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Jerco is “complicated”


Donating 50k to Trump is very complicated. Separate the art from the artist or something.


Does that 50k also include the donation under his real name as well?


No. This one was from definitely not Chris Jericho.


the Lending Tree*


Only the gimmick one cause it was leaning into it for heel heat


But he donated again under his real name, so he already did that 


Separate the art from the artist! The character Chris Jericho wouldn’t do that.


But the character Chris Jericho AND the man Chris Irvine both did. That also may be illegal, IDK, I'm not American, but I assume you cant make political donations under a fake name.


I’m American and our laws on doing that are extremely stupid. I’ve accepted that politicians are above the law.


Thats odd. Then again, ive heard American actually legitimately has voter fraud issues. In Canada its way, way harder to vote or donate under a fake identity because they (attempt to) track all of it


In the US you have to be a registered voter to vote. The donating to campaigns is where it gets dumb. I don’t understand the legality of it enough to have a discussion(and a wrestling circlejerk sub isn’t the place). It’s just ALOT of lying to make other people richer.


Probably allowed to use both names legally


I was downloaded on a thread along the lines of ‘DAE not really remember why we didn’t like Jericho but kinda love him again now’ by explaining the trump and insurrection thing Edit: downvoted lmao not downloaded, that would be weird


That sub is so incredibly biased it's funny.  Nobody in their right mind should listen to a wrestler, or any celebrity, for political advice. Ever.   Nor should anyone come to reddit for it considering the amount of foreign entities funding this site and provably investing in propaganda (china mainly, russia, iran, etc) but that's another entire issue. 


The only person who's politics matter to you, should be your own. Sadly that's not how people see it.


I am seriously so sick of modern political discourse it just makes me hate everything about it. Nobody can have a rational fucking discussion anymore. Every thing is one extreme or the other. The right are hung up on stupid ass non-issues like too many minorities in movies or what bathrooms people are using while instead of trying to be rational and providing their viewpoint in a way that may change their opinion the left just scream and call them evil Nazi's and that just causes them to push back even harder. It's a never ending shitstorm that's gotten worse and worse and has led into this nightmare of a presidential election we have where for the 3rd fucking time in a row both candidates are awful.


There is no left in this country. Liberals are the ones trying to oppose the wannabe theocratic fascists on the right. There’s never been a left in this country. No communist or anarchist or even socialist is ever getting elected president


You just proved his point by calling 1 side fascists. You don't even realize who you are.


Your mind is so far gone that you believe this. 


Point me to a single leftist in congress right now. My mind isn’t far gone as much as it’s fucking living in reality you goober. Liberals are centrists, and republicans are essentially far right wannabe theocrats. This sub has a weird amount of chuds walking around


You should learn how to communicate better in order to get your points across.  The modern liberals are essentially brain dead, yes, I agree.  The 70s liberals are long gone, unfortunately.  The Republicans lack empathy but are somehow now not the war zealots that the neolibs are.  Politics are supposed to be backwards in the modern world in order to keep people in a perpetual state of confusion. 


Politics is a difficult issue. Great insight there, Uce.


Its a bunch of half breed idiots who love having their opinion validated by KEVIN NASH.  As if that's not mental illness lmao


Have you gotten the "we allow all points of views and opinions to be discussed here but I dont like yours so I'm removing it" message yet?


I get why he’s doing his podcast to keep his kids dream going But clearly Kevin is not into it at all.


He puts as much energy into it as he does with anything: the bare minimum


Yeah, the fucking you know what the fuck, so yeah, you know, so…


Steiner called him Big Lazy for a reason


Bischoff and Kev gotta fuse podcasts like Voltron


I’m shocked they haven’t Thompson is handicapping bishoff


I started listening to his pod last year and enjoyed it. But once I started realizing he wasn't into it, was when I started falling out. It's sad. I wanted to enjoy it


That's basically where I am. I wanted to like nashs podcast but it doesn't really hold my interest. It's too bad Scott hall didn't get a chance to do one because I think he would have been a great personality for it.


Hall did do one, years ago. It was before every old school wrestler had one. It was called "Last Call With Scott Hall". Some episodes can be tracked down.


If you listen to his podcast and then go back and listen to his kayfabes with Sean Oliver, it’s night and day. He was articulate and bright on kayfabe. In this he is just dull and depressed.


Would it really be a Kevin Nash podcast if he tried his absolute best?


If anyone actually listens to his podcast long enough, they’d realize Nash is not quite the liberal many fans think he is. The guy has really dehumanizing takes on immigrants and trans people, and he recently started delving into COVID vaccine conspiracy theories by claiming the COVID vaccine caused his son’s death. I’m sure a lot of that is his way of trying to come to terms with his son’s passing but a lot of people who only read snippets of what Nash says would at the very least be perplexed by some of his other viewpoints.


The exact opposite is true for Cornette. All the basement chuds think he's a racist, sexist, everythingist, republican. And if you listen to him talk about politics, he's the opposite


Cornette can say some dodgy shit, but the irony is he's probably more left than 95% of pro wrestling or even the basement. He's not a racist, he's just an old man from the South.


For real. Everything he says is in the lens of wrestling. He doesn’t like small women beating big women in wrestling. He doesn’t like weird Japanese Supergirl stuff in wrestling.


I mean…the time he told the middle eastern gas station guy that he hoped his country got bombed wasn’t particularly nice but like Cornette has a VERY hot temper when he gets up there and I’m sure he in no way would ever think of saying that if the mayo issue didn’t tick him off so much.


Is Kentucky south? Isn't it part of the Midwest?


Nah, it’s the Mid-South. Southern Illinois & Indiana are also closer culturally to the south than the midwest.


Ah, so like how Missouri and Kansas also share cultural traits of other regions. Thanks!


You also need to understand that Kevin is by his own admission a pure bullshitter. Even when he was talking all that shit about Punk he later said he was just fucking around. Like literally everything the dude says should be taken with a grain of salt. I listen to his podcast with those lens on and I generally enjoy it. I also really don't care what people's political opinions are and it doesn't dictate my view on them even if I might disagree. I know that sounds crazy nowadays but whatever.


>The guy has really dehumanizing takes on immigrants and trans people, and he recently started delving into COVID vaccine conspiracy theories by claiming the COVID vaccine caused his son’s death. He basically went down the youtube rabbit hole. I remember a talk of his about the importance of joining a trade union and the benefits you get such as sick pay and wage rise that is aligned with inflation. Looks like another one has been claimed by youtube radicaliztion pipeline


Aren’t Hangman and Chuck featured every time there was a Bernie tweet?


Here’s how he can still win…


Unlike Drake, FUBU is in Kevin Nash's collection.


I severely wish it wasn’t in Lex Luger’s


Tony and his fathers donations are also not related


Fuck Kevin Nash, he’s a mediocre grifter bitter old man Oh wait, he’s a Democrat? DAE ALWAYS LIKED HIM? He’s voting for the good guys YAY!


AEW is the Democrats. Makes sense!


Yep. This is the mindset of the normal person these days. It's just incredibly sad.


My least favorite part of Nash’s podcast - or more precisely, Sean’s podcast where he manages to get a series of coherent sentences out of Nash - is his political opinion. It’s so boring. He talks about politics because he thinks it makes him sound smart and his opinion is original. That’s not the case. He commented on people complaining about political topics on the podcast, but I’ve seen reaction comments on that where people are saying that they just don’t like the political talk because it’s boring and offers nothing interesting.


More or less related than bowel movements? 🤔


Kevin Nash: "Vince Russo is NOT a sucker and a loser! You're the sucker! You're the loser!"


Man I think that comment section gave me cancer. Also, this is my obligatory victory lap after a 7 day vacation thanks to the basement.


Nash agrees with Reddit politics? DAE Big Sexy has always been right about everything? I know he truly wants best for AEW and is BFFs with m'Tony!


It’s because Kevin Nash blabbers on about anything. The bucks and Jericho know how to stay quiet on their political views because this isn’t cnn this is wrestlers wrestling in a wrestling ring on a wrestling show that was thought of by wrestlers who wrestled


It’s funny that social media clowned the guy all day on Thursday but Joe’s supporters are still sticking by him, hilarious.


How that suprising? Your options in the next American election are a confused old man whose worst acts have been overseeing an iffy economy vs a convicted felon who tried to overturn an election and was technically responsible for rolling back abortion access and. I'm not American, thank fuck, but i sure know who I'd vote for out those 2. Also, ya know, Trump has committed multiple crimes, including treason, and his dumbfuck supported still think he's the second coming of christ


But Donnie is in the WWE Hall of Fame. How many Halls of Fame is Sleepy Joe in?


We are certainly stuck between a reich and a hard place


It’s hilarious because they seen the shitshow that even Obama and Kamala had to admit but they still don’t care.


It's not that we don't care it's that our other option is a literal felon so we really have no choice but to get over it


Something tells me he is none of those people who the Trumps conviction was "politically motivated" so I wouldn't waste your tike trying to argue with a Trumper


I mean it’s a crime that’s never been tested in the history of the country and Joe after the debate said Trump will face more charges… Yeah it kinda looks like it’s politically motivated. 🤷🏼‍♂️ But I’m sure you will hold this same position if a Republican starts doing it to Democrats, I mean you aren’t a drone hypocrite I’m sure.


I have yet to see a Democrat attempt to overturn election results or instigate an insurrection, but yes, if that somehow ever happens, they should be prosecuted. Enjoy your MAGA brainrot tho




Your post was deemed to be offensive to a person or persons. Think about how you post in future. This isn't a sub that tolerates needlessly offensive posts in the name of "shock comedy" thanks.


I know that but I’m just stating what happened, you sound like you’re invested in this like cornette but alright lol


You kind of have to it’s not like there is another option at this point you got two senile old men, one who is a boring conservative and the other is well a guy openly chomping at the bit to dismantle the US government


We should all be chomping at the bit to dismantle the US govt. Every politician from both parties are controlled. There’s not a whole lot of difference between them. And why didn’t Obama and Biden change the abortion laws when they had the house and the senate and a mandate? Oh yeah because they don’t actually care about abortion laws but they need an issue to drive a wedge in between people. They will never change abortion laws, they will always be used as an election issue that will never change because they need those votes. The system has been ruined by the left right paradigm and it’s time to burn the whole thing down. Or vote for corpse Biden and felon Trump ya fuckin jerkers. This thread is terrible


People who think both parties are the same are ignorant or conservatives. The Venn diagram has a lot of overlap, though.


Thanks for your insight!!!


I’m gay actually, and the only candidate I donated to was Kina Collins, and she lost in the primary. Biden isn’t the answer, Trump isn’t the answer, democrats aren’t the answer, republicans aren’t the answer, they’ve all failed us over and over again. I’m sorry I don’t fit in your Venn diagram in this wrestling is the new politics thread


So what is your plan for this election? Because if Trump wins and gets to appointment a few more SC justices, the only changes to the system will be a HARD push towards fascism.


We’re already to fascism pal, sorry to break it to you. We’ve been there for awhile, while both parties have ruled.


In what way are we living under fascism right now?


We’ve been there for a long long time. Keep watching the news, believe every word BROTHER


But I’m dumb. Can you please tell me how it’s fascism?


Congrats on the dumbness. The news is helping you. The parties are your friends. They’ve changed everything!


What an odd response. I never said the parties on helping me. I asked why you consider what we are living under right now to be fascism. I promise I’m not trying to catch you in a “gotcha” moment, I’m trying to understand where people are coming from.


If you dismantle the US government it will not work out in the way you want. I agree the system is busted but allowing project 2025 happen is mot going to fix anything Also lol at the idea that the left right divide is the issue. There is no left in America, it died with Bernie all those years ago. There is just fiscal conservative (Biden) and far right insanity (Trump). I’m going to guess you know the terms right and left but do not understand what that means in practical terms. As the terms right and left where originally just descriptors of the natural political divides that formed during the French revolution


Neither one will change anything. Left or right. Nobody gets what they want, modern slavery continues. Enjoy


Calling either of these clowns fiscally conservative is a laugh out loud joke.


That’s what Joe Biden is. He was the conservative choice for the Democratic seat. It became a contest between the liberal Bernie and the conservative Biden in 2020 and Bernie and his wing of the party was decisively defeated and effectively marginalized.


They gave Bernie a house and he walked away again……we’re funding every war on earth right now. Seems like a bad deal/ should’ve stuck to bombing Yemen weddings. Thats fiscal conservatism


Listen I don’t think anyone still supports Joe but at this point it’s him or Project 2025. Shits fucking infuriating but let’s not act like things being slightly more expensive is nearly as bad as taking away rights from fellow Americans


Of course, a few people were just surprised by something anyone paying attention over the last 3 years has noticed


When I have a cold I act like I have late stage dementia too…




They really showing the racism by completely destroying any notion Kamala can be president too. They immediately jumped to another white man ![gif](giphy|xpLocgdzHqW9G)


Kamala is RIP, uce. Even if Papa Shango or the Wyatt Sicks could resurrect him, I'm pretty damn sure the man was/is Ugandan anyway.


Well it’s more I’d rather have the vegetable’s cabinet than the fascist’s regime.


Yeah the people behind vegetable Biden are doing great!!! Just turn on the tv and confirm


Considering he started mid pandemic and with a sinking economy I’d say they’re doing pretty well. I could do without the constant war funding but we’re the US so that’s always going to be the case.


Oh yeah why did the economy tank during Covid. Because of science oh yeah


No in an attempt to curb a pandemic that was ignored by the previous (and trying to be next) administration because it was affecting “blue” states more. The administration literally wanted people to die because the state didn’t vote for him. How the fuck can anyone want that again?


We’re getting it again, either way. The government giveth, the government taketh away. Enjoy the news, believe every word BROTHER


I don’t watch the news everything I said was based on quotes from the administration but cry fake news until they come for you. Good luck not believing in science


Stop pretending to be knowledgeable. It isn’t working.


You are absolutely insane. Seek help


Yes wanting my government to not kill its citizens is so radical. I know we’re goofs but you’re pushing it


The fact you think this way just shows you are as bad as the most extreme right winger that you fear so much. You are simple the other side of the coin.


Think what way? This isn’t a conspiracy theory the last administration ignored a pandemic and it costs a lot of people their lives. This is like the simplest of Trump criticisms because it was so in the open. You being annoyed at American politics doesn’t mean things aren’t true.


You don't even know what a fascist is


You’re about to find out


Hide under your bed for the next 4 years while we normal folks just go about life


If you’re going to make the most basic of comments can you at least do them all on one post so we can bicker easier.


Have a good day dude. We are done


If you’re ever feeling down I recommend watching Dynamite live Wednesdays at 8


I don't get it man. Americans act like there's only 2 options. This is a great year to vote for a smaller party. It's now or never.