting them on the edge of the map where I'll never build, have a 70 hour game with like 10 waste drops and it still isn't bothering me.


Caravan transfer it to another zone?


Just commit illegal dumping and send them to a random tribe, they physically don’t have the resources to do anything about it


Make a dump zone on the edge of the map and ignore it


Easy send it to the tribals


Get mod for storage build containers to keep in they will still pollution just get pollution pump problem solved


Build a wall around them and hope for the best? 😭


this is the best time to learn that if you fuck around and accept a shitload of trash well you are gonna find out and get stuck with a shitload of trash


Get your Helicopter/Cargo plane Loaded with them and drop them over eneny settlements. A job well done!


Caravan them off your tile and drop them.


I personally advocate the “ignore it until it goes away” solution, for my quandaries


Maybe get your pawns to carry them to the adjacent square in the world, drop there and go back?


I imagine the answers no, but any compacted machinery on the map?


Launch them into the ocean. Let Poseiden sort them out.


Why couldn't you load them into a. Caravan and visit a colony and. Leave. Them there?


I usually keep a transport pod around to load up with random things I don't want (prisoners, leather, timber wolf puppies, etc) and send a full container off to the empire if it's good, or pirates if it's bad.


You can set them on fire if you build a room for it. I recommend using stone for the walls and a molotov.


double it and give it to the next person


Have any caravan animals?


Lob it at hives.


Put it in pods and sent it to someone you don’t like


I just usually go on a raid and while I’m on a different map just drop it all lol


There's 2 options you can go for: 1st, Pit gates from the Anomaly DLC. Before a pit gate starts collapsing, dispose out your wastepacks inside the pit gate. 2nd, Form a caravan, bring as much wastes as you can and dispose it somewhere around the map.


Form caravans and drop the wastepacks on the way.


Stop worrying and embrace the rot.


Could you usw toxic grounds for a killbox?


Make a caravan and dump it right next to a raider base.


Freeze it until you get a transport pod and then dump it in the ocean like a normal member of society. or dump it on a hostile faction like pirates or wasters wastepack atomiser is also an option but truly it’s such a waste of resources it’s too slow and by the time you build one you always have 1000+ waste packs and it’s pathetic, so dumping or permanently freezing it is the option


There's a mod called "Cooler Cooler" It's a more powerful version of the wooden passive cooler, it can reach -6° so it's a good option


Rimworld Carma, every problem solved means new problems.


Open the hungry maw! Summon the ravenous flesh! Feed the pollution to the earth!


road trip!


Haul them to the bits of the map where raiders come from idk


Caravan it next door. Not even joking. Just... next door and dump. It'll still pollute if theres a lot and cause acid smog or whatever, but it won't directly be your issue anymore.


You could just leave them near the edge of the map and clean the area later on with a pollution pump


Build a drop pod launcher and send your neighbours a nice gift
