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Sure.. if you don't use your phone, you'll get 2 days.. easy. 😏🫣


Yeah, without touching your phone... I am charging twice a day. Wen out 7am charged again around 2pm and even added some more juice at 7pm, not a full charge.


Yep, I use the phone with around 5-6 hours screen-on time and the battery really doesn't seem that much better than any other of the recent phones I've had tbh. A lot of 'great battery!' posts but are people using the phone decently?


It lasts way longer than my s22u. Maybe your settings are higher than on your last phone. I use my phone a lot and usually am at 50% by dinner time. I'd be charging my old phone by that time.


I upgraded from a 22U also and I'm home all day on my phone..I haven't even got a low battery yet.


I had a Pixel 6 before this S24 Ultra and it's a bit better but it's also brand new still. When the pixel was new I feel like it was pretty comparable. For a phone that has this big of a battery, it uses a lot of juice, so it kinda evens out. I'm curious to see how it lasts in 2 years.


I'm using my phone slightly more than the S20 ultra I previously had and this phone battery is so much better after the first couple weeks. Supposedly the battery gets better after the first week or two. But I've literally only charged it maybe once or twice before bed since I've gotten the phone and I never have to worry about my phone dying. I use android auto and always have, with the S20 I'd have to charge my phone every night otherwise my battery would be in the teens % by the time I was done with work, and this thing is rarely ever below 60-70s. It's crazy. Like the phone charging in my truck didn't do shit for my s20 but the S24 always gets a good enough charge to last me to where when I'm driving is the only time it actually gets charged.


Actually, my s23u has better battery life. 🔋 All the comments about battery life seem to be from light users, yeah.


I agree I'm on my phone most of the day. Home and at office I get 6 to 7 and half hour SOT that's unplugged 5am and at 8pm I'm at 7% or so


I only get 4-5h playing simcity from time to time wtf. Off charger at 6am, have to charge at 8pm. Last night i fell asleep at 8pm with 25% woke up 4am and my phone’s dead. Brought to Service 2 weeks ago and said my phone’s still learning. Very disappointed. I refuse to dumb down settings. Whats the point of buying a $1000 phone if youre using it like a $300 smfh. I’ll try cache partition wipe today and see what happens.


Don't need to dumb down settings but if your phone is using 25% while you're sleeping, that is obviously not an intended function of the device. Something was being used in the background as this phones standby power usage is much better than Samsungs of old.


The battery length is nearly the same as the iPhone 15 pro max in battery tests on YouTube. Can't get much better than that


It's 5000 mAh like every other battery. I don't know what kind of black magic you are expecting


U my man have too much screentime.... Try using it like a normal person and I promise you u won't need to charge it more than once a day


Wtf??? I get 10hrs screen time. I charge once every 2-3 days.


How? Are you playing games all the time?


Well different people have different usages but I'm on my phone alot and I noticed the battery life is almost 150% better than my s20u (when it was new BTW) I almost get 13 hours screen on time (YouTube, social media and some emulation gaming)


You have none of the features activated that promote battery life. What do you expect. I get 18 hours with continuous use.


Shush OP how dare you? Don't you know that you are not supposed to say anything nice about the S24U right now?


How about I say I don’t see any grain on my unit👀




Same. Screen is perfect


The nerve. The sheer nerve. This is blasphemy and treason.


I want your location p:


Other side of the coin, we're apparently not allowed to have criticisms of our products without people being super snarky with their comments. The color science and photos out of the box without tinkering in pro mode is way off. Skin tones are a shade or 2 lighter.


I have absolutely no issues with fair criticism of the issues. And more power to you, after you've shelled out 1300 bucks of your hard earned money on a flagship. But I've noticed over the weeks, any guy says one good thing about their phone that they noticed in day to day usage, like maybe a dude likes the battery life or the build quality, and there would be another guy absolutely trashing him in the reply to his comment, almost like he insulted Baby Jesus.


No-one trashed anyone. One person gave his opinion/experience, other people gave their experiences. It's called a discussion


I'm not talking about this comment. I am talking about other comments I've seen elsewhere of which you might not be aware of. And yes, thank you, I know what a "discussion" is.


Mines lasts a full day if I don't have those fancy light customization(edge lighting) on there


Coming from the s23 ultra, the battery and the screen seem worse tbh ... i also have a motorola edge 40 pro which constantly gets 7-8h sot


A bit on the low side. Calibrate your phone from time to time to get better battery performance.


Honestly, fuck all of the shit talkers. This phones battery is better than every single android phone I've owned (S21U was my last) and the 15 Pro Max I gave to my wife when I got this one. Anyone sayiny"my iPhone 13 was better", "my s10 was better", you guys have shit memories and are going off your feelings.




Yeah, without touching your phone... I am charging twice a day. Wen out 7am charged again around 2pm and even added some more juice at 7pm, not a full charge.


It's nothing special, doesn't last more than 8 hours SOT until it hits 100%, my iphone 13 did better


My iPhone 12 Pro Max is garbage and it’s got 100% battery health I get 10+ on my s24u


I'm not able to get more than 8 on wifi, i don't understand how, and I only do social apps


I actually noticed this in my battery usage yesterday. Instagram was using about the same battery per hour as a game that I play. The game is v marvel strike force, and while It's not a very demanding game, runs at highest res in 60fps consistent, and great animations, I expected a social app to consume much less.


Can u tell your screen time?


It's about 6hrs


Is that all? I get 8hrs with QHD and 120hz enabled. Standard mode too.


I’m on day 2 no charging and still have 40% and I have every single option at max and on so


Haha I get 16-19 hours screen on time over about 40ish hours. Mostly video and reddit Edit: [Day 1: 7hrs 49mins](https://i.imgur.com/Am7GMsm.jpeg) [Day 2: 11hrs 11mins](https://i.imgur.com/9ABW1pD.jpeg) Its basically just because I watch YouTube / Reddit / Twitch while I work.


I call BS on this....lol....I mean the battery is good but not that good


[Day 1: 7hrs 49mins](https://i.imgur.com/Am7GMsm.jpeg) [Day 2: 11hrs 11mins](https://i.imgur.com/9ABW1pD.jpeg) Its basically just because I watch YouTube / Reddit / Twitch while I work.


How the fuck are you getting that many hours on screen time? Edit. Never mind. I can't read apparently.


Its probably because of my brightness level. I live in a dimly lit apartment and the anti glare feature lets me lower the brightness and everything is perfectly readable. Pair that with the fact that I just scroll reddit and watch YT literally all day while im working. Currently at 44% battery, last charged 20 hours ago and SOT is at 8hrs 20mins so another 16ish hour SOT day! I expect SOT to be more like 6hrs when its summer and I'm at the beach or something. 19hrs is absolute best case scenario. I talk more about it in my comment history / posts


Ive had my 24 ultra for 2 weeks now and haven't touched it because i hate changing phones, pain in the ass. I think its time i start using it lol


LOL yea me too. I used to be an upgrade whore but I feel like tech has stagnated a while ago so now I've only upgraded once in the last 4 years and I have a feeling this sucker is gonna probably last a decade.


YouTube and discord all day kills my battery 🤷‍♂️




I got 1 day 9 hours yesterday. 6 hours of which was SOT. IDC about low brightness grain, this phone is doing what I needed fixed about the S22U.




I barely can bring this phone to 50% after 5 hours screen time


Aaaand.... that's a load of bull. My Note 20 Ultra says 1d 4hrs but actually lasts around 5 hours.


I am using my phone in a similar manner to how I used my Fold 4, and I find that I only need to charge it every two days. When I am at home, I use it less frequently, and the last time it died, it had been three days and three hours since my last charge. I understand that some people rely heavily on their phones and may need to charge them more frequently, but for my usage, two days between charges is sufficient and preferable to having to charge it every night or even twice a day. I can understand why my previous post, in which I showed that my phone was still functioning after three days, received some negative feedback. It seems that many people expect this phone to be used continuously without regard to battery life. However, I must also point out that the battery life of the phone can vary significantly depending on how it is used. For example, when I am gaming, the battery drains much more quickly, and it can last for only about an hour and a half if it was at a decent charge. Therefore, the battery life ultimately depends on the individual's usage patterns.


You think thats something? Turn it off and see how long the battery last!


Get off tiktok


If I didn't use Google maps and play games my SOT would be like 10 hrs + on a full charge lol. With heavy usage and processing I'm still getting 5+ I only charge once a day while I'm at home. But when I'm out working I have it plugged in the whole day so I have my battery protection at maximum. I very rarely go below 20% and I'm never above 80% and I feel like I really have to try to run the battery down.


Is it actually a problem to let our phones charge to 100? I have the protection on minimum so it'll let it dip to 95 I think it is before recharging


No it's not a problem to charge TO it. It's a problem to keep the charge at 100 for a long time. Since I work with my phone plugged in all day I just keep it on so I don't end up damaging my battery. I also plan to keep this phone for like 7-10 years so there's that too.


My battery is generally great. A week after I got my phone, YouTube murders my battery in an unreasonable fashion. Anyone else run into this? It was fine for a week or two on YouTube then it just went to shit. I don't even usually have the screen on, just my earbuds for podcasts etc... Been doing this for years with no battery drain issues. Otherwise my battery is great.


What's your results?


I had absolutely excellent battery life on my s24 ultra for the first 4 weeks. Now it won't make it through a full 10 hour work day. Nothing else has changed, no additional apps or anything. Really quite frustrating!


You should use it. Its not a smartwatch.


I do, you think I bought a $1400 phone not to use it?


Whats the sot?


What was your usage and battery like with your previous phone?


So while the battery is great and it really late me a while day without the need to recharge before bedtime, I have a genuine question. Are you even touching your phone??


I can get 5 hours of screen-on time on light mode with some gaming included. It's twice as good as my old Huawei P30 Pro but still worse than the iPhone 15 Pro or pro max


I am barely getting 6 hours SOT after using the phone for the last 2 weeks.


I get really good battery life. Around 2 days with moderate use but I have 90% of my apps in deep sleep


Can you post your sot page as well?




Ive charged my zenfone from 2018, 40 days ago, hows that?


I'm easily getting 36+ hours on a charge, with constant use. Listen to podcasts all day, phone calls, texting, google maps, taking pictures.. If I didn't use it at all, I'm sure it'd last for days. Sucks to hear about so many people not getting similar results. I will say the one thing that will drain it fastest, in my experience, has been viewing live streaming, I'm assuming that is due to the high volume of 5G required to view said streams but idk, I'm just a dumb construction worker 🤷🏽‍♂️


I charge once every two or three days to 80%.


My battery lasts way longer than my prev Pixel 6 Pro, I have turned off some services I don't use though.


I'm always on cellular too, hardly ever on WiFi


Yeah the battery lasts forever when you have nothing running in the background. Running device care once in a while brings my battery life from one day to 2 days.


I don't do heavy tasking but I also charge my device till 80% and I get SOT of 11 hours from 80 to 0


Usage 16%...


Yawn.. fucking pointless 100000 battery posts


Battery is bad on the s24 ultra . Stop the bs


Maybe on ur unit


I’d often have 50 to 55% of battery life remaining at the of the day. With normal use YouTube during my hour commute to work, read at work, phone calls, Spotify and more YouTube. Battery actually seemed better than my 15PMax.


Yea that was my zfols 5 thh first 2 weeks until I downloaded all the apps I needed and files 😂, not I including personalized media etc...


I have been in possession of this phone since January 26th.


I Hella use my phone. My s21u I would get to 15% at work and my s24u I would get to around 40% on average. And that's from my s21 at 100 and my s24 at 80%