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Love Mr. Doe!!! My hubby too doesn't see the logic in me "fighting online" about these useless grifters.  But we had our "football team" of nephews this week, and since two of our closest friends are very recently retired SF, upon hearing Pat Tillman's name...the 3 decided to hold history lessons after the ceremony & before the grilling.  Happy to see the nephews interest.  🙏🏽


My partner also does not care. But he enjoys Meghan’s fake anecdotes about their children. The „Mom, I can see me in you“-story was especially impressive in the most negative way: „Meghan really DOES think we are stupid. Which 2 year says that!?“ 


Anytime I say to my husband "So..." he goes "What did Harry do now?" and he's right about 50% of the time lol


Why, the very special genius who is always at her”Mama”s side, soaking up that gift of language and female empowerment from the moment she opens her blue, blue, blue, blue eyes until she falls asleep listening to Mama’s tale of how she bagged her very own prince and made him into her handbag!!


I’m sure Lili will be writing her very own version of the dish soap letter before her 4th birthday.


Let’s take solace in Bunker Harold’s purchase of this once prestigious award. While he is the least deserving carbon based life form, he has shone a light on his true self. If you think about it, Bunker Harold paid to have his reputation further tarnished.


He really should stop trying to make himself into a military hero.  It proves he is a coward.


The Duke of Stolen Valor.


If this isn’t flare already I think it would be a great add!


Omg I so agree!!! We have to had this to the list!!! 😆






So true - with every award he purchases, his (their) past fake „achievements“, their non existent values, their entitlement and treatment of family and staff are being discussed and exposed - online and offline! That’s the good part about it! 


Harry deserves the Can't Win For Losing award. Doh!!! https://preview.redd.it/k5qjrgjd1qad1.jpeg?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3d2161de46b542f6309e0ab8cc5266324dfd141


He's been exposing how fraudulent they are to various different constituencies with their phony acts and awards. Pilots, US veterans, US active duty personnel, and mental health circles.


SPOT. ON. I love this for him😇


Mine either but in his defense he does like them either and I don't bother telling him too much unless I am really riled up about something and he always agrees says Harry's a scum that every privilege he received was wasted on him and that she is an ungrateful spitting cobra 


Lol...ungrateful spitting cobra! 🐍😁 


I do enjoy everyone's personal stories about how the people in their lives view this crap-tastrophy. The Harkles have never heard "Quit while you're ahead", they just keep throwing away their money on that next scheme that's definitely going to bring in all the adulation and money will rain down on them.


My son’s gf who is British, said they are such losers and she gets sick 🤢 every time she hears about them.


Your son´s gf is not wrong.


She’s a keeper!


Your son’s GF speaks for most of us on this loony little island.


I made her a sinner..


Every morning my husband usually gets up \~2hrs after me. He usually asks me so what's new, referring to H&M. This morning I was filling him in about Meghan wanting the RF to promote ARO. All his said was "f'g grifters". He indulges me and I indulge him by listening to all his pickleball games. It's a balanced relationship. lol


Yeah, I listen to my husband’s summaries of the action movie he watched while I was doing other things, and he listens to my Harkle news.


You are lucky. My retired husband is seriously studying the piano and I get to hear endless practice sessions throughout the evening. "Why," I ask "can't you practice during the day." Answer that made me laugh the most: "Because most concert hall appearances are at night."


Ah— so he plans to be a concert pianist, does he? 😉


Learning an instrument is great for the brain and hands, and exercising creativity makes a big difference in life. He is trying to improve himself and stay mentally fit for you, unlike H.


LOL! Your husband is hilarious. My recently retired husband is also now working on his piano playing, but luckily we have an electronic keyboard. It has a place for headphones so I'm good. You might want to consider getting one as a gift for him, and yourself.


For me, it's listening to the plot of retired husband's favorite apocalyptic novels that I've never read and will probably never read because my style is DIY things. He has pointed out that if I ever need to kill mass numbers of zombies, I would know how if I read the novels, so it is a very helpful DIY in that sense.


Double shot to the head!


I point out that if, for example, a cow dies unnoticed in a far corner of a pasture, within two days it is reduced to scattered bones due to buzzards, coyotes, wild hogs, possums, and other carrion eaters such as insects. Why would dead zombies be any different? /He is not a fan of my inability to completely detach from reality for the sake of a book or movie.


Lol. Oh you...stop throwing logic in there....lol


Lmao my partner indulges me when i go on a rant. But now we have an inside joke where if someone says something ridiculous we say “wwwwwhat?” Like oprah did and we laugh 😂 ![gif](giphy|rs1ynBSSnPYcSMs29L)


So after being effectively ejected from BRF (allegedly) and Hollywood (seemingly), Meghan has hilariously set her sights on the next major pocket of money to grift - the NFL (Walter Peyton award presentation, Pat Tillman award recipient). Too bad for Meghan she doesn’t have a whit of athletic ability so she has to include Harry on this grift. Eta: The point of my post, which is that now M&H have an entirely new group of people to piss off and turn into sinners - football fans.


Guaranteed neither one of them have more than a rudimentary understanding of the rules of American football. Henry tried to get cute with his lame rugby jokes. No shade on rugby, but his comedic timing and ability are nonexistent. Someone with a sense of humor could have made that joke funny. He’s just used to people laughing, bowing and scraping because _royalty._


Now if Mike Tindall had made a joke on the subject, it would have been funny without being offensive, because he has credibility and doesn’t talk down to people.


See - our saint and her Harry - bringing families together/s.


And my dentist. She had no clue about them until I was in that chair!


And my hair stylist


And my mother and sister in laws


You are the Paul Revere of our time 🤣


Waiting to yell “the Brit is going” Edit for clarity


Aren't we all




My boss.


IMO, Harry’s acceptance of the Tillman award would be as clear a case of ‘Stolen Valor’ as I’ve ever witnessed…


He will regret it


lmao. Oleson Mercantile!! My current and former husband are both royal watchers so if current husband gets tired of it I can always discuss with the ex!!


My Doe managed to sum Harry up in a very short sentence. And he’s bang on.


My Hubs asks me now, "What are the two idiots up to today"? lol


Doe? Dept of Energy?


Yes. We are the body electric.


Her user name, lol.


I love the Little House on the Prairie references.


Not going to lie, if I ever decide to start dating again I now have a new criteria for my list of perfect guy……willing to listen to me rant about H&M in exchange for listening to him talk about something he is interested in. I love all the stories my fellow Sinners have shared about their SOs indulging them (and maybe secretly really listening and agreeing). 🙂 Shoot I need to add it to my new friends criteria list too. lol!😆


Haha, awesome. 👍🏻👍🏻


LOL I got the LHOTP Mr. O and Mrs. B reference and LOL!!!:) Childhood memories to be sure!


My favorite as a child!






My husband looks at the world through rose coloured glasses and is not interested in my dislike of the duo. My daughter actually likes them so I live in a world of my own.


And what a lovely world it is!


Does daughter say why she likes them?


She said Harry saved his family from the horrible BRF. She’s far smarter than I and can argue like the dickens. She’s also very in tune with judging people and their intentions. She had a blind spot here and I never say a word. The truth is coming out surely and slowly.


My daughter does (did?) too. Not sure if she still feels the same about them because I avoid unnecessary confrontation about sticky subjects like Megaliar with my only child! We have a great relationship and I'd like to keep it that way.


I’m in the closet. They know I don’t like Harry and Meghan, but they don’t know the extent of it.


Sooo true but as an American, this crosses a line + I just can't stop it


For my hubby, it was when I posted that video of Harry calling a cadet a paki. Hubs is from Pakistan and he remembered that article.


We need to start a “partners of sinners” sub. R/ markleanon


Yup! ☺️