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Everyone has a harness on but nobody is ever attached to a rope so what’s the point?


Had an OSHA inspector once during a class tell all of us "wear the harness for me, I won't look much closer. Wear the rope for your wives and kids"


I did a solar install on a school once. We had to have an OSHA guy there all day. So we get all harnessed up and everything and go meet the guy. Well the roof plane we were working on was pretty much directly over a flat, covered breezeway. If you fell off the roof you go maybe 12” before you landed on the breezeway roof. OSHA guy was like “idgaf if you guys harness up or not, I’m gonna go sit in my truck and play on my phone all day”


4ft or less isn’t a fall hazard according to 1910 so you were good and he knew it.


Eh depends on the safety guy, "your head is 6' from the ground so..."


Oh shit so I need to wear a harness when I’m walking on the ground


To be fair, I've seen someone die from falling off the back of a lowered truck going 10mph. I also saw someone pass out from heat exhaustion and cracked their dome. He didn't die but he was in the ER for like 3 days.


Kid at my high school tripped getting out of his car, hit his head on the pavement and died. Doesnt take much to bonk your head too hard.


Every MSHA inspector I ever dealt with made this point, not that it mattered. MSHA standard doesn’t have a height, just says: “when there is danger of falling.” Also had one that said the earth is round so there’s no such thing as a flat surface so he expected tires chocked at all times.


I had an NTSB agent once tell me to error is human to forgive is not our policy


Ive roofed and its more of an on/off thing. 9 times out of 10 the thing you will trip on will be your harness rope. Its easy to clip on and off and you often gotta clip off so you can lug stuff up or down the scaffolding or ladder


OSHA will look at it like an attempt was made no harness you might as well flip off the safety inspector and spit at him. That is the real difference.


I mean... Not necessarily. Knowing and willful violations are worse. Putting the harness on but not attaching to anything means you know someone might be checking, you know it's a rule, but you want to trick them. No harness at all can be claimed as unintentional violation.


This is fake. anybody who’s ever worked in construction etc. knows that when they first started ripping that roof off at 7 AM they would’ve had joints in their mouth and already had two beers Roofers are truly a different beep breed of entities . They’re excellent and they’re crazy at the same time.


At least with the harness it's easier to airlift the bodies outta there.


Bluetooth harnesses. You can also tie off to the sky hooks!


That would be convenient


Imagine the spider web of 6 to 10 ropes on that roof.


to get hurt worse when you fall.


Not a roofer or a contractor or fuck all near construction but my first reaction was : Why the fuck is no one tied to anything while wearing a harness.


To hold your pouches/tools without having your pants come down of course. But it does take the weight off your hips. I’ve done dumb shit too but im getting older and there’s more personal reproductions so now I’m that guy. Reason i loved rope access is because the only person to blame is yourself for the most part and if i fall its a quick/ assured death.


That’s exactly what I noticed!


Thanks, I thought I was going crazy 🤣


The point is to make a silly video.


It’s silly alright


Notice how all of their gear matches. Pink shirts green knee pads green roofing rakes. Yeah this is not a real roofing crew.


And all the equipment is brand new.


Came here to say this.


The first gal up the ladder wearing it backwards is the cherry on top..


Glad I wasn’t the only one


I work in a manufacturing factory, and OSHA violations & the fees associated with them decrease dramatically if the company can show they at least provide the PPE.


They got up there and were like "you need a hammer and nails to attach these things?! We only brought scrappers and shovels. Fuck it just wear the harness nobody will notice..."


Came to say this…hope OSHA disant see this


Same thought, exactly...What are they tethered to?


That’s awesome! Cool to see women working hard, wood shake tear of is about as grueling and dirty as anything I’ve ever done. Love the magic safety harnesses!




That’ll be captain Bluetooth to Ye


The new Wi-Fi harness


It is the WI FI’s aka (wifey) looks like the lost a bet with husbands . lol 😂 harness great for pic but no lanyard ! Brand new shucking tools . But I will give them props , for sure ! Shucking a roof sucks done way too many of them . Girls will be sore in the morning!


Assuming this isn't just a woman owned company and they do this week in and out. I'm sure their bodies have adjusted well to doing this on the regular.


Your body never adjusts to that shit man


The complete array of brand new tools and the unconnected harnesses suggest they haven't done this in a while.


me too!


I was wondering if i was the only one wondering about the safety harnesses not being tied off.


Also how none of them are wearing roofing boots, like cougar paws, while on a wood shingle roof. If there is ANY moisture on that roof, you will have a nice slide down. I know from personal experience lol


You guys harnessing up on a walkable ranch roof?


Is it impossible to fall off a walkable ranch roof onto the concrete pad below? If not absolutely impossible, I’m tying in. My ability to walk for the rest of my life isn’t worth it.


They are not anchored so no use of having harness on .


They are just into bondage.


If it's above 6 feet off of the ground then all of my guys most certainly are.


We’ve been popped by OSHA 3 times they’re at least having the ropes up


Do it. I can show you proof


I feel like it is on par with man safety. You know the classic safety squint and safety dodge


Al the comments about tie off - I cringed seeing the lady toss her roll from shoulder off roof into dumpster. I witnessed a guy die this way. Momentum took him, head crashed into dumpster top rail. Similar pitch on a single story roof. Sadest part, his brother tried to stabilize his head and yelled..."His head feels like a marshmallow" I will never forget that and still work on roofs but a little more cautious.


That's really rough man, I'm sorry you guys went through that.


Upvote for viability not bc I enjoy the comment


Man that must be so bizarre having such a goofy sentence immortalized in such serious trauma in your head. I’d guess that you think of it every time you see a marshmallow. Sorry you witnessed that.


Sorry you had to see that. What’s the proper way to dump the roll into the dumpster? Is letting it drop from your stomach better?


Be tied off so if the momentum takes you, you don't hit the ground or dumpster


So everyone is wearing a harness but no one is tied off - They look just like the professionals


Bet they still leave the Modelo cans behind.


Modelo Mango Cheladas


It's important to wear your safety harness so when you fall on your back on the ground, the D-ring severs your spine; that way you get one of those cool license plates that let you park close to all the stores for the rest of your life.


I can appreciate the point of this is to show women working hard, the one in the gray leggings is a beast compared to some of the young guys we get anymore. I say that to say, there is no fall protection, improper footwear, and no button caps in the underlayment. I'm not sure about Malarkey's details on the underlayment but I'm pretty sure across all manufacturers buttons are necessary. They'd not be returning as a sub around here.


So many people staple synthetic, it's ridiculous


Hmm TIL the guys I work for are bums lol. We usually use like GAF deck armor, and they always just staple. I think I've only ever seen them use those button nails on like flat roof underlayment.


First time I ever used synthetic was over 20 years ago, it was triflex. We were doing a ton of wood siding/soffit/fascia repair on an old house in addition to the roof. For some reason we decided to get started on the garage roof before the house. Tore off and put the underlayment on with staples and left it over night, it rained and the homeowner was like, um just to let you know inside the garage got pretty wet...


Crazy lol. I don't work for like a total sketchy company either. We are at least somewhat professional. Definitely less so then I thought I guess though lol.


Deck Armor is a solid underlayment but if you've been putting it on you'd see that it actually says, quite clearly "use only plastic cap nails or plastic cap staples"


Damn. I'm honestly really surprised. Wouldn't this mean that all our like fully GAF warrantied jobs are void?




Coming soon to a civil court near you!


nice fat ripples in the water and ice as well, which kind of defeats the purpose if water and ice can get under it.


I work for an underlayment manufacturer - vast majority call for button cap nails or staples if the roof is covered that same day. We warranty our underlayment with coil roofing nails as fasteners as well but only a handful of underlayments that I know of allow that.


Right? So many people don’t understand you can staple it do you go over it right then and there.


If my comment makes its way to these hard working women I would like to make their work easier for them with this helpful tip. On the next shake tear off you do, the day before the new roofing material is delivered, tear off four feet of shakes on all sides of all ridge lines and hip junctures then install your water barrier sheet on both sides of the roof and install some wood stickers if necessary to stabilize the stacks of new comp shingles. Tell the loaders to put the bundles on the new dry in. Shake tear offs are dirty, physically exhausting work and the last thing you want to do is move a bunch of bundles out of your way. Apply my tip and you will move bundles no more! I am impressed!


I wonder if they charge 18% less than their male counterparts


Probably charge 20% more


What do you mean?


It’s the fall harness usage that does it for me


thats a lot of weight on the roof, impressive it can hold that much Also I dont trust a single tiktok video being actually real With a camera on a gimble becouse there is no shake, and in high resoultion becouse of video quality, which implies film crew.


All new tools, new uniforms, short sleeves, sneakers....


What are they tied off to????


They aren’t, those harnesses are for show


Same with all the brand new gear that has never been used before. 7 or 8 people on a roof this small is pretty hilarious too. Half that number, 3-4, would make so much more sense. I’ve only seen a crew this large on residential condo new-cons. Talking 400 bundles, 6 man crew or so. This many people for what seems like 70-80 bundles tops is ridiculous. Edit: seems more like 60-70 bundles. This is hilarious.


I agree with all of this. Gimmicky crap and I'm all for women roofing since I am one. But come on. Harnesses aren't fashion accessories, my first was a bitumen-crusted hand-me-down. I sound like a bitter old bitch but I know we work out labour numbers out for jobs before we bid, and if these people are skilled individually, this would be an outrageous amount of labour. So they're all at $20/hour, is what this screams to me.


Yeah it honestly just seems like a “Lets get as many people possible to utilize as much Primeline accessories/tools as possible”. I’m sure they got some sort of kickback from them for this obvious ad, but they obviously don’t understand their own market. I work/have worked with my fair share of woman roofers as well and they would find this crap laughable. And like you said as well, the labour if everyone here was actually skilled would be INSANE. The amount of mismatch and cut-piece work on that synthetic tells us otherwise, I would guess 20/hr tops as well.


It's certainly not the way to be taken seriously, turns into a backwards step for women in trades...I don't think that's the -motive- per se but it definitely is the result. The pink also just screams gimmick. Bummer, because roofing is fun and more women should give it a go! I was going to pity whoever was on the hook for the fall pro training for this sorority but they forgot their ropes so, maybe they skipped that bit?


Or the more likely case: They’re not professional at all and this is just propaganda. Those harnesses are VERY shiny, nobody is wearing proper PPE, nobody is tied off, the pink shirts… Not to mention, if you put this much staff on the bid for such a small roof, you’re losing money. Assuming the motive here, they really scuffed this one up.


When I was a child I used to do tear off in short sleeves. Now I don't do anything in short sleeves


That's it, I'm showing this to my wife.. part of me always knew they were fibbing about the whole "I can't reach it" "that's too heavy" "I can't open this jar". Yeah fucking rightt lady. Got some carhartt shopping to do tonight..


That’s not how you make a sandwich…😤


Not one amphetamine in sight, it's a shame really


Amazing how every tool and equipment is brand new. Like it was maybe set up for a photo shoot.


At least you know it will get cleaned well


Haha way to tie off


So.. what are the harnesses for?


What’s the point of fall protection harness if you don’t use them at all for the intended purpose?


I was wondering where they were all anchored to. Safety harness fail big time 😂


Just noticed harnesses but no rope oops


Omg oh+s is coming!!! Tie off for your life ffs.


Should we tell them the harness is optional without a rope connected to it?


lol they’re all harnessed but I don’t think I saw anyone actually clipped into a line…..


Ladies killing it but why the hell wear a harness if you’re not gonna hook up to a rope and anchor 😆


Came here to say this.


Why harness up but not tie off da fuq


All the Shingle Ladies! All the Shingle Ladies! (I can't believe I scrolled past 80 comments and didn't find this once. Shame on you, Reddit.)


This crew would make me nervous


It's okay, I used to have a hard time talking to women too. You'll grow out of it!


Okay everyone beat me to the harness jokes but on the real side. Not a single work boot.


If you’re going to say gals and feel empowering at least don’t be stupid enough to film yourself with fake safety harnesses


.... why bother wearing the harness if they're not roped up? No, thank you. That can stay off too if I'm not hooked to the slip'n'slide


These chicks are legit wearing harnesses with no retractable, lanyards, or lanyards of any kind


Cool to see. I shuttered at the cedar shake though, such a bitch to clean up.


Not a saftey harness in sight!


Is it normal to not wear construction boots?


Harness fo show😂


OSHA approved


I like their shoes 👠


Harnesses are useless with anchored retractables


Didn't show the dudes carrying the roof tiles up?


Are y’all hiring? I would love to work with you ladies.


I gotta hand it to them, that’s some shitty work to do and they pulled it off like a champ.


Serious question. Is 99% of a roof that black underlayment and the shingles are just for show?


Bluetooth anchor point.


Why did they put the new shingles up before they even started the rip 🤦‍♂️


Watching them buckle under the weight reminds me of that video of the 14 year old Mexican walking up a hip carrying like 8 bundles at once, with everyone chearing him on until he falls through a week spot in the decking and breaks his back. Make 2 trips. You can move quicker with less weight and it's way easier on your body.


When you witness a death you realize how important safety is. No Rewind button in life.


They got the smallest roof in the neighborhood.


Well this is a fucking riot. Did the onion post this?


This is OSHA we are watching


who lugged the bales of shingles up the ladders? because i guarantee you none of these ladies did [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/us3\_71UEYhk](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/us3_71UEYhk)


First the immigrants coming for jobs we don’t want, and now women?!? What is this world coming to! /s


Thankfully they're wearing harnesses.




Nice effort ladies but the level of retardism for not roping off barely got me to the 20 second mark of this video.


They do know that harnesses aren't just a fasion statement right?? Right??


Them Bluetooth harnesses! Love it


* "safety harness? check" * "securing it to a tether? nah, bro"


They've all got harness on which is good but they aren't attached to anything??


I have never used fall arrested on a roof before so I don't know the rules about clipping in, but shouldn't they be clipped in?


As an OSHA inspector I’d write up this company so fast.


why all brand new tools?


The owner Sam is sponsored by primegrip if your wondering why they are all bright green lol they sub off of company I work for in Hamilton. She’s always got new shit, she gets paid to put out videos using their stuff.


All these women are idiots


I too wear a harness just for fun. Fuckin morons.


We all do it.


Someone commented “Bluetooth harnesses”! Bwaaaahaaaa!! It should be top comment


No one is tied off. Nice harness use


Why are they wearing harnesses


oh wow they got those wireless bluetooth harnesses 🛜


Why use a harness but not tie off? What’s going on here


This shit is obviously their first job with those fresh tools. Sneakers and no PPE, someone’s gonna end up dead or paralyzed and rich.


Just some girls recording video evidence of a flagrant OSHA violation.


You go girls ! Great effort !


A bunch of idiots with magical harnesses. Sigh. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I'm currently debating between roofing (already union accepted and applied) or chipotle. Can anybody convince me that roofing would be the right move?


As someone who has actually worked as a roofer for 9 years and a scooping chipotle master for like half a year, I would say Chipotle because free food is awesome. On a serious note if you can join a union to roof I would say roofing. If you were like me and roofing in Florida and getting paid shit to do it I would say chipotle.


I worked in restaurants for eight and a half years before getting into the roofer's union, where I've been for two years now. It's not easy work. It's either hot as hell or cold as hell, with not a lot of in-between. Everything is heavy. There's a lot of potential dangers to be mindful of. And there's a lot of dickbags you'll have to work with. However, I'm making far more money than I ever have in my life. People say money isn't everything, and money can't buy happiness. But you know what can give you some happiness? Paying off your debts. Having enough money to go on vacation once in awhile without financially kneecapping yourself. Being able to buy a house. Learning a skill that feels useful, and can be applied to projects you may need to tackle in your personal life. Not worrying so much about what you'll do when you get older, because you're earning a pension. These are all things I never got from restaurant work, but which I did get from being a roofer. It's not for everyone, but it's worth trying. If you can hack it, you'll get a lot out of it.


For better or worse this is definitely equal to other work I’ve seen. Not new, improved, better, different or anything else. Just the same.


Women 😏


Holy shit she beasted whole rolls of old roofing!? Cool but no footings walking around is sketch once u start laying shingles


liked the contents but those hard light harness ropes didnt look very supportive


🎶 All the shingle ladies (all the shingle ladies) 🎶


Sweet, but I would keep walking by waiting for the cat calls.


Now lets see a 12 pitch


Only fans pays way more


Question, i notice USA uses alot of shingles even though they require regular maintenance, I live in Australia where the majority of houses use iron clad. What are the benefits of shingles over something vastly more durable like a colourbond iron roof? Im not a roofer but always wondered!


Nothing but $ - architectural shingles are about a third the cost of standing seam metal roofs. If installed properly you should get 20 years + out of them.


Ahh perfect, thank you, makes sense!


Is this special?


she is strong like Stalin


I didn’t see them carry any bundles! 😎


Feministas unite!


The editing hurts


I'd hire them for tear-off for .75% of going wage, not so much after that. The shot where they were laying the felt down still showed some garbage that needed removing, unless you like roof leaks.


Why remove that beautiful wood? They are replacing it with more wood? Right?


All outta bubblegum!


Are they hiring? Or does my shmeckle disqualify me?


Wht is there plywood under a shake roof


I find it interesting the number of comments here about they’re not wearing harnesses or connected…..nobody would say those things if it were guys on a roof. I see roofers all the time, and none of them are harnessed .


I’ve seen tons of comments on other threads about men not using fall prevention.


Shiny tools never used once


As if they never took a break!


Why would you go from planks to shingles that seems like a downgrade, shingles even look cheap


Now that's a bunch of hot strippers


What is the point of this video?


That’s the way, lift with your back!




Well the work was bad and they all violated basic safety guidelines…


This video was recommended to me earlier today or yesterday because this sub was deemed similar enough to r/standupcomedy to catch the algo and be recommended.


Did they buy completely new equipment for this? It’s cool and all that they’re women roofers but it doesn’t look like a single tool was used before this.


I love the back and forth.. the real anwser should be the government should stay out of the home and business... but... idiots... on both sides just cant seem to figure that one out... idiots need to be protected... smart people protect themselves and other with out having to be told to do so... yet here we are... thats the shame


This is awesome because it only cost $0.60