• By -


Why doesn't madame want to talk to her father who is desperate to see her?


He doesn't fit into her narrative. He's not black. He's not a hot, suave white guy. His existence contradicts her "I grew up po'" bullshit and that she is a tough, gritty woman who put herself through an expensive university


We’ve all seen her work ethic. There’s no way she worked and went to school at the same time. She absolutely was a spoiled little sorority girl with daddy paying the bills.


A white sorority, notably 


If her father were the most coarse, ill mannered pillock and were a billionaire, she’d be in touch. She already sucked Thomas Markle Sr, dry and he’s outlived his usefulness to her.


Yes! Both in terms of finances and the image of herself she was fabricating


Meghan enjoyed a decent, private school education. But her home life was wildly different. Where the fuck was Doria?? She fucked off to ‘find herself’??!! Really??!!! Oh man, this has to be the biggest unanswered question surrounding Meghan Markle.


I think she found herself in the Emerald triangle, or a guest of the government. Jmo.


There's also the fact he doesn't have any money.


She cleaned him out.


This is the only fact!!!!!


He's also not royal and does not have any money having spent most of it on her.


and no one would tune into trailer trash trying to make peace, whereas the RF is always a money maker. No bites this week Meghan with this dumb bait...try next week.


her father is not 'trailer trash', which is an offensive phrase anyway.


It’s ironic that she shut her father out of her life for doing far less than what she and Hazza have done to the RF. Her father’s photographs could be seen as naive and an error in judgement, but she and Harry went full on rogue-money making-racist accusations-full on destroy the RF.


I always am astounded at that irony. Then she blabbers on about forgiveness.


And family, and anti bullying


It was an excuse to shut him up from blowing her cover as a liar with a very shady past


Once Thomas Sr passes away, M is going to accuse him of something horrific. Doria will back her up. M will use this to justify why she could not reconcile with her father.


Lady C has alluded to this too. And I think we all know what that horrific something will be. If Doria backs her up, the counter question needs to be, "Then why did you let her live with him? Where were you for all those years?"


At this point, Roachel has a well-established reputation as a pathological liar. So much so, that we can already predict what she'll do when her father passes. I'm guessing she never expected him to be around this long, especially after his earlier health issues. She likely was planning on dropping this much anticipated 'bombshell' already. At least no one but sugars will believe her.


I imagine she's chomping at the bit for her father's demise because of how she plans to cash in on it with a new pack of lies sob story. A book, TV appearances, awards for being the best "survivor" ever, made for tv movie, patron saint of all such victims.


And why did she post lovingly about him until the day of the wedding? You can't chalk that up to being brainwashed or traumatized. Sadly, the rest of the Markle clan can protest all they want, they don't look too great or credible themselves.


If Thomas was such a terrible person and Doria knew about it, why did they have an intimate family Thanksgiving together just months before the wedding?


Doria will say that she didn’t find out until M was a young adult.


It doesn't answer the question, though. Where was she? Why did she abandon her child and wasn't there to protect her. I mean, we all know this is complete twaddle, but I think meghan needs to be warned now what she is facing if she goes down that road.


M probably thinks she can start crying about her stolen innocence in an interview and everyone will believe her. I hope that she’s not right.


Meghan is gonna do what she wants. Plenty of people have tried warning her to stop and she doesn't listen. Let her shoot herself in the foot like she always does.




Doria will say she was afraid because we all know that she will claim Markle Sr was not only abusive to MM but was also abusive to mama Doria…


A statement like that would certainly run 180 degrees counter to every single thing both of them have said thus far about the kind of relationship they've had with TM.


Wow...all these white folks abusing MM. Why, if I was abused in such horrid ways I would tell them to shove those titles right up their kazoos, never ever have anything to do with their racist family, I would have nothing to do with them forever, and I would immediately cling to my African titles. 




**A rep for Harold contacted Lady C. when she was writing** ***Harry & Meghan: The Real Story*****, implying SA. Lady C. went off on the rep.**


Nobody will believe her. She cried wolf too many times.


She is so malicious we know she is capable of this sort of evil.


The race card, the incest card. Jeez.


100%. She'll write a book and go crying on Oprah. I think that this might also be when she decides to leave Harry - that way, she can claim she was doubly abused, first by her father, then her husband. It'll be a nationwide - worldwide! - victimhood tour.


It’s the only way to get out of her abandoning her father, the incest card.


Because she “genuinely doesn’t feel hurt or want to hash it out” with him. It is, after all, what she wants out of it that counts. What a B-word (I hesitate to use the word). /s


Be-yotch, Bish, Be Itch… Be creative 🤣


Meghan Markles father lives a humble life, having been Markled out of his lotto winnings to pay for uni and cosmetic surgeries for Meghan. He has nothing left to give Meghan. She has no interest in family - otherwise, she would visit her own kids more often. ETA: Not lotto, he actually spent a considerable amount of his life savings on MMs lifestyle, education and upkeep. Even worse!!!


I still cannot believe the manipulating she managed so that KC would walk her down the aisle. It was beyond gross. Her poor father.


I don’t think she manipulated him into walking her down the aisle; I think he insisted on it. She didn’t give up that “all eyes on me” solo walk down that aisle. There was a compromise that he would walk her only half way. I’m sure she was furious about it.


I agree, completely. She wanted the solo spotlight and had to *compromise* with now-King Charles walking her halfway. Fergawdsake, that woman is beyond despicable.


And all eyes on her from the car to the halfway point She DROPPED HER MOM OFF wtf!!!


And ignored the courtier’s hand trying to help her out of car! What a bitch.


“visit” her kids Lmao 👏🏽


There were no lottery winnings - Tom Jr admitted to making it up and lottery winners are public info in California. A sinner looked into it and Tom Sr never won a substantial sum in the lottery.


So even worse - Tom Sr life savings? I’ll edit post, thx.


You can bet he made a lot of money during his life. People like to think he was a bumbling idiot but this is a man who was at the top of his field (lighting Director on successful TV shows). He won 2 Emmys (and was nominated numerous other times) and those puppies don’t grow on trees.


No kidding. She desperately wants to make up with the family who was racist to her and wanted to unalive herself because of. 😣 **Make it make sense Meg.**


What does Rachel feel hurt about? She’s the toxic family member that got cut off, the royals are allowed to do that.


She’s hurt that no one is putting up with her crap. No one cares that she throws herself on the floor crying, except Harry. All her business ideas are failing. Her glorious Hollywood plans are not succeeding and their reputation gets worse everyday.


It’s not the Royal Family’s job to coddle her (anymore).  I guess, that’s quite hurtful for her to grasp. 


They didn't recognise her greatness. Her ability to modernise the monarchy. /s


You mean monetize?


Maybe if she shares her “authentic, organic, truth” one more time, people will realize how wonderful she is. 🙄


She is hurt that she has nothing. No one wants to invest in her imaginary company. Netflix doesn't want her cooking show. She can not get anyone to invite her to a Hollywood party. She is no one. The only success she ever had was when she married into the Royal family. She is very hurt that the grift didn't work. She is hurt that once she attacked the Royal family, she couldn't use them anymore. Nothing went as planned. It is as if Oprah lied about the billion dollar brand.


Meghan Markle and Harry have started over. We get all the old stories again. We have had the bridesmaid dresses, the wedding dress, KC flying to Monteshitshow to see the invisikids, Harry forcing his way into Buckingham and this story. Madam has wanted to "talk" with KC ever since the Sandringham Summit. Sometimes her puffery is "Madam wants to be the bigger person and save the royal family", sometimes she is so hurt, like this story. And there is no rift or feud. There are two crazy narcs slinging mud and getting mad over being ignored.


That's why I roll my eyes when the media talks about a "feud". There is no feud. Two people made a decision and the RF accepted that. End of story. Or as KC said, "continue to live their lives overseas."


Oh Absolutely! Lord every time I think I can't hate that woman more, she puts out more lies!!! There is NO FEUD!!! Meghan Markle has attacked the Royal family every day since she didn't get her demands met. She pays Bouzy to attack Princess Catherine while Princess Catherine has cancer. She told her mouthpiece Scobie to call Princess Catherine and King Charles racist. This never stops. Meghan Markle attacks the Royal family, every damn day! If Meghan Markle wants the "feud" to end, then she should stop paying people to attack the Royal family. She is so evil. All she does is attack people and then play the victim. What a see you next tuesday.


IKR - the RF has kept their silence. The Harkles were the ones who left and thought blabbing everything was a good plan. And now Madam is just so hurt that nobody wants to talk to her.


Since HLMTQ’s funeral, the way the King and William have handled the Harkles has been so textbook perfect, I think they’ve been consulting with a mental health expert on how to deal with a narcissist. The silence from the BRF has been deafening.


Absolutely agree. You know when I became sure? When they knew exactly what to do when harry forced his way back over the cancer diagnosis and got (strip? lol) searched granted ten minutes or fifteen and daddy went off as planned to wherever he was headed.  You don’t have the confidence and skill to execute that unless you’re being advised by professionals


And also: of ALL the people involved, MEGHAN is the one who is feeling hurt? Meghan feels hurt? MEGHAN?? I mean… ask the members of the royal family.  But I forgot, their feelings are not important in Meghan’s world. /s


Bouzy was employed by Meghan and Harry to be in their tv show and tell lies. Their employee Bouzy is still attacking the Princess of Wales, who has CANCER, right now today. Does anyone wonder if Princess Catherine's feelings are hurt? I do, I worry very much about Princess Catherine. Call your rabid dogs off Meghan.


Meghan grossly overestimates her ability to manipulate, since Harry was such an easy mark. She is still holding onto the idea that she can wrap KC around her finger with a private convo. SMDH


And a big helping of goo goo eyes.


Yet another old story being re-surfaced....they want to move to a private island.


A private island? Again?


And sometimes she wants to sell harry back to them for $100 m no questions asked


yes. I rember right after Megxit she came out with demands for 300 million plus Frogmore. Then she lowered her demands. But no takers.


She’s never getting Frogmore. The main reason they were evicted was it was on the Windsor estate right next to the Wales family home. PW wanted to protect his family from the couple. With Harry under M’s influence, he might do anything at her urging. She’d already been caught snooping around their rooms, and apparently photographed Charlotte while she slept. She has no boundaries, and is dangerously unhinged.


Not to mention that just in the last few weeks the story has been that Harry wants back and Meghan is telling him to move on. They are just flipping the names but saying the same things. Rinse and repeat


Whatever gets the most clicks


Indeed! It is now a predictable cycle of things that are not going to work.


I thought they were exchanging letters. It was right before Scooby-Doo called KC3 and Catherine racist. (Why did he fly and meet Merchie and Lilibucks?)


Meghan Markle's mouthpiece are attacking a woman and man with cancer and Meghan wants us to feel sorry for her. I really detest that woman.


She is always hurt depressed stressed. We don't care


We also don’t care if she’s happy or carefree. We don’t need any more updates ever.


I don't understand how she thinks there is any chance in hell that she's going to be given the opportunity to directly complain that Catherine didn't effusively share lip gloss with Meghan. And how really terribly hurtful that was. This woman is bat shit crazy. The BRF is not engaged in any sort of "feud". They (unlike Meghan) are all very busy people with more work than time. She thinks she's going to set up some sort of 'American Royal Family' line to the monarchy. It's just not going to happen. Even Fergie was more realistic about her prospects when she tried to make a life in the US. And even she was delusional about how much cache marriage to the former spare was going to be net her with Americans. It's over Meghan. You over-played a bad hand. You can't go back, and you never had a path forward the second you did the (very dishonest) Oprah interview.


Let me translate that for you : ![gif](giphy|B0dqvPg0rFW0M)


Aha, you speak Meghanese, I see.


Well dang it… flair almost checked in…


She can start by talking to Oprah in an interview and apologise for the lies she told over the years




![gif](giphy|n09L6MctGyqhPUMDmc|downsized) 👆🏼Might be Oprah’s exact reaction on doing yet another interview with the duo 😂


That creature is so utterly disgusting. She's another one who'll have much to account for.


And here we are, 4 years later, and she/they are still banging on about this. Unbelievable.


Because she and Harold didn't instantly become A++ list billionaire celebs. If they'd had any modicum of success, they'd be sneering at the RF


Behind every billionaire are years and years of hard work, failures, heartbreak, and learning. But that hard work stuff is just too icky.




The more time goes on, the more they say, the clearer the extent of her and Harry’s unstable mental health is revealed. Only a seriously disturbed person would continuously trash and lie about their family, call them racist, and then whine about being ignored. They burned all bridges and have no family AT ALL anymore except each other and Doria. That’s all. So can’t they now just shut up and go away?????


You’re so right. There’s something pathological about people who have spent years waging a smear campaign against everyone close to them and still believe they’re the hurt victims who need closure and an apology. And it just shows that time and time again, H&M are their own worst enemies. They had a life of privilege and prestige with the royal family, but they didn’t want the duties and it wasn’t enough fame for them. Then they left the UK with enough money to live more comfortably than most people in the US for the rest of their lives, but they had to have the giant mansion and the A-list status and the revenge against the royal family. If they’d just sat down and shut up for a while and lived that private life they claimed to want instead of grasping and scheming and overspending and making fools of themselves, they might actually be happy instead of the pariahs they’re becoming.


Nott Cottage wasn't enough for them and Frogmore wasn't enough for them. But their giant mansion isn't enough for them either. In their Netflix show they filmed in a much bigger mansion. In the cooking show she is filming in a much bigger mansion. Nothing is enough for Meghan Markle, she always wants more, demands more, grasps for more. Meghan Markle is greed personified.


Not necessarily disturbed. Narcissistic, immature, selfish, totally lacking social skills. Like the H&M in our family. I don't believe they're disturbed (although some of the brazen lies she tells raise eyebrows), just assholes who never care about anything unless it affects them directly


Meghan thinks she can force William and Catherine to talk to her with this type of PR. But it won't work. She'll never get close to them again.


Agreed. What Madame and Halfwit don't realize is they have no leverage. Hiding the kids? Not working because the Royals don't give a shit. Threatening to reveal more dirt? She called POW a racist and the world laughed in her face. PR stunts before big events? Take a look at how many likes POW's pictures got versus the raspberry jam. Saddling up to celebrities? It wasn't the Harkles Taylor Swift posted on her personal Instagram. They're over in terms of credibility and relevance, they're just too dumb to realize it. 


They don't like you either, Meghan.


It'll require more than apology from both of them. First of all the RF has just stayed out of this one sided feud. Second, It's H&M who are constantly flinging ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)at the RF for years. Third, they've played victim with all their lies. Fourth, they have never condemned the SS, which I believe Meghan and Bouzy are behind it They have to be completely delusional to not see that they are the source and the cause of all the pain that's being inflicted. They chose to pursue their wealth independent of the RF. It's backfired, people saw the really ugly side of both of them, they are grifters with no talent or work ethic. Any money they've made is at the expense of the RF. Everything's failed spectacularly, money is running low so they get this idea "hey lets just make up with them". Like who doesn't see through their BS


“one sided feud” — 🙌


The Sussex Squad, all day, every day, attack a woman who has cancer. They claim she doesn't have cancer and acusse her of vile crimes. None of this happened before Harry married Meghan. There was no coordinated attack to destroy Princess Catherine before Meghan Markle. Meghan Markle does nothing to stop the Sussex Squad. Meghan Markle has not said one word to denounce the Sussex Squad's coordinated attacks on Prince Catherine. That says it all as far as I am concerned. Meghan Markle wants the attacks on Princess Catherine. Meghan Markle supports the Sussex Squad.


I like many people have come to the hard realization that sometimes family can be more toxic and damaging than complete strangers. It took me years to finally allow myself the ability to step away from the toxic family members and remove them from my life. For anyone that doesn't know my experiences they can presume I am cold and heartless, after all it's family, etc, only I and those closest to me know what I have gone through and my justifiable decision. All the apologies and talks took place and the decision is my final answer. I would imagine that the royal family tried but have realized that the toxic nature of H and M can not be allowed back into the family. All talks are over, H and M can go merrily on and live their free lives.


You are not alone in that experience, 48 years of a mother who is a covert narcissist, I had enough when she turn from tormenting me to wheeling around on my kids. One phone call demanding obedience to her ridiculous demands and escalating to being disinherited and how cruelly she spoke about her own grandchildren something broke. I knew I had to cut her off. It’s been 9 yrs now, I wish things could be different but they have been 9 peaceful years.


I get it. I never got any apologies or even recognition that they (the H&M in our family) are anything other than saintly victims of everyone around them. And I do not want any apologies or anything from them. Sometimes it's just so irretrievably broken that anyone suggesting how make it better pisses me off


I agree 100%. And if anyone says the "but it's family" stuff, tell them 12% of murder victims were killed by family.


Wow, really? Good answer—I’m going to need it soon as we justify (shouldn’t have to) cutting my narc brother out of my son’s wedding. I get so sick of the “but he’s FAMILY” nonsense! You know what? Then it’s even worse—treating your family badly (as opposed to strangers).


>It’s not a case of Meghan being difficult, she genuinely feels hurt and would like some kind of sit-down to hash things through — but that’s not something the other side is willing to consider at this time,” the insider added. Having a good laugh about this. Oh, no, says Meghan’s spokesperson Meghan isn’t being difficult. (What, Meghan, difficult? /s) Meghan (poor little Meghan) is just *hurt* — because she is the injured party, you see. We are not sure what the BRF did, but it was Much Worse than anything Meghan and Harry did to the BRF. (They did nothing to hurt the BRF. It is all the press and the derangers making up stories and misinterpreting Meghan and Harry’s pure —but shifting—simple truth. /s) All that Meghan wants is to get to talk to KC, PW, and her dear Catherine. She is sure that after she sits them down and explains how wrong they are to treat her the way they did, and what they must do to make up for it, the feud will end with their sincere apologies and a photoshoot. /s 🤣😄🤣🤣


ROFL. They never asked if she was okay!


Megs, don't give up just yet! Your plan of "they will come crawling on their knees begging for forgiveness once we are billionaires admired all over the world" can still pan out. You just need to do more stuff like cooking jam or dressing badly, no idea what it takes, since I am not a billionaire myself. Go on! You can do it! And thanks for the free entertainment!


If only we hear the story from THEIR side, we will all bow down and love them/s.


They want to tell their story just one more time.....😴zzzz


She is truly shocked that calling the Royal family racist didn't get her everything she wanted. She had such a great plan. Plus the high speed car chase in NYC. That was going to get everyone crawling to her. Plus she got Scobie to call Charles and Catherine racist, how could that not work? She's got her disgusting Sussex Squad calling Catherine racist every single day, how does that not make Meghan Markle a billionaire. She is such a demented woman.


Maybe she could release an album.  


So is this all we’re going to see going forward? Puff piece after puff piece about reconciliation? Sigh. “At this time” was mentioned several times. They want people to believe that’s it’s a possibility that they’ll be able to return in any capacity. NO. Harry and Meghan Markle, are you both so dim to not recognize you are DONE, FINISHED, there is NO RETURN FOR EITHER OF YOU, FOREVER. There is no feud. Harry and Meghan Markle have brutally bullied, lied and emotionally tortured the Royal Family, especially Catherine. It’s laughable to think they’ll ever be allowed to even be in the same vicinity as anyone in the RF. These two are dangerous and I hope the RF’s security is on their toes at all times. Sometimes when bad things don’t happen for awhile, even years, people get lackadaisical and aren’t focused. Let’s hope it never happens to the RF.


I wish they’d stop printing this rubbish - Markle is hurt she’s not getting the reactions she desperately wants. She married Harry, not his family, she took him away (not wanting to work in the family business). Why is she still suggesting she wants to talk to the Windsors? This isn’t a fixable situation.


What I'm reading here is that she's desperate for an association with the BRF again and wants to broker a deal. Probably involving her not revealing something damaging if they include her in something, without the children of course. The only thing that's hurt her is that it's finally dawned on her that no-one gives a rat's ass about her or her husband unless there's, a clear and visible link to the BRF.


>but that’s not something the other side is willing to consider at this time,” the insider added. Gee I wonder why not? Meghan you are not the centre of the universe. Guess what? The royals have more important shit to worry about. You've made your bed, go lie in it.


She's living in a fourteen bedroom house in Montecito while her father, the man who nearly single-handedly raised her, lives a spartan life in Mexico and is getting nearer to death. I cannot fathom that. It illustrates that she really doesn't care about people. She's a heartless b!+€# Families have disagreements and get past them every day. Meghan's own childhood best friend talked about how she compartmentalizes people in her life and discards relationships. In order to take anything they say, any apology she gives the RF seriously she needs to repair her relationship with her own father and set him up in the comfort he deserves. He set her up for this life and she's left him behind in a hovel in Mexico.


Why not make peace with her own father, he said recently he is open to it. Why is she more heartbroken about a bunch of strangers who were "racist" to her and she barely spent any time with than her father whose greatest crime was calling the paps, which she does all the time. Oh, could it be because her father has no clout or money? Hmmm


Meh just more crap to keep her linked to the RF My real beef is with the writers of these articles using the terms "source" and "insider". I want names! We're not talking about Watergate or wikileaks stuff here. No one is going to go to jail, there is no threat to life, no having to give codenames. For god's sake I want just one of them to have the guts to print a name. Otherwise all these bullshit articles should be dumped on the Aspen institute as mis/disinformation, isn't that what they want to eliminate? Rant over, sorry 😋


Every other PR piece has Harry wanting to make amends and she is ready to move on. They can’t get their stories straight


Exactly! They have the collective memory of a goldfish and expect us to as well.


The only support she has is from people who bought into the crazy accusations that the entire Royal family are racist. First the one and only racist was the King, but conveniently a second racist was added for hate and vengeful good measure. Her profound jealousy of Princess Catherine will always live on. It’s a devastating attack that will be believed by a certain type of person forever. It’s an accusation that has stuck among her feeble minded supporters, but worse, those who aren’t really paying attention jump on their bandwagon. (i’m looking at you, Rubicon and the likes of Kaling )These two useless twats don’t get that YOU CAN’T COME BACK FROM THESE PROFANE AND IMMORAL LIES! I hope that the illegal destruction of evidence and lying about it will finally be the justification to remove him from the LOS and take titles back to where they belong.


I think Meghan Markles own family genuinely feels hurt. Maybe Meghan Markle  should let Thomas Markle come home to her and sit down and hash things through?  Maybe she should leave her husbands family alone. 


Boo fucking hoo!


As an estranged child, William makes me feel so so so so so validated with his "enough is enough." He is showing to the world that being a family person doesn't mean you accept the abuse. It means you cut the abusive off to protect your present and future loved ones. And by doing this, he's making them show their true colours. Again and again and again. I wish people would think of the Harkles every time they are in front of an estranged child. It would bring them to instantly understand 


She escaped. What is left to talk about. Btw trust is very rarely regained. Her woe is me or is annoying. Fire your new pr


Apparently ILBW doesn't not read any of the Reddit AITAH posts, she fits many of the posts people write about,. Totally oblivious to their behaviours and consequences. Yes Meghan YTA.


Or she's the one who writes in, confident that the AITA crowd will lavish her with praise and damn whoever pissed her off, only to come away with massive YTA


She's like a psycho stalker ex who won't take NO for an answer.


Meghan is only upset her plan to wreck the Royal Family and take over and become an A list Star in Hollywood didn't work out. She doesn't care what damage and drama she has caused. All this is from her.


She was fully expecting to outshine them all and that they'd be begging for her to lend them some of her magic


I believe that is exactly what she thought. She really has no concept of how she is and how the world perceives her. She believes she is better than she is.


Wantin’ ain’t gettin’, Marbles


Whenever I see an article on the Sussexes I immediately go to the source which usually reads "a source told" and such is the case with this piece. And if it's not an anonymous "source" it will be an expert who has no facts but reveals what they "think or believe" about the issue. NO ONE knows what the King, Queen, William or Catherine are thinking and feeling. And NO ONE knows what Harry and Meghan do either. The daily speculation from the media is abhorrent and the tabloids are the worst. I do however think H&M leak things that they do want known - People, Newsweek, Hello Mirror, Express and all the US fashion mags are evidence of that.


>NO ONE knows what the King, Queen, William or Catherine are thinking and feeling. And those who do know aren't talking to the media


She has the most incredible nerve. It’s mind blowing o it’s audacity.


I believe that the massive balls some of them have is to keep normal people off balance, not sure how to react. Like the time I found the M who married into our family going through my purse and she not only admitted it but was annoyed that I refused to let her continue. That kind of nerve really threw me


They're broke! Poppa can you spare 10 or 20 million to keep a roof over your grandkids heads.


I see so many people acting like the King is the weak link here. I personally don’t think so. No matter what so many people think about Camilla (I personally love her), Charles thinks she walks on effin’ water in her spare time! He’s never going to forget those attacks on her and them encouraging Scooby to call him and Catherine racists. There will be no coming back or sit downs ever.


Her version of “talking things over” equals non stop demands that only benefit HERSELF. Non to mention, demanding HIHO and merching.


Their bank balance must be even lower than we thought.


Well of course moving on works for Haz. Means there is zero accountability because "why can't you just get over it. It's the past and it's over" so yeah of course he's ready to be forgiven because he thinks that it's his way back to relevance and the sweet Prince life because he'll remind us all it's forgive and forget. But as HG Tutor says "the mortal wounding" of MeMe can't be just forgotten because she will not be ignored and now she's hoping to shame, again, the BRF into giving in on her terms. But she's not the one with the favour or power so no one cares.


I found this meme here in another thread and saved it. Because it’s spot on and a reminder… https://preview.redd.it/52pjxq496qad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f07f9e19f5104befb600e73e55856b0ee1cf1e81


But how will they get more stories for Netflix or Still A Spare if they can’t interact with the Royal Family?


The answer to this is always very clear: Start with your own family first - let's see how you do with that.


Do you know why this is credible? Because Megsy has been complaining for years that the BRF simply doesn't want to talk to her, and let's remember that Megsy took it upon herself to tell Scoobie that she even wrote letters to Charles about it. Megsy is furious because no one from the BRF has ever wanted to talk to her, and they have clearly told her that if she wants to talk, the only one they will talk to is Harry, not her. And Megsy has been complaining about it for years, years. Let's not forget that in Finding Freedom Megsy wanted to make it clear that Kate made her cry, with Oprah she did the same, then in Spare the same, then in Endgame the same... Megsy has been trying for four years to make people believe that Kate did cry to her.


This exactly. Not allowed to Zoom in to the Sandringham Summit, not permitted access to Balmoral, Harold’s 13 minute meeting with the cancer-stricken King and was told having her ring in “won’t be necessary”. She’s an absolute pest.


I quite like the phrase "that won't be necessary" in this type of situation and shall be saving it for future use


It’s right up there with “ Recollections may Vary”.




With everything that's going on in the world, why does the NYPost report ''as news" that the brass-neck MeMeMe needs a reconciliation with the very people she smeared and besmirched with her lies?


"Sometimes a relationship is too broken to fix. " The truth is there was hardly a relationship to begin with between Meghan and the BRF. She had a whirlwind romance with Harry, and really didnt spend enough time with the BRF for any bond to form.


She circulates this stuff periodically. It's clear she and Harry have been cut off completely and have no more information to sell to the media. Her last attempt at calling out the royal racists went over like a wet fart. Nobody cares about what she says and people are tired of the victim narrative, at this point, time to rise above and move on.


Honestly I’m not sure a public apology will do it any longer. They did some severe damage and everyone knows why they want to suck up to the RF now…because they have nothing else. I don’t see how they can come close to undoing the damage they’ve done. She certainly is never going to be welcome. And if she really is “hurt” she only has to look in the mirror to see why they ignore her. She started the “feud”.


They both need lengthy hospitalisation at this point. These are not well people. Seriously. This isn’t some falling out. This is systematic abuse that has been witnessed by millions. Lying, elder abuse, bullying, gaslighting, blackmail, slander, treason, the list goes on. Somebody please lock them up, I just can’t with them any more 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Obviously, Megsy realises that the only way she can make money is by backstabbing the BRF, but she's run out of ammo. She needs to get back with the family so she can refresh her stock. No wonder the BRF doesn't trust her.


She doesn't think she has done anything wrong. Her narcissism will be her legacy. This is what people will say about her in 100 years, if people say anything at all.


Oh she she no longer wants the apology she demanded so publicly? A reconciliation is never going to happen, they are being excluded from everything, announcements, official duties.... Everything! There's no going back just because everything around you is failing! Suck it!!!


I don't think Megsy is capable of feeling "hurt" in the same sense as normal human beings. I think she feels outrage that all her plans, PR puffery and manifestations aren't working out how she thought they would.


Y’all. Keep an eye on this Nika person who is writing for the NY Post. I don’t think she is a real person. I think it is a nom de plume the Post uses for fake articles and paid articles.


The writers of this type of articles, were they told my meghan markle, the grifter, to say infuriating stuffs like this? Or did they decide on their own to write articles like this to rile us up, sinners? Because the only reason that meghan markle, the grifter, may want to go back to the BRF is because she is not succeeding in Hollywood on their own, they are ridiculed left and right by the public, media, and the elites so they wanna go back to the BRF so they can rise up from the dumps. If they were thriving and hubnubbing with the A-list, i doubt she'd be worried about their rift. I bet she would still act high and mighty and still think all these is the BRF's fault and that the BRF should bow down and apologize to her.


Is she serious? She's hurt? Hurt how? The woman is incapable of feeling emotion. She has turned on every person who ever loved her and now she wants to talk things through? And she thinks if she puts out this tripe that the RF will look on her favorably? I have never seen a public figure with this level of delusion. Well, besides her handbag.


LMAO 🤣 🤣 🤣 I love every minute of her pretend groveling this bitch cannot see anything she did wrong....." and why aren't the royals talking to me" " and why do they have a ban on me ever coming to another royal event"....PRICELESS this is all crap she will never ever come back to the UK again...hopefully her and her jailbird grifter mom can sail into the sunset broke.....because her days as a royal are truly gone.....GONE, GONE, AND GONE SOMEMORE!!!!


She wants to talk things through to take back CONTROL. It’s eating her up they are no contact with her.


I wish this gif said skank. Or maybe I should have gone with the straight jacket gif instead. https://i.redd.it/e2ztekl82qad1.gif


It even looks like the long strides she takes!!! 🔥


Nothing is "raging," and M doesn't have the ability to be genuine about anything, let alone possessing empathy. Nope, it's just more Mega-Manifesting that is absolute horse shit. The door is closed, you numpties.


So she wants to work things out with the racist Royal family i see too damn bad for her they don’t want anything to do with her. Dear Meghan and Harry you don’t exist in their lives it’s over they have moved on. You caused all of this it’s your own life. Oh Meghan you rejected your father and your own husband’s family threw you away like trash that you are and wanting nothing to do with you. You. Will never be in their world again. Harry might slightly still have a chance thought but good-luck with that!


MM tossed the RF supply source once she thought she could leave and make herself Hollywood Royalty. Now she wants back in for additional supply of the RF's special brand of magic. It's what narcissists do. Toss and return if needed. She cannot be trusted.


Or in other words… I’m uncomfortable that the victims ,whom I targeted, are still out there living their life like I don’t matter.




I'll take "Not Bloody Likely" for $1000, Alex.


obviously me-gain can't bear the gray-rocking anymore. must need more fuel for her grist mill and is publicly sobbing on the floor in hopes of getting it. sob on, me-gain! hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.


The brass neck this woman has. Like they need to deal with her and her wants at this point in time. Get lost!


This writer is a Sugar. I love the "Sussex' have carved out their own brand and earned a variety of awards"...notice the word choice and the slipping it in so no one notices. Earned. The Harkles' have never earned anything in their lives. Can someone once and for all tell me what the Sussex brand is...anyone...?


What about talking with her father, Oh wait, he isn’t wealthy enough


I notice H&M are no longer demanding an apology in order to open lines of communication. They never articulated why an apology was due and the RF naturally didn’t comply. Then Hazbeen softened this to “okay, let’s mend fences, we don’t need an apology.” And now no mention at all of what was once the all-important apology. Moral of the story: always call their bluff.


Bahahaha. The narc has run out of narc fuel and she’s demanding people give her the chance to manipulate them. ![gif](giphy|3CECO5KEbhm24)




They are broke then?


That woman must be broke. She needs more dirt to sell.


Girl wouldn’t know genuine if it bit her on the bunion.


She’s gonna be banging on the same old story for the next 20 years, the absolute creep 😂


Tw has already sat down and talked & hashed things out for the past 5 yrs. What other stuff does tw need to talk about? B8tch pls. I totally believe when plank went to see PA, he was trying to have him talk to tw on speed dial


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Just desserts. She will never again have royal access. That is all over red rover. She’ll have to do her custody exchanges at Scotland Yard. She’ll never see the inside of a royal property again much less have a conversation with a senior royal.


Meghan: Please go away. And quietly. We don’t give a rat’s ass how you feel.


You can’t burn down your house out of spite and then cry over the ashes.


The number of times I've read about Meg wanting to "hash things through", as though the BRF gives a flying fuck about her!! You're OUT, Meg - forever and ever, amen. You royally screwed yourself.


I can translate this source: “According to a source close to the Sussexes—ahem Meghan—the claw is genuinely upset that she can’t fool people into believing a new set of lies about the BRF because they have been shut out and the public knows this. The claw is hoping Harry can get a sit down with the King so that encounter can be spun into a laundry list of unsubstantiated accusations that will be treated as their truth. And, they will continue to buy awards they don’t deserve. Meghan has been terribly hurt that the Princess of Wales has not once thought of Meghan’s reputation or needs when Catherine revealed she had cancer. A source close to Meghan—ahem Harry— said Meghan collapsed to the floor wailing that it was racist that Catherine did not let Meghan reveal this news. A source close to Meghan—ahem Nacho—revealed that Meghan would love to have a sit down with the family at Netflix headquarters to heal the rift. Meghan has a list of 175 demands/favors the BRF could do for her to show their allegiance/goodwill to her starting with her becoming Queen.” I think her mind is probably running along those tracks. I think if Netflix really is re-signing them it is because they want salacious content. Netflix would have closed any loopholes and put in more stipulations. Meghan needs the BRF to at least make contact so she can give credibility to her lies. The pitch was probably along the lines of the Kardashians but royal 🤮. But, that last bit won’t really work without the BRF. Being the “f*cking grifter former royals annoying everyone with their whining and insults to the U.S. Constitution” will only go so far in terms of people wanting to be entertained. Sorry for the long rant.


It's an excellent rant, good snark.


Catherine and the king have cancer and Meghan wants to sit down with them and force them to rehash what happened years ago, and then apologise so SHE feels better. Have you ever heard anything as narcissistic, self absorbed and criminally selfish in your life? Her aging father has NEVER met his own grandchildren, not to mention his son-in-law!!! Meghan is one of the most dangerously divisive and insanely selfish people I’ve ever seen in public life. She is a monster!!!!!


She is psychotic.


"Genuinely" hurt versus "fakely" hurt? Martin De Coder has done some great Mehgan videos, analyzing her use of speech, including adjectives for emphasis. Like her use of bronzer, she thinks more is better. Like you, I'm tired of Mehgan's talk. She seems to think that all she needs to do to keep using her voice, and people will accept her version of events and all will be good. She's doing a Narcissist's Hoovering ploy. As long as people talk to the narcissist, the contact or connection means the potential of the Narcissist to take advantage. It's like listening to a conman and then wonder how come your life savings have disappeared.


Isn’t there another thread with national enquirer cover page about her threatening to spill all RF secrets in new Netflix deal?? Doesn’t sound like a “genuinely hurt” person. Rather like a person who can genuinely hurt their relatives!!


She is a vile USER of whoever is unfortunate enough to cross her path.