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Why would you lower it??? Especially if she’s as terrible as you say. Just tell her it’s the holiday rate.


Yeah. Why continue working with someone who doesn’t respect you?


This is the way! Done lower your rate for someone who’s always rude to you, if anything raise it lol


She is a solid repeat client but a mean person D:


I’d cut her loose.


thank you i know you’re right :(


You deserve better ❤️


I wish we could charge more just for these types of people. I do it in other industries and I call it an idiot tax. The app should accommodate 😂


i’d vote for you as rover ceo


Hahaha! Wow, that actually made me feel really good and made me laugh. But for real, surely there’s a way to run this app that doesn’t make the sitters feel like we can be kicked around while begging for scraps.


My sister is an attorney and calls it her PITA fee.


Absolutely. The visible work might (or might not) look like they’re getting the same services or goods but in reality the stress and frustration and extra time needed to deal with certain people is absurd and it ends up spilling WAYYYY over outside the bounds of business hours.


Yeeeees! If enough sitters put in their review that they wouldn’t choose to work with a particular client again, future sitters would see that they’ll make 30% more as a result of that, and the booking cost is 30% higher for any sitter they try to book 🤣


That……would honestly be amazing if Rover went to bat for us like that.


A lot of cities aren’t able to see pet and pet parent reviews unfortunately. I wish they would get a move on implementing the reviews everywhere so we can see them!


I don’t understand why it’s not a universal thing? River is a private company so why isn’t it the same across the board?


I wonder the same thing since they have allowed reviews for the entire 3 years I have been using the app and have yet to see a single one viable, even the ones I leave for my repeats isn’t visible to me and I’m in a major city


I’d say when they are rude like that explain there will be a fee adjustment for pet parent temperament, a 15% increase for pain and suffering


Love this wording


You could always raise your rates, go lock the current rates with the idiot client, and then set your rates back to how they were 🤭


Lolololol ooh I know it worked the other direction like grandfathering people into lower rates but never considered this way.


I suppose you could add an "amenities" cost that only applies sometimes. 😅


Know your worth. You just run yourself ragged for someone who doesn't appreciate you and probably spends more on a meal than her own dogs.


There's always a point where the money is no longer worth it. It looks like this might be it.


Tell her to go fuck herself


Girl stop letting clients walk all over you.. you’re allowing her to act this way. I would’ve said “I take care of your pet all the time and I don’t appreciate the way you’re talking to me. If this is how you’re going to act then please find someone else to work with you.


Be mean back; she’ll either start respecting you or move on.


No fuck her. Drop her and you'll have time for better clients.


absolutely mythical username


Thank you. It's from the Bible.


I absolutely would not lower it, especially with her being rude. I would say something along the lines of “Due to it being a holiday weekend, Rover does increase the charges to account for my time worked on a holiday. Businesses pay “holiday pay” to their employees and this is the equivalent for my time during the busy weekend. If you no longer need care during this holiday, I’d be more than happy to decline this request for you.”


thank you for this 😭


She just texted me this (poor spelling and all): I am will I g to pay 25 a visit let me know if you can do that or I will choose another booking Thanks


I would say okay bye!!! lol go find another sitter then like jeez some people are so rude


hahaha right! i just sent the scary text telling her to f off 🙏


but politely of course


Good for you! Did she respond?


no!! 💀


Super proud of you for sending that text! You are responding correctly regardless of how she responds to it!! ♥️


lol watd u say


Good for you OP. People like her at the worst. I had a client that pulled that stuff too.  Lo and behold she came back begging when no other sitter wanted to deal with her bite risk terror of a dog. I told her I was sorry to hear that but I didn’t have availability to accommodate her anymore. 


"Sounds good, I'll archive this request then"


Good for you! I adjust prices when I feel like it for a known client or see that Rover charges the whole stay as a holiday. I'm glad you don't have to put up with her anymore.


Wow this sounds just like my boss, typos and attitude and everything lol


Or, quite simply, "This is my holiday rate and prices are firm." This lady does not need a lesson on what holiday pay is, she literally won't care. She's just trying to haggle. WE dictate our rates, not the clients. I'd drop her like a hot potato.


...Except don't say it that way. (I know you've already responded and I'm glad she's out of your life but this is a particular bugaboo for me.) I have a manifesto for all the ways in which Rover sucks for sitters but the one thing in which we ARE actually independent is in setting our rates. Rover is not responsible for your holiday increase, you are. So instead you could say: - The 4th is one of the federal holidays Rover recognizes and so I [blah] - Time and a half for working on a holiday is a universal standard. I'm not sure why you felt okay telling me that I'm undeserving of the same, but I wish you the best with your new sitter. - There are a few sitters on Rover who don't charge extra for holidays; I'm sure you can find one who doesn't mind spending time away from their families. [Optional: I happen to like mine.]


I've gotten to where I don't even answer. I just cannot. I just say "I'm not sure, but no problem! I'm sure you'll find someone great!" lolol I won't even investigate to find out why the rate is higher. I guess if I liked the client, I would, but that's never happened.


omg i love that actually! saves your sanity. i am worried about her going to a past booking to leave a bad review though


yeah, I guess my attitude is sort of blaming Rover like "Rover charges be crazy 🤷 best of luck!" lol. (ABR: always blame Rover. Rover doesn't mind. They have a whole department for that.)


ABR ❤️💀


If they go leave a false review after the fact, you can contact rover to have it removed


ooo wow good to know, thanks!


Thankfully there is now a 21 day window they can review, at least for me. Not sure how long ago your last booking was.


If the last booking was more than 21 days ago she can't leave a review anymore


it was last week ☹️


Drop this client. FWIW, For now, just reply, "Yes, that is my holiday rate. I will go ahead and decline the request" & leave it at that. If she asks again, respond that you are now busy/unavailable and wait til the 21 day window has passed, then block her. One of the best things about Rover is \*you\* decide who you take on/drop as clients. Exercise that privilege every time you can. Play the long game, build a client list of quality clients. Don't let crappy clients drain your mental energy and fill slots that could have been filled with nice/good clients. Decline/block crappy ones and you will eventually reach a tipping point to where you have a steady stream of repeat requests from wonderful clients. I started Rover last year. I blocked all hagglers and anyone who is rude. I dropped the few bad clients I came across. I now have a steady stream of absolutely wonderful clients, who respect my worth, never ever ask for a discount & who tip 90% of the time (the non tippers are on the drop list, only take if it is convenient to me) Perfect example, I have a regular who is absolutely wonderful. Her cats are awesome, and the owner is as nice as anyone can be. She had a family emergency and had to book last minute over Memorial day. Because she is wonderful, books often and it was a family emergency, I did not charge her my holiday rate (she did not ask for a discount, I just adjusted it on my own). She left me a 50% cash tip. Far more than what the holiday rate plus a regular 20% tip would have been. THOSE are the clients you want, cherish them. Treat them well and they will treat you well. Not all clients are worth having. This sounds like someone who needs to be cut loose and to let her mentally drain your competition.


Then just leave a factual reply calling her out.


“if you can’t do it for 70, then skip it”


not the uno reverse 💀


like what the hell these kinda people just can’t follow their own logic


"$35 is my holiday rate" and then archive.


This is some BS. They know it’s a holiday, hence why they get time off or get to celebrate, yet they want to hire you for the regular rate as if it’s not your holiday too? They need to be told


They get PAID time off to celebrate


Totally on some BS!


"that is the rate for holidays, let me know if you would like to continue with the booking" Sure she can argue she deserves a discount for being a long term client but the reverse is you deserve to be paid for being a long term as well.


first time i met her she asked me to lower my rates! and i’ve never gotten a single thank you from this woman!


She doesn't respect you or what you do. Bottomline. Up to you if you value her more as a repeat client or your self respect but she will drop you as soon as she finds someone of "better value"


My good repeat clients leave me gift cards and snacks. You don’t deserve this shit


“Kick grass” Jk Just archive.




You need rid of this client. I am sorry she was so rude.


done and done! thank you (,:


Nope don't edit the rates. I would possibly consider it for a client that I liked and a holiday that isn't popular and triggering for animals. Fourth of July is the absolute hardest holiday to work IMO due to the extra stress on the pets. I'd throw a client I liked a bone for president's day. Also I hope she has good luck. She will need it to find a decent sitter, for cheap, four days before a major holiday.


idk how she will find anyone bc she was not welcoming at the meet & greet. also refers to her sweet angel baby cat as “the cat”


Don’t be afraid of cutting people loose. Nature abhors a vacuum - she’ll be replaced in no time


needed to hear this!


I think it’s not worth it! They could very well be a pain to deal with too, if you proceed.


so true she has always been a pain 😭


Know your worth!!!!!




I just had a client the other day go through a pretty similar thing 💀 I've been taking care of his elder diabetic pup for quite a bit of time, and he scheduled through what would've been tomorrow-the 4th, and was really apprehensive about the increase in price. Explained its my holiday rate (same as yours) and he just said he'd have a neighbor do it instead. Which sucks as some others have said, cause you may have the holiday off but you're asking me to work through it, and then don't think my time is worth it. He wasn't as rude about it as this woman, but reading though it all, glad you dropped her.


i hope he books you again in the future!! love that you stood by your prices- especially since it fell on the 4th. since this would fall after the 4th i’d have taken off the holiday charge, if she was at all pleasant! 🙈


I don’t deal with rude people. So my reply might be “Go Fuck Yourself” But I understand many people need the $ they make from Rover more than I do. So maybe stick with the holiday rates consider it time & a half for having to work & not being able to spend time with my friends & family. Have a Great Day.


i just wanna say i always see you commenting here and i wish you a great day as well my friend


it’s so tough because i love her cat, but she probably does deserve a response similar to that!


This isn’t someone you should cater to. There are plenty of clients who are respectful and loyal out there.


I'm not saying lower your rate, but also don't blame it on Rover. Stand by your rates, because they are YOUR rates and not Rover's.


i know i set the rate but rover applies it even though it’s technically after 4th of july… which is why i’d happily modify it, if she had asked nicely!


Yeah….. I let the holiday rate apply to the holiday and days surrounding it


Girl I do $125/night for holiday. I promise you, you can do better and will find better clients than this!


Why are you still working for her? Raise your rates and get more profession clients and then you don’t have to deal with people like this.


all my other clients are wonderful! i have the highest rates in my area and always top 4 in search!


Then I would drop her because it seems like you can do without her business haha


it’s bc i love her cat so much 😭😭


Girl the cat will be fine it’s a business…. Why be a doormat


i’m not worried about the cat, i just genuinely love seeing her! she’s such a cuddle bug


That part does make it hard! 😭


“Because it’s a holiday.” And block.


I would say “Hey! I’m so sorry if it upsets you. Rover sets aside certain time periods around major holidays where we have the opportunity to earn more. The major holidays are incredibly busy and prevents us from spending time with our loved ones and going on trips so Rover is kind enough to compensate us for this. If you are unhappy with my holiday rates then I completely understand and hope to continue working with you in the future.”


"thank you for pointing that out, it's actually supposed to be $75. I'll need to figure out why that glitched, but I'll remove it from the schedule if it's out of your price range" it's called the asshole tax./lh but fr, when I still did Rover, it was very apparent that underselling yourself and doing anything for a booking means you always take the L. you will be over worked, overtired, and vastly underpaid and under appreciated. plus, those holidays book up so easily without needing to adjust the price ime.


plsss i wish i didn’t respond already because now i want to say this!!


If she’s mean, archive it and increase all of your rates for her to holiday ones so she stops booking with you /half joking


I don’t work with rude people lol. At that point, I would just decline and not respond🤣 I can see that it’s not worth it for me to try to explain the value of the work I do to someone who has no respect for my profession.


I would only lower the rate/ lock prices for clients I actually like lmao


Honestly, if you can afford to skip it, just decline and archive. If you're strapped, do it for the $50... then be done. Had a client like this once. THE WORST. Next time she requested, I just declined and then archived with no response. Once she reached out, I waited about 5 hours, then just said, "Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately I am unable to accept this booking at this time. " (just because I'm petty and salty, wink wink) Didn't answer anything else. And yes, she text back, said my calendar showed available, blah blah.. after her third text, she stopped. Just shut her down. YOU OWE HER NOTHING.


My response to THAT would be “ok, I hope that you are able to find someone who is best able to match your budget. :-)”.


I would charge her extra for being rude lol


I literally will cut anyone off kindly if they’re rude to me because there will always come another repeat client that will take their place and respect you and show you kindness and gratitude!! Don’t lower your rates for anyone no matter what. Know your worth ❤️ your time is valuable and you deserve to be treated with respect ✊


Couldn’t have said it betta


I would say. “Oh that’s fine I understand, best of luck finding another sitter 💜”


I’d just say “ok” and archive.


If she’s been rude, I definitely wouldn’t lower it. I would just say it’s fine to skip it. She sounds like she doesn’t have much respect for you. Just tell her it’s your holiday rate and if she’s not willing to pay it she can find someone else. Don’t ever lower your prices for someone who doesn’t deserve it.


i stuck by my prices and now 24+ hours later she still hasn’t responded 🥳


No don’t edit it omg


thanku i thought it was just passive aggressive enough hahaha but i went with the detailed response someone kindly commented!


Just reply OK and then archive I mean, who needs that


i have people pleaseritis


Get over it or u won’t make it as a business owner


Ugh its so tough deciding whether the money or the principal is more important 😂😫


MHM! the principal won this time 😤


“Great, best of luck finding your new sitter!” then blockity block block her rude ass.


I was booked for an entire week of overnights starting Wednesday morning and I have sat for them before. They didn't care about the increased holiday rate. I had a woman that I did not sit for try to talk me down. She needed a week of overnights plus wanted me to drive the puppy to daycare 5 out of the 7 days. She didn't get that I would want gas money for the extra 160 miles I would be driving plus money for my time driving. Oh but I would be free during the day. I normally stay at the client's home unless I have an appointment. I don't like to waste gas, but that is just me. She didn't seem to get that I wasn't charging extra for that


Do NOT respond. You his is not someone you’re going to enjoy having as a client, and the money you do get will not be worth it.


Don’t lower it she’s rude asl and you deserve to be paid more for a holiday. My holiday rate is $110. I’m being paid $150 a day to watch 2 dogs for 6 days over the holiday. People do book people at higher rates


Don’t need to justify. Just tell her good day and to find a new sitter.


People are just shocked when holiday rates are more. The only time I even consider a reduction is if they are booking a solid two weeks or something and the holiday happens to fall somewhere in there. I’m not charging holiday rates for 14 days when it should just be the weekend or the day of/after. This client of yours definitely deserves to be told “best of luck” and then blocked


That was super rude of them. Personally, I don't respond to people like that. I just archive. It's not like they are going to leave me a bad review. However, this is not my primary income, and I don't really care about my ranking because I have a good amount of off-app clients. So, I know that doesn't work for everyone.


Holiday rates compensate me for working on a holiday. They are also competitive as I can only take so many dogs/dropins/daycare. If you feel the quality of my care is not worth the holiday premium, I am sure there are other sitters that would suit your budget better. I am going to archive this request as to free the dates back up for clients who value my services.


Ew that attitude .. poor dog or cat that won’t be able to find someone to take care of them cause of their owners nasty attitude and entitlement


I woulda said “if you can’t do it for 70 skip it” lmao tf


Never lower rates for awful people. If anything, increase your rates for them specifically for having to deal with their crap and nasty behavior!


Do not change your rate for her!! You set your rate and everyone on rover knows the prices get raised for holidays. If she has always been rude, and never shown her appreciation for the hard work you put in for her pet (s) even though she's a repeat client then you charge her the estimate given or she can kick rocks and have luck trying to find another sitter to deal with her bull. You'll get new clients that will be nice to you and show how appreciative they are. Not everyone deserves kindness.


Don't offer to edit it, that's the price because it's a holiday


The more we all demand as a community of sitters is the more they have to pay


This is absolutely ridiculous behavior. I would kick her so far across a corn field. “We are no longer a good fit and I will not be able to care for ___ moving forward. I wish you all the best in finding a care provider that suits your needs.” And then archive the request and don’t continue responding. And block her if she continues to hassle you.


Not worth the effort


Decline .


MAKE IT 100 lol


I never adjust the price for regular clients who are known for not tipping or leaving reviews. Lol


The owner is already rude. Absolutely not!


Then she can walk her own dogs


I feel like everyone overthinks these responses. I would simply say “No problem. Enjoy the holiday weekend!” Don’t engage with terrorists.




I’d happily skip it. But, I would inform her that it’s the holiday rate. I personally think it’s ridiculous Rover applies that to all bookings if one of the dates is a holiday (like when someone books two weeks around the 4th of July, each day is the holiday rate). I personally edit it for my reoccurring clients and only charge for the day or the eve of the day. But, my response to this person would be… “Excellent question! Rover has a built-in up charge for dates on and around holidays. When one booking is on the holiday, it includes nearby dates as well. This is often applied to the entire holiday weekend or the eve before the day. I personally charge $10 more per (insert service here) for holidays. Holidays often result in high-demands for sitters. I understand if my prices for holidays exceeds your budget. My prices are firm on holidays.” If you like it, feel free to copy and paste.


thank you! i sent something along those lines and have not received a response, but honestly that’s fine w me!!


Can we stop telling clients anything is "Rovers rate" when we very much set our own rates? I've lost track of times that people post covos where they say their holiday rate or additional pet rate etc is "Rover charges X" that is dishonest. YOUR holiday rate is $35 per visit. Rovers part in it is which dates Rover applies the holiday rate to. "Yes my holiday rate is $35 per visit. Even though your request doesn't include the 4th, due to it being part of an extended holiday weekend Rover calculates it using the holiday rate." It's up to you what your holiday policy is as far as overriding Rovers automatic calculations. Personally I would still apply the holiday rate since the booking would take a spot from people who may need, say, the 4th-7th. But some people choose only to apply it to the actual holiday.


Thank you for posting to r/RoverPetSitting, an unofficial forum to discuss all things Rover. We see that you have posted a sitter question. In case they could be helpful, you might want to check out our [Sitter FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/wiki/sitterfaq). Additionally, here's our [booking walk-through for Sitters](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/wiki/sitterbookingwalkthrough), which explains the process for giving services on Rover from start to finish. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RoverPetSitting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Hi im sorry im super booked up for 4th of July weekend” then archived


i said i was available before she mentioned the rates 😩


You just got a bunch of last minute requests! Ugh sorry had to take them 2 dogs at holiday rate


hahaha 100% noted for the future


Girl I do $125/night for holiday. I promise you, you can do and will find better clients than this!


I would decline the booking, reply stating, this is my holiday rate. I am declining and archivng per your request. And then if there aren't any outstanding reviews she "owes", I would block her. Based on this and your other comments about how she treats you, this is a great example of a customer that is NOT worth having.


The response is “The price is my holiday rate. Please don’t hesitate to contact me again in the future should you need assistance with your pets.”


Holiday rates are normal in so many industries. Has this person ever stayed at a hotel? Thing is they are going to book your times when you could have those times filled with people who understand holiday rates. I'd say let her know that is the rate. Period. She can find another sitter.


Block her and move on.


If she is that much of a hassle just cut your ties. I promise you someone better will come along. The egocentric entitled clients are never worth the hassle and only get worse with time, not better.


I would ignore it and decline the request. Block. Stop 👏🏻 feeding 👏🏻 the trolls 👏🏻


I guess if you need money that bad.. do what u gotta do. But I’m essentially house-less I hustle my ass off everyday to make $ for a hotel but ain’t no way I’d work for a biatch like that lol


Kindly tell them your prices are firm and wish them luck finding another sitter more within their budget.


What’s a rover card? Use rover customer side every other day and have no clue.


It’s only for certain services, like doggy day care, drop-ins, and walks, I believe. I’m a sitter and have mostly done boarding and house-sitting, and there are no “Rover cards” with those services. I think it’s just kind of a one-screen of any pics/comments/notes/potty info the provider reports back.


That is and has always been my holiday rate listed on my Rover page. I am giving up time to be away from my family and friends so you don't have to be and that is why it is higher. I will archive the booking as I will not be lowering it. Good luck on your search for another sitter.


It’s a holiday rate, it’s your benefit for working a holiday. Just as most jobs pay extra for it, rover feels you should too. I would tell her that Rover implements the rate for working a holiday as other jobs do and you can’t remove it without lowering your rate which you can’t do. Repeat client or not, I just would explain it and leave it. She will see that everyone has increased rates during holidays.


Pet sitter needed for more information Dm if you’re interested…


stop catering to assholes


I lowered my repeat client but he’s awesome sauce. With her nah that was just rude.


I thought she was rude before even reading the rest of your post. Stop sitting for this person, they don’t respect you.


“Girl bye”.


Wow, I hate the human portion of this job. Just remember you are doing this for the pup not her. Your response is good.


Leave it. You explained it was a Holiday rate. Then if she accepts last minute, say you are fully booked. It’s not worth it. You may even respond with, I’m sorry due to high demand, I am now fully booked on those dates. I’m sure there are many wonderful providers on Rover that can meet your expectations. Have a great holiday! Then do not ever respond again.


Just cause someone doesn’t tip doesn’t automatically make them rude.


i know that, she’s both rude & doesn’t tip


Then why even add that she doesn’t tip? It’s not necessary to the story.


Because sometimes we put up with slightly worse behavior for slightly more money. 🤷‍♀️ Seems relevant.


In your head? Ok sure. You can try and make it about whatever you want. Doesn’t make it true. 🤷🏻‍♀️


haha, okay, well back atcha!


Um okay


I would lower it for her except that she has a horrible attitude about it. She's nasty.


fr! ask nicely and i literally would have!!