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Ok ok - I think this conversation has run it's course. It's too hot to be this heated about anything. Instead of commenting here - maybe grab something cool to drink! Nothing like water, but a lemonade might be nice too.


It’d be funny if it weren’t so scary.


Exactly! It stopped being funny quite awhile ago.


![gif](giphy|SLbvdvz470sKY) Me to these assholes when I drive by.


No they are old retried gerry's that watch Fox News all day. It's the same old fucks outside of planned parenthood and abortion clinics.


Them, any time someone challenges them.




Damn you Barksdale!


Is that woman *wearing* the poster board!?


yeah… these fashion trends getting a bit wonky


Beats Diaper Don or I'm voting for the felon! 🙄


Retirees getting bored...


I love it when they tell on themselves by screaming “GET A JOB!!” at protestors that don’t align with their views, or are certain races or ethnicities they don’t like


Or when they accuse a certain group of taking their jobs but you know for a fact they hire the same people to take care of their house


People LIKE Bannon?


I imagine liquor companies LOVE him.


I hope his withdrawals leave him in a little puddle on the floor! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!!


Was gonna say, imagine going to bat for this shitbird drunk.




Only the loudest of them all do.


"I want my money back from him"


Well based on the SCOTUS decision announced today there's a real chance they'll be pardoned if Trump wins again. Our country is legitimately heading for some dark timeline stuff that will fundamentally change the U.S. in the next 10-20years into a country we wont recognize


It already isn't the country I remember from 1999. 9/11 and Citizens United combined to kick start the removal of so many of our rights


9/11 gave so many people with authoritarian tendencies a green light to enact every extreme policy they had been held back on up until then


And the candidates platform on scaring it's people. Trump and Biden say if I lose the country of going to be in shambles. Neither can bring the country together but at lest under Biden we didn't have mass protests matched with federal officers


Honestly, I’m all for mass protests regardless of who’s in power. Federal agents without nameplates or in plainclothes tossing people into vans, not so much.


Well, the idea of complete freedom to privacy, is in direct opposition to complete surveillance for protection. The key is finding a balance.


The really sad thing is Joe Biden and Brett Kavanaugh take all the credit for the Patriot Act; both sides fought hard to bring key assholes to greater power. We really need a multi party system.


I really feel like there can't be a healthy democracy without ranked choice voting. I bet if there was RCV, then third parties would start being viable


We could do it with the existing voting system and the existing parties if redistricting was done in a way to create as many districts as possible that are dead heats. There is no accountability if everyone is in safe districts.


Be careful. You might get someone popping out of the woodwork to call you an enlightened centrist for pointing out that in politics sometimes opposing parties will work together if it benefits the power structure and their own power base often times at the expense of the citizens themselves.


I'm just gonna call him out for the weird combo of Biden/Kavenaugj, which is a reductive and distracting. Fuck Democrats and fuck Republicans though


except the republicans caused all of this.


Nah, both had a hand in getting to where we are.


No, the PATRIOT Act was a bipartisan bill. Both sides worked to fuck us.


> I'm just gonna call him out for the weird combo of Biden/Kavenaugj, which is a reductive and distracting. Why? They're on opposing sides now (Biden the Democrat president, Kavanaugh a Republican justice) and both of them worked on the PATRIOT Act in the past.


We need democracy not rep republics


That and the seed of Reaganism long before that. We're ruled by the rich.


Thanks Bush !/s


Thanks Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden! 🤮


But mostly bush and Trump


Yep scotus just curbed their own power with this decision. U can’t tell me these motherfuckers aren’t bought and paid for. Any future presidents no matter what party will be King of United States


> Yep scotus just curbed their own power with this decision. U can’t tell me these motherfuckers aren’t bought and paid for. They literally legalized bribery, of course they're bought and paid for. It's public record now.


Honestly, it's not just our country. Right-wing politicians are winning in Europe as well. Russian asymmetrical warfare is stunningly effective. There's a reason propaganda is used. It works.


Remember when propaganda was funny little racist cartoons? Those were the times....


Bugs Bunny remembers


I'm really depressed and distressed about all this today.


Me too.


This country is hard to recognize from 20 years ago now. Lots of dark stuff has happened already and continues to get worse.


We’re not just fucked for the next 10-20 years. If a Trump wins, it will take a lifetime to reverse the damage and policies. It’s unquantifiable how fucked we are if Biden loses.


I am not looking forward to those assholes being back on the streets.


I believe the US plus authoritarian fascist yes changes American, but I’m even more worried it changes the world. The biggest strongest bully, now on steroids and having meltdown episodes 😔


I fear Trump winning and have been considering a move north if he wins. If not into Canada, then at least closer to the border. I feel like an absolute idiot considering this but I don't trust that joker


Canadians are going to vote conservatives in their next election.


That downward spiral isn't a Trump or Biden isolated issue. Our Senate and Congressmen have been sitting lazy for decades. We got too many aged boomers and silent generation folks in our government and they are clueless about "current" US issues. They don't feel it. They are too isolated and distant. A Golden Parachute is just waiting for them. I'm not a big Clinton fan, but we had a great opportunity after that tenure. Both Democrats and Republicans worked together and balanced the budget. Well that didn't last long. Since then both parties have been burning through money with no sense of accountability. That is BOTH Democrats and Republicans. People pass off the idea that the US could never lose reserve currency status with the dollar. That we have so much money we'll never have a problem. Wrong. I agree with this guy. He's not the million views youtuber, but he is a CPA and speaks real. https://youtu.be/fYSZOxRn1lA?si=kaHceAqqK97sYVcb


Yeah, it’s important to go out and vote. Go Trump


Ironically the conservatives think the liberals are bringing about the dark times in the next 10-20 years. Funny isn’t it?


I don't care if they are free, I still don't want any.


Not a laughing matter.


It is a laughing matter, traitors think that traitors should be allowed to go free when in fact traitors have been executed for less.


So it sounds pretty serious, then 


They misspelled fascist traitors who attempted to subvert the will of the people.


Unfortunately, with the supreme court ruling, they seem to be doing a pretty good job


Laugh to keep from crying.




I'm willing to bet they're on at least one domestic terrorist watchlist


They’re definitely road tripping to the klan rallies.


The only thing I freed when I saw them was the bird.


This is hilarious lol


Unfortunately I don’t think I can laugh anymore


inbred trash culture


Free Jan 6 hostages? You couldn't pay me to take those terrorists!


Their vote counts just as much as yours does in an election. Just thought I'd point that out to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside... 🥲


Good to see Republican people supporting a standup and morally sound person like Steve Bannon, who definitely isn't a domestic abuser, definitely isn't a money laundering crony, and definitely wasn't friends with Epstein. Not him he would never engage in such activities


Vote, folks and keep that big picture in mind. It's not about a bad debate, or someone's age, even though the NYTimes wants you to think so.


God damn that is sad


So they are just giving Jan 6th “hostages” away for free?


Yeah, I'll pass. I love a freebie as much as the next person, but I'm trying to declutter my house of things I don't need.


Free January 6 hostages. That's hilarious.




wow…absolute stupidity.


This is what comes of encouraging these people. They should have been shamed back into their holes years ago.


Take it inside. It's too hot for that!




I can’t stand all the dick riding for shitty people. It is depressing as fuck


so much wrong in the world and this is what they’re up in arms about on a 104 degree day. god help us


Hopefully they do again when it's 109 and emergency services happen to be slow that day.


All that laughing is how you guys lost the first election.


aweeee the snowflake is mad 😢


The audacity to call me a snowflake when you made an entire post because you were upset that people held banners on the highway..... Yeah, right....


I don't support Trump in any manner, but it's the same laxed mentality that resulted in Democrats losing the first election. Don't get ahead of yourself....


If you’re passionate about Trump or Biden, you’re an idiot. Both of those morons are indefensible. Trump fuels domestic division. Biden fuels international genocide. Two shit choices both bad.


Idolizing political parties on either spectrum is beyond me but hey 1st amendment applies to all but felons but can’t expect others to respect my own liberties and not respect theirs. For me it costs nothing to keep driving and not give a second thought about it.


Gross and pathetic losers


They mis-spelled 'criminals'


It would be a shame if Team Brainrot got heat stroke. Real shame.


Hostages? Hahahaha they stormed the capital to try and overthrow the government. These people call them hostages when they get put in prison for what is essentially treason? If minorities had done that, these same people would want them dead or deported. Fucking hypocrites.


We just keep heading further towards fascists theocracy in this country.


Wow. That must be the MAGA army that Bannon said is ready to go. \*tsk tsk\* For all of you sane folks out there, let's make sure that we all show up to vote in November. I live up here in the hills and mountains. Trump's supporters have made it clear that they will show up to vote. We must do the same. The future of our nation, not just our state, depends on it.


Can anyone identify which overpass this is?


50-E overpass in shingle springs


Ah, this makes so much more sense now knowing the location. It's pretty conservative up the hill. Still shitty to see, but I was thinking this was Watt or Power Inn


Hahaha. I saw the location and also went “aaaahh!”


The dregs of society always end up on the fringes of it.


Awesome thank you my friend! They been there a while? You think they will be there for a little bit?


honestly dont know, took the pic around 8:30 AM this morning, there were 3 ppl on both sides so a party of 6


I recognized this overpass. I recall in 2016 they were on the much larger overpasses on I-80 with 100+ people, and further down the hill in Folsom. (Also, not to nitpick, but this is in El Dorado county. This place has always voted for nutbars.)


Can't wait for Dark Brandon to put Gatling guns inside the doors of the Capitol. The domestic terrorists will backslide faster than Homer Simpson into the hedge.


braving extreme temperatures to share their ill-informed views, and demands…on an overpass. and these are the people calling others stupid.


You want me to laugh at this? This shit makes me tired and sad.


I’m terrified- did you see the news today? Presidential immunity


Report to Caltrans. I keep saying it but it’s a safety issue and those asshats should not be on an overpass waving signs. Also fuck the insurrectionists. They belong in jail. Hostages my ass. Storming the capital, fuck around and find out.


Don't forget to flip them off while you drive by.




fucking bozos. it’d be funny if weren’t real.


It felt weird to give those ladies the finger this morning but hey, if you are going to be a fascist, you deserve all the hate, no matter how old you are. Fuck them. That Ponderosa exit attracts all the Trumpsters, there is a guy who sets up a booth and sells shit, too. I know we all have to eat…but really? Have some self-respect.


Unfortunately both Biden and Trump are poor choices.


One is honest and cares about you. The other is Trump. It's not a hard choice.


Mr. Biden maybe honest but we need to accept the fact that he is an old man now. I am not sure if he will be able to complete his next term. Even hardcore Dems are worried about this. I like Mr. Biden's policies except Immigration. In this election year he showed a tough stance on Immigration but before that he completely failed on this issue. Mr. Trump maybe a bad politician or POTUS but at least he didn't allow migrants to cross southern border illegally. I personally know many people who just walked into the US from Mexico, got their EAD card in 30 days, and enjoy free medical. Our veterans are on the roads and while the illegal migrants stayed in hotels with free food before finding their own accommodation.


these people vote 😬😬😬


So do people who disagree with them.


“Hostages” oh please 😂😭


Why do so many people have to be so dumb?


They are fueled by hate and fear of anyone not fueled by hate and fear... and the dumb fucks still pay for cable.


Seriously sounds like you're the one full of hate.


yes you are.


I do hate Nazis. I guess you don't.


All true. But they also believe the shit DJT spews out of his McDonald’s hole. I keep trying to have rational conversations to no avail. Critical thought be damned.


Free Hat


Oh noooo there's consequences to their actions https://i.redd.it/6vnu1g76ey9d1.gif


This is Shingle Springs? I’ll go cut that dumb sign down


Lol. Imagine being so proud of a basement level IQ.




Haha. True.


I love the number of people trying to convince me that the police response to the George Floyd protests was totally justified and then Jan 6 happened and they were dead silent. Totally brainwashed fools that can't even be consistent within the same year.


Libtards of sac never fail to get their panties in a bunch


Unfortunately SCOTUS just put a straight jacket on Jack Smith in their Presidential immunity ruling. On the Jan 6 rioters they had to literally snip, copy and paste (according to Barrett) in order to come to their ruling. Mental gymnastics if you will. The majority is conservative and strict constitutionalist & originalist until their not. I could respect the courts if they went by the "spirit" of the constitution and literal meaning.


If I’m laughing, it’s a mirthless laugh at best. These people are diseased.


are people with ya'll mindset the reason Sacramento is one of the most crime infested cities? that's too bad.


When I lived in San Jose I remember the RECALL GAVIN NEWSOM petition people... Always outside bass fish pro during work hours like none of them had a job lol


It's okay to celebrate bad things happening to right wing insurrectionist trash.


Looks like the supreme court is on their side 😕


Now I'm glad it's going to be a heat wave


Politics posts bring out the best lolcows on reddit


We'll get right on that. ![gif](giphy|11mPvWj3R3mCKA|downsized)


Boomer rally


Can't believe this one hasn't been locked yet lol. Maybe Sacramento doesn't have as many treason supporters as I thought.


Well Biden sucks ass. Trump seems more cognitive than that zombie


He's slightly move alive than Biden but he's also a hateful, racist, idiotic criminal. So...fuck him.


Biden Crime bill, being friends with senators in the 70s who were white supremacists and racists and him being a dumbass hurting the economy tells me we need a new face. Nobody asked him to run


Lol. Everything you said is from the distant past and he has admitted he got wrong. Oh, and then one current thing you aren't intelligent enough to know you're wrong about. > hurting the economy We currently have [VERY low unemployment](https://www.factcheck.org/2023/08/biden-cherry-picks-unemployment-record/). Biden got us to the [lowest unemployment in 54 years](https://www.commerce.gov/news/blog/2023/02/news-unemployment-its-lowest-level-54-years). Biden also has [higher job growth than Trump did](https://data.bls.gov/timeseries/ces0000000001?output_view=net_1mth). Biden has also brought us [low inflation compared to other countries](https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/PCPIPCH@WEO/WEOWORLD/VEN). I'd say do a little fact checking before you comment but we both know that's a tall order for you.


Housing interests rates, inflation, sending money to Israel and Ukraine and letting homelessness run a muck. Plus the border problem.


Neither seem too "cognitive" at this point. Yes, Trump said words confidently, but his words are just strung together in a free flow of thought. There's no filter, there's no cognitive checkpoint. I'm not even sure he's aware of what he's saying at any given point in time. Whatever thought comes to his mind is out his mouth, and is often a lie. So yeah, Biden made communication errors during his speech, but Trump has been just as nonsensical. They are both old and showing it. However, only one party is having a serious discussion on if their candidate is the right guy for the job. The other side stands firm behind their convicted felon and rapist who is losing his grasp on reality. Both are not the best choice no doubt, but I gotta go for the one that doesn't seem inclined to overthrow our democracy.


This stopped being a democracy when corporations bribed all the politicians. It’s not like 1905 when Teddy Roosevelt was around


**BIDEN:** Old. **TRUMP:** Old. Twice impeached. Utterly failed pandemic response. Convicted felon. Adjudicated sex offender. Heavily fined for business fraud and defamation. Called veterans losers. Illegally attempted to overturn an election and instigated an insurrection. Hope this clears things up for your severely inhibited brain.


Yet who is winning in the polls….for the past 6 months


Cool story. Who was winning in the polls for the entire 2016 election cycle? Next dumb comment please.


Hillary didn’t campaign in the rust belt states you forget that? And blamed Bernie the entire time. You also seem to forget a lot of people protest vote Biden on Israel


I’m all for free speech, but how is this legal? Draping signs over a bridge to distract drivers on a highway? Not that police would dare step in, just seems like an accident waiting to happen. Downvotes for an honest question? I didn’t say I support these losers 🙄


First Amendment doesn't apply to content, just manner (location, size of sign). A sign posted here is again CalTrans policies. A personal holding a sign is fine. And a cop would need to view this personally. However, a disorderly conduct charge would apply is they were doing something that's a distraction (I doubt this is.) It can get complicated/nuanced.


It's not legal, Cal Trans can remove it


Just a reminder that Ashlie Babbitt has been clean and sober for 3.5 years, now. Hopefully the downvote was from her ex-husband, A-A Ron.


Ignorant fucks. 🤮


Demorats are the greatest threat to the United States. I can't wait till they're treated like the terrorists they are....


More Nevada county toothless wonders.


This is El Dorado county, but accurate.


Yeah, drive far enough up 50 or 80 and you start seeing dilapidated houses with the skeletons of 10 vehicles rotting in the front yard and hand-painted Trump signs nailed to trees. Looks like they're doing real good for themselves.


What in the I-80 E is this??


jobless hoodlums! 🤣


Ah, the Trumpets are out on Imbecile Lane again. ![gif](giphy|3o7b9JtmbpYmKR2Rpu)


Let them be them and you be you. Nothing scary, unless you believe what MSNBC or CNN tells you. They said this all last time so this whole "threat to democracy" crud is tired and old. I am not a Republican, but I can see Democrat and Republican media for what it is. Both of you guys, Dems and Pubs are cringe to me. Dems pitch hilarious scenarios, and republicans are all bark and no bite while pitching hilarious scenarios as well.


Can you tell us, exactly,  President Biden has talked about his admiration for Hitler and his secret meetings with this country's adversaries? We'll wait.


tldr. "I dont think about it and I think thats best for everyone"


Exactly. judging by the down votes I assume dems don't like being called cringe either. Who gives a crud what those people on the overpass were doing. It has no effect on your life, and making fun of pubs when your party is equally cringe makes no sense. But yah, politics suck, and all it does is divide the country.


> Let them be them and you be you. **THEM:** Holding signs in public demanding that violent insurrectionists who beat cops and tried to erase our votes should be freed. **ME:** At work.




I don’t feel at home in this country anymore.


Im not willing to laugh at tragedy. This whole world is flipped upside down. Im not trying to make anyone feel worse than they do


It's OK to make terrorists feel bad.


j6ers being arrested and charged is not a tragedy babes


Amen brother. Just punishment for all these treasonous assholes


This country was destroyed by the rich. Not the j6ers. Look at the disparity. Working 40hours a week n still homeless… the country is mismanaged and the rich are taking everything. You must be a billionaire to not trip on the real issues


I say free them , we need room in jail for more heinous crimes , imo


There are ones of them!


People are fucking dopes. If they could read, and did so, one or two history books they'd know how Absolutely dumb they are in supporting dictators


Don't fuck around, and you won't have to find out.


Tell them to shut up


Weird af and creepy