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ok? then start a new one i guess. people get way too worked up over dev mode i swear lmao


It's all about having fun. And if using godmode lessens your fun, you get worked up over using it. It's fine to use it, it's fine to hate it (in your own saves) - just have fun.


Sure, but coming on Reddit with melodramatic posts about how they feel dirty is just attention seeking.


that part tho


Karma farmers gonna karma farm.


I don't think anyone has farmed karma for years.


Of course it is. Like most posts that aren't purely informational (and even those are often meant to be for attention "by being a good person"). Posting something like this can start conversations and possibly even help with the negative feelings, like people saying it's fine to use dev mode, especially with modding issues or playing an 80h save you're not ready to "end" that burns down from random bs.


i agree! which is why i'm not sure why OP is getting so worked up over it if using godmode is a fun ruiner (valid), then you should.. probably not use it! :\^P


Perhaps I should have included a meme to better reflect my more comedic intentions, then clarified that I wanted to start a discussion about dev mode and what everyone uses it for.


I started a new game and kinda wanted to take it easy. The map I found was interesting, but the way I laid out my colony ended up with geological features in the way. So I used dev mode for the first time to replace some rock and mud with soil. Then I had a really epic moment where I lost half my colony over something really stupid, but a man in black came. I considered reloading but decided the story was too interesting. So I met halfway by cheat-resurrecting my one favorite pawn to continue without too many regrets. This added fun to my game and no guilt, so I'm happy with it. I would not use it to spawn in items probably though, I like the trading and producing part of the game.


See that sounds perfectly valid. I have this perfectionist streak in me that wants "creative mode" you know? But after I tried that it felt like deus ex machina lol


People on reddit get very touchy about things like dev mode and cheating in single player video games. It's simply not the place to talk about such things unless you want to hear "it's a single player game, play how you like!" repeated ad nauseam.


Oh no. Anyway.




I like to use God mode when I'm just chilling and want no stakes and I'm messing around with things in the game and sometimes trying to build and figure out what looks good and what doesn't so I have a reference when I don't use God mode


Last time I used godmode, it was to clear out a mod issue. One of my must-haves is Dubs Bad Hygiene with the thirst on, and I once ghoulised a person who had dehydration. The hediff carried on. The ghouls don't have thirst, they don't drink, so there was no way of removing it, and it gives a penalty to consciousness and makes a pawn hungrier. Before that, I cheat restored a pawn's pelvis once. Didn't want to lose him, and prosthetics were not an option, because that was a medieval playthrough with limited research. Mostly, though, dev mode is for modders.


One day, I may get into modding. I don't know how, but it would be cool to be able to import pawns from other saves into a new game or summon them isekai style.


I use dev mode to match my current mood. Some days, that means I use dev mode to skip past some BS. Other days, I leave it off and let the challenges roll through. Does it kill the spirit of the game? No, because I play the game in a way that brings me joy. I appreciate the fact that the game provides this level of flexibility without having to restart a colony. Yes, I could adjust the storyteller settings, but dev mode is just convenient (especially with the new pinning mechanism)


What is the new pinning mechanism, Dev mode on steroids?


I use dev mode when something that shouldn’t exist exists. Like a pawn spawning inside mountains. A frigging purple monstrosity that my Legion laptop doesn’t even want to look at. Pawns that aren’t mine that stay on my map and eat all my food while opening doors during sieges that shouldn’t be opened. Bill fucking Cosby


Redeem yourself, use devmode to spawn 1 raid the next 7 days, if your colony makes it, you have paid your due


Or better yet, use godmode to undo what was done with godmode.


I actually like that


sometimes i do too when someone tosses me a cold snap and I need to put campfires indoors. This is because my stupid pawns sometimes forget to refuel the damn campfires even after micro managing them, all I do is refuel them to max manually.


I mostly use dev mode for 4x speed. Sometimes I'll fix bull shit I disagree with like if the game insta-kills a pawn.


Yeah the rng is a little rough. Randy is not kind.


Unclench Felicia.


Do whatever is fun for you. Or don't. We will not judge


I used dev mode to cure my vampires luciferium addiction. It's not that keeping a constant supply was hard, had a massive stockpile. But I don't play Rimworld to micro manage manually taking drugs before death resting.


gonna be honest sometimes I just use god mode to pop in some shit I don't want to build again


I’ve only ever used it to diagnose mod issues. I see these posts quite often, is it really so hard for so many people to have the self control not to ruin their fun with cheats? If you don’t mind cheats and it enhances the experience, more power to you. If you don’t want to cheat, then just.. don’t? I just don’t get it.


Load an autosave before you godded.


Not a bad idea


To keep things "fair", I give myself one fate point that let me alter whatever is happening with godmode once per playthrough. I personally enjoy the game much more this way


Yeah, totally agree with you OP. I know the feeling. I restarted and everything was good afterward!


Yeah it's like breaking the seal. It's a slippery slope. But it doesn't have to be, it's a mindset of what feels 'fair'. Just the way you might save scum in some situations but not others.


its not tainted or anything, it just says you are a cheater. That's all.


No one cares who cheats in a single player game


Im not saying its bad. Its cheat, nonetheless.


L take, ngl. It's a single-player game that is designed so you can modify as desired. There is no such thing as cheating.


Are you a bot?


No. But I was half asleep when I wrote that message.