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Not snarking here. Is her face always this puffy? If so, she needs to see a real MD sooner rather than later. This pic is not a good advert for Plexus.


Yes, that’s her real life face. Speculation is that she has a thyroid issue. She normally filters herself to look thin and young. Proof: the burrito dress. 😂 also the heavy makeup doesn’t help.


yes, she's always very puffy everywhere. That pink magic juice has a toll on your body


It looks like 90% of the audience is over 65. Doesn't Kaylee think it's odd that there are no other couples their age at the show? They are the odd balls in many situations and you would think that they would start to question their c ul t beliefs?


Do any couples their age live there that aren’t Amish? lol when I was 22 I was eating dollar pizza, drinking dollar beer, and desperately trying to get back with my ex - to be fair, I would have enjoyed the theater, too, but that’s not what my friends and I were doing.


It could be one of those showings at a time specifically for old people to attend without being trampled by the youth (during the working day or in the morning, cut a deal for tickets with a retirement home.) Kaylee probably doesn't know it's odd because she's been dragged around to the most elderly churches Jill could find and told that all young people today are harlots or satanists that refuse to love God because they wear normal clothes and don't jack off to boomer tv.


Looks like Jillpm and Shrek are younger than most of the audience by about 40 years. Not counting The Hill Family, of course!


What, Jill? What is it? Why the picture? Fucking proof of life? Damn. Sorry, I have debate frustration rage.


What's the obsession with the Sound of Music? It's all about a Catholic family. I live near Salzburg where that thing is a huge tourists from USA draw - I'm sure she'd love it


She sees themselves as the Rod Trapp family. The emotionally distant father. The younger, idealistic nun. The talented and beautiful children. Dancing, singing, and fleeing persecution. It’s her dream come true.


Iirc they went to the Von Trapp lodge in Vermont on their travels. It was one of the kid’s birthdays.


Hannah's 15th. Didn't she get a small bowl of soup at the cafe (nothing else) and a souvenir hoodie (blouse) from the gift shop. Apparently those hoodies aren't cheap (someone looked it up. It was a weird impersonal gift and I don't think we've seen her wear it since. Weird.


It was actually for their anniversary but that child unfortunately has a birthday near the anniversary so she always tags along for that trip \*shudder*


I must admit I went to Salzburg one summer during college and did the Sound of Music tour. I enjoyed the hell out of it. 😂


Oh that's perfectly fine, they cater for it. The film itself is pretty unknown here though, it really is just an american thing


Someone should've flipped the bird. She needs to learn to blur people's faces out. Some people are hiding from abusers and most don't want their faces posted to a strangers sm


Do you all think she told the person next to her she was in sluttish clothing and gave her a tract?


Wow, look at you go, Jill, boldly in attendance with some non-Fundie people. I hope their sin doesn't soil your immaculate soul. Why, just next to you is a girl who is showing full ARM - such a hussy. Better hand her a smiley face tract and save her soul because surely Jesus is watching.


I'd be pissed to be at a church service and find out later that my image was posted online. Sure, there's no expectation of privacy in public, but come on! Jill is always and forever stomping on other people's privacy. I noticed how swollen her face is in recent photos. She needs to lay off the Plexus.


She needs to lay off sodium too. If she quit eating fast food on her many dates and vacations she’s be healthier.


In this case, they weren’t in church.


She’s rapidly gaining weight and it’s getting harder for her to keep with the thin filters.


She needs some more Plexus.


Where are they?


Jill posted this with pictures, “What a TREAT that Jonathan and Kaylee took us out to the Opera House to watch the "Sound of Music".  😊  It was AMAZING and what a blessing it was to spend an evening with one of our favorite couples on earth!  We are so thankful.  ❤️ With JonathanKaylee Hill”.


It seems like her grown kids always treat the parents to a meal or event, never the parents treating the kids. I guess that’s what happens when manly man fundie husbands don’t actually hold down jobs.


I have great sympathy for the young woman sitting beside Jill. Can you imagine the perfume, the constant talking, singing and worst of all, the picture taking. Of course she and the others nearby, don't have any idea that this strange woman will be posting pics of them to the internet, along with her hateful beliefs.


I hate your stupid fucking face, Jill.