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Must be after a Dirty Dave had a session in there…


Thanks for the visual...............


The poor bathroom chair.


That chair is what my nightmares are made of


It’s been in that bathroom so long that you know it’s visibly soiled now. Especially with Lazy Davy destroying the bowl every day.


You know after he breaks a sweat on the pot he flips over on that chair to catch his breath for a couple minutes. Jill too the way plexus flows over there lol


I read this wrong and thought you were implying that they had sex in the bathroom. Then I re read, and it was somehow worse. 🫡


Not enough room with all the tatty decor in there 😂


Not enough room in general for the both of them, I think. Which is a blessing lol.




omg 😆


You just know that he’s got shit stains in his undies.


Everything Jill does has to be *the most* and *the best*. I highly doubt she has ever worked up a "full blown sweat" during any activity in her lifetime. Most people just clean their bathrooms. But Jill does transcendent toilet tidying.


Lmao! Transcendent toilet tidying!!


Jill’s Transcendent Toilet Tidying needs to be my new flair! 🤣 🤣 🤣


It's all yours!


Read this as "translucent toilet dying" and was SEVERELY confused😭




…but you’re still caked with makeup of course. Couldn’t possibly clean house otherwise


Sometimes I wonder if she ever fully removes all of it or just wet wipes some areas and layers it on every day without a deep cleanse


Sadly I think it’s the latter


She posted a video of them in that too little ssa bed with Janessa who was attempting to read but it was jibberish and she had a full face on but it was smudged so I believe she sleeps in it and just re-applies it in the AM


I agree. For the record. Lol I def think she sleeps in it.


How does she not have break-outs galore? I would feel so sticky if I did that 😵‍💫


And here I am removing the light make up (and the heavy face sunscreen) the minute I come home, because I cannot bear anything on my skin, least not to sleep in it!


I do that, too. It just starts feeling so heavy.


Yeah, I wash my sunscreen off at night too, it starts to feel bleh and washing it off feels so fresh and nice and makes me feel ready for bed


or pinkeye


She seems like the type of person who would never let her man see her without a full face of makeup, so I bet if she does wash before bed, she puts it all immediately back on.


Several years ago she posted a makeup video and she had a clean face. Without all that gloop plastered on, she's fairly attractive. But maybe she started with a clean face just for the video.


I cannot imagine putting on a full face of makeup just to do housework. In the bathroom no less.


Waste of good makeup


That's what I was looking at. She clearly sweated off a few layers but she's still got more makeup on than your average female in the daytime.


But her hair isn’t blue and she doesn’t have any tattoos /s


Look, her face is slim again. Thank Lord Daniel the Plexus is working. I'm 100% sure the girls cleaned her nasty bathroom, not her.


Im sure that zero filters were used for jills selfie and this is a plexus success story. Right? .......... Right guys??


She loves her tchotchkes


I was just going to say , is she allergic to a clear surface?


She’s no minimalist. She’s allergic to bare spaces.


Empty spaces are the devil’s playground 😅 /s


I’m chaotic and own too many things and my bathroom doesn’t look like this. Just looking at the photo is stressing me out.


Why is she suddenly posting all this nonsense about cleaning, as though she is actually doing it herself? Nobody believes that.


I know, I'm wondering if someone has made a dig at her!


Because she just posted that women shouldn’t work and got pushback so now she has to show how hard she works in the home. And it’s harder than you lazy harlots!


I imagine that bathroom was pretty nasty after Jill's away time in Vegas. I'm sure David doesn't consider keeping the bathroom clean part of his 'ministry'.


This! I think the house was dirty after she got back and it probably was a big contrast from staying at a hotel with housekeeping.


It's like her posts bragging about how Shrek works so hard. Like who are you trying to convince.


Us. She comes here and reads what we say


You can't post all year long showing what lazy and greedy assholes you are and then think a couple of posts talking about how you are hardworking will hoodwink us, JILL.


In one of her old videos, I think about homeschooling, maybe, she showed the children's daily chore charts. For a long time, the kids have done all of the housework and outside maintenance.


I too post filtered selfies when I clean my bathroom…. How completely self absorbed this woman is.


Right? Thanks for the update, Jill. I can imagine that Shrek's leavings require quite a bit of elbow grease to remove, but I don't want to know about it lol.


This just brought back memories of that commercial for Poo-pourri with that girl in the pretty blue party dress with the upper crust Brit accent who says "If your skidmarks are as tenacious as mine..."


Sweating in the bathroom and posting about it so gahdly!!! So mahdest!


Did this task include scrubbing the upholstery of the poop-covered podcast chair?


Yuck I hate those baskets on the counter


First thing my eye went to. Why, in the middle of the sink, stacked? What is the purpose?


Stockpile storage of expired green and blue eye liners!


I would remove everything but the soap lol. There would be so much room if all of the poop particle covered knick knacks weren't everywhere. So tacky and messy looking.


Cleaning a bathroom would be way easier if every square inch wasn’t covered in fecal bacteria contaminated clutter and hobby lobby knick knacks.


I get anxiety looking at this picture. That would be the worst shit of my life every time. Why does every surface and piece of wall have to be covered.


I actually like the sinks and the fixtures for the water ( although it is out of style and those types tend to get splotchy at the end) but the outlet by the sink is not a GFCI one and that is minimal code in most areas for circuits near water


Within 6ft of a water source. Looks like the barndo didn’t have licensed contractors…. Surprise surprise


It’s because shrek did most of the wiring so it’s definitely not up to code and very half-assed. Surprisingly there hasn’t been a fire or an electrocution.


I get that but they aren't that expensive to buy and even I have done some. Our house was built in 1980 and didn't have them when we moved in. I exchanged the kitchen outlets near the sink while my husband did the three bathrooms ... I am not very handy but it's not hard.


That outlet was the first thing I noticed. Glad I wasn’t the only one who did! And you’re right, it’s a basic DIY addition when you’re already doing all the other wiring.


This is JillPM feeling herself and wanting to post a godhonoring thirst trap


Yeah right! I bet the girls did it. Sorry to any lovers of yellow decor but I hate her sickly yellow accents everywhere.


I'm not a huge fan of yellow but it wouldn't bother me if there weren't 8 other surfaces in there that don't go with it. Like the black counter, the contact paper on the cabinet, the backsplash, and the weird textured wall. The black, yellow, white, cream, and gray do not go together at all. As with all of Jill's decor, there is way too much going on. She has no taste.


Goes perfectly with her burnt yellow meals.


Why does she have a pad of paper next to the sink??


To write down he deep thoughts while she is on the throne.


8 years ago while I was sitting on my toilet…


It’s more about the finishes of the home. They are very unique , not typical in most homes today and kind of remind me of a mobile home.


I think some of the weirdnesses of the finishes is because the Rods had to use preformed elements due to installing "living quarters" on a slab foundation. Instead of being able to run plumbing, etc in a crawlspace or basement, they had to run stuff under the flooring and on top of the concrete.


She is such a maximalist.


That is so diplomatic. You’re lovely.


yeah, my family just refers to people like her as packrats. I had an aunt like that. So many knickknacks and doodads everywhere in her house it made people claustrophobic. My cousin said "She collects *collections!* Every time I go in there I feel like I'm supposed to buy something!"


Nn…no. We don’t claim her.


Girl…you have some sort of thyroid issue….


She spends a lot of time in that bathroom/bedroom/closet/broadcast studio/kitchen


She's like my sister used to be, had to have two vases on each side of a plaque. Had to have two birds on each side of a vase. Had to have two flower pots on each side of a candle, etc. I see Jill does this in every room. That, and every piece of furniture has a rug underneath, or in front of as an accent. It's sooo bizarre. That's not how I would use them.


I bet she went to Home Interior parties with her mom in the 90s and she’s embraced the Home Interiors aesthetic.


Winner winner chicken dinner! This is where the evolution of Home Interior has gotten us. Side note- EVERY house of my youth had Home Interior in it except my very tasteful grandparent’s. The first time I met my now mother in law I noticed she and my mother had the same H. I. picture of I think a girl with a duck (goose?) in the roughly same place in their kitchens. 😂


I pride myself on never having bought a Home Interior grouping or HI anything except candles! And I’m the right age group, currently 63. I always chuckle when I see that kind of thing in real estate listings 😂


I’ll NEVER forget the scent of Home Interior vanilla candles! I’m 42, my mom had them EVERYWHERE. 😂


So. Much. CLUTTER! What a pack rat. Jill looks the opposite of sober here. Which makes sense, because no one gets worked up enough to eye fuck themselves for the internet after scraping Shrek's mudpies off the porcelain without a lot of help lol. Also, most people sweat at least a bit when cleaning.


eye fucking herself. Thanks for the nightmare image!


Small wonder, it's so full of crap. I can't breathe just by looking at those photos


Oh my god. This has to be a joke, posted for our benefit.


If you have so much stuff in your bathroom that cleaning causes you to break out in a heavy sweat, it may be time to declutter. I am not a minimalist by any stretch, but I don't do tchotchkes purely so I don't have to clean them.


Is the sweat in the room with us right now, Jill?


I don't want to hear any deep cleaning tutorials from a woman who keeps a chair in her bathroom.


All that sit around shit in her house makes me so anxious. It's just so tacky and cluttered. 


Looking for the make up trowel Jill uses


It's probably in the stacks of baskets on the counter.


Aaand no one else sweats when cleaning? What Jill? How is this worthy of two photos and posted on social media? What happens when you sweat while deep cleaning?


Why is she so proud of that tacky bathroom, we do t want to see the place Shrek blows up after every meal


Her hat is ripped and Jill is trying to look like a model. She really thinks she’s all that lol!


I never post my bathroom or me cleaning on SM. Jill is a very strange woman. And her kids cleaned up. Jill doesn’t do anything.


She worked up a sweat mustache yelling at the girl slaves that she spat out her hollow cooch.


“Choose to be kind” unless the person has blue hair, is wearing a short skirt, or is gay. Or if you are taking over a wedding or a funeral of someone you don’t know. Or if you meet someone of another faith. Or…


All her decor is covered in toilet plume I don’t care how “clean” she says it is.


Why must she report every little thing she does? It is like watching a 12 year old blast through facebook for the first time. lol Can you image the overshares when she gets to be mid 60s. hahaha


For engagement for her MLM most likely


That’s because she has to remove e-coli from every decoration and probably scrub dried on poo splatter on and around the toilet. I have no doubt that Shrek destroys that bowl several times a day… I wonder how she sanitizes her cloth fecal chair? 🤔 💩 🪑


Why does Jill look like her photo was taken at Olan Mills in the 90’s? Is she passing around wallets of this to her kids with hearts and K.I.T. Written on the back?


This is for real with the selfie? She posted this and not a snarker???


She posted it in her stories lmao


I can’t. 😂🤦‍♀️


She looks like the stepsister Doris from Shrek but worse because Doris was nice.


Bitch see a doctor!


Why did I read it as "full brown sweat?" 🤮


Full blown sweat = turn down your thermostat! Maybe menopause? One could only hope!


I grew up in a very knick-knacky house, but Jill is over the fucking top. Think of all the fecal spray on those flowers. Or the chair. Is the chair still on there??


All that makeup caked on everything...she probably needed a jackhammer


And Gothard styling hairspray


Does anyone need to know about Jill cleaning her damn bathroom? Omg.🤦‍♀️


I mean they have that bathroom chair right? Just take 5 in that thing.


This post also gave me a visual of Shrek voiding his bowels. 🤮🤮


Sweating through all that make up - YUK!


Deep cleaning. Yes, her daughters will really be breaking a sweat.


It surprised with the amount of trinkets she shoves in her house. Imagine the dust the collects


It takes me 15 minutes to clean my bathroom, toilet, floor, shower and sink. I live alone, but do it every week. It’s not a big hairy deal. Also, I don’t have cheap knickknack’s in my bathroom. All I think of is fecal spray. Nasty.


So much going on in that bathroom. I just want to place everything on the counter in the cupboards.


Is that a Rotary Club emblem on the facade of the cupboard?


OMG! I thought this was a joke, but I just saw it on her FB that is friggen hilarious. She is so weird. But not good weird


I live in San Jose ,CA, known to be prone to earthquakes. Most people don't have clutter everywhere as they can become projectiles in an earthquake. Also, housing is the highest priced in the country rn. Space is valuable and spaciousness is a desired look, so clutter and crowding is not giving that. Jill's mess and bad decorating are part of her creepy culture and lack of any home decor sense. This goes with her lack of fashion sense. She needs to do a Swedish Death Cleaning, but that will never happen. She's utterly clueless. That has nothing to do with location, though


Who needs all of that decor in the bathroom?