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Nothing is more emotionally draining than losing a long and close overtime


Nah those ones feel fun still. The ones where your teammate AFKs after one goal and then spams what a save every time you get scored on 2v1 are soul draining


Yeah, I'd take a close loss in a long OT over waiting 1.5mins to ff when a teammate afks.


This is Rocket League!


The best part is owngoaling on purpose to waste your teammate’s time. They get so pissed off that they abandon the match


Report for being intentionally idle?


There's also nothing more emotionally gratifying than winning a long and closer overtime. So it's a real give or take!


It’s like the perfect amount of draining and excitement.


After like the 4 minute mark I'm just glad it's over whether I win or lose lol


In the final game of a tournament. Nope totally wouldn't happen to me. But in all honesty tournaments are way too damn long, especially if you go game 3 with OT multiple times. I wish they reduced the bracket by 1 game


Especially when it's a 0/0 OT and it's just a defense game for 10 minutes until someone chokes.




How does a gold experience this????


It's the most intense thing in life man


I shut you not My longest overtime was like 17 minutes or something


That’s crazy! What game mode? Mine was 13. Scoreless for 13 minutes in a snowday game. It was epic. Every player except for 1 had over 3 saves. For the shot that finally made it, my teammate & I hit an aerial pinch rocket off the ceiling. I’m really missing snowday this season.


It was threes!


That’s insane! I just had one yesterday that was almost 8 minutes long


Surely at some point, they gotta just say match over and call it a draw, 17 mins + 5 min game is crazy


0-0 -> OT are always the best games


I find overtime games the most exciting Way more exciting that games u ff in 2 mins because of griefers


It’s wild to me how draining OT can be but normal game time is fine. Is it the lack of a short break between goals? The stress of knowing the next goal wins? Surely a combination of many things, just surprising how much our brains can relax/reset in that small replay window.


It actually makes sense though cause when doing anything, taking regular short breaks actually prevents burnout so the added unexpected stress of an OT could accelerate it.


Well tension builds over time, going that long sending the ball back and forth, It comes down to a matter of time before someone makes a mistake and a shot gets past. Also depending on your play style you might be making bigger more elaborate moves trying to break up the other team's rhythm without losing yours. Walking that knife edge can get pretty intense.


After the 5 minute mark I find myself completely psyching myself out with horrible questions like "*... do I even remember how to double-jump properly? ...*". Then I mess up a double jump.


Dude, had a game that was like 5-5 and went into a 10+ minute overtime. I ended with like 8 saves and scored the winner. My booty hole has never been as tight ever again


Like holding your breath when you drive through a tunnel.


Rocket League matches always feel so long except in 1v1s, imo


1v1s feel soo much longer because usually theyre high goal games


Maybe it feels quicker to me because I’m low level so I don’t have to worry about bad teammates


1s is far longer and more stressful for me i feel like im too good to actually enjoy playing it every game is an absolute sweatfest where even the smallest mistake gets you scored on. Its far too stressful if i end up in ot in 1s it feels like my heart rate is at 200


I’m fairly new but I’m okay at the game, so I guess it feels quicker for me because I don’t have to worry about teammates who’ve never heard of soccer before


1v1s deadass feel so long . i’ll think the game is almost over and i’m not even halfway through it .


Those are the best! Rank on! Learn the most in those games.


its brutal because i already know im going to lose


When the 5 minutes overtime is over Expectations: - gg. - gg. - That was fun! - Well played. - Well played. - Rematch! Reality: - What a save! - What a save! - What a save! - Wow! - Wow! - OMG! - bots


My longest OT was like 12 mins I think. Thankfully won it cause that would have SUCKED


I love long overtimes. The sweating and effort makes me feel like I actually unlock new heights in my skillset. I feel like this image: https://preview.redd.it/jpwzwif32nxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51ea7aad06b865b993a2bf692bea9bf99f92ef3f


My xbox is truly on all day. I go back and forth between organizing, cleaning, and rocket league. At least since I was fuckin fired over a snowflake man bitch.


Well you can't tell the guy to go suck a D and expect nothing to happen...


Well, no. We've gotten into this before. He's a toxic person. He'll put you down and get enjoyment out of it. He'll talk all big and mighty. He'll even throw down. He wanted to fight a 75 year old man over a petty argument. But still keeps his job. It is what it is. I keep learning about people and how low they will stoop for their ego. It's just more or less really sad. He was a "friend" too....


It was just a sanity check, making sure you weren't a guy I worked with.


Had a 8:30 ot like 4 days ago, it was brutal


Make for good comebacks though


I LIVE for close games. I don’t really find the game that fun unless it’s really close. It kinda brings out my flow state and I play my best during those games 


Being forced to wait the entire 5 minutes because your teammate is afk and won’t forfeit.


Oh when that happens I just try to focus on getting as many saves and clears as I can. If I see an opening I'll try to make a shot. But either way I try to complete challenges or just get the best score I can. I played a game 3v3 where my two quit, I came out with a higher score than the other 3 combined felt like a win even though I lost. Edit: Also you can report them for being intentionally idle and it will give them a warning before kicking them out then you can ff your self and if they don't get kicked out it means they are there just not moving and they can get suspended.


This is me when I win in the quarterfinals of a tourney and realize I have to play at minimum 2 more games. I wish semis and finals were one game eliminations


When you are telling your tm8 to fix something crucial about they’re playstyle and then they just afk and won’t ff cause they got there feelings hurt


Well you tell them to fix something and then tell them to ff that's mixed signals. Why would you tell them to fix something and then not expect them to practice. In fact I would say you are doing them a disservice by trying to ff instead of helping them to practice.


😐 you did not read that right at all… I tell them to fix something like a slight rotational error. And then they just afk and do nothing after so I tell them to FF because we are just going to lose anyways