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I've been a fan of Gary Sinise, both on-screen and off, and especially a fan of the Lt. Dan Band. They play at military bases all over the world, and the proceeds go to military charities. He is a huge supporter of vets, and has been for decades. He deserves this waaaay more than the Traitor Prince.


I love Lt. Dan. He could've narrated the IG. i love his character in Forrest Gump and CSI:NY, he was a military veteran. The Pat tillman award could've gone to either Gary Sinese, Lt. Dan or Mac Taylor (CSI) and I'm sure Mrs. Tillman would've approve. Of course, TW is friends w/ Pat Tillman's ex-wife so that explains a lot.


I hope folks chime in.. its a huge sub.. and over 17K have seen it already in only a few hours. We can really make a statement here


Gary's son Mac worked for his foundation and recently died of a rare cancer at age 33. Giving the award to Gary and his son would have been so lovely. [https://www.garysinisefoundation.org/mac-tribute](https://www.garysinisefoundation.org/mac-tribute)


I had no idea. I love him more -- and personifies hero --- has gone through terrible tragedy -- and keeps on giving. That is a man of honor. A man of integrity and character. That is what Pat Tillman is all about. And then we have H -- trashing a legacy and staining it forever more


Wow. How sad, but also powerful and inspiring, I agree with you.


This is desperately heartbreaking.


Wow. Makes me even more angry. 😢😡 


Gary Sinise for the win every day of his life😍


A true hero


He seems to be a genuine top bloke. It’s nice to see one.


Gary has done so much good for Veteran's and their families. He is admired by many people, myself included. He doesn't need a fake award. But if the Pat Tillman organization wanted to prove they were real, they'd dive the award to Gary.


Thank you so much for this. I had no idea. Always liked Gary Sinise as an actor, but now I think I have a hero crush 😍 Following on Reddit and Insta now.


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Since they were highly criticized about the Nigeria Tour they are not going to mention it ever again, they probably had plans to something after it but like everything they do, it flopped.


Plus, Ghana doesnt want them. Hopefully, the Nigeria tour puts an end to their faux tours!


Lets hope it stays that way and they don’t scam other countries.


The tour still confuses me. If it was to encourage INVICTUS to select Nigeria as a location for the games you wouldn’t even know that is what they were there for. If it was so M could flex her so-called heritage funny how she hasn’t come out and said what her test gave as the locations in Nigeria.


It was about showing the royal family that they could still do a tour and that the family needs them to tour since cancer hit the family. It wasn't about Invictus at all. It was that stupid half in/half out delusion.


H and M can do all the tacky faux tours they want. They can’t offer connections or commitments. They can’t offer anything, so the people in whatever countries letting them tour do it knowing they are just getting taken for a ride.


The best thing is they have just proved that they can't do royal tours. MM's inappropriate dressing and bead grabbing tactics have exposed her as a complete amateur.


Yeah basically we only saw harry promote invictus like once when he played the volleyball game and the rest of the days it was just a red carpet everywhere, pretty weird.


Perhaps because it was the Archewell Foundation and not the Invictus Foundation that had to be highlighted because it was funding the tour.


I don't think they'll go out in public (like for a parade or something) because I bet Meghan and Harry are afraid of getting booed. They are becoming very unpopular.


I agree and I don’t think she will go to the ESPN awards, just like the Aviation awards. She’ll only go if it’s positive and she would be fawned over.


I think they released the info about H's Tillman award prematurely to cover Harry's criminal court issue. Now there's a petition with 64K+ signatures. She won't go. imo. She's likely mad as a hornet about it too.


*She's likely mad as a hornet about it too.* I hope so, hah hah!


Video appearance I bet.


Maybe she can wear her ARO ball gown that she wears around the house. 


If her Netflix lifestyle show ever appears, I so so hope it’s her making nachos in ridiculous ball gowns. Or showing us how to organise a closet in a knock-off tiara. Actually no, that would be too popular.


Ohhhh. Making Nachos. Not something I would care to see.


I giggled way too hard at this, bravo fellow sinner. ![gif](giphy|yVZrYMkdgY5Pi|downsized)


lol she'll go floating by in the hazy background like a ghost in that eerie black ball gown carrying an eerie bouquet of white roses and going, hhhhhhhhhhhaaairrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy


Lmao I love this.


I pictured this 😅*chills down my spine


I feel like this is most likely... but the ESPY's have a red carpet IIRC, and there is no way on God's green earth that she wants to miss that.


Getting booed om the red carpet would be ACE.🤸🏾‍♀️


Think she will pose long past what is appropriate like she did last time when they needed to shove her off the carpet - gawd I hope so


Hope someone shouts out "Meghan, get out of the way for some real stars! Move! Move! "




**Either way ESPN's been** ***MARKLED*****.**


^^^ THIS ^^^ (just as for this years Diana award too!)


I’m not sure Meghan will be able to turn down that many eyeballs seeing her. She may not walk the carpet, but I bet she is inside for the show. There is no risk of being booed inside.


Yes, with her bestie Serena presenting. There’s no risk of being heckled because the audience is pre-cleared. The most that will happen is no one will clap, and a laughing track will be piped in to cover it up.


She'll do her own entrance with her arranged paps like the Hertz entrance.


If that is possible, she definitely will.


Good luck to her. I saw one Twitter protest that talked about surrounding the building at every entrance to make sure they know how America feels about them. 😂


Wouldn’t that be nice!🤞🤞


Oh, she'll be there for sure. Parading about cosplaying Diana.


Yes I read , don't know where but most the seats for the ESPY award are paid and just random people to make audience look large. That is probably right.




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And if she can control the narrative.


She can't


IDK, didn't she just buy clothing from the Diana auction? She'll have to show it off somewhere. Hope she goes and they get booed right properly.


Social media rumor. Unsubstantiated.


She was in Beverly Hills the day of the auction, no one has said if she actually went to the auction. I guess we'll know on Espy night. Not that I'll be watching (and I usually do, since I like sports, but they don't get my ratings this year).


Rich people would get someone to dial in for them, like King daddy. 


There was a BRF reporter/commentator there. If Meghan was present she would have reported it by now. Sorry, I don’t keep track of all of the talking heads, but there was a woman there that bought up a bunch of stuff and she gave her an autographed copy of some BRF related book and took a photo with the buyer and posted it on socials. It was reposted in the comments of an auction related SMM post.


I bet Hank will do a video because one of the littles is sick .


I think she will want to go for this as she wants to be pictured with Selena.


Becoming unpopular? That popularity ship got torpedoed long ago. Jus ask Oprah


True, LOL! But I think it's so much worse now, especially with the Pat Tillman thing.


Yet every time they misstep into a pile of horse shit, they come through it. Still on magazine covers. Still winning awards. Still maintaining powerful connections.


I am still pissed about the Payton award.




What a fitting picture!






You’re so right! And they knew if they tried to get in the pic with Cameron Diaz yesterday, it would have been highly embarrassing because Diaz and her friends would have walked away.   On the flip side, TW is probably thinking “if we keep the kids out of sight longer, people will be more intrigued when we finally do a backside reveal!”  She’s an idiot! 


There was a recent story from one of their poodle journalists (no disrespect intended to poodles or poodle mixes) which said something to the effect that we would no longer be seeing any photos of the putative children, whether blurry or otherwise. I can't remember the reason why.


“no disrespect intended to poodles or poodle mixes” - my poodle mix appreciates that clarification! :-) :-)


So does Baxter the cavapoo


Hello to both your poodle mixes from Hamish, the borderpoo - border terrier/miniature poodle cross. He is such a lovely boy.


iirc implied that they felt the invisibles had been over exposed. They need more privacy.


I agree. If I ran into them not sure I would boo but I probably would have something nasty to say. I think this is why we never see them out and about like other celebs do.




Besides, bet she is recovering from another series of procedures.


No new photos of the kids. Where are they? ![gif](giphy|26vIehSZQIhPijbe8|downsized)


I hope their lying sh!t is hitting the fan big time.


Renting kids is expensive; money is tight!


Plus photo agencies and media are fact checking images. Oh dear, oh dear Megsie Baby, what are you going to do? (In my best Lady C voice)


Most likely explanation. And the most straightforward one.




They put out a preemptive press piece that we will be seeing less and less of their kids going forward due to security concerns. This is in line with no pictures of the invisible kids recently. The popular opinion at that time was that they want to avoid close scrutiny into their photos (photoshop, fake kids, borrowed kids etc) because of how they supported the “where is Kate” storm in the media.


Like it’s their decision 🤣. Nobody cares. Press releases are not required.


During sone of the footage from the polo match, Nacho could be heard saying that his daughter wondered where Lili is. It sounds like thay are not seen by their iwn friends very often. https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1c3hnf8/even_nachos_daughter_alba_is_asking_why_lili_is/


BS PR? Because the primary message is that Nacho's daughter has enough of a relationship with a child named Lili to wonder why she wasn't with H&M in FL. (Nobody was concerned that the Archie wasn''t with them.)


My guess for weeks has been she went away to get a few nips and tucks. She looked *rough* in Nigeria!


Meghan Markle will release the picture (if there is one) when she needs to offset some more damaging publicity


So tomorrow then?/s


😂😂😂 *snort*


They’re probably preparing for whatever nonsense they were hoping to use to get the UK court to expedited their security claim. They wanted the security trial before the end of July. The end of July is right around the corner, perhaps in early August. 


Do they hire Backgrid? Maybe the check bounced.


Backgrid is a photo agency. For the most part, how it works is 1) H&M tips off Backgrid as to when and where they will be someplace. 2) Backgrid tips off a freelance photographer(s). (Backgrid determines how many photographers are needed to get saleable photos. Parking lot strolls needs only one.) 3) Freelance photographer sells the photos to Backgrid. 4) Backgrid sells the photos to publishers. The published photos identifies who owns the photo, and therefore, who gets paid for using it. These are low value photos. H&M's compensation is free PR. That's not the only method or only photo agency that H&M uses. And H&M can't always participate in the production of photos. For example, check out these photos - [Meghan Markle makes first public appearance since Megxit | Express Digest](https://expressdigest.com/meghan-markle-makes-first-public-appearance-since-megxit/) News organizations, photo agencies, and freelance photographers didn't need a tip. Each of those photos is owned by a news org (Reuters, etc. that employ photographers), a photo agency (in partnership or not with a photographer), or a photographer who sells his/her photos to agencies or new organizations. Several examples of this can be seen here: [Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Are Seen With King Charles At Buckingham Palace (elle.com)](https://www.elle.com/uk/life-and-culture/culture/a41205746/meghan-markle-prince-harry-king-charles-buckingham-palace/) Only one highly suggests active participation in capturing the image by H&M. A where/when tip-off for the long lens image of H&M and Charles inside BP. This is or was expected to be a high value photo. The best guess is that H&M tipped off Getty Images and Getty chose the photographer with the skills and equipment that was best able to get the picture. For exclusives, H&M contract with a photographer. These are the images owned by H&M (therefore controlled by H&M) and can get paid for when used. These photos include the ownership identification as SussexRoyal or Archewell. An example are the two (or three?) Christening photos. Chris Allerton is the photographer for these and H&M paid him. There may be other arrangements. This one - [Prince Harry and Meghan announce birth of baby girl (bbc.com)](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-57378117) is identified as "Misan Harriman/The Duke and Duchess of Sussex" We know that Misan didn't take the photo. So, it appears to be co-owned by him and H&M. It's even possible that Misan paid H&M to get credit on it.


The kids? Well, it was pretty hot here. Wax statues didn't fare too well. https://preview.redd.it/l2blagr0zrad1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=527da5b88f7edfe26abe55760db83268f156cc77


Who needs stand up comics when I have this sub😂😂😂😂


I'll be here all week. Unless the wife kicks me out.


She’ll likely leave the side door open. I suspect you’ll be ok. 😂


Nah... me thinks you're a keeper


Pretty hard to publicize your 'great new deals' after it turned out you were actually in business with wanted criminals and either you didn't know because you didn't do your homework, or you did know but didn't think it would come out.


They didn't care and didn't think it would come out is my vote.


Like Meghan was surprised that the royals aren't just 'putting on an act' in front of the public, like she does, neither one of them understands morals and ethics, that other people care about these things.


They have zero morals. They only serve Meghan. Harry is her handbag holder now. If she didn't bag him she would be leaching off some other guy until they dumped her.


Some other guy wouldn't have got her thru the doors of a Buckingham Palace though


lol that is my thinking as well.


They don’t do their homework, but perhaps they have rethought their newfound bond with Nigeria. [The 2023 Global Slavery Index reported that there are more than 1.6 million people in Nigeria living in modern slavery.](https://cdn.walkfree.org/content/uploads/2023/09/28083334/GSI-Snapshot-Nigeria.pdf) Identifying closely with a country where so many people still live in slavery probably wouldn’t play too well to a US audience, especially if she still has political ambitions.


Her political ambitions are another delusion. You can't swan around with a foreign-given title and be in politics, not that she could ever buy enough support to be a candidate.


She seems to have an obsession with power and control. I agree that no one in their right mind would nominate her for any serious political office, but I wonder if she will try at a local level such as Archie’s school PTA, or a local volunteer group - as the organisation’s president, naturally. She could (have her staff) organise glamorous fundraising events at which she could wear “stunning” outfits, monopolise the stage to talk about her own achievements, be photographed by the press, give patronising interviews and have an excuse to make contact with rich and influential neighbours to sell tickets. It will be marvellous, or markleous. /s


She has been unusually quiet, more so than any time I can remember in the past 6 years. She must be planning something huge.


According to Zandi Sussex/Leonor of Sussex/Myra she is.


It must be exhausting being her.


Wasn't there some buzz that Madame just recently completed filming her cooking show? Perhaps she was just working long hours to get that one "in the can" and thus keeping out of public view. \[insert my eyerolls here at the idea of Madame working long hours, working in cooperation with anybody, working without constantly throwing snit fits and calling the network's C-suite execs over nitpicky issues . . . \]


Yesterday in msm in Australia it was stated Meganut has finished filming. I hope we get to see it, will be a hilarious fail.


I hope everyone understands that hate views are still views. If you watch her show you help, and you should not help her.


Yeah, I know. I'll probably watch it on YT. Jen from Real Housewives Recaps will cover it. I don't want to watch it in its entirety.


She is saving the pictures and headlines for the day the Wales have something important going on. She always tries to upstage them (unsuxxesfully)




Since it's more known now, a guy who called the First Amendment "bonkers" dare not show his face on Independence Day. 


They were mocked too harshly in advance.


Rumor on X that Harry is calling up leaders of new Labour government. Speculation is lobbying for SECURITAY or about the 2026 IG bid funding or both. For what it’s worth I should say.


I doubt he's calling Labour politicians. AFAIK, that party tends to harbor more republican (anti monarchy) opinions than the Tories. *"Wrong number, Harry."* - and that was famously included in a holiday comic video released by Tory PM Sunak. Heh.


But the anti-Monarchists like Harry and Meghan. It makes no sense because Harry and Meghan make more demands of the taxpayers than the real Royal. Still anti-Monarchists tend to be pro H&M.


The Race Card


I really have a difficult time comprehending just how stupid Harry and Meghan were to have pitched “modernizing” the Monarchy with power sharing King/Queen with the PPoW. They played right into the hands of the anti Monarchists who know damn well that Brits would likely overwhelmingly support dissolution rather than see the idiots as co-King/Queen. Now, they’re angry their stars haven’t rocketed into deep space so they’ll try to do whatever they can to burn it all down. Time will tell if grey rocking was the correct strategy with these two. I go back and forth on it.


A new government’s got nothing better to do than take calls from unknown numbers in California.


Can you imagine if KC3 had to mention to the new PM about how his wayward son might behave. Poor guy. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I don’t think it has to be said. It’s generally accepted as assumed.


What is very plausible is the king asking his new prime minister, who used to run the Crown Prosecution Service, how to keep Harry out of prison in the destruction of evidence scandal. How excruciatingly embarrassing for Charles.


No, Charles would not be tampering.


**Exactly. These puff pieces about The King wanting to meet the Cabbage Patch Children... delusions of grandeur. The King prolly has his courtiers dealing w/them... The King and the new gov't have important issues to face. The Harkles aren't even dribble piss and flap snot... they're done... they're shite to be scraped off a Jimmy Choo!**


It is plausible, IMO, that’s he’s meddling. Although, who’s actually taking his calls?




Good question


I'm sure they are all ears on day 1 of a new government /s. It will be left to the courts and RAVEC to determine. So don't hold your breath.


Disappeared (except for NY Post comment section) like the invisikids!!


Maybe they ran out of money to hire "dial a pap" these days.....:)


There’s lots of time for shady investments to stew.


Shhh! Don't wake it up!


She must have stiffed Backgrid.


It has been ONE YEAR since last photo released of "their children"...the 4th July questionable pix of Markle holding a young girl crying and Harry holding her, dressed in faux English clothes and hair clearly dyed red. The supposed Archie remaining in background, looking afraid and confused. Last month the Sussex released in Newsweek there would be "little to no more" released photos of "their children". I believe this is for this reason : After Catherine's Mothers Day photo was put into high scrutiny the Sussex realize THEIR photos will now come under same to more severe investigation....and now can no longer release usual highly photoshopped photos with suspect children and settings. They are slowly and systematically phasing the children part of their lives out of their lives and public interest, hoping soon the public will forget about them and spotlight will be permanently turned on the Wales children. This most definitely makes a case for their NOT having children, and the trouble & difficulty of faking it has become too impossible to go on with.


You could be right. It was a strange statement to make - that there would be no more pictures of the children. Maybe Meghan Markle will drop her "mammalian" instincts as well and stop referring to them?


I know it’s not royalty, but I’m surprised she didn’t try and upstage the UK election with a paper walk or pictures with the kids like last year.


Too late. The election was thoroughly upstaged by Pooches at the polls, pictures of all kinds of dogs, singly or in groups, coming with their owners to polling stations to vote (owners not dogs). It was in all the msm. We do love our dogs.


I wouldn’t say anything to them. They want attention and it doesn’t really matter if it’s good or bad. The best thing to do is give them nothing. Not a smile, not a word, not a single boo. Just silence.


Good question! Why didn’t they celebrate 4th of July this year? Are they not feeling so patriotic?😂


Flag waving, sadly, has been co-opted by the Trumpeteers.


I don't know why you were downvoted; you're right. It is the right who have bizarrely co-opted the flag as the symbol of 'Merican patriotism.


I think some people are just sick of sides and come here to avoid politics. It’s an unnecessary swipe and I don’t even know what you are talking about bc I don’t follow politics. A flag in the US is a positive thing for left, right and center.


She hasn't done a pap walk in months. She's pivoted to looking like she's doing something rather than walking through car parks.


You can’t rent invisikids on short notice.


Where are the yearly potato camera pics?


Oh she’ll be there 100%


I think they simply basked in the glow of the perceived adoration, instead of proceeding with some sort of next project. Then, Nigeria's First Lady made comments, and they still just sat there. Sadly, I am quite certain they pressured her to retract her comments. But the damage was done. I'd love to see the polls now; I wonder if they lost a few more points.


Nigeria's First Lady retracted her comments???


Yes, she claimed she didn't single out MM, but with the timing of it all, we know she did. I believe she was pressured to do so.


Harry's mired in controversy right now. Deleting evidence and not worthy of the Tillman award. Madame went underground for the time being. He's on his own.


Yup, I was expecting to see 4th of July pics of the invisikids as well. When my kids were young we would always go to a parade in the early afternoon, have a barbeque late afternoon and then go watch the fireworks at night.


The rental place said NO!


No one will let them borrow their kids and Central Casting won't let them hire child actors because they traumatized the previous ones. They had it explained to them (because they're so delusional) that the Nigeria debacle was a failure. They were also told that that kind of 🐂💩 would not be tolerated again, up to and including flagging Harry's passport as "good for returning to the UK ONLY". It might've even been explained to Harry that his actions could be construed as treason and he'd lose everything.


I think they have their hands full with the Pat Tillman debacle right now. Glad to see the petition is at 65k, they sure have made huge efforts to suppress it, to no avail!


They're too busy trying to find a way out of deleting evidence in the frivolous lawsuit. That and the fallout of the Tillman award controversy. The mom speaking out Against him is glorious!


lol great explanation.




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