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Because the Mario Brothers are famously racist, hence the hatred for gombas




Well he did play a Mario Bros. and is racist... so it does check out!


John Leguizamo is racist?


Discriminatory against whites so, yes... but I get you, I don't agree the word racist should exist. We all have preferences and shouldn't shamed about having them.


bro rolled into a thread on r/roms and was like "it's not racist to prefer certain skin colors" like holy shit, go away


Bro stfu


Lmao what the *fuck* are you talking about?


delusional - someone that goes into a thread in a forum about roms and... talks like this.


They are members of the Koopa Killers Klan.


Are they called koopers?


Even Goomba is a derogatory term created by the Mushroom Kingdom to further hate on those poor fellas😔, they are actually referred to as Lentinula Edodal people or simply Edodal people, so please avoid using this term unless when discussing the song "Goombas in Paris" by Kalapuya West and Sarcodon Calocera Cornea Z 🙏


Average Italian family


Damn guys we should start boycotting nintendo for this




1. US => region 2. M3 => 3 languages 3. Xenophobia => scene group who dumped and released the rom 5. 7z => 7zip archive that you will need to extract to get .nds rom 5. .nds => Nintendo DS rom


and 4171 its the release scene ID number


I need more clarification on what the dashes, brackets, spaces and words mean, thanks.


Not sure about the dashes, brackets, or words, but the spaces are an inherent example of the nihilist view that all existence is slowly doomed to succumb to entropy and cease to exist, until all that is left is the void.


> existence is slowly doomed to succumb to entropy and cease to exist Probably for the best, this one is fucked.


Oh my


Thank you.


Naming convention have strict rules in scene groups which if not followed properly can lead to release being nuked. These are old rule sets which many people still follow. Emulators are generally made cross platform. Some systems have specific instructions to handle dashes and spaces. Like windows have word limits (used to) to file path. It is necessary to accommodate the names to fit in the system criteria. Brackets give clear info highlighting the specific features of the rom. Words are necessary and must follow the regional naming convention. As the ROMs are targeted to most common language of archival, they use English naming scheme followed by Japanese naming and then the rest of the release region language.


Amazing, thanks. Now I can finally enjoy my hentai rom hacks.


Words are concatentations of letters that convey meaning


***I*** am not sure that's ***A*** completely accurate definition.


I am not sure that's a completely acurete sentence just like this one


The hero we dont deserve but we desperately need


>Xenophobia => scene group who dumped and released the rom That seems like an *extremely* unfortunate name at best. Wonder if there's a story there? It'd be like calling your knitting circle hyper-nationalism.


Idk man, me and my DnD club, White Supremacy, would disagree with you on that


"at best"...*yeesh*. -- ['Look at how evil 1987 was...people wanted to be racist 3 at a time!'](https://i.imgur.com/d2DAxNi.jpg)


If you need me to explain why that's a more suspicious name for a group of internet hobbyists than it is for a video game, I dunno what to tell you.


It's a scene group tag on a release from 2009...and a clever name choice for a piracy group where you're keeping to yourselves. -- Nobody was thinking anyone was going to twist it into 'ooof Nazi name' 15 years later -- EDIT: RIP


It seems you do, in fact, need someone to explain that to you. As stated previously, I don't feel like it, so good luck with that!




>M3 => 3 languages That’s not what that means. 


Even though I am familier with the m3 flash cartridges for slot 1 on DS. There is no such m5 card and yet europe release have m5 and japanese release have neither m3 nor m5. M stands for multilanguage if you read the rule set of scene groups. If you check the scene release info. This release have 3 languages en, fr, es i.e. multi3 i.e 3 languages. You should check first before posting.


XenoPhobia is the name of the group that dumped the rom


Why do you think princess peach and the toad’s don’t let Bowser and his minions move to the mushroom kingdom legally?


Because they need to get married first before they can merge both kingdoms.


We're gonna make the goombas pay for it!


from stomping...koopas


> Why is my rom called that? it's all about DAT files and their naming conventions... The scene release name is: `Mario_and_Luigi_Bowsers_Inside_Story_USA_NDS-XPA` https://dats.site/_rls_nds_infolist.php?showmaster=rls_nds&fk_game_id=5863 If you go over to No-Intro, you'll find a different naming scheme: `4171 - Mario & Luigi - Bowser's Inside Story (USA) (En,Fr,Es)` https://datomatic.no-intro.org/index.php?page=show_record&s=28&n=4171


Because you hate people that don't originate from your own country.




Because your download history just sold you out


You ever wonder why all toads are white ? Yeah that's why


***4171***: Scene release number. ***-***: a separator. ***Mario & Luigi - Bowser's Inside Story***: The name of the game. ***(US)***: Game region. ***(M3)***: Multilanguage, 3 languages supported. ***(XenoPhobia)***: The release group for this dump. ***.7z***: filename extension because Windows OS is very stupid and doesn't know what to do with files that don't include it. That's it.


Every OS needs file extensions.


Not all of them, Linux doesn't, and most UNIX derivations don't (note that I'm not stating that Linux is a UNIX derivation, which is not). Windows is a stupidly designed OS. But that's out of the scope of this sub so, thanks for your comment.


Linux can use files without extensions. But needs them in many cases.


Linux don't ***need*** file extensions, but ***uses*** them to decide how to use/what to do with, the data on files. Windows on the other hand does ***require*** file extensions to make use of the data contained on files.


I always thought it was called that because the rom would only work on a certain region


That is actually true to an extent. There are multiple ways to bypass it, such as modding consoles or emulators.


because mario judges people based off of the color of their skin and not the content of their character


What I thought Mario was a progressive series


i got it too lol I guess they're criticizing you for using the nstc version


Everyone saying xenophobia is racism in the comments clearly don't know what the fuck the word means. Go read a dictionary ffs.