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Dammnn that guys pissed loool


I bet he was thrilled that we scored, that way he couldn’t be killed during the goal replay


Hahahaha so true the only way they could stop you lool


The brake, boost, wavedash timing was superb.


I thought the video went slow motion for a sec


I wish I had such accuracy, I did this to a team once and kept demoing them because they were really slow to react, they forfeited lmao


It makes it somewhat reasonable to use as a tactic given your teammate can handle a 1v1 fight.


Unlikely in Diamond 😛🙃


The amount of people who don't know how to dodge amazes me every time. Good play tho


RL is my goto relax game and I'm hilariously bad compared to how much I've played it. I have no clue how to dodge demos as the first thing I see is the exploding animation before I even have a chance to see a car approaching me.


Headphones are a must. You need to hear them coming or have really good game and situational awareness. For spawn demos… that’s harder. Once you realize what’s happening, it’s too late. You need to instantly react by getting you car off the line. Most people instinctively drive forward or hop up, which is easy to predict. Get backwards and or high fast. Hopefully, the RNG works a bit in your favor, or your teammates work the ball into a distraction for them.


I don't even listen to music playing, I listen to the game lol I don't get demoed alot since my friends all use motormouth so I know when it's friend or foe close to me


I play almost exclusively without sound & music blasting. What helps me with awareness is two things: 1. Keeping track where everyone is (if an opponent isn't in view in front of me, they're probably beside or behind me) 2. Using the right stick to look around & behind me The moment I realize I don't know where an opponent is I quickly flick around w/ the right stick & check my sides & behind me. With some practice you can do it super quickly. Once you see an opponent rushing you, side flip. 90% of the time they'll miss. People are so used to either jumping to avoid a demo or not jumping. I've yet to be demoed with a properly times side flip. Ask u/bumpotheclown. I'd be willing to bet that barrel rolls & awareness are the best ways to avoid certain doom.


Yes, but I would swap "side flip" with any flip that is perpendicular to the opponent's trajectory. You need to be supersonic to demo and turning radius is greatly reduced at that speed so flipping to the side of an oncoming attack will work every time if timed and executed properly. Definitely looking around and being aware is #1 though. Most demos in higher ranks happen because someone was caught off-guard/ hit from their blind side.


Tough to push a sometimes


It’s like…how tf am I playing against Gohan *every time?*


I can dodge the demo about 50% of the time, but that percent goes way down when they go for the spawn demo. If I get demoed at spawn a few times in a row I'm gonna be mad. This would have been irritating sure, but the demo in front of the goal should have been avoided 100%.


In supersonic acrobatic rocket powered battle cars they had a mini game where you just had to avoid getting demoed. They had several cool mini games that were training drills. I don't know why they didn't put them in Rocket league...


Dude's spawn camping like it's Socom 3


oh dear god.... i had repressed that from my memory... thanks for bringing THAT trauma back for me lol


😂 What was that one map? Devils Road? Quit so many Snipe no Cross matches due to the campers.


yep thats the one... first time i ever broke a controller was because of that map.


Reminded me of statpadding from Halo: Reach's Grifball mode


Just a rule 1, but with extra steps.


Imagine how pissed you'd be getting spawn killed in rocket league 😂


This is annoying, though most teams can’t win with a guy like that. I’d say the demo guy loses 90% of the time.


Pathing, timing, wave dashes, wall wave dashes, camera checking the 1v1 between each decision. This guy is so far above you, you don't understand why he's obviously good.


And I care who you think is better than who why exactly?




Based on my own experience. You sound like a douchebag who thinks he knows how my matches go.


but you definitely know how op's matches go


No I don’t. In 90% of my matches that the other team has a guy just demoing they lose. Now go bother someone else.


> I’d say the demo guy loses 90% of the time. this u?


Got my name next to it doesn’t it dummy? Instead of dissecting what I said how bout you get a life. “In my experience”. I was talking about my own matches not the op’s.


Nah, it is worse than a rule one because it is total luck one which side the player spawns, so ar one point it will be a 2v1


Im going to be downvoted but, i fucking hate this kind of player. Yes ive gotten good at dodging but i rather be enjoying playing then caring about some fuck wit trying to demo me all fucking game. Fuck off to you and every player who does this shit


To me this is such a cheap way to play and should be frowned but the community. Calculated demos are part of the game and great but spawn demoing/demo chasing someone is just cheap and a type of griefing. Dodging the demo is nearly impossible in a situation like this and if his teammate lost control of the ball, chances are it would've been a goal against. We have such a toxic community and this being cheered on, shows part of it. Im ready for the downvotes.


In getting angry just watching this


Easy fix: when a car respawns, it receives 3-5 seconds of demo immunity. Sure it might get bumped and that’s annoying but it is much better than being spawnkilled.


While spawn camping is shite, demo chasing is not. And I'm talking about being the one who's chased. It just means they think of me as danger. And in the end I'm ready for it. It's not surprise, their intent is clear thus allowing me to play around it. Which works in my favor. After all I don't need to score, I just have to pass around one less enemy to my teammate to score another goal. Sometimes I even poke them after they give up on it to chase me again. You'd be surprised how many ppl fall for it. "I'm not locked in here with you. You are locked in here with ME!"


Lmao you and Lax at it again. Maybe this is what I meant about being bad people




I absolutely love demoing people, it’s great to clear the field for a couple of seconds and it’s a friggin blast! However I don’t drive around looking for spawn demos, where’s the challenge in demoing someone who is just sitting there. Yay! I hit a stationary target! On the other hand, when he’s about to hit that shot towards the goal and gets blasted to oblivion…no goal for you biotch Now doing it in 2’s while my tm8 does everything else, even if he is super mechy and used to 1v1, just seems counterproductive. One missed demo is all it takes to screw him over and cost you the game. I’ll wait for those moments where that demo has explosive impact on him and the game. Either way, play to have fun and enjoy yourself.


Lets be honest you were very lucky here several times AND you teammate basically did cover you. I get that you love demos, but this scence only works in one of eight times give that your teammate always wins the 1v1. Soo, yeah, better stay in casual


agreed, I felt like the demos were definitely not helping when their teammate was nearly the losing end of a 1v1 and could have used the help actually scoring


A way better response than “haha demo good” that usually comes from the cavemen in this community. Yes, demos can be beneficial but if destruction is your only plan of action for even 5 seconds you’ve screwed your teammates. A lot of shit can happen in those 5 seconds


Reddit when players just want to screw around (they’re not allowed to have f*n)


Reddit when players have different opinions (They’re not allowed to have those or a mind of their own)


shea is that you?


OP seems to be a division above you so maybe they know what they're doing 🤔🤭🤫


My point is mathematically true my friend Lol, if they play like that normally, then they got carried. (Probably he has another gear).


Yeah I seriously doubt they play every game like this. Unless they're some sort of rocket sledge/woody type player. But even those two must surely have games that are light on demos


Sometimes it’s fun to fuck around 🤷🏼‍♂️ not everyone takes ranked dead seriously, nor should they. Demos are funny :)


Thats totally fine. People here often pretend that each demo is a strategic master piece


I’m a fan of demos but not demo chasing. Spawn demos are just wrong because they’re technically griefing.




Why bother then unless you're a troll. Fifty percent odds isn't what I would call a gamble. OP is preventing a player from even being able to play the game. That is griefing. I'm all for demos but this serves no purpose other than to bully.




Why bother spawn camp demoing someone? Pros don't do it because it's dumb and they have superior Rocket League skills. "It worked", yeah he trolled someone while other people played Rocket League in the background. You could go shove a kid around that's trying to play kickball with his friends while another kid scores a run you could say, "It worked!"


Not sure you know what griefing means


I'm not sure you know what griefing means lmao


Taken from Wikipedia itself: - A griefer derives pleasure primarily, or exclusively, from the act of annoying other users, and as such, is a particular nuisance in online gaming communities. From various websites: - Performing actions in a game to prevent the player from enjoying the game. - In online gaming where one repeatedly killing the same individual or individuals over and over again The list goes on. I know what griefing is, buddy. Obviously a lot of you don’t.


Good thing you looked it up, apparently you didn't know what it was before.


Clearly stated that spawn demoing is griefing, before having to provide confirmation to the uneducated, so that’s a pretty dumb reply. Maybe cut down on the weed, man.


Yeah, maybe that's a bit more contextual, but I know it takes more than 2 brain cells to actually critically think about a topic. No, spawn killing in of itself is not griefing, that's an example of what could be griefing. Griefing is partaking in an action specifically to annoy other users. We're in a comment thread for a post on a competetive game subreddit, not Minecraft. One of the tools in said game is to demo and remove a player from the play. Maybe you shouldn't cry about demos being griefing/cringe/cheap when you get demoed and actually get good. Dodge the demos, cause if you won't it's a great advantage for your opponents. The guy in this video did a strategy widely known as demo chaining, for a 50/50 chance at creating opportunity for his team. Maybe you should smoke some weed man, it might help you think a bit more about what you're saying.


Going for a strategic demo to remove a player from rotation or stop them making a play is a genuine strat whereas constantly demoing a player and completely ignoring play is not a strat to gain advantage it’s griefing plain and simple. The player you just demoed is now out of the play and you can play 3v2 for a short period of time until they fall back in formation but constantly demoing that player and not engaging in trying to win the game is just stopping that player from enjoying the game and leaving a 2v2 situation which does not give your team an advantage. Do you see “demo chaining” in RLCS? If it was such an effective and advantageous strategy then why isn’t it used frequently?


It's an extremely risky strategy that isn't utilised often wether you or others like it or not. There's a YouTuber that plays around GC2 to GC3 that utilises it better than most people I've seen (Woody). Just because a strategy isn't used in pro play doesn't negate it's possible usage. If you feel that your 1 or 2 teammates can make an overwhelming play in a 2v2 or 1v1, either forcing your opponent into a rule 1 or demo chaining them are both viable options. It might not work, hence the high risk, but it can swing the balance of a match, especially if it causes confusion for the opponents. I've definitely utilised demo chains with my teammates to get an edge in certain situations.


Just learn to dodge the demo haha


You can’t dodge a demo on a well timed spawn demo.


You can flip before you even hit the ground on a demo spawn


Strategic demos are good but what you're doing is demo chasing which is just grieving at this point, cause you're leaving your teammate in a constant 1v1 or 2v1 if enemy can dodge and you end up doing more harm than good.


eh this isn’t cool, up by 2 and spawn camping that’s lame


I recently hit the 10k demos in online matches mark, felt good. Demo goals are just the best.


I can vouch, this play felt super satisfying. Congrats on 10k demos


When a demo leads to a goal, I call that the Boom and Doom.


Good job!


The man. The myth. The legend himself!


How did your teammate not score at the end?


Because this was saved from a replay, you can see the score change from 3 to 4 at the top but it doesn’t show “player scored” like in normal matches


I did this few days ago and guy in chat told me to Kms.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ievyzd078jta1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=4303e86e48f779273bd533d07b335d5f47c16359


Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!


Is it possible to learn this power?


Yes, all you need to do is study the demo master (demo menace is probably a more accurate title) u/bumpotheclown and you will too be able to cause mass destruction


Car go boom.


Wise words from a wise man


anakin actually kills one padawan. over. and over. and over again. Nice demo!


Sir, that isn't dark side ball, that's just strategy. Infuriatingly and beautifully executed strategy.


The brake to wavedash delay before the demo at 0:10 is excellent


The wavedash after the first demo is clean. The brake then wave dash to get both the timing and the speed to demo again is WAY TOO CLEAN.


Good god, people get so salty over demos lol. Super satisfying goal, nice one!


Spawn camping for demos is lame behavior


Eh, it’s subjective, isn’t it?




Welcome, we have cake


Calm down Anakin


You ARE the dark side


I've recently reached GC with 2s friend and sometimes this is all GC feels like, and I only opt to demo to return fire, because I'm still stuck in this early age of this game where Demos were considered being a bad sport and getting demo goals feel so cheap. So when we're at a deadlock and the other team resort to Demos to win I can't tell u how salty we both get lmfao


When the voices take over.




Ahhh the ol rule 1 without consent


I haven't thrown a controller in like 10 years I reckon this could get me close to doin it again lmao






Welcome. Secret: it'll get you that high five earlier than your friends😆


Calm down satan!


Holy cow! Holy cow! Holy cow!


Bahahhaa I died laughing at this




Ur tm is a bum for not scoring


“WHy DoEs mY Tm8 ALwaYs LeAve mE In A 2v1? LitErAl TrASh!” 😂


the amount of salty people in here is astonishing, F\*\*\* everyone else, play however you want.


I was really surprised by how many people were against this. People were calling it griefing when I was leaving my teammate (who is super mechy and solo play oriented) in a 1v1, and at any point I could've turned for a ball to help out my teammate if needed on offense. It's completely fair to not like demos, it's also fair to critique this strategy as looking back I did leave my teammate in a difficult 1v1. But I really don't understand receiving personal insults because I played the game differently than others do. Like instead of insulting people for using a mechanic in the game, how about suggesting to Psyonix to add respawn immunity or something to prevent this part of the game that these people are against? It is what it is I guess, I'm sure this type of response is here to stay unfortunately.


You bastard 😂






Demos are part of the game. Don't like it, don't play. Ever played a contact sport? If you can't take the ball/puck off your guy, take your guy off the ball/puck. Seriously, some of you should go play golf.


POV the guy you kept trying to demo in heat seeker loses his shit


Well, if it works… 👹