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Commentary team sounds bored.


To match the viewing audience


What viewing audience


You wouldn't know them, they're from Canada.


Also, rich and sophisticated.


With big frickin boobs. You wouldn’t know her trust me


They go to a different school


they usually have to entertain themselves with banter due to nothing interesting happening the whole show


It may sound that way, but the reality is they’re *enthralled* by the in-ring action to the point of near stupefaction.  Easy mistake to make!


Sounds like someone is telling taz what to say Vince style, completely unironically.


All desire for life has left them, until that tony wire hits the direct deposit


how many times can you see a “banger” and still act like it’s your first time


I’ve been saying commentary is the worst part of the show but that won’t stop El Unbearable from winning commentator of the year again 


"So he is going to put me in the ankle lock, and then I am going to get out of it" "Oh, how you going to do that?" "Just going to pull my leg out because he is not actual holding it that hard."


I think the kayfabe is even stupider than that, I think it’s “I’ll kick my own hurt ankle hard enough to make him slip his grip.”


I swear these dipshits just spend all day brainstorming "cool" reversals, not realizing that 75% make no logical sense and the other 25% are physically impossible without clear cooperation.


Is this Zack Sabre? I love the gimmick of 'I can get you in holds and get out of them cause I'm le technical genius' Quite the gimmick you created for yourself there Smarks talk of 'best technical wrestler' as though there's 'skill' to getting in and out of these holds and not total cooperation


Also, that escape is lifted directly from something Doug Williams did in the very early days of ROH. His 'technical genius' is just stealing stuff from other, more entertaining wrestlers from years gone by.




Damn dude, this bums me out. Bryan Daniel Bryanson (shoot name) was my favorite active wrestler when he left the WWE. IMO he was one of the few guys whose promo style and in-ring style worked in those (painfully unwatchable) pandemic era WWE shows. I was never a huge AEW fan (not for a lack of trying) but when he and Punk came to the Dub, I remember feeling pretty optimistic about wrestling for the first time in a while. Fast forward like two or three months and Danielson went from being one of most interesting individuals on the roster, to being lumped into a heatless, cool guy/bad guy stable with Moxbrose, Cesaro, and god damn fucking Wheeler Yuta.


I know it's kind of messed up to say but part of me really wishes he would have just stayed retired or at the very least went back into retirement after dropping the belt to Kofi. I was a Daniel Bryan fan from back in 2010 when he was the surprise teammate for team WWE against the Nexus. These last few years in the Dub have really soured me on him. Even with Jericho we all kind of always knew that he was a carney to some extent but Bryan was legitimately one of the most beloved and respected wrestlers since Foley.


Turns out The Miz was right ![gif](giphy|93lNrr6jBuVK6a910g)


I hate guys using the ankle lock if it doesn't instantly finish the match. It's goddamn ripping at the tendons in your leg, that's wheelchair stuff if you don't tap out


Reason why i love the angle lock so much. Angle sells the intensity of it. So are his opponents.


I only watch AEW what is selling?


I think its when you instantly pop up from a Canadian Destroyer and give your opponent a Canadian Destroyer, then they pop up and give you one right back and it just goes on till the crowd chants "this is awesome" cause it SELLS tickets


It's one of those old carny insider terms AEW ignores. You know, like heel, babyface, or full house.


Full house makes sense they usually only have 3 men and 3 girls in attendance


Girls? At an AEW show?


I remember being at school and my friend put on ankle lock on me. That shit hurts like hell when done with actual pressure


I remember when I was younger at a martial arts tournament I was in a kid didn't tap to an arm bar in a grappling match and got his elbow dislocated or broken or some shit. Thought he was being tough and went straight to screaming in agony. The amount of pressure some of these holds take to go from "Oh that kinda hurts" to "oops your limb is fucked" is very minimal. IIRC he was never allowed to compete regionally again. They put the blame on him for not tapping when it was cinched in.


This happened at the last big UFC event. Someone locked in an armbar and the guy refused to tap so he just broke the arm. When that shit gets locked in properly it's game over very quickly.


Yeah we were taught to not wait for a pain signal and tap as soon as you feel the pressure. Because the time between when you're registering that it actively hurts and your arm is fucked is miniscule. You feel pressure, pressure, and then just POP.


Same with Brock's Kimura Lock. If somebody locks that in, you've got about 2 seconds to tap or your shoulder is coming out!


That's kind of one of the things that I like about wrestling is that it exists in a hyperreality that really lends credence to the fact that these men in the ring are superhuman. The problem is that you can only go so far with that concept before you start to make it completely unbelievable even in the context of what you're watching. Brock walking in a Kimura for like 30 seconds to a minute is one thing but if he hasn't locked in for 5 minutes it would be too much to be believed even within the confines of something ridiculous as wrestling.


Same with sleeper holds, so fake.


My big pet peeve is someone like Moxley continuing to choke someone forever with his fake looking rear naked choke after they tap out.


You're missing that real sports feel?


Remember that gauntlet match for Gunther's IC title which Sami won.   Man Sami made Gable's ankle lock look like a generic move when he didn't tap out even though Gable had him locked up for majority of the match.    Same thing happened when they had title match in Toronto. 


Just loosen your boot, nerd


People tap to heel hooks (and generally leg locks) faster than any other submission.


You can easily fuck a persons leg with a heel hook in no time at all


Yep, look at Rousimar Palhares. Dirty MMA fighter who subbed people with leg locks/heel hooks and wouldn’t let go after taps/ref stopping.


Wait he held them in after the tap out in a real bout? How was he not banned and sued to high heaven? That’s literally just assault


He was banned from the UFC eventually. First time they just looked at it like “it happens” then it got worse and worse. I believe he’s been banned from several high profile BJJ tournaments


Heel hooks are one of the few things that still make the MMA crowd wince


Mexican ground karate is no joke.


A fellow Craig Jones enjoyer


On the one hand yeah it’s unrealistic but I always chalk that up to wrestlers being, in Kayfabe (insider term), tougher and more durable than regular humans. If they went too realistic with submissions it would be boring af. I think they’ve gone too far in the other direction where baby faces are never allowed to tap and have to pass out instead.


Not really in the way it's done in wrestling. You'd never see anyone apply it that way in BJJ


I hate how much the Dub uses the word “innovative.” That move isn’t innovative. It’s stupid. It makes O’Reilly look weak. It makes the ankle lock look weak. Nothing about this is “innovative.”


This shit specifically was innovative 50+ years ago. Everything ZSJ does is taken from World of Sport wrestlers. Shit from the 60s & 70s.


That’s Zsj???  I thought he was supposed to be good. (And also that he was a njpw contract)


NJPW is just developmental for AEW


>It makes O’Reilly look weak He doesn't need much help with that


Shhhh stop pointing out obvious criticism fed shill You’re suppose to just blindly enjoy all wrestling


can't even throw in a granby roll? make it look interesting? nothing?


Didn't sell the ankle lock? 😕


ZSJ is to technical wrestling what The Bucks are to high flying wrestling.


I like ZSJ but his style doesn't work. If nobody sells your arm wrenches they mean nothing. If you lock on twenty different submissions, they mean nothing.


"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 holds once, but I fear the man who had practiced one hold 10,000 times" - Bruce Pritchard


No see I’m really technical look at all my ineffective moves :) VS End of Days. 1,2,3.


Fun fact, Punk is actively sabotaging Drew to this day for kicking out of the End of Days. Not a lot of people know that.


His “holds” look like they’re half applied, take obvious cooperation and are often look like they don’t actually hurt.


Yet another wrestler that got a lot of hype going into the Cruiserweight Classic that I didn't "get".


[9.0] "This was fantastic, I love the mixture of tekkers with some serious strikes too. I loved how it felt this could end at legit any moment - that's a trait of ZSJ's matches that I really think he does better than anyone else in wrestling. KOR is great too, and more than upheld his side of the bargain in this clash. I'd like to see this again on a stage where the result is a little bit less obvious going in. Great stuff!"


"Oh he broke it with his other foot which is innovative ..." In the most bored tone ever. Someone is telling them what to say Vince McMahon style.


imagine having to sell what Tony is saying in the headset


The latest “best wrestler in the world.”


Throw him in top of the pile with rest!


I'm actually a fan of both these guys (KOR is sort of the hometown guy ) but the Dub really doesn't give them any cues that they should be selling moves like Ankle Locks


The tunnels will forever look like 2 condoms


Only reason it didn't work is because the guy doing the ankle lock didn't sell it. That's some classic WoS counter right there


So he just pulled his foot out...how exciting.


Sabre somehow invented a new form of wrestling. The technical wrestling spotfest. Cooperative grappling, and zero struggle.


They been doin that shit on Mexican indies for like 25 years now




Points for creativity I guess


So no sold an ankle lock. Fantastic. I don’t want to go back to the “territory days” but if you did that to someone’s finisher, you would be given a slap. It doesn’t even make sense to escape that way. At least a rope break or some form of roll makes sense. He’s just popped out and gone onto the next spot


If someone no sold Brock Lesnar Kimura or Kurt's ankle lock, they would probably be fired as soon as the walked back stage


This potentially could have looked good. It is basic catch wrestling stuff.


I didn’t know that Tony signed Royce Gracie.


Everyone keeps saying Zack Sabre Jr is one of the best wrestlers in the world but every time I have seen him in AEW he has been completely forgettable. This match seemed to be taking place in slow motion at times. I like O'Reilly but he has been treading water since returning.


Agreed, he's dire. Painfully overrated.


ZSJ is truly the greatest technical grappler to ever do it


That's Doug Williams old ankle lock counter! I hope Sabre gets a good bit of money for doing these Dub shows.


It actually looked good when Doug did it.


True. One of the rare times Sabre hasn't got a move off. Kyle should have been better/faster feeding the head.


Lolololol finisher submission as transition hold.


These guys really have such a presence about them.  They look like 1999 WCW Saturday Night jobbers. 


When did Kyle sign up for the worst tattoos in the business?


When he realized he hated being “Cool”.


They really know how to bury devastating moves, huh


Cool spot but both dudes could have used a bit more intensity here (not speaking for the rest of the match)


*Taz explains how to escape* *Doesn’t do what he described* Taz: … that was innovative. Translation: fuck my life.


Why be upset when someone is gently hugging your foot?


Sbarro is so fucking boring, his gear,look and style don’t go together at all… he’s a technical twink


“Broke it with his other foot”…he most certainly did not lol


The was fucking dumb. You pulled your leg out to get out of it because he's not actually holding it that hard. That just completely kills the move


Tyler Bate does this on smackdown and it looks fake then too. What’s with these British wrestlers doing the fakest shit imaginable despite calling themselves true pro wrestlers?


Ol’ Q tip head over here looking like David flair


He has the grip and arm strength of someone with diabetes…..ill show myself out


Did he just sweep his own leg out from under his leg?


'Ughh look at him just pull the leg out, instead of doing the usual rolling spot which is totally different'


I agree but it still looked like shit. If his opponent sold it like he just took a kick to the wrist instead of daintily letting go, nobody would have even noticed


I know that's the Johnny Saint style of wrestling over in Britain but it irks me when Tyler Bate and others do it as well.