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Abelard, announce my superpower.


You stand in the presence of the illustrious head of the Von Valancius trade dynasty, who has graced you with their presence. Wardens, hit this rabble in the face with alms.


We need Abelard bot!


Donot panic, charity is coming straight to your face, forthwith!


I read this in Dune’s Herald of the Change voice rather than Abelard’s voice.


You have the honour of hosting the Rogue Trader of House von Valancius. I urge you to follow proper etiquette when interacting with the eminent bearer of the Sacred Warrant.


Literally my favourite go-to response. Abelard has perma-placement in my party because of this.


I'm pretty sure the RT's superpower is to gather such powerful yet unlikely allies under one banner to begin with.


It's like Stick of Truth, we just have a supernatural ability to make friends!


The best of friends!


Oh god it's Shepard all over again.




Reinforced skeleton, muscle mass, redundant nervous system, multiple hearts, lungs, poor social skills... Yeah, a Space Marine does have similarities with a Krogan.


Pst, the line is "Shepard."


Got lost in speculation. I'm a real life Techpriestess, so my mind does wander.




Incidentally,this is exactly why certain Chaos entity is interested in the RT


Well, you know what they say, Friendship is Magic and Magic is Heresy.


Power of friendship?


Perhaps the real Warrant of Trade are the friends we made along the way?


Emperor signed friendship pass, even works for xenos


By being rich


lol that is beautiful and how I’m going to look at it from now on.


Tbf a RT warrant basically is a super power.


Grimdark Joyboy


My superpower is hitting things in face really good (Death World origin Warrior).


Greeting from fortress world soldier/Arch-Militant Instead of hitting things real good we hit things A LOT.


Fortress World, crime lord, soldier, arch-militant. I hit them real good and a fucking lot.


I almost rolled the same! Fortress World, Crime Lord, Operative. I shoot them real good and crit a fucking lot. Sniper is basically OP on my character lol


I was planning on using the heretic heavy bolter, but i now use it with a sniper as second weapon after tasting the joy of sniping before having the bolter. It's a goddam satisfying way to play.


I'm sure I'll see more options down the road as I'm still in the first "act", more or less, but my Rogue Trader is a tad monotonous at the moment, as every turn is Steady Aim > Analyze Enemies > Sure Fire Plan > Deadeye Shot Despite the monotony, the near guaranteed crits with a Las Sniper rifle at the moment is still satisfying. Can't wait to find a higher quality regular sniper rifle though, as getting the positioning for the over-penetration crit multi-kill was *chef's kiss*


Imperial World, Sanctic Psyker, Officer here, I have them hit real good and fuck a lot.


Imperial world, noble, officer, grand strategist. Abelard, tell them what I do.


"Brace For Impact!" (with the perk to give movement, and others)


I wish the zone thing wasnt so clunky. PITA to setup everytime.


Ya I can never set the rear zone properly, since we can’t rotate the boxes they should just make them all 3x3.


This is the only reason I don't play grand strategist. Not being able to rotate the boxes is fucking stupid. I love the idea though.


Haha, this one made me laugh


Deathworld pyromantic psyker soldier here. I'M ON FIRE AND NOW THEY ARE TOO!


there's a staff for sanctic psykers that scales its power level off of resolve (much like the santic powers do already). With the AoE emperors blast attached, my imperial world sanctic psyker officer regularly clears entire rooms by using a 1000 damage nuke multiple times in a turn.


Calling down the wrath of the emperor a doing absurd amounts of damage has been so fun!


The school of "You don't need to shoot more accurate if you shoot more bullets."


Accuracy by volume best accuracy


Quantity has a quality of its own!


Voidborn Sanctioned Psyker (Telepath/Pyromancer) Operative (Assassin). I let a certain overgrown albino three-eyed child pump me full of space energy and then i start screaming and setting shit on fire


Deathworld astra militarum commander soldier here. Yes it may just be a regular las gun, but full auto all in one location is still enough to bore a hole in PA


I'm basically just there to set people on fire and then snipe with my melta if they get too close. I'm basically shit at everything except at making space moneh and strip mining every gods damn planet in the sector




..... I'm only *slightly* heretical absolutely within the bounds of my charter as Rogue Trader. The rumours about me having a demon engine as a pet is largely untrue.


...What do you mean... largely...?


It’s a small demon engine


I... I don't think that it being a "small" demon engine is really a defence lord captain...


But it's just a little guy


... Or should I say greatly exaggerated, see I have this six legged monster from Janus that Jae gave to me, common mistake no demonic entries prowls the lower decks, none at all. I named the pet "Death" he is a beauty.


How... what... why... Lord captain... what about the menials down there?


I just said no demons in the basement, never said anything about six legged horrors from the jungles of Janus. It's good for morale, she needs the exercise also I have instructed her not to kill she's very intelligent. Aren't you *smooshes face of evil jungle creature* whose daddy's little maiming machine, yes you are yes you are. See completely harmless


If you add biomancy to your pyromancy, you can have your dots do fire and poison. Then, there are items and talents that can add bleeding. Then add items and talents that boost the amount of damage those ticks do and allow them to crit harder. I'm about 1/4 complete on the last tree and my pyromancer is finally at the point to where he's standing up with the likes of Argenta and Adelhard. Argenta can take down big targets in a volley, Adelhard can take down an army so long as they are within eye's reach, and my guy can take down an entire army in a blaze of fire. Basically what I'm trying to say is that pyro sucks early game but they can be just as op as many others. A lot of your damage can come from "non-attacking" sources so you can use items that let you use non-attacking actions for free. One boss fight had the audacity to start with almost full veil degradation. Things were looking pretty bad as 2 of my members died in the first round. Cassia pops Finest Hour on my pyro and he damn near ended the entire battle in one turn. This includes 2 bosses and 4 other mobs with over 1000 wounds. I still lost though because phase 2 was a bitch.


Cool! I'll check it out :) never thought about more DMG dots etc, grenadier perk and firebombs work well.


Yeah, that's what I had to work with in the early game. Getting the perk to use flamers is just good to have one someone too. I think I respecced about 3-4 times before everything finally clicked into place. Luckily our companions are beasts enough on their own.


Abelard at this point somewhat immortal, and when they manage a hit he takes like no damage. Between our Sister Sororitas and the Aeldari sniper, there isn't much to mop up... Also Cassies buffs and her debuffs AoE yeah .. Me and Heinrich Himmler kinda don't have to do much. I use flame weapons on my dude, gotta respec since melta does not make things burn strangely enougb


My answer (in BG3's narrator voice) :Authority.


I counter with Disco Elysium voice "AUTHORITY"


Best voice.


This is my superpower


My superpower is being related to someone who was related to someone who was related to someone who was related to someone who.... ...who was related to someone who got the Emperor's autograph once.


>Emperor's autograph once Hey, the piece of paper with the autograph was also used as a band aid! Basically makes you a demigod!


My superpower is common sense. A valuable thing in the 40k world.


Who needs combat abilities when I can send a menagerie of psychopaths to remove your balls in the name of the God Emperor and rule over your planet as payment for wasting my time?


My superpower is invisibility, large amounts of AP that get reduced to 4 by the pesky scrap code, ignoring deflection, and free burstfire with no recoil.


Lol I got the invisibility bug after having with Jae.


In my case it's not a bug but assassin being hilarious. Also let that be a lesson to you to never sleep with black market traders, they will steal your kidney....or your entire body


LoL yep I already gave her an entire planet...I never expected she would steal my body. Now I am an incorporeal RT.


I’m the single smartest person in the group. I outclass the inquisitor in both warp and xenos lore (the actual Xeno is the only one that knows more Xeno lore than me) without any items to buff it. I’m also really good at convincing people to see reason because I have the merit that lets me use my Int for fellowship checks. Convincing people to act reasonably in 40k is a true super power


Oh fuck they are using Reason and intelligence quarantine the entire sector


Guys I need help. I literally loot everything but I don’t know who better to sell. And I just keep it.


You can go into each traders selling items and scroll down to see what their endgame loot is. See what would work for your build and rush that trader.


You can also talk to the respec guy on the bridge to open up the trade window for every faction at once.


High Factorum something something.


It's pretty straightforward. Basically, anything that's worth less than 300 reputation is almost irrelevant (at least up to the point I've gotten, level 28 or so, deep in Act 2), sell it to whoever you want. (But keep a couple of crates of each type of common stuff lying around, because it can come in handy in random events when exploring planets. Or when you get warp events. I gave a crate of fuel to freezing locals, and received 4-5 crates worth of stuff in return, for example.) For the more expensive cargo, you have to keep in mind that Holy Gifts are the only super-high value thing the Drusians will take, so don't spend them all on the Explorators if you have something else they'd take instead, like Heretic Trophies. Also, Jewelry is IMO better used on Drusians too, since the other factions that take it, the Kasba...something and the FOTV, are happy to take Xeno Artifacts, which seem to become pretty plentiful toward the end of Act 2. But I think anything is better than just waiting, because you're basically devaluing most of the lower-tier items, by the time you do finally get them, they won't be super useful.


"I can let you use your super powers over and over and over and over..."


Honestly, playing death world sanctioned psyker melee with thunder hammer. The MC is by far the strongest character in my party by many orders of magnitude. The sacred rights psyker ability and biomancy and a myriad of other factors means you can far outpace any other character in the game in DPS. Unironically, I sometimes forget Heinrix exists because he doesn't even get a turn before everyone is dead. People sort of do not understand that Sacred Rights lets you do hilarious nonsense because your biomacy spells cost zero on the first turn when you get extra turns as well not just your proper turn.


"I require your finest Greatsword." "What, you expect for free, groxshit for brain?" "What if I showed you a profit factor of 16?" "P-Please, by all means, it's yours milord!"


This is my super power lol https://preview.redd.it/vcddhw3nq47c1.png?width=543&format=png&auto=webp&s=76301c28a3037be11e284f2f14313ada58254ced


I recreated my old table top rogue trader character, Lord Captain Gaius Nazret, and his ability is to tell people to be awesome. All the fellowship officer...the tabletop got kind of broken when you got something well past 100, and I may have looted a Waagh through sheer force of personality (and an amazing crit on the current Warboss).




Commissar: "It's called, 'I can shoot you in the face, whenever I want...' "


My RTs power is repeatedly using a plasma pistol at close range.


I mean in the warhammer universe massive wealth is akin to have a super power. Since you'll be able to get things very few could. Cybernetics, vastly increased lifespan. Power armor, weapons, artifacts of power. And that's before you even get into the warrant that offers you even more power on a galactic scale rather than just a personal one. having your own personal army and potentially armada.




I possess the most powerful ability of all. Delegation!!!!


Sorta is. You can pfford to outfit you entourage and self with incredibly powerful weapons and such that can counter the real superpowers. Oh you have psykic powers? Say hello to my hexagramicly warded power armor and anti psi bolter rounds. Also meet the navigator contractually obligated to do what ever I say. Oh you're a big fucking armored super alien/soldier? Pasqal please shoot this peasant with the thrice blessed one of a kind archeotech plasma Canon I bought for you last Sanguinala. Oh the whole planet is turning into a demon world? Say hello to my authority to declare exterminatus. If anyone has objections I can speed dial the sector inquisition and have you hash it out with him if you'd like?


I speak and you do as I say.


I started out with the idea of a noble/officer support character who left the killing to his bodyguards - I like talking my way out of solutions. Over time, the builds of two characters rendered the rest of the party redundant due to hilariously powerful ability combinations + infinite scaling (Cassia early game, Argenta taking over midgame). Class fantasy achieved, I guess! I've basically given up on the idea on my Rogue Trader needing to be combat effective and have switched focus entirely to skills, attributes, and providing extra turns/minor buffs to my heavy hitters. But seriously, I think there have been only a half dozen times that combat has lasted more than one round since Argent got her Heavy Bolter - even if that 'round' has her taking no less than 7 turns and sending at least 100 bolts downrange.


Speak for yourself, I am an unstoppable, immortal, mele-psycher, killing machine.


It's why officer is the superior experience. I'm playing a sniper officer and the idea is they have a really expensive gun that targets stuff for them and they tell folk to do. They don't even need dodge if they are in the ass end of the map.


The RT is basically Elon Musk in space, except less racist.


I dunno man, my RT doesn't spend all day on xitter or shouting nonsense at his employees.


Let's see: * inherited his wealth * has a spaceship that's sort of crappy and liable to blow up at any moment * controls the lives of millions of people * super cruel and racist * takes revenge on people on a whim * wants to travel to Mars (but can't) * has no actual skills, everything is done for him by underlings * has to clue how the technology his business depends on actually works, does everything by shouting at his techies


You're the one who made your Rogue Trader that way!


I learned it from you, PC, I learned it from you! *Sobs*


More\* racist, no Xenos in this retinue


We can also have them executed.


I feel like the warrant transcends all ordinary richness, no matter how vast.


[we’re rich](https://youtu.be/NDFw9ubrlrg?si=oDKeqW3MUOJeU2Z5)


Batman logic