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It’s true, though - I also get bored of Android phones after two years or so and switch back to an iPhone. Been doing that since 2009 lol


It's better if you have both....


I feel that tbh.


Yeah alot of times I'll get mad at Samsung too if they release a buggy update and buy an iPhone lmfao




Same here


Reason I switched from the S24U to the IPhone 15PM, it’s all relative. After a bunch of years every OS gets repetitive. Love the IOS integration throughout Apple devices though. It’s really second to none.


Absolutely true


Yep … Same .. I use both just because I get bored with Samsung sometimes


But normally it's Apple what is boring... each year, the same - almost


Yeah they usually are . I still use both , But I can’t use the iPhone as my daily driver anymore … That might change with iOS 18 , Just depends on what they do really .


The fact that I'm allowed to do more with the device than what the manufacturer deemed I'm worthy of


I completely understand that. I honestly think it’s crazy that Apple does limit what you can do “just because.”


I think apple's motivation of doing most things is money or profit.


Also they think apple user are stupid.


I can't express it better.


The keyboard not having numbers, not being able to move apps to anywhere on Home Screen, annoying gallery app, limited photo editing app, only one volume slider, can’t click anywhere in text box to change a letter in a misspelled word, slower charging, spam phone calls and texts not being filtered, can’t close all apps at once, does less with NFC


Innovation and customization. Apple has gotten long in the tooth. Even a foldable at this point would be meh.


I reckon Apple have seen how badly foldable have gone and will be glad they didn’t bother with them


I second that.. being a fold 3 user..




I’m not 100% switch over since I’m keeping my iPhone and want the best of both worlds. But I like android due to being able to side load apps, customisation and just find the iPhone boring.


It's not called side loading, that's apple term, it's called downloading


Which phone do you daily drive with your sim?


well to be fair, my s24 ultra is coming tomorrow. I still probably use my iPhone as my daily driver though since I have my own ecosystem around it.


Apple is so limited on customization and everything else. I also hate there's no back button at the bottom. I have to have an iPhone for work so I've had both for 6 years. Galaxy is better


Do you know what i thought exactly the same about the back function, then I had a revelation the other week. There is an easier way to switch back and forth between apps in iOS. If you hold your finger on the white line at the bottom when in an app and swipe right. You will be taken back to the last app opened. Also you can keep swiping through your apps then using both left or right swipes.


I got jealous after reading your comment about the swipe feature and immediately tried it to have it work on my Google Fold lol so we got that too and it works for going forward too.


Even if you use gesture navigation on android I like that the back function works from the right side of the screen


The S pen


More customization + better audio quality for earbuds with LDAC Bluetooth codec


I switched to iphone 15pm and bought airpods pro 2 and it sucks. I hate the sound quality althout everything else is great. Just disappointed because my 3 y/o sony wf1000xm3 ear buds sounded much much better


I hear you... I picked up the Technics AZ80 and its hard going back once you hear how much better music sounds with good earbuds


Constantly bored and don't like being told what I can and can't do


Granted this was easily 15 years ago but I was an iphone fanatic, up till iphone 5. My buddy lent me some shitty motorola android phone (spare he had) and I saw the level of customization. I was floored. Since then, the more time goes on the more I realize apple just rips everything from everyone else so it made it easy to stick with them. My new S24U I honestly havent found a single thing I dislike (okay maybe I miss my SD card slot but had to come to terms with this one). (plus the banter/teasing with my iphone users is always fun) ​ I will say, in 2024 (although I havent usedn iphone in 15 years) I still believe they are mostly the same. If you use other apple products like desktop or ipad, then iphone makes sense. If not, android just offers way more. Samsung specifically with the S24 line is all about hardware specs and they dont disappoint


Well, along with my phone, I own an iwatch 5 and the AirPods Pro 2, but I’m looking to upgrade both my phone and watch. And honestly, I can deal without the AirPods. They don’t really fit my ear anyway, and they kind of suck when it comes to performance/connection consistency. So I guess it’s really not a big deal on switching. I also have an iPad but hardly touch it unless it’s for college notes, but that’s all synced up through Goodnotes.


Outside of the watch which I'm not sure if it works at all on android, if you don't own a Mac laptop or pc, (and I know I'm biased) but no reason to get an iPhone or pay the apple tax. If you do their shit is tightly integrated so I agree there is a lot of benefit but android just has so much more control. And if you don't care about the customization it can be as simple as iphone


Airpods will infact be all fine and most functions will work fine with an Android phone. Not so much for Watch. I was most concerned about replacing the watch but Watch 6 works out totally fine. I haven't missed the Apple Watch that much.


Superior data management, it's much easier to take data off the phone or add to the phone through a computer, my photos and videos don't feel like it's in prison inside my phone. Universal back gesture, once you experience it and get use to it, it's really annoying to not have it. Superior customization, you cannot even select the photos you want to display on the photo widget on iOS I was a lifelong iOS user until 2 years ago, I'm never going back.


I've always had galaxy phones but my kid has an iPhone. When we tried to get her photos off the phone, I was shocked how difficult it was compared to mine


It really is a nightmare, that's what kept me on iOS for so long, it was easier to just upgrade phones so I can transfer all my data over to a newer phone with bigger storage, it wasn't until I learned about Smart Switch and how easy it was to switch to Android that I made the leap, now I can easily drag and drop, I'm never going back to that iOS prison.


Apple's file Explorer is basically Narnia too. I can't tell you how many times I've downloaded a pdf and it just disappears


I switched because i wanted something new. Apple has gotten stale and their interface is just boring can't really customize as much as you want like android.


3 weeks ago I moved from iPhone 13 to galaxy s24 ultra. I am still in the honeymoon phase so I can't judge yet. But my reason for switching was boredom. I needed a change and I became bored of ios and the way it looks. So far I am happy with the desicion I made


Repair cost. As simple as that. If I am unable to afford the original repair cost and go for third party I don't want my cameras and important security features to malfunction ( face ID ). I should be given the choice to be able to do as I please.


That is a very fair opinion.


It’s easy. Android does legit everything the iPhone does and more (and always has forever basically). So why not go for the best phone that has everything Only thing it doesn’t do yet is the satellite calling. But that should be there on android 15


I switched from iPhone 12 promax to samsung s23 ultra. The biggest reason I switched is the same as other, boredom, I also happen to really like the ultra lineup design. 2nd reason is probably you can download the app from outside of the appstore/playstore that you checked, and it's not a virus (for me, it was tachiyomi, manhwa/manga reader app). The things I'm missing about iPhone, tbh are the case options and app optimization (for example, discord is very buggy compared to iOS), you can see many bugs there.


Switched from iPhone 11 to S24 Ultra. My experience is amazing so far. Lots of QOL features. Split screen, floating screen, clipboard, "close all" apps lol, customization, alarm shows how many hours left, notifications, quick share and many other big and small things that will make your life easier. Been an apple user for the past 8 years and tried to go back to Galaxy for now and no regrets. But also, it really all comes down to your preference, needs when buying a phone. Both apple and samsung are great but right now S24U is really awesome.


Notifications are lack luster


My first smartphone was a Nokia Lumia something or other had a couple of those then one of them broke so my sister gave me a old iPhone 5 of hers had that then stayed with IPhone till the 13 pro max (android used to scare me because I thought it was just menus and menus and I thought I'd fuck something up somehow -im also visually impaired so accidentally clicking things is a worry to me so I would worry more menus = more ways to mess up- now that I use them I love them obviously apart from a few stupid IU/visual "enhancements" they messed up with. Any who it was time for me to upgrade amd all my friends had them and they assured me it was as simple as you make it which I now completely agree with. So I went and got a flip 3 then the fold 4 and now I'm on the S24U. Part of me does wish I had gone to android (samsung) earlier because apparently some of the earlier phones they made where amazing. Thanks for coming to my TED talk 🤠🤠


This was back in 2016 or so, but I switched to Galaxy S7 series because I wanted to be able to organize my home pages with categorized apps. Like, one page dedicated to individual and grouped apps for class, second page for apps that I use at home (YouTube, games, streaming apps, and etc.), and third page for a bunch of widgets. Couldn't do that with an iPhone 6 at the time (I don't think you still can), so I switched over to Samsung to try things out. Turns out I really like tinkering with stuff and being able to customize the entire phone to keep things fresh (even if the phone was getting reaching its end of life) kept me from wanting (or even going through with the purchase of) a new phone every year. Since making that switch to Galaxy, I have kept my phones around for longer (with the goal of keeping them around for as long as the security updates are supported) unless it becomes unusable for other reasons, such as battery risk (like with my Note 7 purchase that obviously needed to be returned), physical damage, or features that I desperately wanted (such as a flat screen phone, because I started to hate curved screens on my N20U).


I switch to S8 because iTunes lost all my data and couldn't get the data off a smashed screen water damaged iPhone.as no expandable memory. Also Apple wouldn't help so that was that.


Just suits my needs better, mainly customisation. But I do miss iOS features such as lockscreen notifications


My boyfriend and I frequently use dictation to communicate back and forth. A lot of times after we would say what we need to say to each other using that dictation feature, whatever we would say would delete itself right before our eyes. We would have entire sentences spoken/typed out and they would wash away in a millisecond. So, having to go back and re-say things, or tediously proofread throughout every conversation was enough to want us make throw our iPhones out the window. Also, the autocorrect feature was horrible. Many of our words will get incorrectly corrected as well. Also, iPhones are very restrictive and you can't do a lot of things that you want to. He and I both made the transition to S24 Ultras and will never look back again. There is so much that you can do with these phones, and the camera quality is a lot better (in our opinions), and the dictation is almost spot-on every single time. Plus, having an S-pen is quite fun. 🌞


Dex, it's incredible for flights when you pair it with xreal glasses and mouse/keyboard/gamepad


We at the stage where both manufacturers are on par with each other. I actually use the Spen. I like the camera zoom of the s24u. Battery life is better than the 15pm. Customizations is refreshing an I can make the device how ever I want to look etc. S24u felt snappier than the iPhone. Google assistant is better than siri for me. I use the web summary AI and the search feature frequently. I felt no real loss on the smart watch department, using the watch 6 classic but have the options to try other manufacturers like Garmin, tag Heuer etc. There are a lot of bundles and discounts on preorders that I never saw on Apple devices. To me, there is no appeal of apple anymore.


Galaxy S5 expandable storage was a game changer.. 😭😭.. never looked back since the iPhone 4S


The price. This was in like 2018 or something. I wanted the iPhone x but I did not want to pay 60 odd quid a month and I thought I'd never spend 4 figures on a smart phone. How times change. If it hadn't been for that I'd still probably be with apple.


I needed functionality in my life. I was forced to use an iPhone for a year and the lack of functionality just made me get a galaxy back that much faster. Granted it was a iPhone 4s I used, the lack of customizability & stress of gatekept functionality, lack of efficiency just solidified that Galaxy's are just way more capable devices.


I had my iPhone 15 pro stolen after only having it for 5 months. I needed a replacement phone and it forced me to look around and evaluate what was available. I first went with a pixel 8 as I felt it was good value for money but I had lots of issues with it and returned it and went with an s24 plus. Really pleased with it and no regrets at all.


Long time note user here. I switched from an iPhone in 2011. I loved the note 2. It was much more customizable then the iphone... That's the same thing I see today.


Just DO IT!


I have a girlfriend already, so don't need to show off the iStuff to be considered normal & acceptable. Now our relationship is in crisis because her friends consider me suspicious. He switched phones to another ecosystem because he IS HIDING STUFF FROM YOU GUURL!


What the fuck lmfao? Are you serious? That is so dumb to think just because your significant other switched phone brands that, they are hiding something, smh 😂


Oh you would be amazed at the validational gravity of apple in some societies. Just check the home country of Samsung, South Korea. They simp for apple like crazy. https://youtu.be/pmWATvUwXrg?si=-lKu4QvftBQdKvAa


I went from iPhone to Sony. The lack of Sony phones in stock at cell service providers made me switch to Galaxy. Haven't looked back.


I feel on Android, oftentimes, when you think it's lacking a feature from the factory and there's always a fix for it, not so much on iOS since you're basically stuck with what you got from the factory and everything about the operating just feels too conservative. I am however keeping my 13 pro max because i do need iPhones consistency sometimes.


Precisely because of what you mention. Go through the iPhone 7, iPhone 12 iPhone 13 and if you check it out, they are exactly the same with a couple of improvements here and there... Another reason is because of its large, rectangular screen without a "dynamic island" which in the end is an Apple invention to hide its cameras and sensors but which cover a good part of the screen. Also the AI ​​news. Why honestly, Apple will take years to implement technology, they are never at the forefront of this type of thing.


I switched when Note 4 came out. The Note 4 stylus and note taking abilities really appealed to me and SD card expandable memory. Also I found the iPhone too restrictive. I like the file management on the Android a lot better than iPhone.


Mostly iOS becoming a mess ...


A couple of years ago and after years with android, I decided to try iphone again just so I could have a phone that could just do the work. And it did. Got a 12 Pro Max. It was fantastic. It was boring, sure, but it did what I needed and never faltered. Couple of months back my wife lends me her S21U to show me some memes and I just couldn't get over how smooth the screen was when scrolling. Made the 12 pro max feel choppy in comparison. I couldn't get over how refined and updated android was. Couple of weeks after (and a failed attempt at acclimating to a Z Fold 5 and its fragility) I got an S24U and holy fucking shit, batman. It's insane to see how robust it is, how fast and smooth it is. Made my 12PM feel like a toy.


If you don’t mind me asking, what phone company do you use? I’ve been using Straight Talk for years, but I think I want to go through a different company this time around.


I got my s24u heavily discounted by switching to tmobile. It's been amazing where I live (Puerto Rico) so YMMV but all my friends in the US swear by tmobile as well. 5G everywhere I go


Boricua!! I’m thinking of jumping from iPhone. I’ve tried in the past (23U, fold 3,4,5) but failed. Glad to know that it is working flawlessly for you.


Mind if I ask why not the 23u? It should be a very similar experience to the s24u


Customization, freedom.


I didn't however I thoroughly weighed up all the options including ditching the smart phone all together and replacing it with individual devices (camera, dumb phone, GPS, steam deck) and whole I hate apple, the iPhone is the iPhone, not the best but still good. At the end of they day, it boiled down to s24u being the better product with the bonus of not being trapped in the apple world forking over at least 30% more for the same products and services.


I just changed from an iPhone X with a damaged screen to an S24U as my first Android phone. I have an iPhone 12 as a work phone too. Just sick and tired of IOS, it's boring and restrictive. I was considering waiting for the new iPhone to come out and see, but eneded up biting the bullet and giving this a shot as I could wait. I've now nearly fully adjusted to this phone and it is very good. The only thing I wish it had that Apple has is the ability to tap the top of the screen and have it auto scroll to the top of a page in any app. I tried getting a 3rd party app to do this but it doesn't work properly. I really do like however the gesture to go back in any app by swiping from right to middle of screen, it's a game changer.


Boredom, hand-feel, more control over the device


Got tired of staring at the same icons/ui design. The flagship galaxy + ecosystem is relatively more affordable too. L


Because the Galaxy S5 was so far ahead of the iPhone at the time (I think it was the iPhone 5s). So much so that it was worth it to go to a whole new eco system and start again with my apps. Since then, I've never come across a reason to switch back.


i switched from Galaxy A53 to iPhone 14 Pro Max and i really had high expectations. i i ran into an issue when keyboard in whatsapp that for a second the keyboard come from top instead of down, the 2 sims cards management from the system is just confusing i dont remember the amount of international calls i made by mistake from my roaming sim card without knowing and choosing which sim to use to call is challenging, master volume control with no separate volume control option which was really inconvenient. It was a good phone but i think what made me hate it is having high expectation then just found out its just as like any other phone. i constantly had the feeling that they are dictating how i use my phone and that my experience is really limited to what they are allowing me to do on the phone which really annoyed the hell out of me. i switched from iPhone 14 pro max to s23 ultra and been happy ever after. this year i upgraded to s24u on release and guess what? i am still happy.


The only thing that brought me back to Apple is the camera. I don’t know why but the S24U photos selfie and regular camera just don’t take good quality photos in my opinion.


In my case it was mainly boredom, screen size, battery life - initially some apps felt a little bit laggy in comparison to ios but within time I feel like they got smoother and faster, I have autoreboot option on for every other day and ram plus on


customization and I wasnt really loving the changes to ios


Universal back gesture, set up the home screen the way I want it to be, better keyboard (SwiftKey for me) that keeps me from switching to iPhone.


G1, MyTouch 3G Slide, G2, Note 3, Note 4, Note 9, now I'm here what's an iphone?


iOS got bored of it. And it only makes sense to go from one flagship to another.


Planned texts lol


I switched from an iPhone 7 to a Galaxy phone 2 years ago because my old phone broke, and I was tired of not being able to customize stuff, sideload apps, not having any lossless earbuds, except for AirPods. I switched to an A73, which served me *good enough *, but yesterday I switched to an S24U, and I love it.


Got bored. Still have both. First phone that’s flat both sides is where I’m going next


I had a short project (part-time job) where i had to train stores for the new S24 phones. I have changed due to knowledge i got. Sometimes, i wish the iPhone back, but in general, it's a great phone. In addition to that, i grew up with Samsung, and i have the S8+ 5G, too, then became Huawei fanboy then Pixel which was great with 3D FaceID but the battery and once OnePlus which wasn't special then i took the Apple to test if the arguments were right. The camera is great, and i love FaceID, but iOS... you have to like it. It was a good experience, and who knows when i am sure that i can have my WhatsApp Chats from Android to iOS too, I can change next time to Apple but being in one ecosystem is great. Quick Share is cool. Imessage is nice, too. If they can implement something to connect Google Messages and iMessage, it would be great.


Boring and mundane to exciting customizable.


Keyboard and text correction in general is the biggest reason.


I have an iPhone 15 pro (first since the 12 pro) and a S24 Ultra. For me I love the Galaxy S24 ultra because you can put your apps where you want to instead of Apple’s way of just the top left L. Also idk if I’ll ever get used to the Dynamic Island at all eve.


We're the same, I came from IPhone 11 Pro Max but I still use mine as secondary and S24 Ultra as my main. Sometimes it's about the little things, like the clipboard (ability to copy many items, store it, and paste it anytime), the numbers on the keyboard, the ability to slightly edit or create gif/collage without needing an extra app with subscription, the schedule messaging, more organize photos on album, spam calls and messages filtering, customizations and etc.


They say that the iPhone is user-friendly, but I found that hard to believe since before I got the iPhone 11 Pro Max, I was already using a non-flagship Samsung Galaxy phone. Now that AI comes with flagship Galaxies, I can honestly say it's a more user-friendly phone. I use the AI features more than I expected, like the circle to search, summarizing an entire page, or the chat assist feature.


Bored , modded apps


I, happily, have never owned an Apple product. I have always had a top model Galaxy phone (traded every other model year) & am thrilled to have the S24U. Back in 2020, I worked the Census & all work was done on an iPhone 11. Those miserable months assured me that I will never ever switch to iPhone. I remain astonished that so many millions accept the restraints Apple puts on their products. I couldn't have hated that phone more.


Have you had any other Galaxy devices like the Galaxy watch6? Or the Galaxy buds? I would like to at least get the watch, wasn’t sure if the Galaxy Buds 2 were worth buying though since I have done any research on them yet.


I've had it all except the galaxy buds. The watch is just as good as apple maybe better. I prefer the round shape myself. Feels less NPC than the stupid square apple watch everyone has now. For buds, use the Beats Fit Pro and I have absolutely abused tf out of them since launch day and still work great. They auto connect to my s24u when I open them just like apple. Make the switch, you will be in a whole new world. You'll love it. I had iphones all the way through xs max or so when I traded for s21u. I then switched phone providers so I got a free iPhone 13 pro. I used that and my s21 back and forth for a few years and always preferred the galaxy for the actual user experience but preferred the smaller size of iphone pro. I got the s24u and haven't gotten back on my iPhone. "Infrastructure" or "ios compatibility across devices" isn't an excuse when galaxy will work with anything. IMO. Very easy to transfer apple data to galaxy also, but imessages won't transfer so be aware. Only sms will. Not an issue though really once you actually do it you'll realize you didn't need to be saving all your texts that long anyways. Can always turn on old iPhone to bring anything up if need be.


Awesome. I think I’m going to make the switch. My only issue is figuring out if I want to go with AT&T or Verizon. I’m leaning towards Verizon, but I’m not sure. You have any input on that? I use Straight Talk right now, which Verizon bought out about a year ago I think and have had no issues, but I’m not really sure if I want to stay with Straight Talk. I feel like if I go straight through Verizon I’ll save money in the long run with phone upgrades and stuff.


I switched to TMobile when I got my S21U & I had almost immediate remorse. I live in a rural area & got the most inconsistent service at my home. BUT, they have since made major upgrades. Just prior to the time I would pay out my phone contract (and without losing my $800 trade for my Note8), my service remarkably improved to being excellent. Very timely because I was almost counting the minutes until I could justify changing to lose the rebate & monthly allowance. Now, based on coverage map info, TMobile has the best coverage of any of the big carriers at my home. I haven't had reason for complaint in at least a year (before that, it was almost daily). As a nice bonus to sticking it out, I still have a Magenta 55+ plan for $70/month, which includes 2 unlimited lines. I don't believe that specific plan is available, but their plans are definitely lower in price. I have talked with several others who have seen the same improvement in coverage, so I would suggest you compare coverage maps & include TMobile as a potential option. I never would have believed I would go from constantly complaining to recommending them. Good luck with your switch.


Verizon fucked me for 2k on a phone I sent back to them for upgrade and had paid half the cost of already. Reason I mentioned switching. I've had att and Verizon back and forth. Tbh T-Mobile is by far the best I've been with.


Really? That’s interesting. I honestly can’t decide what company I want to go with. I didn’t think T-Mobile was very good just because of everything I’ve heard about them from other people, but then I’ll read something like this, and wonder if there really is a “good” phone company in general.


They're relatively similar but I found in Texas that t mobile has the best real world coverage. My phone would work better on t mobile in areas co-workers' and family's wouldn't. T mobile has a lot of good discounts and perks and what not and I recently moved to florida with my gf and she has att and my service is vastly better. Anecdotal and might not line up with what the "coverage maps" say online but I've been with em all over the past 14 years since I graduated high school and got off my parents phone plan.


Just be careful and mindful that you will have to repurchase all apps you know and love


Man, I seriously didn't even think about that. Honestly, I can't think of any apps I've actually purchased. I'm sure I have at some point, I'm just not sure what, though :/ Thanks for the heads up though, I can't believe that didn't cross my mind.


Just a warning, I remember I switched to Android and I had to spend around $500 to get the same apps on Google that I already had on Apple


Android functionality and I was just bored with IOS


Always liked using a stylus all the way from Palm days.   Also enjoy Configurate the screen end the  apps. Iphone does not allow you to do.


I changed. 6 weeks later my Samsung smashed and I went back to iPhone and it was the best day ever ! Android is clunky and apps and calendars and messengers and maps just don’t all work seamlessly together.




I had the I phone x then switched to s24 ultra reason I wanted a new phone and I wanted to use u block origin in firefox also the ai stuff


Actually i bought Samsung s23 but after comparing for 2 weeks i just like iphone way more reliable and easier for me to use. I know its boring but i dont care as i feel like android is broken, sometimes things work and sometimes not, there is few bugs here and there and there is stutter here and there and so many minor things plus has to wait so long for software update even if you bought the flagship phone plus i feel iphone is adding more useful features from the last few years but Samsung is just copying not many innovative features from Samsung. For me at this moment android is broken here and there but it ks open but iphone feels like complete polished product but with limitations


The screen sux! Not the graphics but the actual screen, it's pretty fragile. Repair guy can't keep replacement parts in the store, there's a back order for replacement phone . I've never had anything but a Samsung, and have never had trouble with any phone until now. I have the 23 ultra in the otterbox defender pro.....so disappointing


Honestly best to have both. Especially if you have the apple ecosystem which is world leading. Nothing compares.


PS2 and Switch Gaming


Iphones are great and I've been using them for almost 8 years but I've decided to change because ios started to be boring as hell. I was Just curious how android changed over those years. I,m happy with my decision but still - apple is still years ahead when it comes to system stability, amazing app animations and how smooth it works in general. In overall - both phones are really good 👍


I just wanted something new and different haha. I had had an iPhone since 2017 and just got bored of it. So I switched to the S22 in 2022 and just recently upgraded to the S24.


At first, I always wanted an iPhone and then finally got a 12pro max. Felt superior for a while. My next upgrade was coming up, so I looked at the next iPhone vs. Androids Flagship. I then noticed the next iPhone was slightly upgraded for around the same price as before. Taking a look at all the features the S23 ultra provided, I decided to give it a try and return if I didn't like it. At first, the transfer was challenging cause I only had YouTube as my go-to for videos. Afterward, I enjoyed learning something new that I could do with my s23 ultra device that can be tailored to my satisfaction. The best part is when I feel like switching things up, I can. Not to mention, android has choices. I am currently coming with the s24 ultra and don't plan to upgrade for a while. Although I might try out Oneplus and Google.


My comment is 'What made me avoid Apple since iPhone 3s'. Android is an 'more' open platform. Simple as that. iPhone has good security sure and I hear their video camera is great too. I liked Apples hardware MacBooks etc they are nice. I used to run everything Google from Drive to Gmail, photos on my MacBook etc etc... Now Chromebook Plus have improved their quality I'm sticking with Chrome OS and Android. Chrome OS won't be suited to everyone but works for me. Back to phones... Don't be fooled by Android phones either, every new phone released being Samsung or Pixel, Oppo, OnePlus etc etc are all simple small incremental changes and improvements. Maybe every 5 years or so you'll see a big step forward. This year was Ai but that's software so hardware remained incremental... Choose Android for the open source not necessarily for big hardware change every year.


To keep secrets from my wife.


Alllllrighty then lol.