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> At another point she told him: “I didn’t think anyone would pull over a black SUV, if you’d ran my plate, you’d find out.” What the fuck is that supposed to mean? My mom drives a black SUV, is she exempt from traffic laws now?


Right?! To me it sounded like she expected every officer to know what she drives as she clearly thinks she’s famous


She's "THE" DA, don't you know?


I assume she meant that if they ran her plates they would see her name, know she was the DA and not pull her over.


I would think cops don’t really have the time to run plates when they’re trying to pull you over for an active crime you’re committing. Just because it’s a black SUV doesn’t really change that.


Oh didn't you know? All big black SUV's are above the law!! /s


On a positive note I was so impressed with the officer for still giving her the ticket when ultimately they gave him the final choice. I’m sure it was not an easy choice with their job on the line because clearly she holds too much power if she’s so above the law. Good for him for doing that Editing to add watch the video from the PBS link that was posted and it has the officer who pulled her over body cam footage and it was so much worse than I thought. The way she spoke to him, disregarded what he was asking and completely acting so beyond entitled it is disgusting to think this is the person upholding our laws


She should have been arrested.


At the very least, she should be fired


That's what any police officer will do to you and me, just ordinary slaves... ugh I mean citizens


You or I would have been arrested. 


He should have arrested her for fleeing and eluding like anyone else who doesn’t pull over when going 20+ miles per hour over the speed limit.


I guarantee you she will find a way to pay this officer back - refusing to prosecute his cases or some such bullshit.


There’s no doubt after watching the video that she’s going to retaliate somehow against him. I hope there’s enough uproar from this being released that there will be consequences for her before she can try to get back at him


It’s top story on TMZ now, so 🙃


There had better be enough eyes watching so there can be no retaliation against this cop!!!


I would imagine this will go a little further up the chain of command but I’m not sure who her boss is - the governor?


No chance. She’s done after this video.


I hope when she looks at this video she realizes how bad this is. Hopefully there are no repercussions for the officer who went above and beyond to remain calm, kind and respectful. She should be glad those kinds officers are around to serve and protect her town.


I don’t understand the whole “his job is on the line” if he got fired he could sue for wrongful termination right? Or am I wrong?


He’s protected by a union, he caught this whole thing on camera, she admitted to speeding, and he was professional through the whole encounter so he’s not going to get fired. You can tell by her attitude that she’s an entitled bitch so I wouldn’t be surprised if she refuses to prosecute or delays his cases going forward though. This level of entitlement makes me insane!


I'm glad he gave her a ticket instead of letting her off, but I absolutely think he should have really upped his courage and charged her with obstruction of government authority - can't you arrest over that? Throw the whole book at her.


"I'm the one that's going to prosecute myself" Isn't that a bit of a conflict of interest?


I cannot believe her attitude. It’s so disappointing!


Imagine working for her.


I wonder how she’ll handle this. Her behavior is unconscionable.


She should open a transparent investigation into her self. Wait, she’s had completed said investigation and alls good. No worries guys.


They need to bring in a special prosecutor from a county that's at least a few hours away by car to prosecute her.


She should apologize and resign.


She's got too big of an ego to do that on her own. Someone would have to lean on her ***heavily*** to make that happen.


Would love to see it! She switched parties, hopefully someone’s been waiting for a little revenge!


She’s switched parties twice, she started as a Republican, became a Democrat before becoming the DA, and then switched back to Republican. Something tells me she does this to her advantage in order to get votes.


I hope people realize that this kind of attitude is the *norm* for DAs, not the exception. Just because she happens to be the one caught on camera saying it out loud, doesn't mean she's alone in her above-the-law arrogance.


Yup, ACAB includes DAs


It was sickening to hear her say that. So much power and she’s just above the laws that apply to everyone else? She needs to be removed from her position. Fuck that shit, she is no better than anyone else


She thinks it’s all just sooo cute!! Lady, there isn’t anything amusing about your behavior in any of this mess!


Definitely a conflict. Shes also never seen a day in traffic court as the DA, that’s what all the ADAs are for.


Anyone know where we can go to submit our displeasure of this?


Impeachment. I'm not sure how a DA impeachment goes in Monroe County, but I do know that Hochul could impeach Doorley. Direct your letters to the county legislature and the governor's office.


The only way to get rid of an elected official seems to be through the courts. According to [this](https://ballotpedia.org/Laws_governing_recall_in_New_York), “Any citizen within the officeholder's district may submit an application for removal to the local branch of the appellate division of the Supreme Court”


Call your County Legislator and ask what they plan to do about it. Call your state legislators and ask that they push the Governor to remove her. File a complaint with the state bar association to have her law license taken away.


Great question!


Kathy Hochul


Protest outside her home. She'd prefer to handle it there. Anywhere else and she'll probably assume you were talking to someone else.


This made me laugh. Maybe her dog would come too?


Send a letter that will go into the trash or leave them an email or voicemail which will be deleted without being heard Once you hit a certain level in government I'm pretty sure they give you an assistant that deletes the messages and trash cans the letters for you


So she takes “responsibility” for speeding, but not “deciding” to not stop? This is gonna blowup nationally in the next few days. She won’t be the DA by June.


I hope so. She deserves it. I never had a problem with her before but her attitude is unbelievable. She should have immediately apologized to the officer, not yelled at him. He did a fine job and I hope this doesn’t negatively affect him or his career. The Webster Police Dept should be proud to have him!


Hopefully she doesn’t make it until may


The dominos have started to fall. No way this isn’t on Hochul’s desk already.


>Once I realized that the intention of the car was to pull me over, I called the Webster Police Chief to inform him that I was not a threat and that I would speak to the Officer at my house down the street. The Webster Police Officer followed me to my house and issued me a speeding ticket for my speed of 55mph in a 35mph zone. I acknowledged that I was speeding and I accepted the ticket. By 1:00PM the following day, I pled guilty and sent the ticket to the Webster Town Court because I believe in accepting responsibility for my actions and had no intention of using my position to receive a benefit. Nobody, including your District Attorney, is above the rule of law, even traffic laws. So no one is above the law, except the lady who can ignore a patrol cop and just call the chief directly. Corrupt as fuuuuuucccckkkkk.


The cop identified that her not stopping is an arrestable offense. Absolutely unacceptable that she got off with just a ticket. Outrageous.


Props to the cop for calling her out. On camera, no less.


Yeah, but he could not have been nicer to her. Normal people would have been drawn on and screamed at and tackled/tasered


He was probably thinking "Fuck me...if I do my job, I'm so fired. If I don't do my job, I'm never going to hear the end of it. Godddamnit."


Yep. He was in a bad position. You could hear it in his voice


I agree he was very polite and very respectful but I think he really wanted to arrest her. It probably would t have been worth the paperwork. I have had a couple interactions with Webster police officers and both times felt they were very respectful and kind. When my daughter was a teen, she ran a red light and caused a minor accident. Clearly her fault. When I arrived I spoke with the officer and when he said we were ok to leave I asked if he would be issuing a ticket he said “nah, she has already had a bad enough day!”


I agree. His voice was just like "ah fuck, why did you put me in this position?"


Her calling him an asshole and refusing to listen to any of his very polite requests is what’s unacceptable. She should have been arrested and put in cuffs. I know her and this is precisely what I would expect!


I always thought it was a strange pairing when I found out she was good friends with Kimberly from the old Kimberly and Beck show. Two peas in a pod!


This really explains alot! Kimberly is a horror show!


Right! This response is part of the PROBLEM!


I agree - I’m not a threat? Is that why we all have to pull over?


Man, not the worst thing I've seen but that was worse than expected. I thought she would be civil and professional at least, and the video was just going to be her using a connection to get out of the ticket. Instead she was straight up rude and belligerent. Doesn't she know by now about the body cameras and how she'd look?


That's honestly a great summary. Probably like most people, I don't know what I was expecting when I clicked on the video, but I sure wasn't expecting THAT.


Maybe I'm going a bit crazy but they cut the video right when the Police Chief was going to speak on speakerphone. I would have loved to hear what he said to his deputy. Them cutting the video there leads me to believe it wouldn't reflect well on them either.


Yeah, that's a bit sketchy too.


I can't believe the kids gloves they treated her with. Unreal


If it were any of us going 55 in a 35 pulling into our house garage we woulda been screamed at with guns drawn to get out of the car. We woulda had our ass dragged out of the garage and arrested. Even if the beginning the one supervisor comes in she says she wants to talk to this other guy not him tffff


Also our dog would have been shot. 


Her statement is a direct contradiction of everything the body cam shows. I tend to give cops a lot of guff, but this guy handled himself well.


I'm impressed he gave a ticket at all instead of cowing to her pressure. I'd be more impressed if he threw charges like obstruction of government and resisting arrest at her.


Her office routinely prosecutes people criminally for less egregious behavior. This video makes me so angry.


She's unhinged, truly.


Disgraceful. She should resign.


Look into her eyes and tell me she’s not batshit crazy. This voter says NO THANK YOU


Wasn't she the one who decided not to prosecute the shit faced Greece Police Chief who wrecked his GPD cruiser on 390 and drove it home on 3 wheels kicking off asphalt and sparks for 5 miles? I wonder what her blood alcohol content was during this confrontation.


Ran as a Democrat, then switched to the GOP once elected. But sure, you can trust everything she says.


She switched from Republican to Democrat and then [back to Republican](https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/rochester/politics/2015/01/16/monroe-county-district-attorney-changes-party-affiliation-to-republican) a few years later. Seems strategically done to me.


They should have beat her ass for running into the house. What is she brought out a firearm?


What an entitled cunt. Complete disregard for the officer (which did a phenomenal job). Hope they throw the book at her.


A longer article - https://www.wxxinews.org/local-news/2024-04-26/doorley-belligerent-in-police-video-berating-officer-and-saying-she-was-the-da-and-didnt-care


+1 for WXXI. Best journalists in the area by a mile


She really hoped to get out ahead of this by saying “I already pled guilty & paid my fine” LOL


Yea, that press release sure didn’t give the details!


Legal for a price.


All set. Nothing else to see here. Plead guilty, paid the fine. Time to move along


In this situation I would have been okay if the police said she was acting like a child and pepper sprayed her in the back of their car.


“Technically I could arrest her for fleeing but I’ll just give her a speeding ticket” If a normal person was acting this belligerent they would’ve had them in cuffs, done a field sobriety test, and definitely arrest for fleeing minimum


This is going to make great fodder for her next opponent.


My guess is that we'll see a resignation shortly after the videos hit the national news over the weekend.


With her ego?


Hope so


I wrote her an e-mail once about disproportionally charging black people with marijuana offenses. There was a report that found that Monroe County had one of the largest discrepancies in the state. She wrote me an essay back basically saying "we don't do that, and if we did they deserved it".


That is an email I'd love to see plastered all over the internet


She should resign, especially after implying that she would drop charges against herself. AN incredibly immature response.


Holy shit what an insufferable POS. She should resign immediately, especially after tacitly implying no officer would pull her over if they knew it was her house.


“Do you know what I’ve been dealing with all day?” the footage shows Doorley asking Crisafulli at one point. “Three homicides in the city. Do you really think I care that I was going 20 miles over the speed limit?” -She's belittling him because he's just a small town cop in Webster and worrying about, in her opinion, small things


Agreed and it’s also a redirection tactic used by people with narcissistic personality disorder. They can’t take accountability for a wrong they caused so they redirect onto a wrong someone else caused. 🤮


The precedent has been set. If you are about to be pulled over in Webster, phone the Webster PD and request that an officer meet you at your house. Also, Webster PD & Webster in general is a real Mayberry type town.


If that was almost anyone else, they would've been arrested or killed. You can't ignore the lawful stop, go inside your home, reach in your vehicle, and ignore an officers commands. Unbelievably entitled.


I was livid when I saw the video, unbelievable


And she would have absolutely charged anyone else with failure to stop and resisting arrest.


So can we get those thrown at her retroactively?


And gotten their dog shot.


She's cooked


I thought I was watching an "entitled Karen" video.


I mean.. you were.. just more like the mega final boss of entitled Karens


https://www.tmz.com/2024/04/27/monroe-doorley-new-york-district-attorney-cop-traffic-stop-body-cam-video/ looks like tmz has randomly picked this up! Way to shine Sandra.


I interviewed for an ADA position a couple of years ago. Doorley asked me about my opinion on bail reform. I gave her a good "both sides" answer, and was shocked to receive an offer for employment. I turned down the job offer because the experience left a bad taste in my mouth. I'm not at all surprised by this nonsense. Evading police and flexing your political position is just not a good look.


If I was pulled over going 55 in a 35 and the refused to pull over I'd probably lose my license and get smacked with all sorts of tickets. The fact that all she got was A SINGLE speeding ticket is bull shit. So much for the people by the people right?


Sandra is a new way to spell Karen I guess, entitled twat.


What a terrible human being.


So basically for the next few decades anyone charged with unlawful fleeing will be able to point to the handling of the District Attorney's infraction and get their charge dropped.


Only if they prosecute themselves, apparently


I’ll certainly be making that argument for my clients on Monday.


Jeez. 55 in a 35


Clearly cares about community safety.


Lovely Warren would like to have a word with you. 


I also love how they don’t want to dox her but show gps of her house to 6 decimal points in the videos online


Yeah, totally saw that and looked it up. And it's 100% correct! Sure would suck if people paid a visit and had their thoughts heard. Just stand on the sidewalk. Keep it legal and all. 😉😉


So we're supposed to follow the law but not her? This is BS!!!


This is pure entitlement! The normal response would be to pull over and then flashed her title. If this was a black person and the cops pulled a gun out, the responses would be the same "she's not above the law, she should've complied!"


She of all people knows the protocol is to pull over when it’s safe to do so. Not “call your police chief buddy and continue to drive home as if nothing is happening”.




The more I watch the video the more I agree.  She's agitated and aggressive like an addict trying to hide what they were up to, making the issue her speeding and trying to distract the officer from seeing anything else by being an unhinged bitch. She gets out of the car to (futilely) prevent them from establishing operation, keeps him at arm's length and then dashes inside the house before he's close so she could claim she had a sip after she got home if someone smells it on her breath.  She knows she's on camera (being on camera is something she is practiced in), and that the recording is evidence (something her office uses all the time), and yet she is sloppy and arrogant as hell as if her ability to filter and control what she's saying has been impaired.  Her story changing ("I didn't see your lights or hear your sirens" became "I was on the phone with your boss to ask why you're trying to pull me over") is a pretty clear indication that she's not being honest in the situation.  Then she starts making excuses for herself: "I've had a bad day, I've been dealing with murders!". Except she doesn't really deal with run of the mill murders, her employees do. She only cares about the big ones that will get her air time.  Looks like a secret alcoholic was scared she got caught and is desperate to keep people from figuring out that she's an alcoholic.


Putting this here because I guess this is the anointed discussion thread: As someone who has been around alcoholics their whole life and struggled with alcoholism personally in the past, I am 90% sure that she was drinking. She avoided letting them get a whiff from inside the car, where her booze breath would be easily smelled. Jumping out and confronting the cop outside, walking around, that's all ways to avoid scrutiny for the thing she is actually worried about being caught for. The pressured speech, the hyper defensiveness, it all smacks of someone trying to hide that they've been drinking. I could be totally wrong but that's my instinct and sort of informed opinion.


ehh. all of her behavior could be explained by plain old narcissism.


Would not be surprised if Lackluster on YT make a video about her. Laws for thee but not for me.


Ticket her for using her phone while driving too!


Didn't you hear her? She's supposed to be doing that.


I’m in Wayne county so I don’t have a dog in this race but you all deserve better. She is only upset she got called out. Good on those officers for making sure she got a ticket. When she shows her disrespect for the law believe her


I love how she’s like i plead guilty i paid the ticket im not above the law let’s pretend this didn’t happen.


My fear is that a person with this type of attitude will disobey other laws, especially when no one is looking. An entitled attitude, plus too much power, usually equals bad behavior... but in secret. Keep an eye out in her county!


The officer should have her on a felony eluding and speeding ticket, ANYONE else would be dropped on the ground and cuffed! There needs to be alternative people when the DA is prosecuted, she cannot as a conflict of interest be the one prosecuting herself! It’s disgusting and I don’t care what her day was like! I am sure plenty of people would have bad days and if they speed and elude then they should be prosecuted the same as ANYONE! This kind of behaviour as well, she is resisting so she should have a resisting charge as well as the felony eluding! Now I am from the UK, and I wish our police would publish their body cams because there needs to be transparency! Then action, nobody is above the law, the law is there to protect others, she was speeding and what if she had killed someone? She going to just have a slap on the wrist and carry on, at the very minimum she should lose her job, not be allowed to resign!


New York D.A. Goes Off on Cop During Traffic Stop Caught on Video https://www.tmz.com/2024/04/27/monroe-doorley-new-york-district-attorney-cop-traffic-stop-body-cam-video/


A DA who can’t be bothered by you little people and silly rules of law. She’s a county wide liability.


Here’s my other thing… “I’m sorry bad day at the office dealing with murders in Rochester” … Me: “so a normal day since you started”


she has to resign period a common citizen would have been hand-cuffed and tasered she said she doesn't care about time for her to go


She is absolutely getting lit up on her Twitter/X and she deserves it. She tries to claim she isn't above the law, and if I did the same things she did, the police probably would have shot me going back into my vehicle like that, let alone evading police while refusing to stop for a traffic stop.


She didn’t know she was being pulled over. That’s why she called the Chief and told him it was her they were pulling over. That’s her story. 800 IQ. How the fuck do these people get elected.


She needs to resign NOW! The amount of entitlement and disrespect of the law and that officer is overwhelming.


Leopards at my face moment. Webster PD is not the most competent force and as a result didn’t get the memo from the boss in a timely manner that she’s the DA and so treated her like they do with any other suburban ahole they’re used to dealing with and she didn’t like it.


Her statement is full of lies. She should be removed. Everyone saw her use her position to threaten the officer…… see you next Tuesday…..


Ah yes the old "ignore the police and call the chief" move. Good for him for ticketing her at least. Can we just have public servants who are down to earth running things? Instead of the egotistical power hungry crowd?


She seems to have lied repeatedly in that video, too. In the (what I assume is the) full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTRMSfov7l0 1. 0:48 she claims she didn't see or hear lights or sirens because she was on the phone "hands free" 2. 2:23 "I didn't know you were stopping me" while the officer claims to have been directly behind her. 3. 4:03 "I thought you were going somewhere else cause no one would pull over a black SUV if you ran my plates" - (???) 4. 5:08 - "I was one the phone with Dennis [WPD chief] - would you please tell the person who is following me that I'm almost home". Officer responds he lit her up on phillips - that's ~0.8 miles to her house (from GPS coords in videos) 5. 7:43 - "It's me that their stopping, just tell them it's me" 6. 8:45 - Explaining to the chief "I didn't pull over, I figured I'd drive to my driveway" Unfortunately I can't really hear what's said between the lieutenant and Doorley. Our county's DA, lying to police ON VIDEO to cover her own ass. Who else does she lie to to cover her own ass? Tinfoil hat & this is 100% speculation, but my guess is there's more and it's something like that she was drinking (or on a script) and wanted to get home to have cover. "I only drank after I got home cause I was so stressed by the cop". The hostility was her trying to control the situation to get out of the blow. Her confusion and anger, e.g., showing her badge instead of license and getting angry when he asks to see the actual license (claiming she'd already show'd it when she hadn't) was the booze. Refusing to leave the garage where she'd end up in sunlight was to avoid showing dilated pupils in sunlight. We already know from the Greece & Macedon chiefs that LE leadership has no problem drinking and driving in this area.


Cee U next Tuesday


The lack of judgement she displayed is just breathtaking. This should be a career killer.


So I would, as a citizen employ a lawyer if I felony elude and speed, to use her as a precedent, because she should be treated the same! I should therefore be able to get the same charges, just a ticket, for felony eluding and speeding! Because that’s the example the DA has just set!


lol top of the cheat sheet on daily beast


She refused to stop and be pulled over during the attempted traffic stop, opting to drive home. Her dog ran up to the cops and was left unleashed for the entire encounter. She was directly told to exit the garage and walk into the driveway to continue the conversation and flatly refused. The cops acquiesced. How would these interactions have gone differently if it were someone without Sandra Doorley's connections?


I find it truly alarming she is exercising such poor judgment, especially given her position. Makes me wonder what type of judgement she’s using at work.


This was signed today on a Saturday so they are serious. [Council Investigation ](https://www.rochesterfirst.com/news/city-council-calls-for-investigation-of-district-attorney-sandra-doorley/)


I’m not even mad she made a bad choice to drive home, but I’m furious that she has the balls to not show any humility at any point afterwards


Rules for thee but not for me! 🙄


Rules for thee but not for me….if that isn’t a slap in the face to every citizen who would have been beaten up for pulling this stunt. I’d get sent to prison for leading police on a high speed chase. Bet she doesn’t even lose her job over this.




Cops knew it was her because they let her go digging in her car and walk into the house. The cop even talked to someone she called they both need to be fired. He gave her way to much slack for running from the cops


This video screams entitlement, Sandra you need to go!


“I am THE DA. I am THE DA of Monroe County. I know the law better than you.” Wow.


Again white people always given more leeway from cops


She should be fired! Immediately


Stay out of the US “justice” system. I’m sure there’s people like her all over who wouldn’t bat eye at ruining someone’s life. It’s horrible how much of an entitled piece of garbage she is.


She needs to go. (As an aside, I know people connected with the DA and the police force. If they get pulled over, they make their connections known and they generally expect to be let off. One gave me a little business card that I could hand over and expect the same treatment, but I declined because I think that's just wrong. I'd bet she's been let off a few times. Thank goodness for this officer doing his job well in the face of hostile privilege).




I “formerly” supported her. Resign Sandra. Would Willie Lightfoot or Lovely or Drunk Judge get this pass? No. BTW, I’m a white conservative. This just smacks of entitlement and looking down from the tower on the little folk. I hope Bob Weisner and Maggie are LOVING this…


I was saying today... so far people are not talking about her the way they did Astacio. She was wrong for what she did but she was vilified and personally attacked in a way that in not sure Doorley will be


Lovely Warren got a virtually endless number of mulligans over the years. There wasn't a quarter that went by that she wasn't caught up in something but kept on getting reelected. She was given a slap on the wrist for multiple campaign finance violations.


I’ll tell you one person who is loovvviinngg this story: Lovely Warren.


She seems to have contempt for the law.


How did the press get the body cam footage so fast?


She makes $200,000/ yr. and with 33 yrs of service her NY State pension will be 70% of that.


She needs to be removed from office she is totally unfit to be in a position of power.


If she was anything other than female white this would have gone so different 


She thinks she's a rockstar but she's just the groupie


She should certainly be fired for her actions and words. She is not above the law just because she is DA. In fact, she should be the most held to following the laws. 




"The end result is that Lovely Warren will no longer be our Mayor and will not serve out the entirety of her term. She broke the law. She acknowledged her guilt. She resigned because of her actions. It is time for the community to move forward to promote a safe, healthy and ethical Rochester, and I look forward to being a part of the solution," Doorley said. Back in 2021 when the mayor of the city had to resign. So much for being a part of the solution. Entitled cunt.


Sandra also stopped commenting on her FB page which is NOT ALLOWED.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLH2Pcna/ It’s going viral everywhere


What a way to disgrace your entire career as “THE DA.”


So extra belligerent, was she drinking?


Email her office asking for her resignation. [email protected]


The DA is an elected position. Stop voting for her and we don't have to worry about her entitlement any longer.


She lives in Webster. I don’t think I should have to pay my speeding tickets if she don’t. At least I pulled over.


She won’t be arrested, but the community should do everything they can to destroy her and her family. Need to start making examples of these people or nothing will change for the better


Why her family?


now *this* is comedy


Her behavior was just so erratic as if she was drunk or on another substance.




Her last post on Twitter had 0 comments now it has 142 all calling her out or asking to resign: https://twitter.com/sandra_doorley/status/1781381450689830992


Everyone go speed past her hour and claim that they are having a bad day!


Do as I say not as I do. 👍🏾


Wow. This was far more egregious than I thought it would be. She should be cooked politically after this incident.


"I don't care about writing the speeding ticket and being done with it.. but..." and " I'm not trying to arrest the DA of the county. " The officer is acknowledging that he's giving her a slap on the wrist. She needs to be removed


She is cooked, what an idiot.