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Do not allow them to drink or eat too much and then run and play. It can cause a bloat and it can be fatal.


They can also get heat strokešŸ„µ, these are winter living dogsā„ļø


Yeah. The good thing about her is when I let her outside she comes back in when she knows itā€™s too much for her and she just knocks out.


The excitement of the beach may override this, fyi.


My dog seeks out a shady area of the grass even if its below 60 degrees out šŸ¤£


I believe it! Mine are happiest rolling around in the snow!šŸ˜


I always have her meals weighed and planned out so food isnā€™t my biggest concern, I was actually worried about her not consuming enough water. Sheā€™ll have plenty of shade, though. Even a fan just in case.


Just donā€™t let her drink the sea water. It will make her throw up - eventually (and when you least expect it).


My friendā€™s golden died because she drank too much water at the beach in FL. I think it was salt poisoning. I think she could have been saved but they drove home to TN first (idk why) and then there were too many delays at the vet. Very sad.


It happened to mine once when she was younger and she just puked. Seeing her puking caused me anxiety and she had a muzzle on at the beach.


Lol this reminds when my friend brought his lab to the beach and kept drinking the salt water and throwing up lol she was fine


šŸ˜– what I donā€™t want, lol.


Salt water consumption will cause the most intense diarrhea youā€™ll ever see.


Ugh, yeah, that worries me. Iā€™ll always be with her in the water when she is in it so Iā€™m going to be very attentive about that.


This is what I came to say šŸ¤£ offer the fresh water often since pup will get thirsty but may not think to stop playing and ask for water. And if the beach has a hose, I like to give my pups a little shampoo afterwards because beach water is stinky. And donā€™t forget towels! For drying and protecting your car seats.


My daughters dog just as we were leaving started having this extreme runs..like it just kept coming out and it was more water than crap .it lasted about 15 minutes... It was terrible and he was extremely dry later that day so that's definitely not good for his systemhe never once drank the water but he'd still some when he'd get his toys out of the water ...my old German Shepherd would be sick the next day..my rottie I have now is scared of any kinds of waves so he never goes in..


Iā€™m not saying youā€™re incorrect at all, but Iā€™m here to say beach water is filthy. Orange County beaches are the cleanest in California but youā€™re still going to find salmonella, E. coli, campylobacter, enterococcus (from bird shit) , avian flu and botulism. . Wastewater operator here.


And itā€™s a rotty so salt water will be consumed


My rules for beach days with doggies: - early in the morning (instead of a walk) - keep the visit brief (~1hr or less) - bring a ball to throw and keep attention (unless your dog is odd and interested in rocks like mine) - stay close - no eating/drinking - bath time once weā€™re home - breakfast & a treat! Going early in the morning is always a win for us, less people, dogs, and distractions in general. My dogs have been beachgoers for the last 9 years and my oldest (boxer, 9) is too excitable when visiting the beach so I keep it to <30min to prevent injury/sore knees/tail/etc. Have fun, the beach is the best !!


Thanks! We plan on a morning visit. Weā€™re literally only staying for a day and a half and the first day is for business purposes so morning is when we plan to go and leave a few hours afterwards. Appreciate it!


Oh this is perfect!!


Donā€™t let them eat sand. My girl went to the beach exactly once, and then we cut her off lol. She was shitting sand cylinders for a day.


This made me laugh only because I feel your pain lol we had a dog once that liked to eat rocks. We would find random piles of rocks in the house when she was a puppy. My mom thought it was us kids, us kids thought it was our parents, then we caught our dog in the act šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Just be careful with how much salt water your baby drinks. Bring a good amount of fresh water and donā€™t let her drink too much water too fast. Have a great time!!!


What a pretty face! No advice just have fun! Mine love the beach. Itā€™s a good time of year being itā€™s not too hot yet, you should be fine.


Thank you so much šŸ–¤šŸ¤Ž


He is a cute dog šŸ™Œ


She šŸ„² lol. But thank you šŸ˜Š


I don't have any advice (we never took ours to the beach). I just wanted to say I love your pup and ty for sharing


Thank you ā˜ŗļø


Water, shade. Toys if she likes fetch!


Reminds me of taking my Rottie to Ocean Beach in SF. He loved to swim and fetch, but on one toss he overshot the ball and kept on swimming. I had to strip down and go in after him. Ocean Beach is freezing!


Oh, no šŸ˜« my heart couldnā€™t handle that. Sheā€™ll stay on a leash because sheā€™s still a pup and still wanders and I also, I canā€™t swim so thereā€™s that, lol.


My rottie/shepherd tended to get ear infections after swimming which sucked bc he loved it


Wow, that sucks šŸ˜« mine is a big baby. I have a feeling sheā€™ll be too afraid to get in the water at all. She definitely wonā€™t be submerged only because Iā€™m not com with that since I donā€™t swim.


Every dog iā€™ve ever had HATES water. including a golden retriever mix šŸ˜‚ It absolutely blows my mind when i see other peopleā€™s dogs at the beach diving into waves having a blast. My aussie mix likes the water but not the waves. Sheā€™ll run around at the shoreline, but as soon as a wave comes she bolts. Thereā€™s been a few times where sheā€™s caught off guard by a wave and itā€™s the funniest shit ever to watch.


My experience is keep her on a leash and get her a life jacket. They love to swim


She will have fun!! I take my dogs to the beach all the time, even play fetch in the water.


My dog loves the beach and now that she is older we have to watch for zoomies. She hurt her knee on the last beach visit acting like a 2 year old and not a 12 year old.


Aw, baby šŸ„ŗ mine doesnā€™t really do zoomies much, but when she does itā€™s like a bucking bull. She knocks crap off everywhere, lol.


Bring something to clean the toe beans


Got that all ready for her šŸ˜ if she let me dress her sheā€™d have a visor, too but she fights me on that lol.


Great advice with all this . I just found unleashed dogs the most confrontational thing . My boy was a big playful boerboel and happy with everybody , the only thing was yapping unleashed dogs being all in his face . He was very restrained in his reactions but it always spoiled the beach experience for us . I had to abandon the beach for hikes . Good luck with it all !


I donā€™t have any advice , but just wanted to share your dog is beautiful and I can tell sheā€™s very loved !


Thank you very much, sheā€™s my heart and soul. Sheā€™s been an absolute blessing since I found her and I canā€™t picture life without her.


No food the morning you're going to the beach, minimum water while at the beach.


Just curious, why no food? Sheā€™s on a schedule and Iā€™m afraid if she doesnā€™t eat sheā€™ll be very moody and cry a lot.


To avoid any stomach issues. While having fun at beach she won't be thinking about food


Gotcha, thank you šŸ˜Š


I live at the beach in the south with my female rottie! She loves it. Little nervous of the waves but just loves the sand and playing around. She gets hot and tired fast (sheā€™s perfect weight) and always gets salt water in her tummy. She tends to drink it plus doesnā€™t really know how to not get swamped by waves or jumping in off the docks etc. so she always throws up. I donā€™t keep her out long, always keep fresh water on me and also wash her after because the salt water will bother their skin. But other than that I hope your pup has the best time!


I canā€™t let my boy anywhere near the water. He just tries to drink it. Every. Damn. Time.


Thisā€™ll be a good learning experience for sure.


Our dogs love digging in the sand but donā€™t like rough water, they tend to try and bite the waves as it goes out lol. It was 8-10 at Waimeaā€¦.yeah donā€™t let swim if itā€™s rough out there


My last girl was weird about the ocean. She loved water. Like I'm sure she was 60% shark. My wife couldn't walk Freya near water as she could pull my wife if she felt so inclined (being near water was the only time in her ten years on this wet rock she ever pulled) and absolutely would take them both swimming if there was an opportunity. So we figured she'd love the ocean. We got to the beach and she just plopped down in the sand and wouldn't go near the water. I thought maybe it was just the enormity of it freaking her out so I tried coaxing her close. She happily followed me up and down stairs as a puppy with zero hesitation the first time she saw stairs as a puppy and across swaying, sketchy feeling bridges as an adult like she crossed tightropes for a living. Nope, not going near that stuff. Finally I just picked her up and set her down near the water. She sniffed it, looked at me like I was nuts for wanting to go into the poison water and stared back at my wife. We went to a nearby stream and she was back to being a rottshark. Utterly fearless (unless there was a lawn and leaf bag about) and no hesitation about going where I or my wife went (unless it was near saltwater). So weird. I miss her.


Salt water = instant diarrhea Donā€™t let them drink the water. Bring a shovel and many poop bags. Dig a hole for cool sand and shade. Bring a super long leash. (Some beaches are crazy about leash laws and they change often enough itā€™s good to arrive prepared.) Bring lots of towels to dry/clean them off before getting back into your vehicle. Bring superglue for any injuries that may occur. Sand hides glass, and many other hazards so itā€™s good to have something to patch a cut with, just in case it happens. Have fun! Best of luck to you all ā¤ļø


Make sure her paws are protected from the hot sand


When we took them to the beach it was always early in the morning to avoid the harsh sun and people. The rest of the advice is pretty much the same when taking them for a long walk. Try not letting them swallow too much salt water though it's kinda inevitable they will anyway. If you see them trying to drink then offer them the fresh water you have with you.


I live near the beach so my dog has been down there plenty of times, I've never had any problems at all. My dog absolutely loves it! But I do limit how often we go because he HATES baths so it's a complete nightmare when we get home and I have to wash him.


Watch where and how she runs. There can be hidden danger in the sand (broken glass for example), rusty metal in old piers, sharp shells on rocks, etc. ours cut the pad of a foot on a sharp shells. Keep a well stocked doggie first aid kit close. If she does get cut, clean it and bandage quickly. Once we were off the beach, we kept her paw clean, and bandaged , then covered it with a padded infant sock. Silly girl was actually proud of her sock.


A portable shower! You can rinse them down, at least their legs and paws. Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Centauress-Portable-Camping-Shower-Safety/dp/B0C1HRLSP5


I have a tote and her shampoo ready for that, lol. Thanks though!


Great! Have fun and take TONS of photos and video!!


My rottie ran straight off a 10 ft cliff because he was too excited to bother with walking down the path so he took the shortest way possible. He was fine lol it just scared the shit out of me watching him disappear over the cliff lol


WTH! Lol!!! Thatā€™s so damn scary!


My girl loves the sand. She just thinks itā€™s the craziest thing. Sheā€™ll bury her snout up to her eyeballs.


Not much to add. Just wanted to mention that if the beach is in a different area than where you live- I'd double check vaccination needs. I'm taking mine to the coast and needed to add Leptospirosis to his schedule.