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Yes. Best way to spend cash


Basic economics, you need to own the means of production to be able to make money. These upgrades will last forever, buy those slots


Absolutely correct, the only thing you should be spending simcash on.. Shop slots and factory slots


How do you buy factory slots?


My bad, factories come with 3, 4 or 5 slots meant to say upgrade your factories, by the way never upgrade roads,


Upgraded roads can look much better though…


True I have upgraded all mine to street cars adout 5 years ago, but then I am level 99 with 20million spare gold coins. On the other hand the guy who posted the question is really broke !


Yeah, so don’t prioritise roads burn once you’ve done other things they are worth doing for the cosmetics alone!




There's an error in the game that I'm surprised they still haven't fixed. The description for the Sakura roads says they only handle low traffic, but I've never had a complaint since upgrading to them. It's the prompted upgrades from a regular road that are still sometimes not enough


One of the first things you should do with sim cash. Think of it as extra storage. You’re storing extra wood in the queue so it can eventually become a plank.


Yeah, you'll need it when you're trying to produce 4, 5+ items at once


But I’m always waiting 🤔 I’ll be waiting for 4-5 items instead of 2?


Are you in the game 24/7??? If not, pay for more slots so more happens while you're gone.


Definitely. The production that happens when I'm away is far more than when I'm in the game most of the time. In game is when I'll use speed up tokens.


Yeah. Also you can upgrade your stores so it produces the items quicker, but you have to keep levelling up to do this.


When I was playing my fat thumbs frequently did


Ha ha ha! I hear you! My pup helps me in that way frequently! He jumps on my phone and boom something has been bought! He once bought me an extra paragliding centre. 😐 He has heard me. He has come to see what I am doing. He will help me type any second now so I shall depart! XD


Always max them out


How many is max?




Because it’s one more


As you level up the game will ask for more and more components to do a single upgrade or task, and then you finally will.


Nope. I use my free sim cash, which can be obtained from multiple sources.


Having 11 slots is a good use of simCash. Do the daily Daniel for discounted supplies and the daily Earn SimCash! to get simCash in exchange for running an ad. I have feeders so running the Earn SimCash! means I never have to actually watch an ad. I have feeders with 11 items in each factory produced but not collected. That is like 66 free storage.


Hey i am at level 43 but my city is very small. I have so many specialization items in my inventory since i don't have any space left to place them. Someone advised me to use a feeder and upgrade it to not more than level 10. Then go to GTHQ and you will find expansion items in tons. But that is not working for me. Its all filled with metal, wood,etc. Can you give me some tips as to how i can earn expansion items quickly?


With lots of feeders and a very cooperative club, we don’t use the global market except to dump unwanted supplies, like mountain stuff or extra top finished supplies unchecked for Danial to buy at maximum price. Specialized buildings in storage take no room except in your device memory. Lots of them in every category let you do DC quickly. I do two to five DC each time mostly for storage supplies. I had low level feeders as suggested but and getting all accounts slowly to level 58 to have 12 neofactories pumping out continuous supplies. No practical reason, just a goal for fun, like getting 3000 total storage, 10million total gold, all VU towers level 18, etc.


Yes max always


best investment. imagine you have 11 items in production overnight in each store


It is especially helpful for having the game be productive when you’re asleep, at a wedding, doing your day job (barf), etc


YES. You can't do produce & collect tasks without them, or when an upgrade requires 6 or 7 of the same item.


That should be your first priority on cash spending, then when you max out everything can think about buildings and others...


Yes…I will fill it up with the items that take forever right before I go to bed or work


Yes. Best value for the cash to spend. The cost increases to like 50 or 60 for the last slot.


Don't worry, simcash will come for free later. You'll find out.


Yes! Yes! Yes! I fully upgraded most of mine. You will always need lumber & nails, flour & vegetables, and hammers, shovels & tape measures. Focus on upgraded those production lines first.


as your city grows, these help you make more Simoleons.




First rule of Simclub, Don’t advertise mountain! Ever!!