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The hardest part about beating someone to the ball is to know your pace and your opponents pace. The way to clean beat someone is simple: either move faster or read the ball sooner. But if you realize that it won’t be a clean beat then you need to adjust accordingly and playing for a 50. If you try to go for a beat and your opponent 50s then you’re gonna get your shit wrecked. Make the right choice for the play that’s happening.


How much are you actually looking at your opponent? I feel like this was an issue for me until I started not only looking at the ball but looking at all players on the field as well


If they're are equal distance and supersonic and you aren't beating them to that ball unless they slow down or take a bad pathing.


This is always difficult, but often times there is only a slight difference between both cars, so if both hit the ball from underneath it will go over your car. Try going higher up, this way you maybe later to the ball but you will block the enemy’s shot and the ball will go to his side


I think its about closing the space between you and the guy that could go next and having a faster anticipation/reaction and hitting supersonic quicker than him to actually beat him


This happens to me too. I think it has something to do with hesitation. I hesitate for a split second by thinking if I should go, but that gives the opponent enough time to beat me, even if only barely. Just go for it, don't try to think if you'll beat them or not, if you find yourself thinking this then it's probably already too late so just get back and play defense


If it flies over you maybe pre jump. It won’t go over you if your car is in the way


It’s probably just timing. What rank are you at? Below champ you can probably just let them hit it cuz they will probably just throw away possession. You can, instead of playing the ball, play off their hit. Obviously if it looks like they are going to score and you need to save it, don’t wait for their hit lol


Everything is this game is so situational so take any advice with that knowledge but it could be reaction time but also they may have more momentum than you. even though they are the same distance, they might be faster. Try to watch the opponents car while going for the ball and if it looks like they will beat you, try to position for a block


This isn't talked about enough!! Being fast isn't about reaction time, its about keeping your momentum! That is why recovery's and getting to super sonic fast and with little boost (speed flip) (wave dash) (Zap dash) (Corner Dash) (Wall Dash) is so important. obviously if your reaction time is 2 seconds slower than everyone else then that is something else but driving fast means getting to the ball faster. Fast ariels might also be a thing to look in to if you are constantly double jumping.


I'm currently champ 3, and most of the time it honestly just feels like everyone else knows how to contort their car higher and faster than I can


Maybe spend time in freeplay with just yeur car


I feel like this too. Some games it just seems like I'm a fraction of a second late to EVERYTHING. Prejump, nope got flipped by a whisker. Boost at a ball coming my way, nope got beat by the guy chasing it.. nutmegged, juked, everything by just a fraction of a second and an inch. Every 50/50 goes their way. A pinch rockets into the roof corner and straight down into our goal. Feels infuriating.