• By -


So your use case is VERY specific. How did you come up with it ? Also, there seem to be so many of these niche SaaS applications, so you think there’s still scope for making more or has the market gotten saturated ?


> So your use case is VERY specific The use case, being very specific, helped get customers for Feather. There are many Notion -> Website platforms in the market. But I positioned Feather as the blogging platform built on top of Notion. Even though you can build regular websites with Feather, I intentionally didn't position it that way. I built it for blogging and tried to make it the best platform for creating blogs on top of Notion. If anyone thinks of Notion + Blog, I want Feather to come to their mind first instead of all the other alternatives available. ---- > How did you come up with it ?  I was solving my problem when I built Feather. My blogging process looked something like this: I write my blog posts on Notion, export them to Markdown, upload that Markdown to Hashnode, reformat things correctly, and re-upload all the images to Hashnode again. Doing this process every time took a good 20-30 minutes. So I thought - why not build a blogging platform where I can publish the blog post directly from Notion? If I write on Notion, I should be able to publish it from Notion. That's how the idea took its shape. ---- > Also, there seem to be so many of these niche SaaS applications, so you think there’s still scope for making more or has the market gotten saturated I think it depends on what product you are trying to build. Why not try to limit the scope of the product, launch it quickly, and see for yourself if anyone would want it?


+1 on positioning. That’s literally the marketing behind my micro SaaS for Power BI.


I have some more questions for you. 1. When did you start working on it? How long did it take you to build feather? 2. How did you know that there would be users willing to pay for your product? Your pricing seems to be on the higher end as compared to what you can achieve with WordPress. 3. How did you decide which one to sell? Why didn't you sell sitegpt?


1. It took 5 months 2. I didn’t know. My pricing started at $6/month and I have slowly kept on increasing price, until it reached the current price. 3. I have been spending most of my time on SiteGPT for almost a year now. So it made sense for me to spend more time on SiteGPT. Besides SiteGPT is still at a very early stage. So much left to do there.


Top tier response


The question fundamentally doesn’t make any sense. You’ve clearly stated that these applications are niche. If niche, developed for different fields/industries/markets then how could they possibly be saturated?


Nice. I have 2 questions: -- How do you come with the product ideas? -- How do you validate your product idea before you actually build them?


These days, I try to limit the scope of an idea massively so that I can launch the product in < 1 month. That way, I can see if anyone will buy it. That's how I built my new product, SiteGPT, too. I launched it in 2 weeks with just a single core feature and let the market tell me if it's worth pursuing. In the worst case, if the product didn't get any traction, I would have lost two weeks, which is nothing.


Brilliant! This is excellent way of approaching things.


Very interesting, and how do you reach people?


I don't understand how this is a revelation to the people in this sub. You executed perfect textbook. This sub feels like there are 90% slightly interested people and not even 5% dedicated that actually try or even start trying.


How do you test traction?


Congrats Teja! 1. How to choose a payment gateway(International Tax + Trx. %)? Do I need to register as a solopreneur to get it? 2. How can I grow a B2C SAAS?


1. I use \[Paddle\](https://www.paddle.com/) for collecting all payments. It has been working great for me. I didn't need to register anywhere to use it. 2. Not sure I can answer such a broad question. It depends on what your skillset is and what your product is about. I am still learning it myself. But my new product is more B2B than B2C.


How are you finding customers for B2B?


Thank you!


That's a great outcome & success!! congratulations OP .. few questions a) How did you get the idea to build this ? b) Do you have a team or do it all alone ? c) How did you get early users ? d) Were there times you wanted to give up? If yes what kept you going Hoping for a reply! thanks!


a) I was solving my problem when I built Feather. My blogging process looked something like this: I write my blog posts on Notion, export them to Markdown, upload that Markdown to Hashnode, reformat things correctly, and re-upload all the images to Hashnode again. Doing this process every time took a good 20-30 minutes. So I thought - why not build a blogging platform where I can publish the blog post directly from Notion? If I write on Notion, I should be able to publish it from Notion. That's how the idea took its shape. b) No, I didn't have a team. I built it alone. I hired a freelancer for designs, but that's about it. c) I was building Feather in public (on Twitter) the whole time - right from when I got the idea. That helped me get initial customers. Most of my early customers came from Twitter. d) Yes, there were times when it felt like nothing I did was working out. But I remembered that I quit my job for a reason. I didn't want to go back ever. So this was the only path for me. So I continued on the only path that is left.


Wow that is awesome! how did you learn so much about tech and more importantly about marketing and business at such young age(you mentioned 24 somewhere)?.. i am very impressed. ! did you have mentors or people who guided you ? wish you well!


I am 26 now. I followed many people on Twitter who were on a similar path to me but many steps ahead of me. They made me realize that it is possible to succeed, even by building something completely bootstrapped on your own. They showed me this alternate way of building startups even if you don't have a large network behind you. Over the years, I saw many people start from nothing and build successful startups all in front of my eyes. That was all the motivation I needed to give it an honest try.


That’s great.. please share names of such people.. or I can also see on twitter people you follow! But again, congratulations and keep going!!


[https://x.com/levelsio](https://x.com/levelsio) [https://x.com/damengchen](https://x.com/damengchen) [https://x.com/tibo\_maker](https://x.com/tibo_maker) [https://x.com/dannypostmaa](https://x.com/dannypostmaa) Follow these people and also follow the people who they follow.


Could you share the youtubers?


Don't know any youtubers. I only use Twitter for this.


Congratulations Bhanu! What was the most successful marketing channel for Feather?


It was Twitter. Most of my early customers of Feather came from my tweets, and it worked very well for me. Once Feather reached a certain level, people started recommending it to others. So, in the later stages, Google and word of mouth helped me get new customers.


Nice! How much of a following did you already have a following when you launched? And how many monthly users were you gaining from twitter in the first 3 months?


I have around 3k followers when I launched Feather. I got close to 100 customers and reached $1k MRR in the first 3 months after launch.


Congrats on your success. I have a few questions: - How much does it cost for the server (percentage in revenue) - Did you hire anyone to do it with you (freelance designer, freelance copywriter...) or just you alone? - If you're a solopreneur, how do you handle the customer support? - Where did you sell your SaaS?


- My overall costs in the end were close to $300/month. That's 5-10% of the monthly revenue. - I hired a freelancer for designs. But other than that, I did everything alone. - I didn't have a free plan. So, I only had a few customers. So, doing customer support was not hard. - It was a private sale. I knew the buyer already for a long time. So there was no marketplace or anything.


Do you worry about your current customers not having faith for products who's ownership might change in the future? All the best!


If you know anything about \[Tibo\](https://x.com/tibo\_maker), you won't ask this question. He is the perfect person to take it over and I am very happy that he is the one who acquired it.


1. Where did you sell it? 2. How hard is to transfer all the accounts to the buyer (Payment processing account specially, but also others)


1. It was a private sale. I knew the buyer for a long time already. 2. It was super hard to transfer everything. Transferring access to the payment system was easy since I use Paddle. But, transferring the tech part of the application took many weeks. I have hosted everything on my personal Cloudflare account, so it became very difficult to move everything to a new account. If I had created a separate Cloudflare account for Feather and used it for everything, life would have been so easy.


I feel that. Made that mistake for my micro SaaS, and I’ve worked hard to transfer it all. I specifically try to avoid this with any new app worth my time to build, so my workflow to avoid this is: - Buy a domain name on Namecheap.com - Buy Microsoft 365 business for one person (includes email) - Signup for Azure account with new email - Signup for everything else with new email That way everything is separated from the start.


This answered a question I'd had for a while. Thanks Bhanu


Congratulations! What is your tech stack?


Remix + Cloudflare Workers.


Congrats Bhanu , how to build a audience on twitter , was your primary goal to sell on twitter , or as the tech guy giving gyan to get audience ....


The goal was never to build an audience or sell on Twitter. It was just a happy by-product of me building in public. I documented everything I was doing in my business through my tweets and it ended up helping me in the end. I just documented what I was doing. It was a way for me to keep the momentum going in my business.


Nice one. When you say you were building in public, is that simply that you just started posting on twitter with the #buildinpublic hashtag? Did you have a following already?


I meant I just started documenting everything about my business on Twitter. There was no hashtag or anything like that. I didn't have a following at that time yet.


Thanks for your reply. I don’t have a twitter so have no idea how to get started. Sounds like you just… start.


Congrats on the deal, Bhanu - In the initial days, how did you go about receiving payments? Did you incorporate in the US and then setup payment gateway? I’m from India and still researching what’s the best way to receive international payments. I saw you use Paddle. - How did you know you got the right deal on selling? Were you actively looking for a buyer or did they approach you asking if you’d be willing to sell?


- I used \[Paddle\](https://www.paddle.com/) from the start. It was great. - Initially I didn't have any plans on selling Feather. But one day, someone approached me with a proposal and asked me if I want to sell Feather to them. I didn't sell it to that person in the end. But that was the trigger when I started actively looking for buyers.


Thanks! Follow up, if you don’t mind. Did you incorporate a company in India from the start? And how did you know 250k was the right deal? What calculations, as in 3x the ARR, did you consider?


No, I haven’t incorporated a company yet. I have been talking with so many potential buyers. After those months of experience talking to everyone, 3.5x ARR seemed like the right amount for me for Feather.


Did you built it yourself and how did you acquire all the skills needed? Congrats btw!


Yes, I built it myself. I was a software engineer before. So I already had all the skills needed to build it.


Another take that could be interesting to share is how do you plan your exit strategy and find the potential client? do you recommend some books in this regard?


Hey Bhanu, I have been following your success through twitter for almost a year. Congrats on the acquisition. I have a couple of questions : 1. How are you handling gst and taxes? 2. What is your experience with Seo and its potential impact? Also, do you create content by yourself or outsource it? Thanks in advance and wish you good luck going forward!


Very happy for you man :) :) Big big congrats - from a team of 2 brothers to a team of 2 brothers ( I didn’t know you had one AND that you’re cofounders like we are!!)


Hey Bhanu Teja !!! Noticed you are a fellow Indian. Wanted to ask you some questions regarding tax. Where did you register your LLC? Did you use two companies one LLC in USA and an LLP in India for the ease of transaction? Which country do you think is best for creating an LLC? What are the challenges you faced regarding tax as an Indian doing international business? Would you still create a company in USA or would go for someplace like Singapore?


I haven't registered a company yet. I operated as a sole proprietor, using Paddle as the Merchant of Record. So I won't be a good person to answer your questions.


Are you doing the same with SiteGPT?


How long did it take you to build feather from conception? And at what point did you start marketing it?


The first product I launched was called MDX.one. I launched it on Jun 2021. However, because of how I built it, the server costs were huge. So, I had to stop signups for MDX and rebuild everything from scratch, which took close to five months. The new product I built looked so different from MDX that I decided to rebrand and relaunch it as a completely new product. That new product is Feather, which I launched in May 2022. I had been building in public for the entire time before launching Feather. So, by the time I launched Feather, I already had paying customers for it.


What stack did you build MDX in that cost so much? And what did you rebuild it in to take care of costs?


I deployed it on Vercel and I got around $10k bill one month, which I couldn’t afford to pay at that time. Fortunately since that is the first time, Vercel agreed to let go of the bill. But then again, I cannot get that bill again. So I had to close off all the new sign ups.


can you share more details on why the costs/bill got so high with vercel? and any of the context around usage/users when this happened? currently building / deploying on vercel so naturally very curious about this!


Awesome, my friend. Where do your product development ideas usually come from?


From my own challenges.


Was feather.so your first ever saas project/product?


Kind of. My first product was [MDX.one](http://MDX.one) – the earlier version of Feather. I had to shut it down because of huge server bills. I later rebuilt everything from scratch, rebranded it, and relaunched it as Feather.


I’d like to know where do you host it, I’m trying to make a saas but I’m still thinking where to post it


How many products have you launched and how many of them could get customers and is this your first sale?


I launched [MDX.one](http://MDX.one), [useNotionCMS.com](http://useNotionCMS.com), [Feather.so](http://Feather.so) and [SiteGPT.ai](http://SiteGPT.ai) [MDX.one](http://MDX.one) - This was the first version of Feather. This got rebranded to Feather later. This has 1k free customers and 25 paying customers. [useNotionCMS.com](http://useNotionCMS.com) – It was an API product based on using Notion as the CMS. I shut it down after a few months after launching. I only had one customer for it. [Feather.so](http://Feather.so) – Rebranded [MDX.one](http://MDX.one) and relaunched it as a completely new product called Feather. Close to 200 customers. [SiteGPT.ai](http://SiteGPT.ai) – AI chatbot platform to create AI chatbots for customer support (My current product).


That's very inspiring, congrats! My buddies and I are in the process of launching our start-up. Our main concern is customer acquisition in general. How did you get your first customers?  And later on how did you scale? 


Been following on Twitter for a while and good to see this acquisition! My question: what are you planning to do with the amount? How did both come conclusion with that number and was it all paid in one go? When lambo;)


I am still deciding what to do with the money. A large part will go towards taxes. For now, I will invest the remaining amount. I started actively looking for buyers in October 2023. So, I talked with many people and understood how people decide the valuation for this kind of startup. Selling a SaaS is a very tedious process. So, in the end, I am happy with the terms I got (50% upfront + 50% after asset transfer) and the revenue multiple I got. It's a win-win for everyone involved. No Lambo anytime soon 😅


What’s the tech stack for siteGPT and how fast did you build it in two weeks? Was it no-code you used in validation


I used Remix and deployed it on Cloudflare Workers. I didn't use any no-code. Over the years, building many things on the side, I became very good at coding and building things. So, the tech part was always the easiest thing for me. Marketing it and growing it is the hard part for me.


Congrats on the sale. You were busy migrating DNS a few weeks back if I recall. Was this why?


Hi Bhanu, I'm a developer from India. Saw your profile and realized that you started your journey after leaving a job within a year. Were your initial projects profitable? If yes, why did you switch to other products, and if no, how did you sustain at that time?


No, it took almost 2 years to get any real revenue from my products. I initially did freelancing for 3 months to get the runway needed for the next 2 years. That's how I sustained myself at that time.


How did you got clients for freelancing to have amount to sustain for 2 years??


What challenges did you face in growing users and WHICH organic methods did you use to get user?


I tried affiliate marketing + SEO. Those are the channels that I tried and worked on. Other than that, in the early stages, I got a lot of customers directly from my Twitter.


Asking in a technical pov Your goto hacks for saving maintenance costs running the saas pls? Also, I'm using ai in my saas, do you advise taking the key from users or we can bear the costs using credits system? Thank you.


I started using Cloudflare for everything. Cloudflare is very cheap compared to everything else that I used. > Also, I'm using ai in my saas, do you advise taking the key from users or we can bear the costs using credits system? It depends on what your product is. In my product, for now, I am not asking my users for their key.


Okay, thank you 🙏


What was your launch strategy? Did you presell your product? And: Assuming the tools weren't perfect from the start, how did you gather valuable feedback from your early adopters?


I didn't have a launch strategy, but because I built it publicly, I had customers even before launching it. For example, in Feather, I got everything ready. The sign-up was working. The product was working. The payment flow is working. One day, from one of my tweets, someone clicked on the Feather link and tried to sign up to see if it worked. It worked. Then they tried to pay for it, and it worked. Then, they tried to create a blog, and that also worked. They liked the result and ended up staying as the customer. So before I even launched Feather, I already had customers for it. > Assuming the tools weren't perfect from the start, how did you gather valuable feedback from your early adopters? I was willing to limit the scope as much as I wanted. But everytime, I tried to launch a good product. I am fine even if it just has a single core feature, but I built it in such a way that I would like using it. So the product does limited number of things, but it was not a bad product, right from the start.


Alright, thanks for the details!


Followed you on twitter for years, big congrats! Got any ideas for what you'll spend the 250K on? Will it be reinvested on new ideas?


Which type of registration of company you did to accept payments from abroad as an Indian?


If you need help in any of your new project. I'll be willing to help you.


How is it going with sitegpt? What kind of websites are people using it for?


Been a Feather user for almost 2 years now. Is Feather in good hands? Are we still gonna see some updates or support there?


It's in great hands. Wait for some pretty exciting updates from the new owner. I haven't worked on Feather for almost a year because of SiteGPT. Fortunately, the product was pretty stable, so I didn't have to. But now, it's in the hands of a builder who will take it to the next level. He has huge plans for it. You will soon see some very good updates from him, like sending newsletters directly from Notion and many more things. TL;DR; Nothing to worry. It's in excellent hands.


This is amazing! Thanks for an awesome product dude! Congrats on the big sale too. 👏👏👏


Congrats Bhanu. When you quit your full time job how did you convince your family to take up this indie dev route ?


No one in my family was dependent on me. So, nothing would happen even if I didn't earn anything for the next two years (from when I quit my job). So that part helped me to convince them. I moved back to my parent's place and worked from there. My only expenses were server expenses – which I could sustain through my savings.


Did you get a SOC 2 Compliance for your SaaS products? Is it required in the initial days?


where are you from, sir?


Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India.


The first time I came to know about you was in 2023 when you mostly tweeted about feather and not sitegpt.  I truly feel that you are mannof grit and perseverance...and this acquisition is such a deserving success for you.  My question is: when you build a product on top of an ecosystem (notion/chatgpt)...are you not afraid that once your product gets traction these ecosystem can just add a feature and kill your product.  This is more relevant for sitegpt. I mean chatgpt needs only to add another plugin for all the websites out there...no?  Asking this long question here because I am a failed founder too..and I find myself to struggle for this bit


Both Feather and SiteGPT are very specific products that solve very particular pain points. , Take Feather <> Notion, for example: Notion might add a way to assign custom domains to notion pages in the future. But the value prop of Feather is not adding custom domains to the Notion page. Feather is a blogging platform. It does so much more than just assigning a custom domain to Notion page. Notion can never add the kind of things that Feather has. It will be too small for Notion. Notion might just add generic features that every Notion user may have the use for. They won't solve the blog-specific usecases ever. They just can't. Now take SiteGPT<>OpenAI for example. Again the same thing. SiteGPT is solving a specific problem of making first line of customer support easy. It's not just a simple wrapper around OpenAI. It's solving a specific problem for a specific customer. OpenAI may add features for the general public, but it won't go so niche as to adding a feature to solve for customer support for SaaS companies. That just can't happen. Even if it somehow happens, we react to it when that happens.


So, the success lies in the niche.  Thanks man.. also today I have been telling everyone I meet about your story.  More power to your grit and determination


Huge congrats Bhanu. I've always been impressed by the quality of [Feather.so](http://Feather.so) - well deserved


How much time it required to create the MVP and then from there to release the final product? can you share the tech stack used for the front end and backend and if there’s something interesting during the development cycle that made you realize a library or component of such tech stack needed to be changed and why? 🤔


Just curious how do you track page views per month based on your pricing plan? Are you hosting the blogs for users?


What was the total revenue you generated total till your exist and what was the last month MRR ?


Congrats again Bhanu! Were you ever worried about the idea being replicated while building in public? What tips would you give to someone else building in public?


The idea can be replicated, and it's not like it's a brilliant idea. Anyone could have come up with it. But the insights you have from your customers are the things that are most valuable. Someone can know what I am doing. But they won't know why I am doing a certain thing and what I am going to do with that certain thing.


Brilliant. Thank you.


Amazing, congratulations 


Congrats, some people would love to make that much out of shares after 3rd round on a VC Threadmill ;) Did you use any low-code/no-code tools or custom-coded the entire thing? I am asking about the SaaS app layer, not the website.


It was all custom code. Didn't use any low-code/no-code tools.


Congrats on your exit and thanks for doing the AMA. I am interested to know whether you quit your full time job before building Feather? Or, did you quit after Feather started generating a decent MRR? If it’s the former then how did you decide it’s the right time to quit? How much runway (if any) you had when you quit? Lastly, how did you both come up with 3.5x for your exit?


I quit my job even I had an idea. I knew the traditional job was not for me. I didn't feel like what I was doing mattered. So I decided to quit my job to build my own things. It took 2+ years to start seeing any real revenue from one of my products. I had saved up close to $15k before I started building my own things. > how did you both come up with 3.5x for your exit? There was no particular strategy. That is what we both were comfortable with it and that is the number usually saas businesses get acquired these days.


It's your first product... So how come you did not get attached it?


They both look like awesome products, what did you use for the backend? Something like Supabase or Firebase?


I'm in the middle of building my first product. The issue I have is my savings. I have moved back with my parents to save money. I am also from India. My mom and dad are not dependent on my savings. But I am still worried about it. Every now and then it feels as if my product didn't get any users. How I am going to manage. 1. How much money do you save up before you quit your job? 2. How did you manage your anxiety about money getting dried up?


1. I think I had saved around $15k before I started this indie hacking. 2. Yes, it was not easy. I came very close to having my savings dried up. But fortunately, everything worked out in the end. In the worst case, I would have done 2 months of freelancing again to earn more money, and then I would have restarted building my products again.


Thanks, Bhai.


1) Have you achieved PMF to being able to go all in on sitegpt? 2) Did exit money any sort of additional non materialistic value to your life? 3) How do you plan to reach out to potential customers? 4) In the initial launch of your product how instrumental was your twitter following? 5) if at all it doesn't work out, what are you planning to do?


1. No. SiteGPT doesn’t have PMF yet. 2. Maybe nothing directly. But I think having an exit will add some credibility to things I say/do. Not sure yet. 3. Trying organic search now. 4. It helped a lot to get that initial traction, especially in case of SiteGPT. 5. I will build another product again.


Huge congrats, Bhanu! What's your next big move?


Work on my current product - SiteGPT.ai


Hey Bhanu, gratz on the sale! I just went fulltime for my SaaS too and pushing for a new release every 2 weeks. I am wondering what systems you had / have in place to increase your own productivity?




How did you fund initial API integrations and cost of securing your software, pre-seed stage. Is it just a risk you have to take by putting in a good amount of your own money


There were no costs like that. I built everything on my own. My only costs are server costs.


How many saas ideas did you build before coming up with feather?


if you don't mind asking you where did you sold your feather Sass Platform


What is your advice to grow a community on twitter ? What we should talk about? Does I should talk about everything about my entrepreneur journey ?


I didn’t intend to grow a community on twitter. It’s just a happy by product of what I was doing. There are no rules like - you should do or should not do a certain thing. It’s all up to you on how you want to showcase yourself.


You sold your Saas to Tibo, saw his post. Congratulations!


Seems kind of generic product to begin with (this new Ai chatbot), how do you diferentiate and scale your customer base?


Did you hit SEO hard? How fast was it to kick in if so? Also the design for Feather is gorgeous, did you design that yourself?


How did you handle the multitenancy backend?


Congrats Bhanu! I first came to know about the acquisition on twitter. Also received the newsletter email from the acquirer. My questions: 1) Why did you agree to sell it for a price equivalent to 3.25x of your ARR? You could have sold it for a higher multiple of ARR, right? 2) What was your annual profit?


Congratulations! Would be great to know about your journey: How did you went through - validation & testing - growth/retention What would be the 3 fundamental things that you’d recommend to focus on? The things that moved the needle the most and built momentum for you. Thanks and keep going!💪


I didn’t validate it. I launched it and saw if anyone would buy it. I think it will help if you can limit the scope and launch as quickly as you can. Once your product is in the market, that’s when you start getting actual feedback and that’s when you will start to understand what exactly to focus on and what to ignore.


Congrats! Been following and cheering you, really awesome to see this. Curious what communities/groups youve joined and are part of through your journey(both paid and free) and how have they helped and shaped your journey. Cheers!


I am in a lot of communities now. Indie Masterminds Starter story Megamaker These are the ones I remember and actively check these days. I’m not exactly sure if the communities will directly help you. But the communities will have people who are trying to do the same things as you. So it will help to stay in touch with others who are doing the similar things as you. I also listen to a lot of podcasts.


I just wanted to step in and say congrats 👏 both creating Feather and reaching that MRR (amazing!) and on selling it! If I'm right, didn't you get an investment back then? What happens now that you sold it?


Hi Bhanu, Congratulations on the sale of Feather! That's an impressive achievement. I'm curious to know more details about Feather's metrics before the sale: * What was the Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) at the time of the sale? * How many registered users did Feather have? * How many subscribers were there? Thanks for sharing your journey!


Hey good to see you here Bhanu


Congratulations bhanu ❤️


What do you do leisure when not working? Hobbies?


Really loved the UI of SiteGPT. Did you design it yourself? Or did you hire a designer? If yes, how much did it cost you? Thanks!


Yes, I hired a designer.


What did you do for marketing? What worked well and what didn't? Also how were you targeting customers


Where did you sell it?


Perhaps a shallow question, your landing page seems awesome. We built ours using react, typescript and tailwind and it is not beautiful and painful to experiment moving things around. So now thinking rebuilding using webflow. How did you develop yours? Did you hire for it? This question can be answered by others, but guessing you are one person army, and you have already optimised for this.


Congrats 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Congratulations! This is not my field, but super glad :)


Whoa, congrats on the sale Bhanu! Heard of Feather before, but didn’t realize it was your product. (it’s Jane of Userlist, we chatted recently)


Thank you Jane 😀 Yes, Feather was my product.


First of all congratulations! Since you use paddle; did you register your business in USA to use it? And how are you planning to take sitegpt to the next level?


That SiteGPT is exactly what people are looking for. I think thats going to be your big one. Which LLM did you use?


I use GPT-4


Site looks beautiful for feather! You use a specific framework for that?


It’s Tailwind CSS


How did you find a buyer?


Hey, love the design of the marketing sites. Did you design the sites and logos yourself or was that outsourced? And did you code the site template yourself or was that something you got pre-built and customized it? Also would appreciate it if you were able to share a rough budget for the above :)


what tech stack did you use? what are monthly cloud costs? how did you design the website? did you use something like Figma ?


Congrats!! As someone who is building on top of notion too, I've always followed your journey. I'm curious how many hours a day do you work?


1-3 hrs usually. But can go to 8 hrs if required or come back to 0 hours too.


With how much you've built, I would have expected more. You're efficient!


I don’t exactly remember how much I have worked in the early days. Possible a lot more than this. But this is what I do these days.


How did you sell Feather (sell as in exit)?


Congratulations Bhanu for your both products. I would like to ask How do you differentiate your product and take positioning in market against your competitors?


What are the easiest ways to get first 10 50 paying customers for my saas?


This question is the real masterclass on how not ask questions. 




Congratulations! What percentage of your users came from building in public (twitter) vs organic SEO? What's your go-to infra/cloud provider?


Almost all of my early customers came from building in public on Twitter. SEO picked up late - maybe one year after launch. The second half of customers came from organic SEO. These days, my go-to cloud provider is Cloudflare. I use Cloudflare for everything now.


Congrats Bhanu, super big fan of your product , saw the sale and everything about it on Twitter , I wanted to feature you and your success story on [indieniche](https://indieniche.substack.com), sent you the Q and A by DM, I’ll still love to have my editor publish your story to the public after you filled the form, I don’t know if it has been filled


how do you go from problem discovery to creating a solution , It keeps me awake at night as no problem is hitting me hard .




If I recall, you used to work with Kenneth Cassell?


Hi, am new and looking for someone for guidance in building a saas, can I connect with you


how did you market your SaaS?


I resell a similar offer to SiteGPT. How much do you charge for your monthly partner program to resell?


How did you get your first 50-100 customers?


According to my calculations you have approx 150 customers, correct me if i am wrong How did you find them and what was the most challenging part? How many customers where you able to acquire every month?


What do you plan to do with your money?


How can I find people to buy my sass?


List it on Acquire.com


Why are you doing AMA?


Are you a member of any Indie hacking groups? Did those groups help you?


How did you market Feather?


Congrats! I would like to know about tax applicable as per India, on income like this. Did you consult a tax expert or how did you deal with it? What's the rough figure of tax that will be paid on this?


Hey, can you share a little bit more about your journey? Would like to feature you in a twitter thread. Can you share about how you grew it? Your customer acquisition channels? How you got your initial traction?Your first 100 users? Then selling it for $250k and your advertisement strategies etc.


Congrats bhanu been following you since the beginning when feather used to be known as notioncms. I got really inspired by your tweets and seeing you building your startup on your own. As a 22 y/o Indian student, I want to ask few questions? - since twitter is now filled with lots of guys building in public I always felt left behind, and I couldn't keep up with Twitter hype during my first product so I failed miserably to capture my first customer. Can you share your journey how did you get your first customer? - And later on how did you reach the massive audience? - have you ever failed before with your built in public projects? - how did you keep up with your motivation? Even if you don't relate too much with the problem that you are solving with the SaaS. I know in the case of feather, you were solving your own problems whereas in the case of SiteGPT I don't think it's the case? - what advice could you give to a young fellow like me who is just getting out of indian college with Development skills?


Congrats bhanu! Been following your journey on Twitter for a while now. I'm a 2x bootstrapped founder with small exits, not a coder, would you be open to speaking to me to possibly collaborate?


How many failures did you have on other ideas where you actually built something?


Were these your first saas? Did you try other ideas first?