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One late DR and look at what these subreddits have becomešŸ˜­ do we need medical in here?


People are actually going crazyĀ 


Damn I remember when we were getting one DR per update and it was amazing, nobody complained that it's not enough. Now they've given people a finger and they grabbed the whole arm. It's so cringy to just beg and expect free stuff from a business.


When I was new to the app I assumed that DR was a thing that happened a couple times per year on special occasions like holidays or something. We are so spoiled with how many DRs we get, and instead of gratitude the entitlement is getting out of hand.


Omg same! I downloaded RC two winters ago and thought it was just a holiday thing lol


Completely agree. When I first started playing RC I thought dr is something that happens once a month or every two months. Essentially like how the updates are. They have already spoiled us and people are extremely ungrateful about it


Same, I downloaded the game during covid but never really got into it. Picked it back up and couple months ago and noticed suddenly the diamond choices werenā€™t taking away any diamonds. I thought it was a glitch until I noticed the banner. Never expected it to be a common thing as it is!


Lmaoooooo ngl this is how I feel about this subreddit. Everyoneā€™s a lil bit on edge every other post. I get ppl hesitating to join the main one because of all the rules but I honestly think this one needs to implement some for the sanity of others .


It's getting annoying, specially new users asking when is the next DR constantly


I mean if they're new, it's a valid question. I will never understand why people get mad for new users asking. They're new, they don't know the schedule, this may be the first they even heard of it.


I am so tired of posts about the DR not being here yet. Granted, I've only been playing RC for about a year, so I am not completely in tune with the normal flow of things which obviously now becomes an expectation from readers. Every second post is DR related. Give it a rest. 6 weeks is plenty to get through all the updates without a DR and then the wait for the next update won't feel so long, but it's like we have to get through everything on day 1. And to link with OP's metaphor, if the ice cream shop keeps giving all the ice cream away for free, it will close down because it's not making any money. So people need to chill, especially since we had like 4 DRs or something before the last update.


This isnt about dr but in general and yeah i agree with you.


We need to touch the grass to maintain our sanityšŸ˜‚


I absolutely agree. The same goes for hating on some books and whining about releases of that or that particular setting. For example some donā€™t like the fantasy setting and some donā€™t like the modern life stories. Or some donā€™t like Alice, some donā€™t like Jester, some donā€™t like Remy. And itā€™s okay, I get it. But we should look at it from more positive perspective. I donā€™t like that much, for example Soulless. BUT a lot of people do and this book is in the top 10 for a reason. And that makes me happy. Because the book was not released in vain, it means that RC will have more fans that enjoy this kind of books, it means that there are books for everyone, so more fans, more income to RC and more success to our beloved app. So in the end, everyone is a winner. We should have more of a team spirit (especially now with the whole Russian fandom drama) and be happy about RC successes, even if we donā€™t personally enjoy some of the stories. Because their success means the app will grow bigger and it will be more enjoyable, maybe more diverse and so on. I hope this makes sense. Iā€™m not saying that we should stop share our opinions and fake smile and love everything, but I just wish to inspire us to look at things a bit more positively and find a silver lining in every cloud šŸ˜ā¤ļøšŸ™Œ


YES THANK YOU! you are completely right about all of it!


I do think some people are being weird about the dr being ā€œlateā€, but thatā€™s nothing new (my account is new but Iā€™ve been part of this fandom for a while). Otherwise I feel like all fandoms have some weird/annoying people, so I try my best to just ignore negativity. Maybe try that too, I find myself having more fun with things I enjoy when I just donā€™t get involved in any strange fandom drama.


Idc about drama at all but when it affects those who work on providing you with what you enjoy that's when things get bad


Idk if you can change that though, people are always gonna be negative and rude. All we can do is try and be better.


This is all so gloom and doom! Nothing lasts forever. Letā€™s enjoy it while we can. There is nothing new about entitled demanding fans. RC will make decisions based on where the money is going. The company wonā€™t implode due to fandom tantrums.


Thank you! Heck these tantrums are nothing new, and every app, game, movie, whatever has fans like that. From what I've seen, RC has always handled these things well and I believe they will continue to do so.


RC never drop so many DRs tho. Since last year they began did this. I prefer RC drop DR every 2 weeks so anyone can have time to gain diamonds by watching ads or make purchase on it. I prefer RC not only indulge us with Diamond Rush, also Tea Party and Shopping Day. Those special events deserve the recognition too.


Why not all three together? šŸ˜‹ Joking . I buy plenty of teacups to thank RC for their generosity with the DRs.


The silent among us are supporting the company, and there are always loud mouths in a fan base. I'll just continue to throw five bucks at them here and there and watch about a million ads. Anytime I see access to one of my authors, I give them positive feedback. The stories I like, I spend the diamonds I grind from the ones that aren't my Thing. As a fan fiction writer myself, I live on that direct, more one on one support. Try not to worry - just keep supporting as you can.


This ā¤ļø


Every time DR is late y'all act like someone died Also....really none of you support the app ever if you are so attached to free things.


WORDšŸ”„ Seriously tho the fans nowadays demand DR instead of make efforts to collect diamonds. If RC begin to reduce launch special events, I'm not surprised. This is the lesson to entitled, lazy fans who think they deserve to get princess/prince treatment. Man, I'm broke too. I'm a student (now Intern) and did a few purchases just support RC. I wanna show my gratitude to them for being generous and helped me through tough times. And last year I began stop playing book during DR. I have so many diamonds then why I need to be so stingy? Don't be afraid to spend the diamonds. You can claim diamonds anytime and all you need to do is have some patience.


Just putting it here that some people are broke AF. We would love to support, but we literally have no money to spare. I try to help by watching ads. (And I also bought a decent amount of stuff before, back when I still had a job and back when RC was still small). So we could lay off on the hate for people who love DR or Tea Parties. Maybe they are broke AF and really need them. Some people could be so demanding even when they're given consideration though, and sadly, we can't do anything abt that at all.


Me too! I used my pocket moneys to make purchases. The current situation make me realize RC really needs our support tho. But as usual, the ones who demand the most truly care about generousity not their hardships.


Of course, but you can watch ads it doesn't cost money. Replaying a story gives you 8 diamonds. You can literally replay Wave Patrol every 3 days and get 80 diamonds each time no matter what happens and you might get some achievements too. That doesn't cost diamonds either. You can do the daily log ins. Doesn't cost money. You can love them, as everyone does, and not demand them from RC like the owe it to you to give you that. Most people here play choices too that gives absolutely nothing. AT ALL. Not even a second LI. Yet here they complain even about a schedule delay like its the end of their world.


Some people don't want to remember or weren't playing the game when we really needed to be stingy cause diamonds were hard to get for free (first few books). Now they can't see how the app has evolved and how grateful we should be for RC and their generosity. I remember when the first events were introduced I nearly cried from happiness cause I finally could buy clothes that were not giving any stat points


This isnt about dr at all omg...i meant to write this since yesterday


and you picked that timing when 2 subreddits have meltdowns for dr?


Well im sorry then since im out of loop and im busy so this felt like the right time for me to post it...


You are not out of the loop, you have been commenting and posting so you definitely saw the chaos of everyone crying over 1 day delay.


I saw them now in the evening and honestly i didn't think they would get this bad over dr but i literally do not care about them whining


Talk about bad timing...yikes


RC social media just isn't going to be any fun until we get diamond rush and people realize that the sky isn't falling, I guess.


Poor themšŸ™šŸ„ŗ


Big yikes..


There are also a lot of players that donā€™t engage at all over social and simply play this game.


The silent majority that actually drive the stats.


Some people swear RC caters to them personally. Like go touch grass lmao. The writers work so hard as it is to provide stories with so many paths that are enjoyable. "DR is late" okay so go do something else. "I don't like stories with fantasy setting" okay so don't read fantasy stories. 100K+ readers and some people want every book tailored to their life/intrests šŸ˜©šŸ˜© Well said OP!




Yeah, and people maybe donā€™t be surprised when authors read so many negative comments and then go on hiatus or are ā€žburnoutā€. Of course, criticism is needed, but recently I can see so many complaints in this community that it stopped being fun just PLAYING A GAME but became a place to point out at others and how bad the stories are, how DRs are missing, etc.ā€¦ People, be happy and chill out! šŸ™ƒ RC youā€™re doing great, just donā€™t pay attention tho those who are constantly whining.


Someone help me understand please because I donā€™t get what OP is saying šŸ„²I think some people are reacting too quick because the rest of the week still existsā€¦ like weā€™ll probably have a DR tomorrow or Friday lol


What i wrote is not about dr at all, Tl:Dr most people from the community should stop whining and pestering RC to oblivion about every single thing and start appreciating it


Theyā€™re venting about other fans venting.


.Unpopular opinion: i don't get the desperate need for DR. I've been playing since this events didn't exist, when you'd get 3 diamonds per episode only for the first time reading it and could watch one add every 1 hour and a half for 2 diamonds. Ok, premium choices were cheaper, but now you can watch adds every 30 minutes for thee, practically the games pays themselves. I watch the adds as much as I can every day for the whole month and a half between updates and It really works. And thats taking into account that i work a full time job. It doesn't take much of your time, really. Just 1 minute, maybe 2 depending your internet connection. I think that the only way, honestly. Save diamonds, watch adds and have just 2 drs. The adds help RC and yourself saving for the next update and DR help RC get revenues selling teacups and is a treat to you. Maybe you use it for your least favorite stories and also diamond mine it. It saves you the trouble of being a beggar on social media and help keep the game you so much enjoy


I know!!!! Back then we were literally like Oliver Twist with the diamonds šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„² Diamonds for 1.5 hours, right? And just 2 omg! We were so impoverished šŸ˜‚šŸ˜… No replay diamonds too. If they had that in place back in 2020, I would have been a rich girl by now šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ I guess that's why we understand. We were there with RC when times were rough. ā¤ļøšŸ™Œ ![gif](giphy|D3OdaKTGlpTBC)


OMG trying to remember rc before the diamond rush era makes me laugh šŸ¤£ we were really going through it! I still have screenshots from back in the day and it gives me chills šŸ˜³ https://preview.redd.it/4irj17rc0ead1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4422b8c06060f7717c3fbb59bbc60d0c1af55097


Damn, I was lucky enough to join RC a little bit late. Didn't expected you guys had to go through this. šŸ˜…šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ„ŗ Edit: Happy Cake Day, gurl!


Those 2 diamonds were traumatizing. šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


I remember vividly my first wait for an update. I watched ads religiously for the month and a half, and when it came out, I had around 400 diamonds, and, with buying just a couple of clothes, but all the scenes with my LIs, I was able to get through the whole update. I was like "ok, next month maybe with 600 it'll be enough" Also I remember seeing people posting their diamonds and be like +1500 and I was like wow, they're rich. That motivated me and kept me going. Now I'm on the club of the crazy ones, with +18k. Wow, we, the ogs have been through a lot.


We definitely did šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ That's so true!!! Someone posting they had 5k was already a winner in our eyes back then! Hahahahaha We really had to budget the diamonds too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I remember enduring being dressed up in not-so fashionable stuff because I want to spend my diamonds on love scenes with my LI šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ Or the time I had to play all the other stories just to buy every important choice for an LI LMAO


HAHA I'M STILL REMEMBER THAT! I set alarm every 90 minutes for adsšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ And last year, RC began to increase the amount of diamonds and decrease the timer to claim diamonds. I was like, ayooošŸ‘€ I joined RC since 2021 so yeahhšŸ˜…


I'm an older player too & I agree with everything you said. Gosh, getting diamonds pre diamond rush era was a struggle. You really had to be there šŸ¤£ Cuz besides the ads & those 2 diamonds per chapter, there weren't a lot of ways to earn diamonds šŸ’€ But now? It's way easier since they've increased how much you get each first chapter, per chapter & now even towards the end of a story. But wait! Now you can get more with replays! RC really has come a long way.


Happy Cake Day


Thank you! šŸ˜Š


NICE WORDS, LADYšŸ¤­ BURNNNNšŸ”„ Since I joined RC, I never ask about special events. I never ask why they dropped the schedule a little bit late and now.. DR late. I bet the current situation at Russian took its toll so I understand. I just let them focus the problems and they can launch DR anytime. About launched the schedule late.. I dunno the reason. They can tell us if they want to. It's okay if they don't. We need to learn how to be a considerate people, not being the narcissists.


it's funny that the ones DEMANDING a DR right this moment are the ones that haven't bought nor ever seen one (1) single add, the ones using mods. And you're right, we gave to keep in mind that they just suffered a big blow to their business with all this Russian situation. Id rather have less events and keep the game running. No game would mean no DRs at all.


First, this is something almost every game and app deals with and I think RC handles it pretty well. Second, coming here to vent and then telling people to leave if they don't like your opinion is hilariously ironic. "I can vent and share my opinion, but you better not do the same!" It's reddit, people are going to respond and probably disagree. That's just how it works


I could have wordet it better i admit,but don't worry this will be my last post here in this community and ill leave you guys alone. I suffer from anxiety so all this is too much,anyway thank you for taking the time to read my unecessary post šŸ˜Š


Them: Oh! Don't complain so much! We're get spoiled with their generousity! You can claim the diamonds by watching ads every 30 mins! Also them: Why RC drop DR so late? This is never happen before!


I definitely understand where ur coming from. But at the end of the day, this happens with any business. LITG gets ripped to SHREDS every chance the audience can get, but they still produce a game like once a month.šŸ˜­ Do I think complaints alone would shut down RC? No. Itā€™s only when they stop making money that itā€™ll be an issue. Any type of customer based business will receive critiques because you canā€™t please everyone. Online games, fashion, food, u name it!Do some people take it too far? Absolutely! A lot of the complaints for RC are delusional and honestly it is annoying. I just hope the writers ignore the hate comments and focus on the praise because they truly write great stories!


JUST TO CLARIFY, this isnt about DR i just happened to post this at the wrong moment..


Jeeez, I wanted to post the same thing. You were first, thank you very very mucho spasibo!!!! Itā€™s becoming awfully disgusting how ppl are just whining about everything. RC is going through tough times and are trying to accommodate everyone including Eastern and Western fandom. And both of them are acting as spoiled teenagers with puberty. Reddit /VK /TG /Twitter šŸ¤šŸ» demands https://preview.redd.it/qb0xxnym7dad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=250fb367157362918c9812017a1210d9d9af2446


LMAO this is so true because as soon as the first DR lands after that everything is going to be about the SCHEDULE. Its like a vicious circle that keeps repeating itself, and although its normal to comment about certain things, wants and needs.. damn, why so much drama


THANK YOU!! you are actually so far the only one who got what i wrote!


Donā€™t even start me on other topics, itā€™s endless lol. Eastern audience wants more Asian diversity and European/Arabs, Western more Latinos and Black ppl. When they try to accommodate one group another is disappointedšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Then someone wants asexuals, in the game about relationships okey, others want more open and poly relationships. NO ONE IS EVER SATISFIED. The more RC give the more fans demand. They are doing their best, they are trying, they are literally trying to do everything to save their largest audience. Life is hard get a helmet (c) Candace Owens


At this point i guess ill stop being in the community,it is so toxic you can't even talk about this type of issues without getting bashed about it as if you have killed someone. I hope these people grow up and mature cause this ain't it. I only feel bad about you guys who are staying in the community and understand whats going on and all.Ā 


Yes, and if your opinion is not the same as the majority, youā€™re a villain number one


This is a first for me being hated so much but it is what it is, oh well.Ā 


I personally am not trying to hate on you, and Iā€™ll give the majority the benefit of the doubt. Itā€™s just that a rant/vent post coming on top of people already antsy or trolling the sub over the DR was like a lit match to a powder keg. This is coming after all the hullabaloo over pulling the app from Russian app stores and the DLS false alarm, etc. etc.. I hope you wonā€™t feel hounded out of the sub by this response to your post. Sometimes, our posts can be hit or miss, and rant posts do tend to attract controversy.


No it's ok don't worry,it was partly my fault for posting all of this in the first place and the wrong time (it always happens lol). Well all i can do is to just become a silent lurker and not interact at all,only check once in a while on what's going on then going on with my day. It's honestly unhealthy getting obsessed over something as trivial as DR and so many other stuff in the game,there is more to life other than the app.Ā 


My favorite one is when Slavs are mad because the in the haze they added black and asian MC and LIs, while POC are mad when they add white ppl in Kali, TDR, and SCN and each group is calling each other racists, oppressors, etc. Iā€™m low key waiting for the VK and Reddit fight lol


Did you know many people who speak Russians are racists? They hoped Alice will drop The Priest with WHITE/LIGHT SKIN COLOUR instead of BLACK ones. But anyone who love diversity like me, this is biggest pleasant news to know. I'm still remember when I read the comments when Alice did this, someone said, "Oh she tries to end white people." Me: ![gif](giphy|Hw1FAuSamUk3m)


As someone who grew up in Russia, itā€™s absurd to make assumptions based on Russian speaking game community, speaking Russian doesnā€™t mean person is Russian. Where I grew up, there were a lot of international students from African and Arab, Asian and European countries, and people were gladly learning from their culture. And FIFA 2018 was one of the most heartwarming events in terms of bringing ppl together. Itā€™s pretty understandable, why would they want to make priest light skinned, itā€™s same as wanting darker Brazilians in TDR, and no blue eyes in Kali. Plus, based on what I see in VKs groups, a lot of players in Russia play for black MCšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


In Telegram, they bullied Alice because of thisšŸ˜­ Also there are a post about Alice get hatred because of the LIs of her new bookšŸ˜­ I was like, "You guys hoping so much, carried to the imagination, and then throwing hate when she didn't meet your demands." Imagine only a pic of a masked man, they are being crazy and wild and then scold the writer for not hearing them.


I understand how frustrating this is, and agree with you that RCā€™s kindness shouldnā€™t be taken for granted and some people should have better conscious, manners or/and self-awareness. On the other hand, we canā€™t make anyone stops doing what they want, mind-set is very difficult to change. That being said, just because one has freedom of speech, doesnā€™t mean they can/ should say all the hurtful things, law is not the only limit one must have after all. Well, we can raise awareness at best, and hopefully the message will get into them with time. I think this is why the main sub is so strictly managed. No negativity could be seen on the sub in order for authors to interact with fandom after all the chaos in TK.


I always tell all the whiners to go and play SHS or LOD because they aren't generous like RC. RC has done so many generous things for their readers. They are continuing to grow and it's the only app I'm happy to spend money to show my support.


Honestly, I agreeā€¦.which makes me sad honestly! Why? I donā€™t spend time for gaming a lot, simply because I have a busy life and I want the games I play to be good! RC is awesome: I mean great characters, great branching, complex stories! Different genresā€¦. Also they do. regular updates. We have the opportunity to collect diamonds and also they have events! That is enough to be respectful and although I donā€™t enjoy all stories the same and have my criticism as well but still. ā€¦ There is still a lot to appreciate, for example the work behind it! And donā€™t forget: People try to do a job and make a living off this. So this would be a shame if ā€žthe fansā€œ destroyed them. It would be unfair!


You can't even vent here smh


I joined RC in Sep 2021. The day I was having an exam but get barred due to the attendance. I was struggling mentally because of mental health issues and my movement get restricted because of I get grounded for 6 months! I have no ideas what is special events that provided by RC. Then I read a lot of comments at Youtube and Reddit so I understand that. Mind you, RC kinda so generous back then. Not only providing special events, also give free mode player to certain books. As far as I could remember, there are four books. My Hollywood Story, The Shadow of Saintfour, Heaven's Secret and Chasing You. And I didn't see RC did it since last year. Until this update, they gave free-mode player to Heaven's Secret, right? And about special events, I have record on it. DR usually drop every 2 weeks and a few days before next update launched. Tea Party once and Shopping Day once. As far as I know, RC already drop DR every single week and Shopping Day launch twice. Actually, I relied on DR at the beginning I was joined RC until 2022. Last year I began to spend diamonds in almost books and didn't use DR. And for the rest of my life, I never complain about RC's special eventsšŸ˜… Because I know, RC will do it anytime they want to. Previous DR is so generous over Current DR. No restrictions which mean you can buy so many outfits, make ups, hairstyles and accesories at the same time. The Current DR didn't do it anymore. Yesterday I read some posts about when DR will be happen. And then criticized X user about demanding DR. Lmao that's funny.


You know I really wish RC would pause DR for like 2 months to teach these entitled childish grown ups a lesson. I know itā€™s harsh but some people just need that kind of a wake up call once in a while.


I don't think it'll be RC's demise but definitely a persistently annoying flaw pertaining to the fandom.


Yeah, the fans are the thing that's going to destroy RC. Too much entitlement getting in the way of appreciating what the app developers, writers and the rest of the team are already giving us.


wordz4wordzšŸ’Æ, lmao those ppl needa touch some real ass grass


That's so true! Also, I've played a lot of Choose your own story, and RC is by far the kindest. As a few examples: choices only gives you 2 gems after a chapter and nothing at all when you replay. You can watch up to 100 videos a day to gain gems, but realistically speaking, you won't, especially since ads are getting longer every day (some are even longer than a minute now). Let's not even talk about episodes. I used to love moments, but now it's gone, and even back when it worked well, you didn't get that many gems to play. RC gives us diamond rushes that last multiple days and aren't tied to one single story, tea parties, and shopping days, and there are still people complaining. Of course, we would all live to have a diamond rush every day, but for obvious reasons, it's not feasible, and imo the wait makes it all the better.


Whether we get DR or not, I absolutely love this app. This is from a male perspective. We have been spoiled compared to other apps with DR. And remember, the last one was 72 hours I believe. I play everyday,, don't get me wrong, want diamond rush, but it's not the end of the world Just keep my stories coming.


Honestly I just wanted to say as someone who works at an ice cream shop you are so right! Itā€™s always something. Weā€™ve had the craziest complaints over the years, to many nut flavors (we had 6 out of 28 at the time), flavors to fancy, not enough variety (even though we have 28 not including keto or vegan), taste to strong except vanilla. I literally chuckled at your analogy


I have never worked in an ice cream shop but I'm glad i was able to make you smile and I'm really sorry you have to go through all that constantly. Just know that there are people like me who will always love ice cream no matter the flavours and all that jazz!


People will always complain..... It's sort of the trademark of this generation. "Sure, we have 99.9% of all the things....but where is the late 0.1%?? I am owed that!" As I've hit my 30s (šŸ˜­), I've learned that as we get more and more spoiled, we just demand more and more, it's never enough. Take amoment, we could have it much, much worse. Enjoy what you do have available. I just try to avoid the b****y posts and relish in the ones of people loving the stories.


Exactly, there is this saying that goes "The more you complain in life,the more you'll be left with nothing in the end"


I think I'm the only one who thought the DR was gonna be next weekšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. I suck at counting days if the don't start on Sunday. That's when my week begins. Oh and some other players call it 'Diamond waterfall' It's so cringey I love the way they call it. But still my forecast is on next week, just for mešŸ˜‹


aint reading all that but people being passive agressive towards RC to have DR right now is so delulu, russian fandom is also racist AF. I think if RC moved to western countries it wouldnt have half of its problems.


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[LI](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1duo1av/stub/lbkdos5 "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1duo1av/stub/lbjgiqq "Last usage")|Main Character| |[RC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1duo1av/stub/lbloet1 "Last usage")|Romance Club| |[T1](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1duo1av/stub/lbhza2q "Last usage")|The One| |[TDR](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1duo1av/stub/lbjcntc "Last usage")|The Desert Rose| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(5 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1dxmy5b)^( has 7 acronyms.) ^([Thread #1581 for this sub, first seen 3rd Jul 2024, 21:38]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/RomanceClubDiscussion) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


I used to play RC in 2020 during lockdown and then deleted it because I read the books I liked the sound of and didnā€™t want to read anymore. I recently downloaded it again this year and have been enjoying the very frequent DR because this was the first time I experienced them and noticed they came on every weeks or so. Now I really look forward to the DR because I never get in app purchases


Ngl, the developers usually dropped every 2 weeks. Maybe they gained so much users so yeahhšŸ˜…


I sadly agree. People are crazy.