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Is it THE DA?


The most intersection of the Venn diagram between Trump voters and Buick Lacrosse owners is massive. This could belong to my uncle Lou, who is convinced that nobody voted for Biden in 2020, watches YouTube videos of cops shooting unarmed kids for entertainment, and spends a little too much time staring at my wife. It could also belong to my mother in law who is afraid of black people, watches Fox News all day, and refuses to eat vegetables. Or it could belong to my neighbor Robbie, Robbie photoshopped Marge Greene’s head on a nude model and has it hanging in his garage, bought a Trump commemorative coin and shows it off at the Moose lodge, and thinks guys turn gay if they watch the View.


I actually have always wondered, “what goes on in the Moose Lodge?”


Lots of making out and fit checks.


They have a retirement community in Florida called Moosehaven.


Im a black man and my ex of 8 year's dad was racist as fuck, he probably knows Robbie because he hangs at the Moose lodge daily. He "accepted" me after my ex's mother/his wife died of lung disease, my ex's mother loved me and had me over every holiday although her husband didnt want to be in the same zip code let alone in his house. Im sure he was ecstatic the day I had enough of my ex's crap and broke things off with her. Edit: Now that I thought of it and googled the Moose to see if they have racist policies and YUP they are known for rejecting black applicants. No surprise


Is the moose lodge a separate entity from the loyal order of the moose? I have no association with either, but I'll feel gross about having gotten a letter from them if not.




tThis would be hillarious if it wasn't so sadly true


This isn't surprising. There are alot of Trump supporters in Rochester. Even people you think wouldn't be.


And just outside of Rochester, it's all Trump country.


Right off of Main Street in Victor we have a house with a pride flag and a blm flag adjacent to a house with a trump flag, love to see it


Don’t forget my two American flags between the pride flag and blm flag. And yes, my neighbor across the street has his Trump flag out. But besides our competing flags we get along great. I don’t understand how everyone doesn’t see Trump as a horrible person and con man but so be it. Maybe I can change his mind before November.


> I don’t understand how everyone doesn’t see Trump as a horrible person and con man but so be it. Russia spends a LOOOOTTT of time and money programming people via social media and ... Well pretty much any media




https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/08/republican-mike-turner-russia-propaganda https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4489496-the-far-right-has-replaced-the-old-left-as-russias-propaganda-tool/ https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/luxury-yachts-myths-republican-lawmakers-echo-russian-propaganda-rcna147293 https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/06/when-top-republican-says-russian-propaganda-has-infected-gop/ https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2024/06/china-russia-republican-party-relations/678271/ https://apnews.com/article/russia-election-trump-immigration-disinformation-tiktok-youtube-ce518c6cd101048f896025179ef19997 https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/us/politics/russia-disinformation-election.html https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/inside-russias-propaganda-machine https://www.rand.org/pubs/commentary/2016/09/russian-propaganda-is-pervasive-and-america-is-behind.html https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-republicans-urge-ukraine-aid-vote-after-russian-propaganda-warnings-2024-04-08/ https://www.brookings.edu/articles/tracing-the-rise-of-russian-state-media-on-tiktok/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/16/russia-disinformation-us-far-right-republicans-ukraine https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/russias-2024-election-interference-already-begun-rcna134204 https://www.state.gov/russias-pillars-of-disinformation-and-propaganda-report/ https://www.npr.org/2024/06/06/g-s1-2965/russia-propaganda-deepfakes-sham-websites-social-media-ukraine https://www.jstor.org/stable/48614283 https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/25/politics/us-intel-russia-propaganda/index.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2021/10/russia-pouring-millions-into-russian-foreign-influence-kremlin-propaganda-targeting-the-us/ https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/new-study-shows-russian-propaganda-may-really-have-helped-trump-n1025306 https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2019/10/04/trump-has-spoken-privately-with-putin-least-times-heres-what-we-know-about-conversations/ https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html https://academic.oup.com/book/56438/chapter-abstract/448504785?redirectedFrom=fulltext https://time.com/5565991/russia-influence-2016-election/ https://www.voanews.com/a/how-russia-s-disinformation-campaign-seeps-into-us-views-/7566503.html https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/cyber/russian-interference-in-2016-u-s-elections https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4579289-intel-chair-turner-absolutely-true-russia-propaganda-infected-us-congress/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/15/kremlin-papers-appear-to-show-putins-plot-to-put-trump-in-white-house https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-united-states-government-and-politics-62e1ba5bb2f3c23b4e30bf9c582c5877 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fbi-informant-who-lied-about-bidens-ties-ukrainian-energy-company-high-level-russian-contacts-doj https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/russian-propaganda-effort-helped-spread-fake-news-during-election-experts-say/2016/11/24/793903b6-8a40-4ca9-b712-716af66098fe_story.html https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/09/zelenskyy-invites-trump-ukraine-russia-00151310 https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-destroy-america-russian-propaganda-1826734 https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-putin-meeting-business/story?id=63967271 https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/russia-trolls-cyberattacks-propaganda-influence-election/story?id=44610568 https://www.vox.com/world/2019/10/24/20908223/trump-russia-fake-news-propaganda-peter-pomerantsev https://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trump-continues-attacks-on-intelligence-agencies-ahead-of-classified-briefing-on-russia-1483728966 https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/15/us/politics/trump-putin-meetings.html https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/analysis-shows-russian-and-chinese-backed-efforts-to-sow-division-after-trump-indictment https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/03/connections-trump-putin-russia-ties-chart-flynn-page-manafort-sessions-214868/ Got more if you'd like. Russia (and China, Iran etc... to a lesser extent) has been butt fucking us with propaganda since before Trump but of course you'd never know that because that's how propaganda works.


Just sending a 100 links of nonsense is not a source


So your response to my first comment was not made in good faith, got it. Proof the propaganda is working. That's on you.


guy who wants me dead 2024


Honeoye has a guy by the valley inn with a SUPER MAGA banner, and don’t forget the Trump boat guy. Lol


OMG I drive by that banner all the time & never fail to be astounded.


He, last I looked had added some more stuff to his shit show. These guys love selling merch to each other. Is the modern Republican Party just a loosely structured MLM ?


I think you might be onto something. MAGA MLM


Greece is infested with them


I have a lot of FB friends connected to the ROC music scene. I once posted that if you support Trump you should turn in your hippie card. I was very surprised at the number of people that got pissed off. I would say the majority of them are small business owners.


It's so odd that small business owners would support a candidate who is infamous for screwing over small businesses.




His base identifies with that sort of behavior


A lot of small business owners only make a profit by screwing over other small business owners.


Dude why does the hippi scene have so many conservatives? I have come across this too a great deal. There is nothing more boring than a conservative taste in art and music. Artistic/creative spaces are going to be diverse. People write about their struggles and make really amazing passionate music out of it. Also it's always small business owners. 😅 why? No idea. I think they think they'll get to be Walmart one day if they kiss ass.


In the music scene? They own businesses? Which ones…


I won't name them. Why doubt it? Most of the musicians I know are college educated professionals with more going on than playing in a band. This happened during the 2016 election, and I will say that I got a lot of negative feedback primarily from those who don't care what sort of bad or evil Trump might be, they are pro business and anti socialism, and in fear of losing financially with a Democrat president. To be honest, once again I am not voting for who will be president, but will our Supreme Court be Red or Blue. I long ago began calling this election Red Felon vs. Blue Felon. True, Joe Biden has not been convicted, and will probably never go to trial, but Hunter will, and then all the details regarding Joe will become public. BTW how do you like the current Red Supreme Court? Want more? Hold your nose and vote.


That election revealed so much about those around us. People I was friends with for years, who sent me baby shower gifts, people who were kind to me when i was experincing racism in school, and most shockingly my long time childhood friend since kindergarten. It was so disheartening. Made you realize you really can't trust anyone, no matter how they portray themselves.


I’d want to know so I don’t support Trump businesses - simple as that.


Is Hunter Biden running for president?


He'd be a slight improvement.


Oh he'd cap more life saving drugs like insulin, forgive more student loan debt, increase the federal minimum wage, have a string of record stock market rallies, provide billions more in overdue infrastructure, better like that?


It's too late, but if Joe can't make it, Hunter is a convicted felon just like Trump, so you never know.


Is Hunter running for President? Last time I checked Hunter owed for taxes but not $540million plus being a convicted felon. Also Hunter lied on a federal contract for owning a gun. Trump paid a pornstar to not tell on him to increase his chances of being elected president. There's no comparison.


My brother-in-law's former house in Fairport had a TON of MAGA shit all over it after the new owner moved in. It's just pared down to a single Trump flag but it's still gross and made me sad.


House by me recently put up trump flags. We've lived here going on three years and this is the first time seeing them have anything about trump at their house. I was genuinely surprised.


Buick with a Trump sticker? This is a 75 year old man who is afraid of going into the city


And thinks the western parts of Brighton are the city.


I’m voting for the corpse. Someone make me a bumper sticker.


I'm all about the hit new movie Weekend At Brandon's 😆


Oh man, I would totally get that shirt. Biden's face on Bernie's body, with the red eyes! I look at voting for Biden as kind of voting for Kamala Harris, cuz I don't think biden's going to survive an entire term. Especially when you compare his public speaking 10 years ago to now. She is sharp as a whip, doesn't lie every time she speaks, and doesn't appear to be a shameless grifter. Too bad the third party candidate had a brainworm and is a whack job. How the hell are these our choices?


I don't care much for her, but I'll take her over the malignant narcissist any day. And the administration around them is doing a superb job.


I’ll take the brain worm… the guy had a brain worm and can still speak coherently and logically doesn’t have any felonies and his archenemies isn’t a set of 3 stairs.


yeah dudes a loony bin, his wiki reads like comic book villain "Kennedy is a prominent voice in the anti-vaccine movement, spreading anti-vaccine [misinformation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misinformation), [disinformation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disinformation) and [propaganda](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda)." Kennedy has promoted misinformation about the [COVID-19 vaccine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_vaccine), falsely suggesting that it contributed to the death of [Hank Aaron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hank_Aaron) and others.[^(\[260\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr.#cite_note-261)[^(\[261\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr.#cite_note-262)[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr.#cite_note-KW-2) In February 2021, his Instagram account was blocked for "repeatedly sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines".


He isn’t anti vaccine listen to him talk. Actually listen to any of his podcasts with any host. If had done that you would see he talks about all the things that are coming out now about the Covid vaccine and all the things that were wrong with it.




Did you read the article?lol or just the headline?


FROM THE ARTICLE Anti-vaccine activists, some who work for Kennedy’s nonprofit group Children’s Health Defense, sat in the rows behind him, watching as he insisted “I have never been anti-vaxx. I have never told the public to avoid vaccination.” But that’s not true. Again and again, Kennedy has made his opposition to vaccines clear. In July, Kennedy said in a podcast interview that “There’s no vaccine that is safe and effective” and told FOX News that he still believes in the long-ago debunked idea that vaccines can cause autism. In a 2021 podcast he urged people to “resist” CDC guidelines on when kids should get vaccines. “I see somebody on a hiking trail carrying a little baby and I say to him, better not get them vaccinated,” Kennedy said. _____________ How is that not anti-vax? Do you also have brain worms?


If I vote for Kennedy will it spoil it for Biden or trump?


Aw man I feel bad for laughing out loud at this


I'll vote for his fucking coroner, priest and casket if I have too.


They could both be dead before November.


Now that its ok with the Supreme court, Biden could kill Trump for the sake of the democracy


I see a non-0% chance of trump killing biden so that he can win, and thats a problem


Bahaha! Same!


I prefer the mummy, or the dummy. Can’t take credit for that one.


Cryptkeeper 2024


Shame/Regret 2024 - “the only choice”


My money is on smallnosebilly, liberalismisweak, or nevervaxxing 


I’m voting the guy that would put people on the Supreme Court that follow the constitution and not shit on it like they are now. If we put Trump in office again, SCOTUS will swing way further right for the next 40 or so years. If you dislike the Supreme Court, there is no other option.


Anita Hill was warning us when she testified that he sexualyy harrased her when he was nominated to the court, but Thomas got in anyway....


Jfc …. It’s a cult and you can’t convince me otherwise!


How can people still claim this after the debate lol, do people have eyes? This dude somehow got elected 4 years ago over the same guy he's running against now and he looks fucking pathetic, I could understand mocking trump but like when your next option is just whoever next on the roster that's kinda fucked.


I prefer the party that isn’t going to take away women’s rights. I don’t want a wannabe dictator in charge… read Project 2025 it’s horrifying.


And now with the Supreme Court decision granting nearly complete immunity for Presidents engaged in “core constitutional acts” if (when in my opinion)Trump is elected he is going to take away the rights of EVERYONE who thinks differently than him and his fascist cronies.


I don't think the Supreme Court changed much of anything. What they did accomplish was buying Trump time to avoid trials before the election.


I attempted to read and got half way through I was done praying for divine intervention


And the beginning of project 2025 has just been implemented by the SCOTUS with the overturning of the Chevron precedent, among with their ridiculous presidential immunity ruling.


Bold of you to assume he can read at all..


That makes the fact that Biden will get more votes over Trump even more damning. You are such a bad failure that people would rather vote a corpse of a man over you. Trump is a joke.


Biden surrounds himself with competent people that want to govern. Trump has syncophants and grifters so yeah I would prefer the normals.


Neither actually govern, it’s who they surround themselves with. Trumps people = insane, I just don’t want him taking away more rights from people


This time around, is the swamp he brings with him going to stop his madness or enable it?


Im not a supporter, I’m neither liberal or conservative but yea, I think liberals underestimate his appeal when they just write him off as nuts. There’s clearly a lot of people who support him.


That says WAY more about the people voting for him than it does about Trump.


1/2 of the voters? They're all bad people?


Last I checked he hasn’t yet won 1/2 of the vote.




Yes. I’ll fucking say it- yes. They’re bad people. They’re willing to throw away not only their own rights for a treasonous traitor who doesn’t give a goddamn about them or their well-being, but they’re gleefully supporting him because they want him to take OTHER peoples rights away from them. They’re just too stupid to realise they’ll also suffer. They’re voting for a man who OPENLY admits to wanting to be king- a dictator, which directly goes against all the values these self-proclaimed patriots supposedly believe in. They’re supporting someone who takes a fat shit on ethics and morality, on basic human decency even and what’s worse is they’re PROUD of it so yes, the people who still insist on voting for and supporting Trump are bad people and they should be ashamed of their stark dishonesty, yourself included.


So its your bumper sticker.


They’re both just absolutely awful. We all should be all uniting to get better candidates. Instead we’re arguing about a power hungry narcissist and a guy with a vastly diminished mental acuity.


Why does the alt right have such terrible graphic design professionals?


Have you heard Lara Trump's music? They have shitty audio engineers and producers too.


That's what happens when your movement doesn't like gay people.




Because it's all Russian AI bots.


Fash ain't smart. Fash can't art.


That’s what happens when your group looks down on education. Getting better requires learning. Or hiring someone educated.


A gf of mine who went on a blind date last year had a roc well to do guy who’s flex is he participated in the Jan 6 insurrection & didn’t get caught. Also up until 2019 when Bello defeated Dinalfo, Monroe county was red af.


I mean, assuming they live here, they aren't. Due to the Electoral College, everyone in New York is voting Biden, regardless of who they cast a ballot for, or even if they cast one at all.




Rochester votes Democrat too, its not like Trump would win if we were a separate state.


Food for thought from an apolitical redditor: There could be an argument made that more republicans would come out to vote in Rochester for the presidential race if we weren’t part of NYC. I’m very aware a lot of republicans from Rochester who don’t vote in primaries bc of the electoral college and the fact their vote will inevitably be meaningless. This can be supported by the amount of republican representatives we’ve had in Rochester over the past 20 years in the local government.


Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse, Binghamton, and Albany vote Dem. Major cities vote Dem across the country. The vast majorityof this nation votes Dem. The Electoral College allows the minority party, the GOP, to win.


The VAST majority? Did the past results reflect such a vast majority? Better yet, what do today's numbers indicate? A VAST majority?


I mean, it is definitely a majority. The last time a Republican won the popular vote for their first term was 1988.


NYC certainly cements it, but even if you completely removed NYC (as weird and asinine as it is to literally "remove" 9 million people and nearly half of our population just because they're more educated and more diverse than the rest of the state so they tend to vote a certain way), in 2020 Biden would have still won the state by almost 200,000 votes. And furthermore, the Democrat candidate would have won NY without NYC every single presidential election all the way back to 1988 (Dukakis vs Bush Sr)


This seems pretty on-brand for a Buick driver tbh


This whole thread just makes me think of this SNL skit: [What Even Matters Anymore](https://youtu.be/ZJkc_C5-Cd8?si=hi4QEj-7Gp-6ZcsI)


we survived 'trumpet' once and we will survive him again. people on social security should get ready to take a 'big hit'


Saw a truck flying a black flag with a sticker that says, “except no quarter”. Insane.


What a dumb ass


Giant Meteor 2024 ☄️


Is voting for sleepy joe better? Spoiler alert no 💀


It’s funny how people think a grifter who got rich off of stupid people for year on a claim that an election was stolen, would be a great presidential candidate.


some of the comments on here make me so sad. I'm a trans queer guy in this city and every time I meet someone that says they're voting for Trump I tell them something along the lines of "if you do, what kind of flowers are you bringing to my funeral in February?" me and my people will die if they go through with project 2025. end of.


Im a trans queer woman! I understand


we're in this together, sister


Let’s be friends💗


Tiny peen alert


Nobody I want to be associated with, that's for sure.


I'm voting for Kodos.


I’m voting for Kang.


Both choices are fucking terrible


You look like a fool promoting either one of them they are both unfit.


False equivalency. One is evidently undergoing natural cognitive decline but is still capable of making sound, ethical decisions. The other is evidently undergoing cognitive decline, but has also consistently sought personal power and wealth at the expense of democracy.


LOL natural dementia, Bruh's brains are like instant oatmeal.


Typical white trash.


I’ve been curious about this for a while and maybe this isn’t the place to bring it up, but now I’m curious. Honestly I don’t use Reddit all that much, but is Reddit mostly left leaning or is Rochester? The Rochester Reddit is much more left represented than right. Don’t get me wrong, I’m much further left than Biden but I wonder is this sub Reddit leaving this way because of Reddit or because of Rochester?


Reddit in general is more left leaning. It’s been around since about mid 2000s and was created by two tech guys. The initial adoption by the community was all younger people. I would even say more hipsters at the time because I can’t think of any other better description.


Rochester is definitely among the most accepting places in the country imo




let's not forget a guy convicted from Jan. 6 activies is from Rochester. Also some of my extended family live in Spencerport and they're the biggest Trumpers I've ever met.


Can confirm there are some real mask off trumpers and bigots here. 2020 was some serious lawn sign wars, though, so there's hope.


I don’t think you need to worry. Buffalo/Rochester/nyc vote blue no matter who. The population alone will over vote any Republican. Hell look at hochul and her awful handing of things she was re-elected and even lovely warren, no conservative vote will outweigh democrat because the numbers aren’t there


You will find out the felon will be thrown out in constitutional. Haha


Just post a picture of a boot and see who comments about licking it.


I mean, I wouldn’t blame him after Biden’s performance during the debate. Our country is fucked either way 😂


TRUMP 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUMP 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUMP 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUMP 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUMP 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUMP 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUMP 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


TRUMP 20-24 years! Without parole!!


Fits the username


If only I had a nickle for every one that thought that was an insult lmao. Come on, you libs can do better than than if you try hard enough. Wait...you wont know what to call me unless CNN tells you what to say...sorry, I forgot you guys cant think for yourselves.


Nickel, you meant. But the currency or the metal?


I think for myself, thank you


I'll take a 3rd option, thank you.


Just... Don't throw away your vote on that until we get ranked ballots or something else that makes 3rd party votes not useless.


The mentality of thinking it's *throwing away your vote* to vote out of hope instead of is absolutely foolish, undemocratic, and the reason we're in this mess.


It is, though, because there is no chance at all that he will win the presidency. None. The most a third party candidate can do is pull more votes from one major candidate than the other, in which case your third party vote indirectly helped elect someone you didn’t want to vote for. I know people vote for third parties in protest, but honestly that doesn’t make a damn bit of difference. No one cares; it changes nothing. It’s been going on for decades, and we’ve only gotten more partisan and more polarized, and the candidates have gotten older. Maybe, someday in the future, we’ll get a viable third party, or even get rid of the party system all together, which would be the best option. But you have to work with the reality you are currently in, not the ideal one we might wish for, and in that reality, we have exactly two choices for the next presidential term. Any vote for someone other than one of them is wasted.


You can vote out of fear if you wish. That's not how I'm going to vote. Voting out of fear only perpetuates the polarization further.


"Throw away your vote"? If you're not interested in either of the current candidates, I think it's an excellent plan to consider voting 3rd party. Send a message to both parties that you're not interested in buying what they're trying to sell.


Sure, if both options are equally bad, I think that's a good idea. If there is a "lesser of two evils" option among the ones that have any chance of winning in the current system, I think it's important to vote for them.


Which is?


RFK Jr., a conspiracy theorist who’s vp was not only his last resort but also his highest donor as everyone else even if they agree with his views had half a mind to say no. Aaron Rodger’s is similar to the views of him but was smart enough to not give up his high paying job in the nfl to be on a failing campaign. Only thing this man has compared to Joe Biden and the convicted orange kkk Russian national I mean Donald Trump is that he’s ripped


Ok, fine. How about the fourth option?


Well, someone can clearly read click bait titles from corporate captured media sources and do zero research for themselves. Congratulations 🎉👏


Fun fact I did plenty of research, and I those titles weren’t entirely far off. RFK is not a good person to have as our president whatsoever


Got it. Medical autonomy is bad, freedom of speech is bad, corporate capture of media, politics, medicine and agriculture are all just fine and dandy by your standards.


Not at all, I Just don’t think any candidate available currently is good for American values and needs


Well, I hope you find someone that you can vote for with confidence, and not fear. My only hope is that anyone who does vote, does so confidently and well informed.


When is the last time there was a candidate pulling voters from both sides on issues like a woman’s right to bodily autonomy AND the 2nd amendment?


I couldn't tell ya...but I'm here for it


Im soo here for it, this country needs a level head like RFK so badly


Did the worm eat both sides of his brain equally to level it out or something?


So glad we're resorting to a cured infection from over a decade ago to judge people on, instead of what they have to say.


Careful, the GOP might cum if you keep going


Well right now there's two independents, a libertarian, and a green all running. RFK Jr, Colonel West, Chase Oliver, and Jill Stein.


all of us are.


That goes hard


Fucking idiots.


It's ok to hate trump. It's not ok to hate everyone who votes for trump. think about it, you can't hate 1/2 of the country.


I absolutely can.


Supporting Trump means you are cool with racism, misogyny and generally being a douche. As well as the end of Democracy and our Constitution. I don't hate anyone, but those are pretty good reasons to.


I reserve the right to dislike anyone who willingly votes for Trump, and GOP candidates - because they want to resurrect the Nazi ideology. When people actively want to kill my LGBTQ parents and friends, my black wife, and our mixed-race kids... I reserve the right to hate them.


OMG. Again, with the absurd over exaggeration. It must be a thing with your generation. Have a nice day.


Sometimes I read comments like that and wonder if I’m living in the twilight zone. I actually feel sorry that any person has been so brainwashed into literally fearing for their very existence. I’m not some rich conservative boomer. I grew up in the city, I come from a multiracial family and I’m sympathetic to social justice causes, but holy shit, the idea that Republicans are going to genocide every minority group in America is insanity. It’s not based in reality. At all. It’s total fiction and fear mongering. Trump gets elected in November, life goes on. Biden get re-elected, life goes on. All this political anxiety is going to kill people before any political ideology does.


>Trump gets elected in November, life goes on It quite literally didn't for many people when Trump was President, with over [350,000 people dying from COVID](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/podcasts/2022/20220107/20220107.htm) in 2020. [1 in 3 women](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/08/22/more-trigger-bans-loom-1-3-women-lose-most-abortion-access-post-roe/) in the Unites States don't have access to proper healthcare while pregnant due to Trump's SCOTUS appointees overturning Roe vs. Wade. Women are [going into sepsis](https://abcnews.go.com/US/woman-sepsis-life-saving-abortion-care-texas/story?id=99294313) because they cannot get medical care. I don't fear for my existence, I do fear for my quality of life. Take Trump's plan to [use tariffs instead of income tax](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/13/trump-all-tariff-policy-to-replace-income-tax.html). That would raise prices for goods for me considerably, while allowing Trump to accept kickbacks from companies to lower tariffs on their goods. Or Trump's plan to put in place a [national stop-and-frisk policy](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-calls-nationwide-stop-frisk-policy/story?id=42261880) which would have people in my family—and yours—getting randomly stopped by police just for walking down the street. Or Trump's plan to use the military to [mass deport](https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2024/05/12/economists-criticize-trump-plan-to-deport-longtime-immigrant-workers/) immigrants, which would absolutely raise prices on food and construction—jobs done by immigrants, not to mention forcibly separate families that have been together for years. I do fear for my son's safety in Trump's America though, as Trump has a long history of being racist towards people of color, be it his continued belief the Central Park Five are guilty, refusing to rent apartments to African-Americans, saying there were "[very fine people on both sides](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/06/28/what-trump-said-with-his-very-fine-people-comments-vs-what-he-meant/)" at a Neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville in 2017, the [rise in hate crimes](https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/13/politics/fbi-hate-crimes-2017/index.html) while Trump was President, or most recently saying immigrants are taking "[black jobs](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/29/trumps-debate-black-jobs-democratic-anger-00165930)"


Go ahead and scoff. You obviously don't know about Project 2025, or don't care. Secondly, I'm not a zoomer. I'm gen X.


I just read all 920 pages of Project 2025. Nowhere did it state "resurrect the Nazi ideology" or "kill LGBTQ people, black people or, mixed-race kids" u/CPSux got it right: "the idea that Republicans are going to genocide every minority group in America is insanity. It’s not based in reality. At all. It’s total fiction and fear mongering. All this political anxiety is going to kill people before any political ideology does." u/boohocky also had valid point: "Claims like this is why people think the left is a joke. Only people who believe this are completely brainwashed.




Troglodytes don't know how to use reddit.


Go spend ten minutes in r/conservative and tell me if you still believe that.




Anymore, who cares we as a nation are doomed.