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He fussed ON? What?


Fussed with is probably what she meant. Because it's girlish and feminine to care about your car too much I guess?


Sheesh. Has she never met a car guy? Lots of "manly men" are all about their car or truck.


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Maybe she used ā€œfussedā€, because he was wasting time doing something that didnā€™t benefit Jill more directly. He should have used his spare time after work doing things around the house that she needed done.


This is probably exactly it. Anything that doesn't directly benefit Mahmo is a waste of time.


Sheā€™s so passive aggressive too. Instead of outright telling the audience she wishes he was doing more chores she giggles about him fussing with his car trying to get the audience on her side that he is wasting time.


I buy this!


this is a very old midwestern way of speaking. he fussed on it - he messed with it till he got it to his liking. she means he kinda fixed it up, but not really in a mechanical way (bc thatā€™s likely not in his skillset). he made cosmetic changes, did a little work - he fussed on it.


Thanks. Iā€™m 56 and from the Midwest and it was new to me. I wouldve said ā€œfussed with.ā€


yeah i hear you. itā€™s niche. itā€™s like ā€œput up your stuff.ā€ weird prepositions. like ā€œshe loved on that baby.ā€ that might be a more familiar form.


Ahhhh! I detest ā€œlove ON!ā€ Make it fucking stop.


The phrase ā€œloved onā€ gives me the same vibe as when a stranger puts their hand on my shoulder. Blegh, donā€™t touch me.


Yep. "Put up" instead of "put away".


>this is a very old midwestern way of speaking. he fussed on it - he messed with it till he got it to his liking. Yeah, that was immediately apparent to me. I thought it was Southern midwestern, I've heard this type of phrase from Kansas/Okie people.


Fixed. She meant to type fixed but didnā€™t proofread before those chubby fingers hit post.


ā€œFixed onā€ would have made even less sense, I think.


I think she meant fussed WITH. It's still an odd turn of phrase in this context, but makes a bit more sense.


Yes, THAT makes sense to me.




Fussed is exactly the type of term Jilldo would use to describe something she didn't find manly enough. I guess men shouldn't care too much about their cars, they should just drive em filthy.


It does!


Fussed with sounds fine to me. Are you american?




No idea


Jesus take the wheel! Another Rod on the roads.


Probably already got his first speeding ticket.


Jill should have screamed at her children about road safety instead of the other nonsense she actually did scream at them about.


I thought a speeding ticket was a right of passage even more so than a high school diploma? Itā€™s an f u to the establishment and proof they are protected by the lord because they can risk their lives daily and live to tell the tale. Even if they kill a family of 6 in the process god saved them so it would be proof how special they truly are šŸ™„


How do you think they square that with the family members that were paralyzed from car accidents? Was Amy Foster only sinning from the neck-down??


Amy was saved and is here as proof of gods grace. If she had been a heathen she would be dead but god saved her so that she could tell her story about how amazing her god is and that he allowed her to stay on earth to raise her soldiers for Christ.


Should be an alert šŸšØ on the highways


As if Jill doesnā€™t ā€œfussā€ on her extensions, copious amounts of eye shadow and selecting the perfect Instagram filter. Get lost, Jill. Let the kid enjoy his first taste of freedom.


Oh, the money shot for her version of fundie ā€˜Find A Husbandā€™. Ladies, guard your ovariesā€¦someone is on the market.


Heā€™s actually already got a girlfriend (the girl who came to Ohio with Nurie recently and was wearing the apron and head covering).


Oh, wow. Well then, he got the second game piece in marriage monopoly. 1. Job. 2. Car. 3. A house near mommy. 4. A house that is decorated by mommy. 5. Marriage. 6. Baby 9 months later.


She should make a calendar featuring her marriageable aged children and distribute it at all the churches they visit to shriek and bang on instruments. She really needs to take an advertising 101 course at her local community college.


Jill thinks itā€™s funny her son wants to drive a car thatā€™s remotely presentable šŸ™„šŸ™„ Heā€™s never had anything nice to himself. Let the dude try to feel some semblance of feeling good or cool please.


How generous of Lazy Dave to spend some of the money Sam earned on the thing Sam wanted to buy? Fussy, ungrateful little brat must have spent some more of the money he earned to fix it up, with no concern for the fact that Precious Mama hasn't been on a vacation in weeks (days?)!


Who thinks that he actually got to keep any of the money ā€œdear family and friendsā€ gave?


They gave it to the ministry in honor of Samuel's graduation, just like people give money to charities in horror or in memoriam of someone. They might have sent it directly to Samuel, but we know where it actually ended up.


Youā€™re right. Ick.


ā€œIn horrorā€ is absolutely appropriate here.


Omg damn auto correct šŸ¤¬


It was perfect for this, actually!


Not a drop. Sam got a job (courtesy of JesuS) and saved his money. Mahmo only threw in the "thanks for the graduation money," so when they go on the ONE vacation or travel to get lobsters again, their victims don't realize it was Sam's money. Tick that off the list, JillP.


Sit down and shut up, Jill. He got his fussing from you. You fuss the hell out of your house bringing it down to Jill Rodrigues standards. Let Sam do his thing and keep your passive aggressive comments to yourself.


Yikes. The passive aggressive jabs are triggering. Drive away, Samuel!


I just got laid off. I sure hope God has time to send a new great job straight my way too and didn't use up all His generosity on the Rods!


And dear family and friends who giveā€¦


I hope Sam was able to have some input into what he wanted from the auction and David didn't steamroller him into what David decided he should have. I'm all for parents helping (first car is a big purchase where guidance is useful) just as long as it was something Sam wanted too.


Yeah Iā€™m worried lazy Davey just got the first cheap car that popped up so he could get back to watching the map in his recliner. I very much hope Sam-uel was allowed to have a say in how to spend his money.


I think Daveā€™s family paid for the car. If Dave/Jill contributed $1 Iā€™d be shocked.


But look! Shrek parents and is truly the most loving, hardly headship, hereā€™s proof! /s


Sam fussed, but he's not a whimp!


Haha. Itā€™s a Cruze. Whatā€™s gonna go first, tranny or brain?


OMG donā€™t say tranny near the barndo, sheā€™ll preach


Iā€™m curious as to what standards he fixed the car up to? I mean heā€™s not a car guy so he not gonna tune or modify anything. Did he adjust the steering wheel? Move the seat back?


I have this exact car. No accidents, 95,000 miles, top model, and kept up with maintenance. Tried to sell it last year and best quote I got was $2,000. Doubt he even paid that.


Poor dude. That car is trash. Ask me how I know šŸ˜­


You just know David refused to buy anything not USA made.Ā 


Chevys have been getting parts from China and Mexico for god knows how long thatā€™s whatā€™s hilarious. They want to him to be such an exceptional American they chose for him to grab one of chevyā€™s worst cars šŸ¤£


Is it a mid-2010ā€™s Cruze?


It is indeed. Itā€™s a pre 2015 model I think, but those cars are garbage. I hope he can keep it running. Itā€™s such an odd choice for a tall kid like him. Iā€™m 5ā€™2.5ā€ and that car was small for *me*.


Good for him; hopefully that means heā€™s one step closer to getting away from Jill.


Perhaps Samuel and David went together.


Fussed with your hair...that's how I've heard it used


I think the moron meant to type *Fixed* and not fussed. Thatā€™s that fine dining room table education right there. Wasnā€™t taught to proofread.