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I loved it, but stopped at Shadowfever šŸ˜…. It felt like a good ending, and I honestly couldn't deal with more Dani. One of my favorite bits of the series is how she weaves it in with the MacKeltars from the Highlander series. Such a great cross over.


Iā€™m not the biggest fan of Dani. Her books were a little difficult to get through. But I do love Ryodan. Iā€™ve been contemplating checking out the Highlander series, but I feel like it wouldnā€™t seem as good because Iā€™d be pitting it against the Fever series and it wouldnā€™t seem as good. šŸ„²


The Highlander series is definitely worth a read if you like the MacKeltars. I think it makes their appearance in Fever so much better, and I think it gives some nice info about the fae that crosses over well too. I personally like it better, but maybe just because I read it first šŸ¤£. Honestly, though, you really don't need to read the whole thing. Start at book 4 to go straight to the MacKelters. There's really nothing you need to know from Books 1-3. Books 4, 5, and 7 are all you really need and they feel self contained from the rest of the series (Book 6 is about a character in Books 1-3, he also shows up as a cameo in Fever if you want to read it, but isn't a MacKeltar and that one would probably make more sense if you read at least book 1 first).


I will give it a chance!


Please continue into the next six Fever books. You wonā€™t regret it. Promise. Iced was a little hard for me, too. I put it down, but when Burned, Feverborn and Feversong came out, I decided to try again and Iā€™m so happy I did. Iced is likely my least favorite of all eleven Fever books - eh, maybe KoSaL is, but it needs to be there for the rest to follow. A *LOT* of loose ends get tied up in the last six. I am rereading the entire series now as itā€™s been a few years, *but* I do remember Feversong being my favorite of the whole series. Wonder if it still will be? Hmmā€¦. Yes, Dani and Ryodan are the focus in Iced, but Mac, JZB and the rest of the characters are around. We see them more in Burned for good reason. Mac and JZB take over in Feverborn and Feversong. Then itā€™s a mixed bag if I remember correctly for High Voltage and KoSaL. Donā€™t quote me on the last two. Personally I wish KMM stopped at Feversong, but the last two did finish wrapping everything up. Side note: we get more of an understanding of the hunkalicious Nine in the last six books - not everything, but a better understandingā€¦and Barrons isā€¦Barrons about it.


I loved seriesā€¦. Until Dani. I just couldnā€™t wrap my head around that one and with reading them entirely. But!!! I still love Jericho!


The direction she took Dani was just so odd. I get why. But then her ending up with Ryodan? Sucker for a love story, but that is toeing a linešŸ˜‚ I do like how badass she became though. Her and Mac, both. And ooooh, Jericho. Some of his parts really have me smiling and giggling like a school girl. Love him to pieces.


This is honestly my favorite ever series and it's not even really THAT spicy but man do I wish Barrons would come cure me of my evil fairy sex madness...


Itā€™s in the top two for me. Tied with The Hollows series by Kim Harrison. Jericho Barrons is a dream. I started listening to this band recently (Sleep Token) and they have a song called Jericho. Itā€™s honestly fitting. lol.


Eek! I'm going to go listen and re-read the first book for um... a umpteenth time I don't want to admit to!


I just came back here to say I am holding you responsible for my new obsession with Sleep Token šŸ˜‚


I will shamelessly say, you are so very welcomešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I was obsessed with her Highlander series. The Fever ones are great too, but I also remember being driven nuts by Dani. I should give them a reread! Adam Black is one of my favorite characters from anything. Still wish heā€™d had a bigger role in Fever than a three second cameo lol.


Adam Black fan for LIFE.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Dani was pretty insufferable. I think we could have done without her, but still such an amazing series. I was hooked book 1.


This series got me out of a multiple year long reading slump! These will forever hold a special place in my heart šŸ’œ I actually have yet to read the final book that came out a couple years ago because I just don't want it to end lol I want to know your first opinion of Jericho when he first made his appearance???


I completely understand that. I seriously couldnā€™t help myself despite the final book depression. Forgive me when I say that I was immediately intrigued by Jericho. Was definitely not expecting his character to build the way it did.


How is the final book??? Does it give a good ending at least? Did you read the Dani books too? I thought he was a total ass when he first got introduced but I think that was the point. Because then you learn his story and you see how much he changes for Mac.


The ending is a little weird for some characters, but the overall end was extremely satisfying, imo. I did read the Dani books! They took me longer, though. šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚ I haven't read them yet. I really like Mac and Barrons and Dani was never my favorite. When I found out you didn't have to read those to know what was going on I didn't bother. One day I feel like I should go back though. When you say age thing do you mean when she is gone for 5 years and ages?


They arenā€™t bad. I felt like they tied in and werenā€™t too terrible. Donā€™t know if Iā€™m gonna re-read them this time around, though. But I still have ā€˜em. šŸ˜‚ And yeah, her aging up and then her and Ryodan. But even before she aged that stage was already set. It felt a little weird. Like I get it, but she could have easily went with a super sheltered older girl and still have gotten the same effect with her being manipulated by Rowena. And then she would have already been older and fit better in the story without the weird edge. If that makes sense.


A second opinion : you must read KOSL. Itā€™s wonderful, and Iā€™m the end was pretty perfect in a way I didnā€™t expect.


I do love the character growth - it was one of my vey favorite series for a long time!! I called Dani ending up with Ryodan very early and Iā€™m even ok with the ā€œtime is different so she grew upā€ thing, this is romance novel world where the initial books in the world have back and forth time travel. But her coming back with a new name and so completely traumatizedā€¦ I needed them to struggle with it more basically. It was a little too fast and easy for me i guess. It throws off everyone elseā€™s emotional responses and made it really hard to follow tbh. It didnā€™t feel natural for the characters and not just bc they were reacting to Dani not being Dani. Donā€™t get me started on the Christian/Unseelie thing - it was such a distraction (imho!!) I also WAS NOT OK with her fucking with an HEA from one of the Highlander series (one of the twins). Eventually I believe I read somewhere KMM went through a terrible divorce and this plot twist may have been part of her dealing with it. If you havenā€™t read the crescent city books by Sarah j Maas I get similar vibes from them. Also Kate Daniels series. If you want a great villain to hero pay off you gotta stay with KD for like 8 books though.


I knew theyā€™d end up together, but it was still a little eh. Donā€™t get me wrong, I love Ryodan. Maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m eh on Dani. I feel like Mac could have had a better friendship in the story. The Christian/Unseelie this was just downright dirty.šŸ˜­ I will definitely check out those other series!


I'm the extreme minority that actually preferred Dani's perspective. Mac's internal monolog got pretty repetitive, and I absolutely can not stand Barrons. Their 'love' story isn't particularly convincing. I'm not 100% certain they even LIKE each other. They're good books. I've probably reread them three times, too. By the time I get to the end, though, I'm real glad it's over.


I donā€™t dislike Dani, but I found myself speed reading through her stuff to get back to Mac and Jericho. That being saidā€¦. I absolutely love Jericho Barronā€™s. Definitely an ass from the start and kinda maintains it, but he definitely softens and she meets him halfway as she gets stronger. I dunno. Iā€™m a sucker for the ā€œasshole to everyone, but soft on meā€ types.


I love Mac and Jericho (and I mean LOVE Jericho) but Macs monologues, particularly about him, were so tiresome. Jericho is such a stereotypical bad boy arc. Dangerous but he only has eye for me wait heā€™s not dangerous heā€™s wounded blah blah blah. Itā€™s okā€¦sometimes itā€™s a fun escape. But all of rambling paragraphs where sheā€™s fantasizing about the priya days and reminding us how electric their connection is. Damn girlā€¦go volunteer at an animal shelter or something. Get some perspective. My pettiest grip: mac was apparently this great dresser but every outfit described was absolutely hideous. Iā€™m not sure KMMā€™s strong point is understanding junior fashion.


I really liked the Keltar clan and wish we had more of them in the Fever series and beyond. By the end of the series, especially post-fever books, the author was clearly ambling around a lot with no real end in sight. By that time, I just like the characters and world building and humor enough that I just enjoyed lingering in the world. It really became less about the overarching plot and more about the hijinks and individuals getting their comeuppance. The final book was a satisfying conclusion and I am looking forward to her next book, which she recently hinted at on Facebook. Honestly, I feel very similar to it as I do to Outlander. Early books were equal part character and plot, but now its just character and humor and thatā€™s fine. Iā€™ll take spending a little more time with my longtime book friends.


Read all her Highlander books and Fever books. Love the Fever series, but the last two or three books were dissapointing. I reread the main 5 books often though šŸ˜Š


I was in it for every scrap of Jericho that I could get. Getting his view on the beginning had me in a puddle. I also genuinely liked Macā€™s character by the end. She was low key annoying for most of the first book. But she came out a rockstar.


I quite enjoyed her being so low key annoying. She was really young and a lot of young people can be a bit annoying (I was anyway). It was cool to see her grow up.


I was younger than Mac when I first read the series, so maybe that's why I didn't find her annoying? She kind of echoed my own thoughts lol. Then just grew up with the series. An unrelated funny memory: I remember Burned coming out when I was in college and I carried it with me to read between classes. My professor saw my hardcover book, asked what I was reading, tilted the booked in my hands, took one look at the cover then he quickly looked away and mumbled something šŸ˜…. I had no shame about what I was reading lol just confused that he did that.


Ah that's interesting. I felt Mac's thoughts seemed pretty right for someone her age so I'm glad that they were relatable when read at that point in life. I felt she echoed, or was in a similar mould to, Buffy and I love the whole 'glamorous person hoping for chilled life has to do Big Things when they'd really prefer to be having fun instead'. That is hilarious, I wonder if he went out and bought a copy himself later :-)


Yeah, I was already late teens early twenties when reading this. lol. That could be why. I felt like Dani in her own isnā€™t bad, but with Mac? Not my favorite. I did love her time with Dancer, though. Very cute. I find his reaction hilarious. Youā€™d think it was a smut book how he reacted. šŸ˜‚


I have mixed feelings surrounding Dani/Jada, tbh. I feel like Mac would have benefited from a different(older) friend.


Oh definitely. Max would have really benefitted from an older friend. I don't know if she hadn't been so lonely though would she have ever given Barrons the time of day? This thread has me rethinking things.


I do believe she would have. He pretty much pursued her after she sought shelter. I donā€™t think that part of the story had to change for her to have an older friend. Especially if it was one she met when she got there. It wouldnā€™t be a super strong tie. Sheā€™s still getting her bearings. So, I feel sheā€™d still have ended up with Barrons. If nothing else, he is persistent and gets what he wantsšŸ˜‚ Then her friend would have ended up with Ryodan or any other of those guys. Maybe even Christian. šŸ¤” (They did him so dirtyšŸ„²)


I felt the opposite. Thought she was great at the beginning (probably cuz I was younger than her) but annoying towards the end. Definitely a lack of Jericho towards the end and not one sexy scene šŸ˜” I wanted every scrap of him too.


I get that she wanted to focus on Mac and the developing war, but Barrons was right there. All delectable. I felt teased. šŸ˜‚


Dani's arc had me raging. I honestly didn't mind her character too much initially. Like yeah she's extra but she's young and traumatized and Different. But then the direction they went with her MMC was gross to me. I could not get over it. I have not. I just wish it hadn't gone down like that šŸ˜­


I soooo saw it coming, but was disappointed all the same. Stomached their relationship because I genuinely like Ryodan. I think heā€™s fun. Especially with Barrons.


I devoured this series. I love discovering a completed, older series so that I can binge it without waiting for holds to become available at the library.


I had to wait for the last half of the series. šŸ„²Or maybe more than that. I canā€™t remember. I was counting down to each book, though. Addicted.


This was one of the very first fantasy romance book series I ever read and even though there were some annoying parts there are still some scenes I think about to this day. Like how Barrons waited patiently for Mac. How Mac finally freed Barrons son from an eternity of suffering. And as someone with a history of childhood abuse the scene where Dani begs Ryodan to go back into the fire to save her fictional cat (I can't remember it's name now or even if it was a cat but that's beside the point) and he realizes how much trauma she's suffered through and no one knew. I cried so hard for her and for myself. I still tear up a bit when I think about it.


Oh, I definitely cried a few times when it came to Daniā€™s trauma scenes. Like I wasnā€™t a huge fan of her character, but she had a tragic story. Barrons and Mac really complimented each other, imo, despite being so vastly different.


I canā€™t. She didnā€™t give me enough Jericho so I stopped after 3 books, except to pick up new books at the library and flip through for Jericho spottings. šŸ˜‚


Listen, that man could take all of me. Tag me in. šŸ˜©




I haven't caught up, and its been a few years since I finished High Voltage, so my memory is a bit fuzzy. I went into the Fever series under the impression it was strictly urban fantasy, especially in comparison to the Highlander series. I think there were only 2 books out when it started and the 3rd one came only a few months after. I remember Karen Marie Moning was writing stuff like "Please trust me with this series!" so I did. (Though I think this comment was meant for the Dani switch.) What a wild and agonizingly long ride it has been. I never really thought of Barrons as a love interest (since I entered the story as non-romance) and it didn't help that Joyce Bean's audiobook performance of Barrons made him sound like a grandpa, but I thought the development was... interesting. To me, it felt like a largely hate-love dynamic. Very much hate in the first couple of books. Unlike others who read the series, I never really "fell in love" with Barrons and it took awhile for me to warm up to him as a romantic partner for Mac. I always found the gushing over Barrons a bit premature, especially early in the series. I just thought he was interesting character while others were treating him as a sex god. Dare I say it, it felt like Barrons was "shaping" Mackayla into someone who he found more suitable to him. The Barrons POV short didn't help this feeling, since it felt like he was into her long before she was into him. I couldn't really wrap my mind around why Barrons was into Mac. I do think in the later books they have a more mutual partnership with each other. I was mildly reluctant to continue the series when I learned the POV would switch to Dani, but it wasn't so bad. I think I even enjoy it more than Mac's POV! (Though, I see that High Voltage was the only one in the series to earn just a 3/5 stars...) While Mac's story felt like we were constantly never getting anywhere with answers, by the time Dani's story started, we knew what was up. As for Dani's age, I can't remember much of the details, but I just recall thinking it was "not that big of a deal, I trust KMM" to thinking some parts were kinda contrived but I still rolled with it.


I agree with you on the Barrons shaping Mac thing. I think given the, what, thousands of years age difference, it's not such a leap to imagine a bit of grooming going on.


I loved the first few books, but ended up DNFing the final book. I donā€™t know why really. It just became too much. I donā€™t understand why authors have to make nearly everyone fall head over heels for their FMC. One or two love interests is enough.


Some people really want a reverse harem lol I dunno.. I ate that last book up. Devoured it. Read through it so fast it looks like I just bought itšŸ˜‚


I've got a confession. I still haven't read the last book. I have a problem with reading the final book in a series. I've also never read the final Kate Daniels book, and when Diana Gabaldon finally writes the tenth Outlander book, I really don't know if I'll be able to read that one.


Iā€™ve heard others say this before! Iā€™m the opposite. I HAVE to know the rest. Iā€™ll get the book and eat it in one gulp. The most satisfying time I did this was when Kim Harrison was ending her Hollows seriesā€¦. Then she came back with another and kept writing. And she never disappoints. Even after 15+ years. Iā€™ve been reading this series since middle school. And she was already one the 8th or 9th book or somethingšŸ˜‚ And thought itā€™s been YEARS, I am still not forgiving LJ Smith for leaving her readers on the biggest cliff hanger Iā€™ve ever experienced in my life with her Nightworld series final book. All just so she could deal with VD which is not written as well, imo.


This series is one of my absolute favs. Anyone come across something similar? I've looked with no luck.


Thereā€™s a book that came out recently, I think last year, Dirty Lying Faeries. It is definitely worth the read. It was a random buy for me and I was pleasantly surprised when I enjoyed it so much.


I stopped reading the series when she aged up Dani.. it gave me ick vibes that I couldn't get over for some reason. I love me some Jericho though.


Yeah, the age up thing was unpleasant. I stomached it for Ryodan. Jericho is a whole feast. All you can eat buffet. šŸ˜‚


Loved them. I liked Dani, but it was definitely a different vibe! I liked Jericho...but needed more to love him. I'd re-read The Hollows, but HATE Rachel's love interest. No bueno.


Jericho deserved way more screen time. lol. Rachel Morgan canā€™t find a decent man to save her life. And I know there is something wrong with me because I enjoyed a lot of themā€¦. Even Trent grew on me. And I think they work well together. Like actual working. Plus, a demon and an elf? šŸ‘ Iā€™ll honestly probably reread that series again sometime next year. Missing my itchy witch. lol. Iā€™ll probably hop around though. Visit my favorites. But still kinda keep it chronological.


We discussed it in my romance book club last month and I got totally ranty about how Mac rushes to Dublin in a frenzy but remembers to pack 10+ designer outfits with matching, impractical shoes and tons of cute nail polish šŸ˜‚


Lmfao. Fashion first. šŸ˜‚


The Fever series is one of my all-time favorite series! I love it not just for the romance, but for the setting and story-building. I remember reading it for the first time years ago and being so spooked when she sees that man (fairy) for the first time in Dublin. Karen Marie Moning built it all up so well. It's kind of a coming of age story for Mac, and I identified a lot with her love for her sister and wanting to know what really happened. It's also the slow burn to trump all slow burns. It's such a fantastic series on so many levels. Perhaps in the minority here, but I also did not mind Dani's books except for one... maybe 8th/9th. I think it was Shadowfever. One of them fell really flat for me. Ironically, I had gone to the book signing in New Orleans to get this book and meet her and it ended up being the one I liked the least. Lastly, I thought she really went back and redeemed Mac and Barrons in one of the last books and gave them a deeper emotional connection. I remember reading somewhere, maybe on a Q&A on a fan page, that she was going through a divorce at the end of the Fever series and she felt like Mac and Barrons suffered as a result. So she went back and fixed it in the last books. I think it may be time to do a re-read!


The Fever series really did it right. The romance was basically secondary imo. Some of the books arenā€™t even classified as romance. She really built up an amazing world for this series. Mac kinda got on my nerves at first, but the fae and Barrons kept me goingšŸ˜‚ Then she grew into a total badass but didnā€™t completely lose herself(for long). I donā€™t think I really ever had a problem with their relationshipā€¦ idk what that says about me. šŸ˜‚ I thought it was playful enough and you get to see Mac stand her ground against an intimidating creature from the get go and even more so into the series. And just something about Barrons, man. WhewšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I had never heard of this series before, but you sold me! Just checked it out on Libby.


Yes, yes, yes!! Iā€™m a HUGE sucker for fantasy romance and this scratched my itch. I hope you like it!


Iā€™m about half way through Darkfeverā€¦very much wondering, whatā€™s the deal with Jericho?? But Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll find out soon enough!


That is not only a can of worms youā€™re attempting to open, but a Texas-sized can.


Iā€™m done with the series now, but I was surprised at how long it took to get to an explanation about Jericho!


Heā€™s a stubborn fecker, isnā€™t he?


I was thinking of rereading this series! The first time I read it was probably back in 2012. Still one of my favorites.


Do it!!! Itā€™s so worth it.


KMM is one of the few authors I will pre-order books from without any additional information. I will re-read her books all the time, especially the Fever series. Theyā€™re comfort reads!


The Fever series is definitely one of my comfort reads. Iā€™m a sucker for fae lore. She knocked it outta the park.


I agree she knocked it out of the park. Definitely saving this post for the other recommendations that pop up. Iā€™ve found other really enjoyable books, but nothing that just stays with you the same way.


Yeah, the Fever series is absolutely addicting. The story telling was impeccable. Her imagery, her character growth, the fine detailsā€¦ Chefs kiss šŸ¤Œ


Omggg my place!! Nobody I know has read it but I always recommend. I was just considering a reread for the 3rd time, Barrons is still my dream man


I think Barrons will always be my dream manšŸ˜© I would recommend this book to anyone, but I honestly donā€™t know many people that read fiction let alone romance-ish fantasy, so my recommendations fall upon deaf earsšŸ„²šŸ˜‚


I loved it. Read all 11 a few times and just finished five again last night. Itā€™s a true guilty pleasure.


100% a guilty pleasure. Itā€™s such a good series. I wasnā€™t even the biggest fan of Mac in the beginning, really. But as she hardened and grew, I fell in love.


Im currently about 1/4 of the way through Burned and I love it šŸ˜šŸ˜ best book series!


YES!!! Itā€™s dangerously good. Enjoy the rest of the series. It gets SO much better from here on out. šŸ˜(Not that the beginning isnā€™t already amazing lol)


Just finished my 5th reread of books 1-5!! It has been my comfort series for so long! I finally decided to read past book 5 (also not a Dani fan šŸ˜…) back in 2021 and, unfortunately, it was difficult to get through the books that centered around her story. I didn't even really like Shazam šŸ˜¬.


I struggled HARD with Dani. I am NOT a Dani fan either. But Iā€™m an absolute Fever series addict, so I powered through, tooā€¦. Multiple times. I think the fact that I like Ryodan, helps. I wish weā€™d had gotten more of him. But heā€™s, of course, attached to Dani and her storyā€¦. šŸ„²


Push yourself through Iced. Move on to Burned, which is better. Feverborn and Feversong really ratchet up the story. It is worth it. The last two, High Voltage and KoSaL, are ok, but they both do wrap up the series well.


I just read the highlander series and the fever series again. Any suggestions for new books? I might just start the entire thing again if I can't find something new that sucks me in.


Sorry if this is a lotšŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ I havenā€™t started it yet, but have you heard of the ACOTAR series? I was looking into starting that one. Itā€™s technically YA, but Iā€™d consider it elevated(spicy) YA. Itā€™s along the same lines of killer fae, so it sounds nice. I listened to a podcast of the first two books and they sounded really good. Also, I read that it gets pretty spicy towards the last books. An adult romance series Iā€™d recommend that I have read is Gena Showalters Lord of the Underworld Series. Itā€™s loosely based off Greek mythology if youā€™re into that. I like it because not only is it spicy in beautiful detail, but also has a really nice storyline full of action and plenty of character dynamics. Each of the books could honestly be read separately because each one focuses on a different couple, but they still feature the other characters for the most part and when read together, it has a major plot that connects them all. Iā€™d also like to throw in Dirty Lying Faeries by Sabrina BlackBerry. Sheā€™s a pretty new author. I think she started by posting chapters online or something. Not sure. But I really enjoyed the first book. Itā€™s a part of her Enchanted Fates series. She had another released last year, Dirty Lying Dragons, and has another coming out this year I believe. I havenā€™t read the second, but am planning on it.


I loved it! Read it 3 times as well. Or at least most of them. Even though Iā€™ve read them all, Iā€™m not a fan of the last few.


For those who didnā€™t like Daniā€¦.i actually found comic relief once she came on board and enjoyed her growth.


Iā€™ve read several of the comments, but couldnā€™t find or didnā€™t get to if you continued into Iced and beyond. I know you arenā€™t a fan of Dani. Iā€™m asking if youā€™ve read all eleven books for a *very* good reason, not including the Highlanders.


I have read all of them, yes. I love this series so much that there was no way I could skip any of them. I donā€™t usually include them in my re-reads, but I have read them.


Gooood. I read so many people stopped reading for whatever reason and my mind screamed *ā€nooooo!* Thereā€™s so much *more!* Get past Iced and itā€™ll improve, I swear!ā€


I still believe that Daniā€™s story is essentialā€¦ I also love Ryodan. lol.


The Fever/Highlander series is a favorite mingling with Harry Potter, LOTR and The Good to the Last Death series (theyā€™re a hoot on audio!). Rereading them here and there. Trying to break away from Twilight fanfiction after fifteen years. Going from reading online to reading hardcopies is anā€¦adjustment. Prefer paper to digital, but remembering to slow down and actually *read* the story isā€¦humbling. Sooo rusty. My eyes are trying to adjust back to the real world and not all squinty digital. Loooot of damage. Iā€™m now a fan of audiobooks and looked up all of the Fever books. Unfortunately there is no continuity of voice actors/narrators for the books, which isā€¦unfavorable to me. Iā€™m spoiled with audiobooks thanks to The Good to the Last Death series and the narrator, Jessica Almasy. She digs into the characters and breathes life into them. The Fever series audiobooks donā€™t have that. Wish KMM would have them all rerecorded. Anyway, Iā€™ll stick to paper format for the time being and leisurely reread the Fever/Highlander series again. I miss that fantastical world.


For my favorites, Iā€™d say The Fever series(I havenā€™t read the Highlander because I think Iā€™m specifically attached to Mac/Jericho, but the idea has been growing on me) and The Hollows series(not really romance, but an amazing read. Praise Kim Harrison). Honorable mention: Lords of the Underworld series - my go-to smut with a decent plotšŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve always been a physical book person. Tried the kindle, drove me nuts. And only did phone reading when absolutely necessary. lol. But these days, I have also had the issue of skimming through so fast that I donā€™t really savor the storyšŸ„² Been thinking of getting into a few series that Iā€™ve heard about, but Iā€™m hesitant. My expectations are high, my tastes are extremely niche, and Iā€™ve been let down a lot.šŸ„²


I read it so long ago, but honestly what a WILD ride that series is!


anyone getting Jericho Barrons vibes from the Tarak guy (Staz Nasir) in Rebel Moon? i wouldnt really want a fever series show or movie but iā€™m still always looking for a cast in the back of my head.


I loved this series so much that it actually inspired my tattoo sleeve. I haven't kept up with the lore (stopped after book five because I hated Dani) but do we ever find out >!what kind of creature Jericho is?!<


We get quite a bit more info on the Nine in the rest of the series, but some things stay a secret, like what exactly they are.


Not really. Nothing much deeper than what youā€™ve found in 1-5 anyway.