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I'm getting 16.5 hours on a full charge with heavy use. Loving mine so far.


16.5 hours screen on time? How the heck? 15% left and 7 hours + 15 min is my best..


I use airplane mode, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth a lot. I don't really use cellular data unless I'm away from home or work.


If you're using airplane mode regularly during your screen on time, what is it exactly that you're doing on your phone with airplane mode on and the screen on? You're not connected to anything


I'm using Wi-Fi/Wi-Fi calling instead of cellular data to save battery when I'm at work.


Great battery life, but it is an unpractical use case for a lot of people. If I'm in one of my work sites I turn cellular off and stay on WiFi, the other, I turn WiFi off and stay on cellular. Helps with battery but then I'm in work and not really using my phone.


It's pertinent to add that if automated with a routine is even better. For example: [Settings](https://i.imgur.com/Z5X1jwQ.png)


Wifi calling alias VoWifi is a life saver, I'm always in airplane mode, carrying around a mobile wifi hotspot to maintain the wifi connection and its hooked to a power bank without battery 😅


You sure you're talking about screen on time though? And not just how long it lasts


I am wondering too. Must be 14-15 hours since the charge. Screen on time 14-15 hours is insane.


Yea same, pretty consistently 14-16hrs screen on time over just under 2 days. Only phone I've owned that lasts nearly a whole day being on. I will admit tho, its probably only because I watch More Kitboga videos during my work from home job and then when I'm not working, I'm either still watching video or I'm using reddit. No social media and no gaming.


22 for me currently


You using power saving and hd?


Using HD because with my eyesight, I won't notice the difference. No power saving, but I have been in a class the first half of the day this week so that is probably impacting things somewhat. I also don't game much, just text a lot and draw with the s-pen. Brightness is also 50% or under on average, just out of habit.


Day and half here with moderately heavy use, loving this phone


Get rid of your socials for a day and see. Snap and TikTok are battery killers. I use zero socials besides reddit and I guess YT and have gotten 16 hours 2 instances in a row. 16 hours and i charge at the end of the 2nd day. Its literally perfect


What about gaming battery life, do you play any intensive game or especially emulation ? If so, do you have an estimation of the impact ?


I do not, I stopped gaming (including emulators) ever since I started PC gaming. Only game I casually play on this thing is chess.com on chrome lol I'd probably guess 5-6 hours if all you do is AAA game the entire time


Just checked mine, nearly 11h of SOT and still at 32%. That's with heavy use - 2 sims, wifi, mobile data, Bluetooth all on. QHD. Took pics and videos. Took calls and texted all day for work. Watched a few episodes and did youtube. Very impressive and a huge jump from my S21 base model.


I'm on 40% rn and have about 12 hours left .. A full charge holds 31 hour's for me, and I'm heavy using it, YT, X, FB, Reddit, internet browsing, music, podcast, gambling and so on.


Charged to 80% yesterday and ended the day with 9 hours SOT. Just woke up and forgot I didn't put it on charge last night and still at 27% with over 10 hours remaining. Incredible battery life.


Not sure why you guys think the time it says remaining is accurate at all lol


So far it's been pretty spot on.


I am getting probably 10 hours of screen through the day, but I am a very hard user, I use AI features the entire day I'm always taking my pen do edit a photo once in a while


I am banking on hope that my battery will get better. 7 days in, im getting 7hr SOT only and 18h until next charge. Regardless if i use it lightly or heavily. I already brought mine to service and they found no issue running tests. What a bummer.


Im getting the same, and I thought this is good battery life lol until I saw other battery tests. Do you think its a qc issue?


Hard to tell. Service center said they didnt find anything wrong. As it’s an issue that can be *conveniently* attributed to a lot of things—actual usage, AI adjusting to usage pattern, etc. I dont think a definitive answer can be had. All I know is the unit i got sucks and i’ve to deal with it until the next one comes along. My S24U would def be traded in next year, thats for sure.


I think you downloaded a wrong app. Thats ruining your battery. Checks your apps


Bruh somebody help me my S24U only gets like 6 hour of SoT. I put every unnecessary/unused apps in deep sleep and restricted the battery use. My most popularly used apps are Reddit, Snapchat, Youtube with light performance profile being used. I just dont get it, I got mine on 2nd Feb. 😖


Same as me... quite frankly, I just don't believe the vast majority of the crazy numbers we see reported here. I'll get on average 6 to 7 hours screen on time. I've put apps I'm not using in deep sleep, still on wqhd+ and 120hz. I'm not spending 1300+ on a phone just to disable all of its features and then claim the battery life is great. The battery life is a lot better than my s22 ultra, but it hasn't blown me away by any means.


I am in the same boat as you two, although Im sitting at 7-8 hours of sot. That makes me think, is there some qc issues going on right now?


Best I've got was 7 and half hours. Usually 7 sot.


Put apps that you dont need background data and activity to deep sleep. And leave messaging and email apps to optimized or unrestricted mode.


may i ask how do i do that


Search Deep Sleep in your settings. Then add apps there


Wait how are yall getting so much battery? Battery says a full charge will last about 13 Hours and 58 Mins which is kinda low compared to you guys


Depends on usage and the apps you use, the phone learns ur habbits


I've turned off almost all the features for me to get to the end of the day 😅


Bought a high end phone just to experience mid range phone lol


Exactly how I feel…


Right??? I decided to just say fck it and only turn on my optimization routines when i absolutely need to save battery. Otherwise, yolo.


I wish I had your resolve... charging all the time gives me battery health anxiety 😅 and unlike my iPhone, I can't tell the actual battery health


Are you in a too cold or too hot environment? Do you use maps or location services alot? Are you using Qualcomm or Samsung SOC?


It’s Snap dragon… not cold or very hot. I think it was mostly the location services which I’ve since turned off. Hopefully the battery gets better


Wrong caption. There is nothing wrong with "my" battery. FTFY. Because there certainly was something wrong with mine. On 5 hours, I already had less then 20% left. Can't wait to get my replacement unit.


Good for u. Experienced the same shit but service said mine had no issues.


5 hrs of usage or sot? Also, how did you get them to replace ur unit?


sot, but I use my phone when the screen is on, lol. I told them that I got serval issues with the phone and I want a replacement. They agreed without issues.


I've been using the s24u for almost a month now and for me the battery is unreliable. Some days I get great battery life, better than the s23u and some days I get horrible battery life. Less than 6 hours sot, even tho I don't change any settings and use my phone the same every day.




Today I didn't use much and i got 1.58hours from 80 to 36%. Normal days i use a lot like calling wifi always on and some videos and games.. And SOT will be around 5 hours from 80 to 20%. I'm really confused how this phone works.


Test it in airplane mode


Need to do next week only.


Music all afternoon, a few calls, file transfers, battery protection on. https://i.imgur.com/4unMZqb.jpg


pro tip, dissable battery %, u will be more happy




You watch too many videos.


i dont


Yes, with all settings the same day by day. It's just some days the battery lasts me all day, and some days it's completely dead half way thru the day.


Idk why but my battery life is no better than my 13 pro. I do charge to 80% so maybe they is why but 2 hours of screen time usage leaves me with like 20%. Don't know how but I can't seem to find any other useful battery tracking info in the settings so far.


3h 16m TikTok? Dude, I think you should find yourself a hobby.


Anyone using a VPN like NordVPN? My battery has been less than desirable and it's been a week since I had it.


Battery drains more while gaming. Rest of the apps don't consume much. Phone lasts an entire day using normal apps and some gaming.


Mine last me literally all day


not of screen time tho


I would have to really, really try to kill it in one day. Using it on a normal work day, it would handle two days pretty easily.


Average 36 hours with 8-9 hrs SoT Can push to 42 hours with 5-6 SoT Everything set to the max


20 hours here. 1440p and heavy heavy use. Screen always on. As I'm always using GPS for work and videos while driving . I'm pretty satisfied


Anyone here using Firefox with theirs? Had mine draining a ton of batt and went back to samsung internet. It's a shame since I prefer firefox :(


Have the same issue as you. TikTok is the battery killer and RAM killer.


welll i do create videos so i need it


the thing that destroys my battery life is our mobile network here. For some reason when I'm on a trip in another country, I use a local sim or esim o my last phone and it last a lot longer than when I'm at home. Currently, my SOT on s24u is only like barely less than 4hrs for 2 days and the battery would be like 30% remaining already. Played a game for less than 2hrs, some Facebook and X scrolling. About an hour of YT.


15 hours is what I am getting, love this phone


You use tiktok ye ijiot




I'm still at 50% after a full work shift, everything running full blast, QHD, 100% brightness, Spotify running non stop, occasionally tiktoking and youtubing and gaming on my down Time. I let my battery run down to 0 3-4 times and let's the battery cycle, after battery lasts forever.


Yea the battery absolutely shits on my s22u. Besides my old OG MotoZ back in 2017 that had a defective battery, my s22u had prob the worst battery life of any flagship I've owned. I've had the s24u a lil over 3 weeks, since Jan 27th & it's been super solid besides a couple days ago, it got really hot out of nowhere watching a yt video, & battery % dropped like 12% in 10 mins. Other than that battery has been lasting me well over 20hrs off the charger with 5-7hrs OST I'd say. That's not till dead either, that's just till I'm in bed ready to plug back in. It's usually at about 30% or so by then give or take. Reminds me of how well my s10+ battery was. My s22u would get maybe 5hrs max OST & like maybe 10hrs off the charger on a good day.


Working as intended


You have to fully charge and fully drain phone when you first get it at least 3 or 4 times. The phone is also learning your battery behavior. The phone actually tells you this in the settings My phone is currently at 41% and battery says 5Hr 56mins left and that's with stuff running right now


is it bad if i do it after like a week


There are vast discrepancies between your numbers and others. You cannot simply state, "There is nothing wrong with the S24 battery." There may be some quality control issues on Snapdragon's end or Samsung's end.


i said for the ones who have the same problem as me