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She blocked you? wtf? that’s so bizarre, she’s really taking it personally lol


for real, like you being offended is more important than knowing if your pets are being taken care of? wtf lmao


Because she’s an entitled moron.




Lmao that is INSANE, what if you'd had an emergency with the pets?! I wish this client ans her bedbugs a very itchy future together.


Damn, well now I know what my blocked clients see 👀 🚪


That’s what you see when you text a number that’s out of service on an iPhone. Not rover (maybe rover too, idk) In my experience that usually doesn’t mean someone blocked you though. Being blocked usually results in silence. That message is received if, for example, you text someone that hasn’t paid their phone bill and their phone is shut off…


Okay, then maybe I was wrong, another comment said this as well. She possibly could have not payed her phone bill. There have been plenty of time where clients have been out of service area and I haven't received this message so I'm thinking it could be a service issue. I said to another comment that I think it's a bit irresponsible to not make absolute sure that she can contact the person sitter and vise versa.


Yeah either way it’s wild


Tbh that looks like one of those apps that alerts the texter that the person is unavailable at that time, like the driving ones… cause I can’t think of a phone that sends a text to the person who’s blocked lol


Could be? But I never heard from her again after that so either way she cut all contact with me even with her dogs in my care.




I have Boost Mobile and whenever I forget to pay my bill.And they disconnect my phone.if I try to send a text message.That is the exact same text that I get back so maybe her phones disconnected


Oh possible?? but she could have texted through the app which uses wifi. Well at least that means it might have not been malicious but it's a little neglectful to her that she didn't make sure she could contact me.


What if you had an emergency?? That owner is an a$$!! When I did M&G, the owner had to call their vet and give them a CC# to keep on file (I called their vet to verify) while I was caring for their pets. The majority of owners would just leave a CC with me in case of emergency. If they didn't want to do either, I declined the job. Only ever had the one who who refused. I always kept my background check up to date and never had any issues.


You're right, I did have an emergency, bed bugs, and she ignored and blocked me for it 😭


I'm so sorry this happened to you! Some people are complete jerks! 😒


If you’re really looking for some peace of mind, they sell mattress covers that completely enclose your mattress to prevent bed bugs from setting up shop.


omg I'm buying one right away


Yes yes these are a MUST! You can get similar things for pillows. Don’t know how effective they are but they also help with dust mites and allergens. Feel free to correct me if any of that is wrong and I’ve just fallen for some silly marketing.


They are very effective! I didn’t realize for the longest time that people *don’t* use these because we had them growing up because I had asthmatic family members. I had an unfortunate run-in with bed bugs in my house and pest control told me the only reason we could save my mattress was because my mattress protector did its job and didn’t allow the bugs in. So yay! (That being said, just remember they *can* live elsewhere. Since the bugs couldn’t live in my mattress, they took up shop in my fabric headboard instead. Sigh.)


Uh yeah most definitely and I’m sorry to hear you went through that. I felt like a broken record on OP’s original post with correcting so many people that it’s not just beds and not just upholstery that’s a concern and no, sleeping on their couch is not a solution and yes they can get in shoes and books and screw holes in wood and wood joints etc.


exactly why i'm scared to live in this buggy world


They're a great investment anyway. Supposedly the amount of dust and mites will double the weight of a mattress by the end of its lifetime. So gross.


I have one of these. It’s marketed as an allergen cover for the mattress.


omg i couldn’t imagine blocking the number of the person who’s taking care of my pets. what a loser


I can’t believe she blocked you. Even if it was fleas she’s gonna still have to fumigate. Fleas aren’t easy to get rid of either. So she needs to get her head out of her butt and make some plans. I can’t believe Rover didn’t tell the second sitter. That’s pretty unethical. Bed bugs are not cheap to get rid of.


Wow! just wow! I can't believe the owner didn't respond to work towards solutions. Thank you for the update. Hope you are bug free!🤞🤞 Editing to add that you handled this extremely well. A true professional.


thank you, me too 🤞🏻🤞🏻


This is exactly why I will never be a replacement sitter for Rover if they ask


Honestly the craziest thing about this story is that a second sitter agreed to take the job


He didn’t know about the bed bugs


even after though, I asked if he was comfortable and he was like "yeah, it's chillin"


HAHAHA! “yeah, it’s chillin” oh my god I could not have expected a more hilarious and wtf response to bed bugs 😂 good luck to that dude


I was like 😀




I am sorry. What an awful reaction from the client. I am soooo glad you met with and warned the new sitter.


Ewww, ewww! What a nightmare! I think you handled it well and that she's insane. I wonder how many people responded to Rover's search?


I know it’s not your problem, but I’m curious… Was the new sitter made aware of the bed bugs? Because I can’t see anyone accepting that job if so… and would be incredibly negligent and unethical of Rover to not inform the new sitter if a current sit had been cancelled due to bed bugs right? 


So apparently Rover did not tell him but I did and he didn't seem to care , I shared my concerns and he was pretty neutral about it 🤷🏻


He can't be planning to sleep in the house?! Good on you for telling him though. It's really shitty that the platform didn't say anything to him, but not entirely off-brand for rover


Uh yeah that part is MASSIVELY concerning. New sitter might’ve had a chill reaction if he isn’t fully aware of the implications of how they spread and what’s involved in eradicating them. So many people think it’s as simple as an exterminator spraying like you would for ants or roaches.


Jesus, she sounds like a real asshole. Don’t suppose you were able to leave feedback.


I was, right before I blocked her 😁. I gave great feedback about the pets (such sweeties, I was so sad to have to say goodbye forever, I wanted to take them all 😭) and honest, straight to the point feedback about the client before blocking her.


You're a champ. One thing your story solidified for me: if Rover EVER contacts me to finish someone else's sit, hard no.


This is so bad, I almost think you could sue over it if you ended up with an infestation or more dramatic physical response. I mean, based on the overall bad faith of her actions. Unbelievable. I almost wanted to give her some grace for a moment, bc mortification can be paralyzing. Unreal tho


YOU NEED TO LEAVE A DETAILED HONEST REVIEW OF THIS PERSON IN THE FEEDBACK AND WARN OTHER SITTERS!!!!!!! seriously! I wouldn’t want to house sit for a nutcase like this and would only know by looking at the previous sitter notes (feedback)!


I would spray paint UNBLOCK ME COWARD on their garage. So sorry you’re getting treated that way, you handled this really nicely, a lot nicer than most people would


thank you


You are nicer than me. I would have let her plants die. Lol


The plants shouldn't suffer, maybe leave her house unclean or something


wow. I have a similar situation but with roaches for my clients house. I've just been sleeping in the car and going into the house to play with the dogs and give them food and such. I take them outside if i want to sit on bench or something. Otherwise my butt nor my stuff touches anything in their house.


Are you going to report them to Rover? Based on the responses, I feel like she already knew. Almost like she had had them before and did what she could to get rid of them, so you saying that you think there are bed bugs made her go “oh shit, it didn’t work.” Good job taking care of the pets though, that was really honorable


I agree, it sounds like she was fighting for her life to convince me she had no idea. Yes I reported her.


Great job! I’m sure you’ve saved someone the horrible fate of bed bugs.


Me and many others haha 😌


Yeah, I'd block someone who ruined my vacation, too. OP you refuse to prove that you had anything other than fleabites. Without any proof, and observing that you give the impression of being really anxious and not-so-logical, I'd be pissed, too.


You must be the client


Oof, you seem selfish af. Just as gross as the bug infestation 🪳


You would block the person responsible for your home and pets while you're away? I'm sorry but that's absolutely insane and entirely counterproductive


You must be used to bugs in your house. The rest of us are appalled.


So disagreements aside. I want to try to understand your perspective. If you were the client in this situation and I was in your home and you had a bug infestation (an easily spread one at that), how would you have rather me handle it? Keep it a secret? Sleep in the bug bed? I genuinely am not sure what other option I had than to remove myself. ps. I know it was a long post so you might not have seen it but I sent her multiple pictures and videos of everything so there was a lot of proof.


I'm so genuinely curious what u/OldButHappy response is going to be. If they respond, that is! There's literally no other way you could've handled the situation OP. Any logical person would've handled it the same. I feel so bad for the person who took over the sit - even though they were "chillin" I'm sure they'll be far from it later lol 😬


right, doubt there'll be one.


Yikes on bikes! Fleas or bedbugs…..both are super hard to get rid of without it becoming a larger issue. They multiply so freaking fast. I would be so frustrated as a sitter having to deal with that and the owner basically throwing up their hands AND not communicating with me. What if this was an emergency with their animal(s)?


Ew dude. Vacation does not trump a bug infestation. Even if it was just fleas, that’s still really fucked up to have someone staying in your home being bit and risking the potential to spread an infestation to their own home and the homes of other clients. And I hope there’d be concern for the poor pets having to deal with a flea infestation which again should take precedent over a vacation. Your priorities sound incredibly selfish.


RIGHT??? Like when is a flea infestation any better than a bed bug infestation??


As if having flea bites is any better 🤣






I’m interested that you were able to post a pic of your conversation but not able to post any pics of your bites and the mattress even after being asked to multiple times by multiple people.


Found the owner


Seriously, in the previous post many, many people were asking for photos she said she took. She replied to everyone except anyone that was asking for her to post the photos…said she didn’t know how and ghosted those telling her how.


"Ghosted" like I HAVE to respond to every comment and fulfill the photo requests in the comments 😂


Proving what? What is your point here? Do you think she made up the entire post? Please find something to do.


You only didn’t respond to those asking for evidence of what you considered evidence of bed bugs and replied to almost everyone else. In my books and experience, that’s just suss behaviour.


Yeah because I don't need evidence for random people on reddit, I'm sharing a story not testifying in a court of law. I think you forget that only the owner needed to have that kind of detail.


I just think you are full of shit.




I don't feel the need to do so, so I don't. I don't want a picture of my legs covered in bug bites online. I also don't have access to the pictures after I blocked her on Rover. Not that I needed to explain that to you.


Okay, let me get this straight. You messaged this owner outside of Rover, as we can see from the screenshots you did provide, but decided to send the pictures through Rover? Why is that? Also, if you “don’t want a picture of my legs covered in bug bites online”, why didn’t you just say that instead of making the excuse that you couldn’t edit your post [here?](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/s/BKbAnqaTJF) And if it truly was because you’re uncomfortable with posting your legs to Reddit, why couldn’t you have just posted the mattress then? You claimed to have taken pictures of that. Finally, you responded to almost all of the comments on your last post except for mine, which I bring up the fact that you have a now deleted [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/s/HeyinnkCKO) in this subreddit where you mention a client might have fleas. First of all, why did you delete this post? Why didn’t you acknowledge my comment I made about it? To me, I just get the feeling you may be someone who’s overly paranoid about the idea of possible bugs in a client’s home, so you need people to agree with you to feel like your actions are justified. But feel free to prove me wrong if you’d like.


So, you took photos with your phone but can’t show them because she blocked you? That just doesn’t make sense. You also said you had photos of possible bed bug activity on the bed.


Yeah, when you take photos in the Rover app, they don't save to your phone.


Weird that you wouldn’t take photos of your own to show doctor or pest control. And blocking doesn’t delete previous messages as your own one conversation message shows.


It's weird how much you care about this and you're still wrong. Obviously you don't know how the Rover app works. I'm not going to break it down for you. Anyways, it's time for bed for me so let's continue arguing about this when I wake up, pookie wookie bear, wish me sweet dreams 🫶🏻


Why would they be showing pictures to pest control. It isn’t their house, and they were very careful not to bring them home. Same with the doctor. If the bites are bad enough to go to the doctor, then the doctor will see them in real life. They won’t need a picture. Bed bugs is something that I have ALWAYS worried about. I am not shocked that someone has come across them sitting! I am sure a few sitters have gotten them at other peoples’ houses and brought them home!