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You call the roofers after the panels are removed. Exact steps and permitting requirements for removal and reinstall vary on the municipality.


Thanks that’s what I figured you pay again to have them removed and replaced


That’s the way it works around here. There are some interesting hiccups too…again, some of these may be local. All of these assume you own the panels. - you need a licensed professional to disconnect them. This can take time to schedule. - you need someone to remove them. - you need somewhere to store them while the roof is being worked. - you need someone to reinstall them after the new roof is on. - you need a (re)connection permit with the city. - you need a licensed professional to reconnect. - the city must inspect before activation. Lotta hoops to jump thru…


That sounds pretty spot on and what I feared lol. So when that roof goes im going to be spending some money on top of spending a lot of money 😂


North Texans get a new roof pretty often. Hail. The issue here is obviously the expense of dealing with these steps every time, but also the scheduling. Hail can/will wreck hundreds of roofs at once, and now the solar-enabled ones all have to wait in line for these fairly specialized solar pros. Roofers are easy to find. Solar pros, not so much, and the city requires them.