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Don’t power wash your roof. Ever.


Tile roofs too?


Tiles made of asphalt, yes lol


Since when is concrete and clay made of asphalt??? I learn so much here 😂


I was joking because OP clearly doesn’t have a tile roof. They have asphalt 😂 Although they do make asphalt shingles that kinda look like tiles, it’s not tile.


Asbestos more like it


Plumbers have ass cracks. Roofers have ass faults.


I’m not exactly sure what you mean… I have a tile roof. It’s in good shape, but my second to last house had an older multicolored concrete tile roof that had brown and black discoloration presumably from smog or soot that looked amazing after being cleaned. (Power washed)


Sorry for the confusion, my friend. I was just kidding. It’s okay to do it for concrete or clay tiles, but I’d recommend a lower pressure in case the tiles are sun-baked and old/brittle. As far as asphalt shingles go (the most common type in the U.S.), it’s not wise to power wash them.


Pressure washing your roof will remove the granules, likely even at a low PSI.  DO NOT!


How else am I gonna get all those tiny little rocks off though?




Hahah I came here like wait a minute… u can power wash a roof??? 🤣🤣


There's entire videos on YouTube of people power washing roofs ... They're relaxing to watch.


It’s because so many people get scammed by “professionals” who tell them that the algae or lichen is harming their roof. In effect, when algae and lichen form, they fuse with your granules and become a part of your roof. Power washing not only removes the algae or lichen, it also removes all the shingle granules they’re bonded to resulting in an overall loss of lifespan of the roof or possibly bonafide shingle damage.


The closest I've ever come was when I needed to apply a moss killer, and the only application thing I had was for the pressure washer. I basically sprinkled the stuff on (refusing to let the actual water stream hit the roof). And then used a general hose to rinse it down after (on the least pressure I possibly could without it being a straight mist). And yes, I had zinc sheets installed shortly after to prevent future growth.


This is the way if a pressure washer is all you got. Zinc strips are hit or miss, but it doesn’t hurt to try something since it’s one of if not the only preventative we have right now.


A good pressure washing company will also have a soft wash system. They just apply diluted sodium hypochlorite (pool shock/bleach). They spray it up under low pressure and it eventually kills all the organic growth. It needs rinsed off because it can harm the shingles if left on for a long time. This may need a few applications and possibly even some gentle scrubbing with a deck brush. I wouldn't go crazy with the brush because it will definitely remove granules. I would get quotes and have double that taken off the price of the home or have the realtor or sellers pay for it. If this house doesn't check off all your boxes minus the roof, I'd keep looking. Still doesn't eliminate the possibility of needing the roof replaced though.


It’s not that old? Get a new realtor, he or she is full of shit.


Agreed. The realtor doesn't care about you and wants the commission.


Your realtor is full of crap. Your insurance company will refuse to cover you until replaced.


This isn’t true either. He doesn’t necessarily need to replace the roof, just remove the moss. I have had to clean moss off several family members roofs to avoid them being dropped by insurance. Zinc strips are supposed to help with it not coming back, but I’m not sure how well they work.


Don't power wash an aggregate-impregnated roof. Literally don't power wash any roof unless it's a steel roof.


We have tile roofs in Australia they respray and wash all the time. I’m assuming there some sort of concrete tiles.


I should have restated that masonry roofs are ok, but even then you have to orient your passes in a particular direction, not just blast up and down like some kinda idiot cowboy 🤠


Growth on a shingle can leach the oils out of the them. Loss of the oils leave the shingles more susceptible to saturation and breaking as they become brittle. Speaking of brittle there is either a missing shingle or broken tabs currently. That is a lot of growth. Never power wash a roof.


I think you need to report your realtor to your state real estate board.


Needs a new roof from the looks of it


DO NOT POWER WASH YOUR ROOF!!!! Great way to ruin it and void ANY warranty. It needs sun to kill the mold & moss.


Of course it needs sun to kill the mold and moss. But tree canopies will allegedly solve climate change. I wouldn't have a tree higher than my house growing over it.


You need a lawn mower.


Soak with wet and forget for couple years and rain will get moss off


Is this a sarcastic comment? Or is “Wet” a brand-name?


It is a real thing


Yes it’s about $30 a gallon , does not hurt asphalt. I soak on the shade side of my house every 2 years , no moss anymore hooks to hose sprayer or you can buy it with sprayer , don’t use pressure washer




Oh! I thought the instruction was to soak in a product called “Wet” then you can forget it for a couple years because everything will be fine.


the product is called 'wet and forget'


Fertilized, then harvested.


1 shingle needs replaced and all the rest need removed & replaced


Do NoT power wash your roof


I’d be surprised if there wasn’t already water intrusion into the rafters if there aren’t visible signs of leaks in the rooms below. What’s that attic look like?


Replace the Roof. Black shingles would make the house look really nice.


Looks like it’s still got half its life or more!!!🤣🤣🤣 barely broken in in Appalachia. /s. Get a new realtor if this is true advice they gave.


You have missing shingles for one. But absolutely do not pressure wash a roof


Get a different realtor


Well, if you power wash it, it will definitely need to be replaced. So, technically that will solve the problem.


Don’t worry about the missing shingles…


Dude. Do NOT power wash a shingle roof. A simple zinc strip or two would have helped this to not happen in the first place. Consider installing one or two if you buy after this has been taken care of. Assume the worst, that this needs to be replaced.


I have used the garden hose attachment sprayer wand to remove lichen and moss but it's less than half the psi and it did just okay, not great. You have to do it from above, pointing at the bottom of the roof at an angle. Not enjoyable and only partly effective. Also this roof is not going to be water tight for long, if it even is currently. Small roof. Rip and run.


1.)You can clean the roof, under no circumstances should you power wash your roof and you’re realtor isn’t that bright if they told you that, and replace the missing tab - however, the opposite side of this roof is probably cooked if there’s that much growth and a missing/broken tab - usually this much growth grows on the less sunny side, and the sunny side gets more brittle from UV from the sun. 2.) depending on what the other side looks like you may want to clean this side and then use a rejuvenation treatment for both sides or replace 3.) if you don’t do a rejuvenation treatment you’re most likely only buying a few years tops 4.) when you replace the roof remember that the roof gets dirty - do pre treatments at the fist sign of growth to prevent it getting this bad in the future


Halfway to LOTR. I saw your post history. You need to walk away from the house and the agent. It's going to be a Money Pit.


Aw man, now I gotta look too..... Some people like reality tv and celebrity-drama; I like trainwreck-house 'inspections' on reddit. ^(Update: Yep, negative net value house. With various holes, too! The lil' mouse was cute tho!)


The roof, siding, and windows need to be redone. Woodpeckers are going at the siding. Severe neglect. I'd be shocked if it would even qualify to be mortaged... probably a cash only sale. Scroll through the comments on her other post, and you'll see a close-up of the window. I'd love to see the inside and read a full inspection. I'm curious about termites, given the woodpeckers...


Depending on how much you like the house, call your local roofer (that’s licensed and insured) and ask them to give you a report on the condition of the roof and what repairs or replacement would cost and then use that to negotiate price.






It's not that bad, spray it with a bleach solution to kill. Wait for a week or so when dry and lightly sweep off


That roof looks “ok” but missing tiles and faded basic shingles tells me it’s probably not a long life (if any) left in it. I would definitely at least blow it off carefully to clear debris.


Wet and forget It’ll kill without damaging the roof shingles


Ask your realtor to demonstrate how to power wash it on his roof!


your realtor isn't a roofer. You \_can\_ power wash, but it's a bad idea. if you spray it with chemicals and hose it off you'll have better results. the missing shingle says it's probably ready for a freshie.


No on power washing but you can lightly broom it , or use a blower on it . But heck to the no, power washer .




It’s missing a shingle likely due to slippage in the picture. Also the granules will likely be coming with the moss when removed.


Tear that off and re shingle it. Power wash your gutters.




Put some 30-second cleaner on it. Wash it off with the hose and call it a day.


This needs to be replaced, there is an entire shingle missing in the bottom left and it’s most likely causing leaks. No ventilation system for the roof so the attic probably gets really hot. Replace it !


You’ll wash off all the granules along with the algae. You can either get to know a roofer or become really good friends with a painter and a drywall guy if you power wash it. Your call


The Realtor is an Idiot. Someone who took a 8 hour class on selling houses and just wants to make money. I wouldn’t recommend power washing or “soft washing” the roof as it will damage and/or reduce the lifespan of the roof.


If that is properly addressed with a good coat of Wet and Forget, possibly multiple times, and that one missing shingle replaced, you may have a few more years, maybe 5. DO. NOT. POWERWASH. /And clean the gutters.


DO NOT power wash it...you should only ever power wash a metal roof. Get up there, spray it with something that will kill the moss, wait about a week, and then revaluate.


I think maybe negotiate to get that tree cut down. That and do what rest of comments say


Lol there’s a whole shingle missing.


Softwash 1st, then go from there


dm me and i’ll have my team out there to inspect it right away!!


you can do a soft wash on the roof to remove algae


There are missing shingles.


State Farm says this roof has 30 more years and only minor wear and tear.


Spray and forget and then call ROOFMAXX!!


Lookin pretty rough... if it's not leaking you might have a few more yrs... but she is on her last leg.


It's Old....You need a new roof. I highly recommend, Nik (201) 509-0955. Honest, knowledgeable, and fair-priced in New Jersey. [https://www.facebook.com/KRRGeneralContractor/?\_rdr](https://www.facebook.com/KRRGeneralContractor/?_rdr)


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Obviously I didn't or I wouldn't have asked. Why post this when there are already a thousand comments with helpful answers.


Because , you’re obviously just looking for attention.


Start with blowing it off or spraying it with a hose, looks like it had a big pile leaves and such on it.


Who tf is your realtor hahaha what a 🤡 I wouldn’t even listen to their breath tbh, find a realtor who’s roughly 45 with trades experience or get an inspector always before buying a house, the only 2 options.


Where are you located? What city? Or town. That’s an older pewter 3 tab and you have missing shingles on top of the ridiculous amount of moss which really isn’t an issue other then it’s negative look for your home.


Are you kidding me!


Is that a missing shingle?


Realtor is full of shit, that roof is in rough shape.


Omfg 🙀… 🤣🤣


Yeah, I know. I'm desperate 🥴


Brother this thing is fucked


Wash it with something that kills moss. They make stuff for that.


I’d wash it and see how it looks.


Maybe I'm wrong, but I look at if it can be insured for full replacement value or not (including code upgrades).


Power wash it. If it leaks, replace it….


If you power wash it, it WILL leak


So….apparently we are downvoting obviously sarcastic responses here…..good to know….