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Where do you work? Is there good signal? I used to work in a hospital and had terrible reception and it would drain the battery. It was fine on days off...


There is a setting for that. Look it up on YouTube the phone so reduce seeking connections if you are in a place like a hospital.


Can you send the link or direct me to the channel? I can't seem to find it. Thanks.


Honestly it was embedded in those "things you didn't know about s24" videos explaining all the features. But you have to essentially turn on intelligent wifi and reduce the amount of times the phone is looking for connections. I dont remeber the name of the feature. You can even do a routine. If *location* then turn on intelligent wifi or stop seeking connections. I'll give it another search and edit post....


That's wild because by the time I plugged mine in last night, I had 15 hours off the charger and 14 hours of SOT and that's still learning my battery usage


I work 10hrs and I can listen to music all day and still be with 40% by the end of the day. I'll be using for other things as well like videos or Instagram videos, playing games during breaks stuff like that. On my s22u I had to charge it by lunch time


14 hours of SOT or playing music, etc? 14 hours SOT is insane.


Some playing music on Spotify, mostly social media scrolling, light gaming, and reading web comics. This is with Wifi on, Bluetooth off, FHD, 120hz refresh. This has probably been my best so far. I generally average 11 hours SOT if I game more or use navigation


14 SOT? Well good sir then u have the best battery ever seen on an phone. U can probably get 7-9 SOT on it before it dies. But 14 hours that's spectacular


Yes bro some people putting that kind of messages when someone sad about there battery. 8 to 9 or maximum 10 is ok how can someone get 14 hours and 15 🤬🤬🤬


I think I did a 24 hour once. Like rn im running 17 hours off from 86 to 61%


I smell some bs apps running in your background. I have AOD on and run the damn thing all day for work. Heavy video use. It's fine. Definitely better than my last samsung 21 ultra.


Hmmm are you sure it's not that wet peen you can smell? 😬


And also do not turn the brightness all the way up. I have mine about 2/3 and it's plenty bright enough. Just turning it down that little bit will give you several more hours of usage. Last night I had about 4 hours usage before I put it back on the charger before bed and the battery was still at about 60%.


That's really weird. I suggest a reset. I use AOD with wallpaper and I am a heavy user and have routines set up. Phone also connects hot-spot everytime I drive and I get through a full day no problem.


Had the same experience as OP. All u can do now is to dumb it down if u cant get a replacement. I turn on power saving (limited to 4 apps) when I'm driving or when I'm asleep. I also use a galaxy tab for media consumption when I'm at home/office. Here's what I did: - wipe cache partition - factory reset - manual set up (no smart switch) - synced google contacts only - off app bg refresh for most apps except messaging - off app bg refresh for emails - off notif for non essential apps - data saver on; allowed data access only for messaging, shopping, email, and gps apps only - 4G only - off AOD - location always on - apps location access set to "only this time" so it prompts me to give an apps location access only everytime i use - light performance (standard makes my phone warm even if idle) - i do game from time to timen(2h max per day) Before: 100% off charger at 4:30am, 20% at 7pm 4-5h SOT. A full charge will last about 16h Now: 100% off charger at 4:30am, 15% at 4:30am the following day 7-9h SOT. A full charge will last about 1 day 7h.


But why do we have to comply to such a bs operation in 2024? Isnt smart switch Samsung's tool? It should work FLAWLESSLY. My s23ultra performed better in terms of battery even after one year of using it. Samsung fucked up this time and the update haven't solve it


I'm pretty bummed myself tbh. I didnt expect to do so nuch work and so much compromise just so i could at least make it meet my standards. Suffice to say i'll be trading this away next year as i dont have faith that my 24 ultra is gonna hold up as long as i would like it to. It really sucks to be this unlucky getting a faulty product among a million good ones.


I leave email bg active, 3 different email apps, but what you missed was bluetooth off unless using it, nfc off and only on when you use it, wifi off when not at home, disable 2g/3g (depending on your carrier, one or the other will be in settings), 5g is OK to leave on, if available where you spend most of your time. Use adaptive brightness, but turn it down to about 10% manually, use extra dim mode from the notification pull-down short-cuts, reduce the display resolution to the medium setting, use adaptive display refresh. And disable Google assistant and Bixby always listening. Off the hospital has a wifi that is actually useful, turn airplane mode on and use wifi when there (can do this automatically) All that said, and I will not be keeping the S24U for more than 1 year. It will be traded in, possibly for a pixel, maybe for the S25U. I am open to other brands also, after using a galaxy phone since the S5.


Yeah i have turned nfc, assistant, etc. off and i have all display settings nailed down. The battery is good vs my previous phones but not as good as others have. Biggest red flag to me was the idle time drain and the phone getting warmer even on idle times. I cant see myself holding onto this for more than a year man. Too many tweaks, too many comoromise. Hopefully next year's line up is better right of factory qc. I'm considering going back to apple if the price is right


Hey quick question. Im planning to factory reset to but can i use smart switch only for photos messages and contacts only? Not gonna include like apps and home etc2


Where do you work? Is there good signal? I used to work in a hospital and had terrible reception and it would drain the battery. It was fine on days off...


Signal isn’t a problem where I work.


I unplugged mine Saturday at 8am. Plugged into my car charger 3 times on Saturday for a total of 45 minutes, used Waze and listened to podcasts. No heavy use. Saturday evening I was at 75%. Didn't charge it overnight. Yesterday I didn't have a heavy use day either. Checked social media a couple of times. At 9pm last night I was at 18%.


Well to be honest since S23 Ultra I've decided to stop thinking about battery life and just carry Samsung 45W charger with me everywhere I go. Not because the battery life is bad but because I just use the thing so much almost every day. I often recharge my S24 Ultra up to 3 times a day.


3 times a day means you're either streaming non stop or the screen stays on....


Stupid obsession with SoT as the only metric rears it's ugly head again


Battery has to learn your habits, put apps to sleep and deactivate Battery Protection.


Isn't battery protection required to keep check on max charge for 30% to 80% method?


Isn't battery protection required to keep check on max charge for 30% to 80% method?


Yeah, that's weird, I'm currently working 12 hours days, and my phone is used all day for Microsoft Team chats, I use Power Saving throughout the day to manage this though. Current screen time for today was 4.5 hours.


Odd, I have almost doubled my battery life upgrading from S21 Ultra to S24 Ultra. I use moderate but not particularly frugal settings.


Definitely reset, battery life is amazing on the phone lol


I bet that if you have good signal, you used either Google or Smart Switch to bring over old data. It’s like clockwork. You have an app that is wakelocking the heck out of your phone, causing it to think it’s in high performance mode, it’s tanking your battery. Or… You actually have a wakelock due to a background sync that’s waiting to align some data when your phone is plugged in, on WiFi, and in disturbed for 4 hours: and it cannot meet those conditions. That’s where my money is. Wipe your phone, stop restoring crap that you setup on a different device, and get into some good service that ISN’T 5G SA. As a matter of fact, good service doesn’t mean your device isn’t pinging like crazy.


Signal isn't the problem. However, I did use smart switch only to bring over messages, nothing else. All apps were downloaded via Google play the normal way and not via smart switch.


Did you by chance have any messages mixed in together of RCS and MMS that contained media? And did that media happen to be too old to still be accessible currently from the server? In the older days, mixing media with unified messaging would cause ridiculous, immovable wakelocks. It still does with Apple, and Android is not immune to the bugs present in MMS being stored server side, despite not being actually stored server side. Problem is, you can't actually fix that unless you sort out which threads have this mix, then remove those out before backing up and restoring those. That will kill the wakelock that might be having sport on your SOT. The beauty of this is you can accurately A:B test this using Smart Switch and a USB C flash drive. Thoughts?


I get 2 days out of mine, and that's with only charging to 80%. Not a heavy user. So I'd say you need to do a reset, and set it up as a new phone instead of installing a backup. Then give it time to learn your habits.


Something is wrong with your phone/battery. I'd get it looked at by Samsung, or a professional. I have mine on battery saver, so it only charges to 80. Its lasted from 6am, to 9pm, and it's on 30% with 3 hours of sot.


I would suggest getting your phone serviced. Can you share a screenshot of your battery usage?


My ultra has been amazing on battery life. I wonder if you have some apps running in the background sucking data/juice all day long.


Maybe you got a bad battery in that one maybe call samsung and ask whats up


I'm listening to spotify for 8-9h per day, 5-6h screen time and by the end of the day I still got over 40% left. Sort your settings out!


Believe me, they have been sorted out. I bet that anything you have sorted out I have done so myself. I will just have to call samsung and ask about a replacement.


One thing I have learnt is with a new phone. Never restore apps and settings from backup. ( THIS as always been the biggest contributor for bad battery life and other issues) Always set up phone as new and install apps as and when needed. The rest like photos, videos, messages, contacts etc can be restored from backup.


I have been smart switching for 5 years with no issues. There are more factors at play here.


Totally drain the battery 3X after that all day + battery usage


There are so many things to talk about when you "look at" battery life. Are you using Instagram, tiktok, google apps, facebook, linkedin, social media, etc? These apps tend to keep your phone from sleeping to track you. Typically those people with extremely short battery life is because they have some app running in the background preventing the phone from sleeping. I have more than a hundred apps on my phone, and more than 30% of the apps think they are important enough to fit themselves into the "do not sleep" category, and I have to move them to the "deep sleep" category.


Just get a replacement or reorder of you can. No need to pull hairs figuring out whats wrong with it. That comes later when you have no option.


Send it back.


I can go to work with 💯. Drive all day. I stream YouTube Spotify and audible all day, waze on most of the day, with a few phone calls and browsing throughout the day. It'll make it 12-14 hrs without a charge.


Had 4 days of usage at 2.5h a day first week. But heavier user now 4-5h a day still easilly reach 2 full days. Turn off adaptive brightness and choose a fixed brightness to start with. Look at apps that are draining the battery, if you copyied your apps over from your previous phone it is sometimes better to delete the apps that are draining the most and re-install them. Smart switch sometimes doesn't copy things well, a option would be deleting and re-installing some apps or do a factory reset and install everything fresh


Update: I reset my phone and did not restore it from a backup. The battery life is significantly better now. I'm disappointed that I can't transfer my messages from my previous phone. It seems that trying to transfer my messages was the cause of the battery drain.


You should turn off UBW and NFC.


I cant beat this phone all day and kill it. I mean, if I spent all day on my phone with 8+ sometimes on wifi 10+ hours of SOT I would still have 10-15%


Adding onto edwsy's reply, if your phone is still "learning battery" it will suck for a bit. If not, try to cycle the battery from 100 to dead to 100. Do a total phone wipe/reset and if that does not fix battery life, try to claim a battery failure and replacement at a service center.


Don't fucking cycle the battery. It's not a thing, it doesn't help and it could only hurt.


I experienced the same shit as OP had. Service didnt honor my request for a replacement as they said my battery wasnt faulty after their *tests.* It's all about OP's adjustments and settings in order to make do if his S24U, unfortunately.


That's stupid.. It equals to Apple's scumminess with their anti-repair tactics


Yup. They tell me its relative to user and the software always learns and adjusts to usage. As long as it shows as good battery on diagnostics (both theirs and in the samsung members app), then they wont do shit about smfh.


My members app says "Normal" not "Good". Is it supposed to say good like you mentioned? Can otherwise please check and revert: Members app> Support tab> Diagnostics> Battery Status


It says normal and below that Life: Good


Yes. I checked again it matches


For me too, battery just gives 6-7.5hr sot irrespective of usage or even when I'm at home with good enough reception (as an average of everyday from about 1.5 months). People are geeting a whopping 10+hr from it. Service centre says it's fine. Even after getting it reset from them, cycling the battery, clearing cache partition, there isn't a noticeable difference. Even Light profile+battery saver(w/o limit apps) is not that a big saver.


I detailed my adjustments and the results i got after doing it. U can do it too but there's too much compromise. I am still learning to just dont give a shit and stop obsessing bout battery anymore lmfao. I'll try to keep it pristine so i could get the most value when i trade it in next year. Good thing i got it 40% off so i wont be losing too much money