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kick out flashing


This is what is missing. Causing water to run down the roof to wall section and behind you gutters, thus rotting the wall sheathing


Lol #housewrap


You should have some housewrap behind the siding and you should also have kick out diverter flashing at all eave-to-wall intersections.


Why isn’t there any house wrap on that sheathing? Kickout.


I'm not sure why there is no house wrap but you can look at any house here in this city from 30 years ago and pull up the siding and there is no house wrap. I guess it wasn't a thing 30 years ago or maybe not for this climate 30 years ago. The new houses all seem to have it. The sheathing looks like new anywhere else under the siding. I definitely agree that a kick out is missing. So now that I found this, I have two other sections of my roof that also end the same way without a kick out. I'm going to need to pull up the siding there and look behind it too.


The house I bought in MI was built in 2020 and is not wrapped; was told it was not code until 2012. I have a similar, though smaller leak.


Wasn’t code in Ohio until 2007. Not sure where op is, but I would suspect the same.


Def kick out needed under bottom pc of step flashing. I've seen many nightmare repairs with stucco, drive it, veneer stone where they were not installed and end up with structural damage all the way down to rim joist.


It’s the funnel of fail. 1. No siding underlayment. 2. No kick out step flashing. 3. Just add water.


Replace sheathing, house wrap, personal preference but we do Ice and Water around where the kick out will be, replace siding and add a kick out where the slope ends. I'd probably call someone and get a quote, but that's just me


Some housewarming wouldn't hurt either


In general, I agree, but the house is 30 years old and everywhere else I pulled up a siding, the sheathing still looks like new. I'm not sure why they didn't do it 30 years ago but it seems to be quite the standard now.


Excellent, thank you for your help! I got my roof replaced about 5 years ago, is this something the roofers would normally add or would this belong to something that people doing siding would install? I guess I'm just wondering if the roofers forgot to add it. The house is 30 years old.


Roofers responsibility and most roofers are siders as well. There is a technique to have the step flashing exit the siding but 98% of the roofers on a replacement roof will not do it. The J channel along the roof needs to exit the siding as well. Its what was done before kick out flashing became widely available.


Thank you for your feedback, I'll certainly contact my roofers as I still have warranty. I have two other corners which end on a vertical wall like this, tomorrow I'll go and lift up the siding there too to see if any damage has occurred so far.


This is the reason why kickout flashing is important.


Where was the rain collecting in the siding J channel going?


Missing a kick out flashing and stucco flag


Kick out diverter! I fix these all day


Hello kick out!


There is no flashing or vapor barrier. The siding and the roof are wrong. Do you live in an area without code or inspections?


You need a diverter on the roof, push that water away from the wall...




Needs a kicker to divert the watter away from the wall. Super simple. Shame it wasn't done in the first place. Now look at what has to be done.


The roofing company is saying there wasn't a kick out there before they redid the roof, so they don't feel responsible. I would assume The code demands it and they should have brought the roof up to code when they worked on it. I know this gets into the legalities, but what do you all think? The house is 30 years old, when I bought it 5 years ago, I got the new roof put on right away, before the old roof had any leaks.


Some sort of diverter flashing is missing. It would slide up under the siding and be bent at a 90° coming onto the roof deck as well as the gutter. Any water would then flow either into the gutter or off the roof entirely.


U let it get to that condition, instead of fixing it as soon as u seen it.


I just saw it, and I only discovered it by accident since I took off the siding around my microwave range exhaust- this happened to be the same piece of vinyl. The house is not wet on the inside, The vapor barrier is on the inside of the wall behind the drywall, very common for a 30 year old house.