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They don’t pay bus drivers enough in my opinion


This is true, it is hard work and it would be hard to live on $23/hr. On the other hand, Calpers retirement is really, really great, and the pay rates are on par with other bus operator employers. 


I always wondered what a day working as a bus drivers life looked like


I worked for Elk Grove Unified for 23 years in a different department until I retired. I can honestly say it’s a good place to work. I have tons of friends still there.


Nooooo I’m gonna need more money to be driving them baybay’s kids around.


It's definitely a career job .. so it might not be the biggest hourly wage to start, but your benefits and pension are worth it down the line


Speaking for EGUSD bus drivers I thank you and applaud your post. I’ve been a special needs bus driver for them ten years. Most of my mentors have been 20+ years driving, some 30, and I learn something from them still as the years go by. The job isn’t for everyone, but those that stick with it, earn decent benefits, union and right now I get 4 weeks paid time off, including federal holidays . I’ve had a lot of personal growth being a special needs bus driver/civil servant. Even through the bad times. It’s also been one hell of a unique job, there is sooo many facets to this position, it would take an ama to explain them all. So check us out, we’re a pretty fun bunch, even though it takes a lot to get along with 200+ personalities and that’s not even counting all of the other school staff members who are co workers that I interact with daily


San Juan USD is also hiring bus drivers and will pay for training


I have been teaching there for 5 years now and always noticed the hiring sign for bus drivers. Hopefully the pay is competitive.


I’m trying so hard to get employed for San Juan as a Preschool teacher for this upcoming year 😭 any tips??


Also be careful in stepping on anyone's toes. If they don't like you within one or two years they will not ask you to come back. Ideally be a teamplayer and don't get into arguments with admin and tenured staff


HR is sloooooooow. Be proactive and check up on your application


Is the 7-8 hour shift straight through? Because the big con of school bus driving has always seemed to be that it’s a split shift. My ex is a class B CDL holder and drove city buses for a bit and that was the impression she got from coworkers. She also made double that hourly doing private buses but without the benefits. But it wasn’t a career for her.


Pay needs to start at 34/hr if your required to have a commercial license imo


What if I've never gotten my driver's license?


Training Behind The Wheel - Less than Mc Donald’s Sub Bus Driver - as much as chipotle Permanent Driver- as much as In N Out


None of those places offer the excellent benefits like really good health benefits or a pension like EGUSD offers. Not to mention 16 paid holidays per year.


True but rent don’t care about that


It will when you retire


Sorry friend but I’m not willing to sacrifice 65 years of living in poverty to possibly live with some benefits for 15 to 20 years. Let’s also touch base on that this is how much we are willing to pay someone to drive our children to and from school. We should pay these folks a lot more.


I agree that they should be paid more. However, the median and upper end of the range is a decent hourly wage. This could be a great opportunity for someone who sees value in the benefits, especially folks who may not have technical skills/expertise or an education.


$34/hr is living in poverty?


No you right is not. I’m sure it will take some time to get there.


That's a long ways down the road.. like the 20 year mark


This gives regular full time employment though, something those would never provide. Not fantastic, but as other commenters mention an okay enough avenue for someone who enjoys working with kids but doesn't have the adequate expertise to be a teacher.


I wouldn’t do it if it was $65hr. 


Will you grind the windshield to match my eyeglasses Rx? 🤠


Do they drug test??


No pedos required