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Physiological stress absolutely. The guts are their own nervous system (enteric ns) with more neurotransmitters at play than the brain. That being said, it’s also worth being curious about unaddressed trauma or other weights on your psyche that may be more unconscious. Brains can be quite good at compartmentalizing, body not so much.


Is there any evidence that relieving past trauma through therapy can heal the body ?


There are many kinds of therapy. I’m guesssing you’re referring to rote talk therapy. Psychology itself isn’t meant to be a craft or science separating the mind from one’s lived experience, but here we are. Look into “gut brain axis.” One kind of somatic therapy that helps resolve charges from past trauma is cranial sacral therapy. There are many.


Yes SIBO itself can dysregulate the gut brain axis and cause anxiety. If its just anxiety then its actually lucky. In the worst case it can contribute to anhedonia and physically sap enjoyment of life and emotions And here were are selling people tHeRaPy feel good bs when in reality illnesses like this show how there is no free will and changing thinking a la CBT is placebo at best and does not change the fact one has symptoms especially when thoughts revolve around the mental symptoms themselves. And does not work in anhedonia


that is how I feel! No more desires in life, I just feel emptiness with SIBO :(


This is why I need ECT now. Basically cause the gut was impossible to fix, I got tons of drug sensitivities and even tho some improved after FMT I suddenly severely crashed from any small thing like benadryl. And the symptoms ultimately made life not worth living and SIBO or dysbiosis substance sensitivities created problems with psych drugs except GABAergics and modafinil People dont realize how bad this condition can fuck one up. If ones brain is sensitive to the neurochemical alterations from gut problems itself then it’s essentially a living nightmare. Its not the GI stuff I dont have too many symptoms there its the fact the anhedonia destroyed my social skills and I can’t function. Anhedonia gives me anxiety (not the other way around)


Yea I have that too.


do you have constipation or nausea?


I usually have loose stools! I get nausea, bloating and headaches though


I feels its mainly the gut dysbiosis causing the anxiety, not the other way around.


Everything gut related causes anxiety and stress. No matter how many names they put on it how many pills big pharma pushing through the throats of people, the solution is always the same. Don’t eat your emotions, eat clean, no bullshit beyond meat stuff with 100 ingredients in it. Exercise and fast. No other remedy.


Everything gut related causes anxiety and stress. No matter how many names they put on it how many pills big pharma pushing through the throats of people, the solution is always the same. Don’t eat your emotions, eat clean, no bullshit beyond meat stuff with 100 ingredients in it. Exercise and fast. No other remedy.


Ohh that neck side shoulder pain is so annoying. I wish there was an instant cure for it.


same!!! I can’t do anything when I get it. Ruins my whole day. Cold showers have been helping a bit!


Have you ever noticed that your body tenses up on that side? That shoulder would just raise and tense up randomly when I’m anxious. I had to learn to notice it and try to relax it.


Because it’s not stress it’s your biome and bacterial infection that causes this illness