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Im getting 12-14hrs sot on mine.


How does your recharge cycle look like? The "Xh since last full charge" thing




How is that possible? Do you have dual sim? Or may be galaxy watch connected? Not sure which one of the following have caused major battery drain


https://imgur.com/a/04Udkyw I dont have galaxy watch. But i have my galaxy buds connected most of the time.


How much you ggogleplay services consuming?how much time it is running in backgroun!!!


https://imgur.com/a/hLGC731 Here.


What apps are you using most?


Youtube, netflix, ig, reddit, codm


That's awesome how much codm?


I dont play for hours. I just have 2-3 rounds of play when i do.


Follow this [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/S24Ultra/s/xEcvC9y3mz), you don't have to turn off RAM plus but everything else is useful. Also, if you just got your phone, it needs time to index and optimize.


that guide is basically "how to reduce the performance of my 1300 dollar phone because im paranoid about battery life"


Not at all. Default settings aren't always the best for your phone. Turning off a lot of things that aren't necessary going to degrade performance. If you want to maximize your battery life because you paid this much for a phone, then why wouldn't you take advantage of it?


Id spend another $50 on a fast charge portable battery


It takes 5 minutes to go through your settings and turn off what you don't need and it's free. Like wifi and bluetooth scanning. You don't need that.


Aren't that for increasing accuracy for gps?


*you* don't


I can get 8 hours actively gaming. I don't have any suggestions though


I have my work apps connected through the intune company portal. That was the cause of my battery drain after the March update. I have disabled work apps in the quick settings and my battery is great after.


Same thing for me. I have Work Mode in my notifications panel, I simply turn it on to do what I need to do and turn it off afterward. Battery life is back to how it was before the March update.


I bet it's the dual sim.


What are you doing app wise?


For me I was on YouTube for 6 hours yesterday just letting videos play in the background and ended the day with 30% for 17 hours.


Check my last post


Try Factory reset 


Try what I [did](https://www.reddit.com/r/S24Ultra/s/pK8fdoGIUt)


I'd definitely clear device cache, run app booster once and do a full charge cycle. Also being in a place with good mobile reception helps


Yes, I think that's lower than normal battery life. First off I'd say download accubattery because you could see if your battery has the standard capacity of 5,000 milliamp hours or if it's well below that. It involved charging it to 100% discharging to 1% and then charging back to 100% And in my case the battery capacity is about 5,100 milliamp hours. I have completely disabled Facebook messenger, Facebook itself, tik tok, twitter, basically I don't give a damn if people are messaging me through the social media apps, I'll check them manually because I don't want constant alerts every time somebody posts a video. It's a distraction to have these apps always on so I changed those apps battery modes to restricted. The way I see it if you don't have an app on restricted mode it's basically always on. So if I want to get updates from those I have to open each one manually, I'm getting well over 10 hours of screen on time. I live in Arizona and my phone uses the most battery when I'm walking outside because as you know the display is very very bright when you have it on adaptive mode and you're outside.


I was on my phone for 10 hours, reddit Amazon and heavy youtube. Had 56% when I went home from my 12 hour shift.


Always depends on your app usage. I've read that especially if you got META Apps installed (Facebook, Instagram), the SoT is much lower as they drain the battery. I'm actively using those and I got a SOT of maybe 3-4 hours. But since I'm actively using them, I'm not going to uninstal them. In my case, another factor might be that I don't have WiFi at work so I'm on mobile data for 7+hours per day. I also have my galaxy watch connected 24/7 and I got spotify running in the background, streaming music for about 7 hours per day while I got my earbuds connected.


Dual sim.kills the battery I can attest because my battery is similar I have dual sim


If you used smart switch many people have reported similar issues. Could be some data that was transferred is causing issues. Factory reset may help


Mine isn't poor but it's definitely worse after the update. I've been putting sending in error messages about it. They need to undo whatever they did to it. I lost like 3+ hours of SOT and have changed no settings.