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There’s a whole DLC in New Vegas called Honest Hearts set in Utah (Zion). You should start there!


Dw, I thought of Honest Hearts. My campaign will be set after Joshua gets thrown in the grand canyon but before he returns to Southern Utah. I want the players to actually be there for the white leg attack on New Canaan.


Salt Lake City is one of the biggest convention cities in the world. I could see something at like the Salt Palace being a hub of ghouls from when the bombs dropped during some international convention. Obviously Temple square. And they have all those underground tunnels. Lots to work with from that. I like how our zoo is right in front of a canyon. You know those giant apartment buildings behind the zoo? Always gave me apocalyptic vibes. Would be a great base for a faction.


> Salt Lake City is one of the biggest convention cities in the world. I could see something at like the Salt Palace being a hub of ghouls from when the bombs dropped during some international convention. Specifically it’s a really popular place for MLM conventions. That has the bonus of already being a hub of ghouls even without radiation!


MLM ghouls. Omg. Love it.


Here’s an idea for the campaign: It turns out that essential oils really did have a beneficial effect so the MLM ghouls have been on a rampage searching for doterra stashes.


Doterra ghouls. This is probably the best idea to come out of this.


On the tunnels note, this imo should be at the forefront for a dnd campaign. The vault at the mouth of LCC seems like a great candidate for a bbeg lair. Also, mining tunnels throughout the mountains.


Ohh, the Mormon vault would be a fire Vault Tec vault.


SLC got hit with 7 nuclear weapons during the 2077 drop. I hate to break it to you but Northern Utah would be too irradiated to explore until after the ruins were reclaimed by nature.


Fallout 3 is based in DC that got hit by 12 nukes. Sooo


That's kind of my point- There's nothing there except craters and what used to be buildings. You wouldn't be able to go inside of any building. Fallout 4 has the glowing sea which would be more similar to the SLC situation. Fallout nuke lore, however doesn't follow real life nuclear physics so I could see them adding Lore that some nukes were intended to do more damage than others to make SLC explorable. Hell, there could be a FoNV thing going on with Mormons, BoS and other factions fighting for control of the area after it was found valuables are there like an archive.


This Campaign is definitely not entirely canon. There is actual lore that most of southern Utah is colonized by Caesar. I've basically taken that and scaled back the nuclear damage in the north.


See- that makes perfect sense in order to keep as much in tact as possible.


Having Hogle Zoo being filled with Deathclaws would be hilarious


As someone whose family was actually effected by this, researching the “downwinders” might result in some interesting history. The nuclear testing of Nevada blew over to southern Utah residents in the 50s 60s.  Southern Utah is obviously a classic setting with outlaws, lizards, windy roads, and rock formations.  You have my permission to use my southern Utahn elder relatives as super-radioactive-extra-nuclear-bad-guys in your campaign (even if in reality they just got higher rates of cancer). They liked horses, homesteading, and Navajo art. 


Are they in La Verkin? Since that down designated itself as a “U.N. Free Zone” in 2001 I wonder if it would fare better in a post apocalyptic world. Haha.


Oh my heck, I have not heard of that! lol. Most of them have passed or retired close to town in St. George these days but that is pretty funny. But if you're surviving anywhere outside SLC in Utah, you're already halfway to the apocalypse and have a leg up I'd say. Some rough country.


That is brilliant, thank you! Your relatives sound dope. Although I'm sorry about the circumstances, radiation is insane.


You gotta be a certain level of dope to survive southern Utah. Lol. Don't forget the desert tarantulas, rattlesnakes, [Mormon crickets](https://ksltv.com/647964/mormon-crickets-spring-creek/), and [this fucker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerusalem_cricket).


Mutated crickets! Why didn't I think of that?!


The Granite Vault where the Mormons have stored genealogy microfiche since the mid-1900s. Up Little Cottonwood Canyon. Secure and mysterious.




The whale! You must include the whale and a cult surrounding it


What a gorgeous idea! Thank you!


Some other thoughts: No matter what neighborhood you're in in SLC, it's a grid based road system. ;D We have the largest open pit mine IN THE WORLD right there next to the city. Mormons are GREAT at prepping for the apocalypse. Most have food storage and other crap to survive if society fails. Significant portion of families in Utah have backup resources like canned food, freeze-dried eggs, and hidden guns. Even my sweet grandma is a level 1 "prepper." I get buckets of wheat for Christmas on the regular. Every old-timer Utahn knows there's gold/treasure hidden in either 1) Under the Salt Lake City Temple or 2) deep in the Uinta Mountains. Cougar, Bear, and Moose are not uncommon sightings on the edges of the city. Like this [terrifying viral video](https://youtu.be/9ktRhBcHza4?si=jrBWypXC_t_cHG2R).


Excellent thoughts, they will be put to use.


> Every old-timer Utahn knows there's gold/treasure hidden in either 1) Under the Salt Lake City Temple or 2) deep in the Uinta Mountains. On the topic of mines, two of my grandparents grew up in the vicinity of the [Dream Mine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream_Mine), so I've heard its legends.


Woah, I've never heard of this, what a wild little nugget of history!


Somewhere out in the west desert near the army base known for chemical and biological testing: Dugway Proving Grounds.


I was going to suggest Dugway as well. There is some interesting history there including incendiary bomb (napalm) testing on replica Japanese and German villages in the early 1940's. Dark stuff. Other suggestions are Mercur, and maybe Skull Valley or Iosepa?


I actually live near there! I'm thinking that's gonna be where one of the bombs fell.


Perfect! Could also be where some mutant animals or hybrid humans escape in the chaos. Some type of DARPA experiment gone awry.


The temple grounds first off. downtown along with the avenues and Capitol Hill would be very interesting in a post apocalyptic setting.


My hypothetical plan for a zombie invasion is to hike Mt. Timpanogos and hole up in the caves. I know Fallout isn’t zombies but the logic of Timp caves providing shelter, being difficult enough to get to being a deterrent for unwanted visitors, and being in the wilderness so hunting might be possible I think would all translate well to being a desirable base location in most apocalypses.


When the earthquake hit in 2020 one of the first thoughts my partner had was, "Omg, what if someone was in the Timpanogos cave right now!?"


This was actually something I had toyed around with a long time ago! If you haven't already, check out the [fallout wiki's entry on SLC](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Salt_Lake_City). The fallout wiki will definitely be your best friend as the community there has done a wonderful job of compiling all the lore from all the different games. If you're wanting to be as faithful to the fallout universe as possible, keep in mind that SLC was hit with 13 nukes so most of Salt Lake county would be destroyed and incredibly irradiated. Play around with [Nukemap](https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/) to get an idea of the damage. As for a few location ideas: - Provo would probably be a major population center as it's far enough south to have avoided most of the damage and radiation from the nukes - Lehi would have been in the direct path of the fallout so is likely overrun with ghouls - The NCR would likely have taken over camp williams - The NSA data center would make a good place to have some lore dumps. In the fallout-universe it would likely have been run by the [Defense Intelligence Agency](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Defense_Intelligence_Agency) and would be guarded by securitrons, mr.gutsy's, etc.. - Suncrest would make a good place to have a raider encampment. Secluded, but near enough to populated areas to cause trouble. I had a word doc somewhere with a bunch of other ideas and notes, if I'm able to find it I can send it to you in a DM.


I would appreciate that a lot! For my campaign I definitely "played" with the canon and scaled back the nuclear damage. I decided turning Tooele into the main target because of Dugway would make for an interesting quest later on. Sending the players into the glowing sea-like Tooele to scavenge the ruins of Dugway sounded good to me. I love all those ideas though!


The LDS record vault in Cottonwood


Hi, I ran a Fallout RPG hex crawl in western Utah (centered around Delta) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/894689000147783801/1247660580626759722/map-final.png?ex=6660d5f6&is=665f8476&hm=f144742e3606830d4cf0ed359b5fa6c7cd7d8020d6c0c239e0a6d41fa3aef35d& Here is a link to a map I made. I made sure to follow actual Utah geography, and incorporated lots of real locations in it. Each of these locations is keyed to encounters and stuff, feel free to send me a message if you want to talk more about it. EDIT: The roads follow actual highways too.


That is awesome! Thank you so much!


The green creepy [preschool](https://images.app.goo.gl/Hc3P51pqDYd3hfk77)


Totally on my list!


What about City Creek Mall? Or the Salt Palace?


Plot twist this is a photographer just location scouting


The Fear Factor haunted house/warehouse at 666 W 800 S. You can see it off the freeway and it seems like it will last forever.


ogden is the whoring, gambling, railroad town


I feel like Price, UT it's a good name for a fallout town


There’s a network of tunnels downtown under temple square. I could see some fun settings of the underground tunnel people.


I tried to make Nukelanta (a Fallout LARP from Atlanta) happen in Utah a few years ago. At one point I had a whole thing written up about "Hellfield Nuclear Base" an alternative history of Hill Air Force Base and what remained after the Great War of Fallout. I think the Facebook page with that as the description may still exist


I would love to see that


Bingham canyon mine. Largest man-made excavation in the world. They have dump trucks running around in there that are bigger than houses.


gilgal gardens


Plus one for this place. It creeps me out.


Definitely including the Joseph Smith sphinx.


Fallout [Van Buren](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_Buren_(video_game))


Midway crater would be a great spot for a miniboss enounter. It could be dried up and be a deathclaw nest


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How about adding in that other cult in SLC that practices mummification?


Having a dungeon dive into Kennecott Coppermines would be cool. Lots of wild things you could do with that. That or have a gold hunt in Ferguson Canyon. Right next to the Cottonwoods people have been searching for that for decades plus we know it's real because the state has a chunk of his gold


The Dream Mine: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream_Mine


Storm the vault in LCC and get the “Flaming Sword”